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London Street Directory in 1843 - V3

This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.

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Viel George, Hypolite, watch & clock maker, 33 Frith street, Soho
Vieyres Antoine & Co. cork manufacturers, 8 South place, Pimlico
Vieyres Anthony, watch & clockmaker, 40 Pall mall
Vigers Edward & Co. furnishing undertakers, 1 Broadway, Westminster
Vigers Edward & Son, timber merchants & saw mills, Clapham road
Vigers Francis, auctioneer, estate agent & valuer, 22 Chancery lane, & Clapham road, Kennington
Vigers Francis William, carpenter & builder, New wharf, Whitefriars, & 31, Lawrence lane, Cheapside
Viggar. Francis, dairyman, 4 Little Sussex place, Hyde park gardens
Vizne Henry & Sons, stockbrokers, 7 Tokenhouse yard
Vigne Robert, solicitor, see Reyroux & Vigne
Vignoles Charles, civil engineer, 4 Trafalgar square
Vigurs, Batten, James & Co. merchants, 35 Broad street buildings
Vigurs Louis, barrister, 4 Harcourt buildings, Temple
Vile George, Box Tree , 5 Gravel lane, Houndsditch
Vile Thomas, stockhroker, 1 Shorter's court, Throgmorton street
Viles & Elgar, teadealers, 4 Kennington cross
Vilos Henry Andrew, teadealer, 41 Freeschool street, Horselydown
Villiers Hon. Charles Pelham, barrister, Rolls yard. Chancery lane
Vinall George & Son, tailors, 99 High Holborn
Vinall John, barrister, 1 Churchyard court, Temple
Vince Charles S. picture frame maker, 16 Tavistock street, Covent garden
Vince George Watts, timber merchant, Limekiln dock, Linehouse
Vince Richard, carpenter, &c. Thornhill road
Vincent John & Charles, bit & spur makers, 159 Regent street
Vincent & Plumley, attorneys, 73 Basinghall street
Vincent & Pugh, rectifiers, &c. 16 New Park street, Borough
Vincent & Pugh, wine & brandy merchants, 10 Rood lane
Vincent & Sherwood, solicitors, 9 King's Bench walk, Temple
Vincent & Stibbard, wine & spirit importers, 46 Lime street
Vincent Emanuel, tailor, 4 Ball alley, Lombard street
Vincent George, solicitor, 2 Dartmouth street, Westminster
Vincent George, surgeon, 109 Sloane street, Chelsea
Vincent George Giles, conveyancer, 3 Broad Sanctuary, Westminster
Vincent Isaac, stationer, pasteboard maker & hot presser, 5 Little Saint Thomas Apostle
Vincent James, George , 29 Brewer street, Golden square
Vincent Jacob, attorney, 10 South square, Gray's inn, & 5 Canonbury square, Islington
Vincent James, grocer & cheesemonger, 14 High st. Lainbeth
Vincent John Painter, surgeon, 16 Lincoln's inn fields
Vincent Philip, newsvender, 118 Blackfriars road
Vincent Robert, ironmonger, 5 St. George's place, Camberwell
Vincent Samuel, sec. to Porth Cawl iron & coal Co. 9 Warnford court
Vincent Thomas, Queens Arms Tavern, 10 Red Lion passage, Red Lion square
Vincent William, bootcloser, 26 James street, Oxford street
Vincenzo Cesarini, italian warehouse, 8 Rupert street
Vincer Edward, Welch Trooper , 35 Bankside
Vincer Henry, livery stables, 43 Isabella street, Waterloo road
Vincett John, poulterer, 33 Red Lion street, Holborn
Vine James & Henry, woollendrapers & mercers, 885 Oxford street
Vine Adam, tailor, 9 Upper Ashby street, Northampton street
Vine Frederick, fruiterer, 41 & 42 Union street, Middlesex hospital
Vine George John, surgeon, 1 Gower place, Euston square
Vine Henry, plumber & painter, 48 Great Russell street, Bloomsbury
Vine James, brush maker & toy warehouse, 7 Gloucester place, Islington green
Vine Rosetta (Miss), tobacconist, 59 Three Colt street, Limehouse
Vine Thomas, baker, 19 Stockbridge terrace, Pimlico
Vine Thomas Walter, carpenter, 20 Peerless row, City road
Vinen James N. chemist & druggist, 164 Blackfriars road
Viner Charles, Duke of York , Upper York place, St. John's wood
Viner Charles Edward, watchmaker, 235 Regent street
Viner Henry Lewis, perfumer, 44 Regent street, Piccadilly
Vines Caleb, attorney, 28 Canonbury square, Islington
Vines Richard, chemist & druggist, 75 Aldersgate street
Vines Richard, veterinary surgeon, 13 Great College street, Camden town
Vines W. clerk to the Brewers' Co. Brewers' hall, Addle street, Wood street
Viney John, bricklayer & slater, 6 Pollen street, Hanover square
Viney John, carpenter & builder, 31 New street mews, Dorset square
Viney John, tailor & draper, 18 Cornhill
Viney John, trunk maker, 48 Cornhill
Viney Temperance (Mrs.), coal dealer, 16 Little Wild street, Lincolns inn fields
Viney William, blind maker, 11 Frederick place, Borough road
Viney William, grocer, 5 Kinnerton street, Belgrave square
Viney William, paperstainer, 100 High street, Marylebone
Vineyard Proprietors' Company (John Maxwell Hilles & Co. agents), 48 Mark lane
Vinicombe Catherine (Miss), dress maker, 52 East street, Manchester square
Vining Richard, cutler & dressing case maker, 125 Regent street
Vink Frederick, shipchandler & sailmaker,328 Wapping
Vink John, merchant, 7 Circus, Minories
Vinn Benj. sable & camel hairmanufacturer, 12 City gardens, City road
Vinson Henry, hairdresser & perfuner, 124 Leadenhall street
Vinten John, bootmaker, 51 Mount street, Berkeley square
Vinter John, grocer, 206 High Holborn
Vintners' Alms Houses, between 21 & 22 Constable row, Mile end road
Vintners' Hall (Charles Martin, clerk), 68 Upper Thames street
Vintners' Porters'Office, 2 Botolph lane
Vintner William, dairyman, 5 Windmill street, Tottenham court road
Vinton James, printer, &c. 2 Cardington street, Hampstead road
Vinton Thomas L. silversmith, 3 Park side, Knightsbridge
Violett Joseph, newsvender, 5 Charles street, Blackfriars road
Vipond John, wholesale cheesemonger, 6 Old Fish street; City
Virging Robert, grocer, 11 Baldwins gardens, leather lane
Virgo John, attorney, 34 Essex street, Strand
Virtue George, bookseller & publisher, 26 Ivy lane, Newgate street
Virtue Hannah (Mrs.), milliner, 4 Henry street, Cumberland market
Virtue James, bookseller, 3 Water street, Blackfriars
Virtue John, carpenter, 13 Alfred mews, Tottenham court road
Virtue John, upholsterer & carpenter ossevinan street, Oxford street ###
Vitta Agostino, foreign warehouse, 14 St. Swithin's lane
Vivian & Son, copper smelters, Paul's wharf, 25 Upper Thames street
Vivian James & Co. Blue Anchor , 47 Farringdon street
Vivian Thomas, tailor, 25 New Church street west, Edgware road
Vizard & Leman, solicitors, 51 Lincoln's inn fields
Vizard William, solicitor, see Blower & Vizard
Vizard William, jun. barrister, 51 Lincoln's inn fields
Vizer William, attorney, 38 Moorgate street, Bank
Vizetelly Brothers & Co. printers & engravers, 8 Peterborough court, Fleet street
Vizzard William, lodging house, 100 Park street, Gosvenor square
Voaz Rebecca (Mrs.), glass & china warehouse, 28 Leather lane
Voelcker Geo. & Co. merchants, 1 Carpenters' buildings, London wall
Vogan James, corn merchant, l Maze, Tooley street, Southwark
Vogel Ann (Mrs.), printer, 1 St. George's place, Camberwell
Vogleheim Francis, sodawater maker, 13 Craven buildings, City road
Vogt Charles & Frederick, clockmakers, 30 Wigmore street, & 57 Great James street, Lisson grove
Anthony, clockmaker, 26 Upper Cleveland street, Fitzroy square
Vohman George Henry, baker, 4 Broadway, Ludgate hill
Voigt George A. & Co. pianoforte maker, 2 Church row, Islington
Vokes Catherine E. (Mrs.), fancy biscuit baker, 44 Fleet street
Vokins Jolm & William, carvers & gilders, 5 John street, Oxford street
Vokins Chas. coal merchant, Pimlico wharf, Wilton road, Pimlico
Volckman John & Sons, wholesale & retail confectioners, 101 Bishopsgate within, & High street, Stratford, Essex
Volckman Francis, confectioner, High street, Stoke Newington
Volk Piazi, clockmaker, 38 Goodge street, Tottenham court road
Vollam Edward, boot & shoe warehouse, 76 Bishopsgate without
Vollar Charles, coffee rooms, 156 Wapping High street
Voller William, cooper, 8 Martin's lane, Cannon street
Vollum Henry, appraiser & upholsterer, 79 Goswell road
Vollum John, carpet warehouse, 80 Goswell road
Voluntary Church Evangelical Association (Sir Culling E. Smith, bart. pres.), 4 Blomfield street, Finsbury
Von Carnap Gustav. & George, agents, 76 Basinghall street
Von der Heyde John, tobacco & snuff manufacturer, 80 Lower Thames street
Von Hollen John & Co. grocers, &c.10 Grosvenor row, Pimlico
Von Melle im Thurn & Co merchants, 28 Mark lane
Vonstein Mathew, tailor, 3 Hanover street, Hanover square
Vooght John, butcher, Larkhall lane, Claphaun
Vooght Thomas, butcher, 25 Bridge road, Lambeth
Vooglut William, baker, 28 Union street east, Spitalfields
Vorley & Russell, sheep salesmen, 41 West Smithfield
Vorley William, cattle salesman, 41 West Smithfield
Vosper Robert, dining rooms, 8 Bucklersbury
Voss David, lighterman & custom house agent, l Pudding lane, Eastcheap
Voss Soliman, grocer & teadealer, 11 Ratcliff highway
Vote Benjamin James, surgeon, 11 Great Bath street, Clerkenwell
Vote Jas. Kent, builder, 7 Tokenhouse yard, & 9 King street, Clerkenwell
Vouillon & Laure (late Maradan, Carson & milliners and dressmakers to her Majesty, 12 Princes street, Hanover square
Vousden Elizabeth (Mrs.), Kings Arms , 5 King street, Borough
Vouseley John, Simon the Tanner , 19 Long lane, Bermondsey
Vouseley Henry W. King of Denmark , 9 Denmark terrace, Pentonville
Vowells William, grocer, &c. 28 High street, Portland town
Voysey John, cheesemonger, Notting hill High street
Voysey Samuel, grocer, l Back road, St. George's east
Vuille Felicien, watchmaker, 5 Radcliffe terrace, Goswell road
Vulliamy Benj. & clockmaker to her Majesty, to the Office of Woods, the Ordnance,& the Post Office, 68 Pall mall
Vulliamy Lewis, architect, 13 Saville row, Piccadilly
Vyse Chas. brit. & foreign straw manufacturer, 30 Ludgate street
Vyse Thomas, straw hat manufacturer, 3 Cripplegate buildings; Luton, Bedfordshire; Florence; New York & Philadelphia

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