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This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.
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Smither Henry & Son, carmen, Christian street, St. George's east
Smither John & William, carmen, 1 Well street, Wellclose square
Smither Henry, carman, 5 Box, London Dock entrance
Smither John, manchester & scotch warehouse, 16 Cateaton street
Smither William, grocer & teadealer, 28 Gracechurch street
Smithers & Co. merchants & general agents, 3 Crescent, Minories
Smithers Charles, fishmonger, 13 Duke street, Tooley street
Smithers Henry Keene, merchant, 34 Abchurch lane
Smithers John, tobacconist, 105 East street, Manchester square
Smithfield Agency & Banking Co. 50 Smithfield
Smithies James, Professor of music, 10 Gloucester terrace, Vauxhall bridge road
Smithis & Mathews, window glass & lead merchant, 7 Great Dover street
Smithis Edwin, painter & glazier, 48 White street, Borough
Smithson & Straker, milliners, 17 Sackville street, Piccadilly
Smithson Jas. grocer, 59 Leather lane & 3 Little Bath street, Clerkenwell
Smithson Samuel Edw. hat manufacturer, 67 Castle street, Southwark
Smithson William, porkman, 13 Great Newport street, Long acre
Smithson William, Stephen, carver, &c.31 Paddington street, Marylebone
Smithwaite Henry, fire wood dealer, Belvedere road, Lambeth
Smont Joseph, butcher, 36 Upper North place, Gray's inn road
Smowton James & Son, undertakers, 74 Golden lane, St. Luke's
Smyrk Charles Frederick, timber merchant, Bagnigge wells road
Smyrk John sen, builder, 1 Brooks row, Bagnigge wells road
Smyth John & William, & Co. merchants, 67 Aldermanbury
Smyth & Nephew, perfumers to the Queen, 117 New Bond street
Smyth Edward, artist, 85 Newman street, Oxford street
Smyth Francis, pianoforte maker, see Ser & Smyth
Smyth George, surgeon, 43 Sackville street, Piccadilly
Smyth Geo. Lewis, parliamentary agent, 16 Bridge street, Westminster
Smyth James Richard, M.D. surgeon, 43 Sackville street
Smyth John Alexander, Thompson, wine merchant, see Allan & Smyth
Smyth Richard H. colonial agent, 103 Cornhill
Smyth Sarah (Mrs.), dressmaker, 20 Great Castle street, Regent street
Smyth Susannah (Mrs.), grocer, 15 Duke street, Grosvenor square
Smyth William, barrister, 12 Paper buildings, Temple
Smyth William, Grey, surgeon, &c. 59 Vauxhall walk, Lambeth
Smythe S. Percival, oil & colorman, 137 Borough High street
Smythe & Percival, soapmaker &c. 14 Green street, Wellington street, Blackfriars
Smythe, Percivals & Smythe, coal merchants, wharf, Bankend, Bankside
Smythe Thomas, barrister, 41 Chancery lane
Smythe William, solicitor, 22 John street, Bedford row
Smythies John Kinnersley, barrister, 30 Southampton buildings
Snape George, cattle salesman, 17 West Smithfield
Snart Neariah (Miss), mathematical instrument maker, 35 King street, Borough
Snead Henry, boot & shoe maker, 28 Tothill street, Westminster
Snead Matilda (Miss), dressmaker, 8 Swan street, Trinity square, Borough
Snead Ralph, bootmaker, 184 Union street, Borough
Snee John Adolphus, navy agent, see Collier & Snee
Suced James, cheesemonger, 36 Sun street, Bishopsgate
Snced John, oilman, 15 Margaret street, Wilmington square
Sneezum Charles, Cat P.H. 220 Upper Whitecross street
Sneezum Thomas, carpenter & builder, 6 Rupert street, Haymarket
Sneezum Thomas, Constitution P. H. 11
Great James street, Lisson grove
Sneidau Margaret (Mrs.), boarding house, 139 Cheapside
Snelgar Joseph, Waterloo Arms P.H. 50 High street, Marylebone
Snelgar William, wine merchant, see Burleigh, Snelgar & Burleigh
Snelgrove James, lodging house, 12 Park street, Grosvenor square
Snell William & Edward, upholsterers & house agents, 2 Albemarle street, & 1
Belgrave road
Snell Ann (Miss), milliner, 10 South Molton street, Oxford street
Snell Cuthbert, tailor, 12 Princes street, Cavendish square
Snell Frances (Mrs.), fruiterer, 3 Shoe lane, Fleet street
Snell George Blagrave, shorthand writer, 36 Chancery lane
Snell Henry, cart wheelwright, 1 Dean street, Soho
Snell James, tailor, 51 New Compton street, Soho
Snell James P. commission agent, 12 Bread street, Cheapside
Snell John, carpenter & builder, 16 Dorset street, Clapham road
Snell John, coal & coke dealer, 16 & 17 Harp alley, Farringdon street
Snell Thomas, confectioner, 31 Mount street, Lambeth
Snell Thomas, grocer, 4 Dean's buildings, Commercial road
Snell William Philip, solicitor, Carlton chambers, 8 Regent street
Snellgrove John, vellum binder, 23 Camomile street, Bishopsgate
Snellgrove William, tailor, 89 Hackney road
Snelling & Williams, leather dressers & sellers, 109 St. Martin's lane
Snelling Benjamin, baker, 288 Kent street, Borough
Snelling Benj. ironmonger, 13 Hereford place, Commercial road east
Smelling George, grocer, 19 Shoemaker row, Blackfriars
Snelling George, pork butcher, 50 Minories
Snelling Harriet (Mrs.), dress maker, 13 Hyde street, Bloomsbury square
Snelling Thomas, oil & italian warehouse, 30 Fenchurch street
Snelling Thomas, oilman, 29 Shoemaker row, Blackfriars
Snelling Thomas, oilman, 66 Great Tower street
Snelling William, clothes salesman, 1 Dockhead, Bermondsey
Snewin Charles, timber merchant, 11 Back hill, Hatton garden
Snewin William, Boyd, tobacconist, 19 King's road east, Chelsea
Snewing William, & Charles,
Phoenix P.H. 19 Princes street, Cavendish square
Snipe Charlotte (Mrs.), fruiterer, 2 Dove court, Old Jewry
Snitch Charles James, surgeon, 33 Brydges street, Covent garden
Snodin William, tallow chandler, see Smith & Snodin
Snook James, shell fishmonger & fruiterer, 10 Finch lane, Cornhill
Snook Thomas Edward, ship builder, Millwall, Poplar
Snosswell William, watch & musical clock maker, 1 Farringdon street
Snow Anthony, carriage manufacturer, 3 Bridge street, Vauxhall
Snow Edward, teadealer, 55 High street, St. Giles
Snow George, colored gold chaser, 30 Spencer street, Goswell street
Snow John, bookseller & publisher, 30 Paternoster row
Snow John, surgeon, 54 Frith street, Soho
Snow John Wright, auctioneer & appraiser, 56 Dorset street, Salisbury square
Snow Matthew, grocer & cheesemonger, 23 Tower street, Westminster road
Snow William, tailor, &c. 41 Windmill street, Tottenham court road
Snowball William, Earl Grey beer shop, 13 Margaret street, Wilmington square
Snowden Chas. dyer & scourer,1 York terrace, Commercial road east
Snowden George, cabinet & chair maker, 5 Crown row, Mile end
Snowden Henry, dining rooms, 11 Maiden lane, Covent garden
Snowden James, linendraper, 2 Lower street, Islington
Snowden John Parker, leatherseller, 15 Chapel street, Edgware road
Snowden Robert, teadealer, 7 Plumber's row, City road
Snowdon George, Wrangham, chemist & druggist, 2 Haymarket
Snowdon John Parker, leather seller, 68 Devonshire street, Lisson grove
Snowdon William, currier, 24 Church row, Newington butts
Snowley William, King & Queen P.H. 50 Hare street, Bethnal green
Snows Nathan, coffee rooms, 3 & 4 Sherrard street, Golden square
Snoxell & Hallett, window blind maker, 84 & 85 Dorset street, Salisbury square
Snoxell William, blind maker, 131 Chancery lane & 96 Quadrant, Regent street
Snuggs John, turner, 182 Long lane, Bermondsey
Snuggs John jun. toy whip manufacturer, 116 Long lane, Borough
Soady Robert William, barrister, 8 Camden street south, Camden town
Soame James, builder, &c. 20 Cecil court, St. Martin's lane
Soames Henry A. & Charles & Co. russia brokers, 76 Old Broad street
Soames & Wilkie, soapmakers, see Wilkie & Soames
Soames Joseph, solicitor, 382, Park street, Grosvenor square
Soames Jonathan, pianoforte maker, 26 Cleveland street, Fitzroy square
Soames Nicholas, russia broker, 80 Old Broad street & Baltic
Soane Museum, 13 Lincoln's inn fields
Soane James, china & glass warehouse, 278 Oxford street
Soane John, cowkeeper, 61 York street, Westminster
Sounes John & Son, rope, line & twine manufacturers, near the Ben Jonson,
Stepney, & at 13 Cock hill, Ratcliff
Soanes Geo. america, russia, & oil broker, 5 Austinfriars
Soaper Fred. confectioner, 52 Lisson grove north, Marylebone
Soar George Atkins, plumber & glazier, 2 Little Marylebone street
Soar James, watchmaker, 5 Paradise street, Finsbury
Soar Richard, cabinet & chairmaker, &c. 67 & 68 Kingsland road
Soares Manoel Joaquim, merchant, 34 Great Tower street
Sobee Richard, Olive Branch P.H. 37 Earl street west, Edgware road
Society of Apothecaries of London (Robert B. Upton, clerk), Water lane,
Society of Arts (William A. Graham, sec) 19 John street, Adelphi
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (Thomas Coates, secretary), 59
Lincoln's inn fields
Society for the Discharge and relief of Persons imprisoned for Small Debts
(Joseph Lunn, sec.), 7 Craven street, Strand
Society for the Extinction of the Slave Trade & for the Civilization of Africa,
& office of the Mico Trustees (Rev. J. M. Trew, secretary), 15 Parliament street
Society of Guardians for the Protection of Trade (Edward Frederick Leeks, sec.),
2 Charlotte row, Mansion house
Society of Painters in Water Colors (Robert Hills, sec.), Pall Mall east
Society (New) of Painters in Water Colors) James Fahey, sec.) 53 Pall Mall
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 67 Lincolns inn fields
Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (Rev. A. M. Campbell,
A.M. sec.; Rev. E. Hawkins, B.D. & Rev. C. B. Dalton, A.M.assistant secs.) 79
Pall Mall
Society for the Protection of Agriculture (Fred. Sarders, sec.) 21 Regent street
Society for the Protection of Life from Fire, 23 Percy street, Bedford square
Society for Providing an Asylum & Relief for Aged & Infirm Fishmongers &
Poulterers, Anderton's hotel, Fleet street, third Thursday in every month, at 7
o'clock M. Wolverley Attwood, esq. president
Society for the Relief of Poor Pious Clergy (Samuel Tomkins, treasurer), 76
Lombard street
Society for the Relief of Widows (Joseph Fincher, sec.), 32 Sackville street
Society for Relief of Widows & Orphans of Medical Men in London and its vicinity
(Chas. R. Walsh, sec.), 42 Halfmoon street
Society for Relieving Foreigners in Distress (Charles Murray, hon. Sec. F.E.
Horneman, asst. sec.),10 Finsbury chambers, London Wall
Society for the Suppression of Vice, 57 Lincoln's inn fields
Society of School masters (Octavian Blewitt, sec.) 73 Great Russell street,
Socquet Joseph, table cover printer, 57 Eagle street, Red Lion square
Soddy William, corndealer, 115 High street, Camden town
Society for Teaching & Promoting Swimming, 3 Dean street, Westminster
Soden James, stationer & library, 50 Stamford street, Blackfriars
Soden John , stockbroker, Stock Exchange
Soden Jonathan, furnishing undertaker, 16 Upper Marylebone street
Soden William, builder & bricklayer, 5 Earl street, London road
Soelman William, commercial academy, 50 Greek street, Soho
Soesman Abraham, King George P.H. Burr. street, East Smithfield
Sofie William, printseller, 380 Strand
Soho Bazaar, 4, 5, 6 & 7 Soho square
Soho Plate Company, 16 Salisbury square, Fleet street
Softlaw Joseph, Bridge house hotel, Wellington street, London bridge
Softley Edward, cheesemonger, 12 Stuckley terrace, Camden town
Sohnge Christian, Catherine Wheel, P.H. Essex street, Whitechapel
Sola Alfred, professor of singing, 21 Charlotte street, Fitzroy square
Sola Chas. M. professor of music, 21 Charlotte street, Fitzroy square
Soldi Jean B. & Co, foreign silk importer, 7 Windsor place, Southwark
Sole Henry William, & William Charles, solicitors, 68 Aldermanbury
Solicitor to Commission of Stamps (Off.)Somerset house
Solicitors' Register Office, 44 Carey street, Lincoln's inn
Solis David, fruiterer, 17 Frederick place, Borough road
Solly Isaac & Son, merchants, 5 Jeffrey's square, St. Mary axe
Solly Joseph, wholesale hosier, &c., see Allen & Solly
Solly samo, surgeon, 1 St. Helen's place, Bishopsgate
Solly Stephen Francis, druggist, 3 St. George's circus, Obelisk
Solly William, Hammond, barrister, New Temple buildings, Mitre court
Solome David, refiner and goldsmith, 2 Bridge street, Lambeth
Solomon Abraham & Son, leghorn, chip & fancy hat manufacturers & embossers of
silk, cotton & paper, 2 & 3 Sandys street, Widegate street, Bishopsgate
Solomon Henry & Asher, furniture brokers, 7 & l2 Portugal street, Lincolns inn
Solomon Henry & Co. wholesale watchmaker 31 Houndsditch & 60 Tothill street
Solomon & Staples, oilmen, 13 Broadway, Deptford
Solomon Abraham, furniture dealer, 50 Great Queen street, Holborn
Solomon Alexander, hosier & glover, 2 Victoria road, Pimlico
Solomon Benjamin, tailor, &c. 2 White Horse street, Piccadilly
Solomon Henry, shipping agent, 95 Upper East Smithfield
Solomon Henry, timber merchant, York street, York road, Lambeth
Solomon Isaac, tailor & draper, 12 Smithfield bars
Solomon Israel, furrier, 12 King street, Seven dials
Solomon Jacob Henry, watch maker, 46 Great Prescot street
Solomon Joel Woolf, portrait painter, l Strand
Solomon Joseph, fruiterer, North row, Covent garden market
Solomon Joseph, tailor & slop seller, 74 Ratcliff highway
Solomon Levy, lead pencil maker, 106 Gravel lane, Houndsditch
Solomon Lewis, fruit salesman, Centre row, Covent garden
Solomon Lewis, furniture broker, 4 Pilgrim street, Ludgate street
Solomon Lewis, writer & painter, 5 Castle street, Long acre
Solomon Lewis, tailor, 6 Trump street, Cheapside
Solomon Lyon, furniture broker, 104. Whitechapel road
Solomon Michael, appraiser, &c. 4 Middle row, Knightsbridge
Solomon Morris, tailor & draper, 51 Long lane, West Smithfild
Solomon Moses, cabinetmaker, &c. 3 Lower terrace, Islington
Solomon Moses, clothes salesman, 6 Winegar yard, Covent garden
Solomon Phineas, watch manufacturer, 26 Mansell street, Goodman's fields
Solomon Richard, cowkeeper, 10 Albion street, Rotherhithe
Solomon Samuel, clothes dealer, 39 Kensington, High street
Solomon Samuel, fruiterer, Centre row, Covent garden market
Solomon Samuel, lamp glass warehouse, G3 Poland street, Oxford street
Solomon Samuel, professor of hebrew, french, &c. 23 Great Prescot street
Solomon Samuel, Godfrey, bookseller, 16 Red Lion passage, Holborn
Solomon Saul, tailor, l Strand
Solomon Silvester, tailor, 35 Cloth fair, Smithfield
Solomon William, cheesemonger & grocer, 147 Union street, Borough
Solomon Zimlor, picture dealer, 15 Duke street, Manchester square
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