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This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.
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Solomons Samuel & Benjamin, opticians & aurists, 39 Albemarle street,
Piccadilly, & 76 King William street, City
Solomons Abraham, merchant & warehouseman, 45 Newgate street
Solomons Elias, patentee of spectacles, & inventor of apparatus for deafness, 36
Old Bond street
Solomons Isaac, Fishmongers Arms P.H. 4 St. James's place, Ald
Solomons John, timber merchant, Byde's place, Shoreditch
Solomons Samuel, slopseller, 52 Houndsditch
Solomons Solomon, furrier, see Lazarus & Solomons
Soltau George William, & Co. merchants, 15 St. Helen's place, Bishopsgate
Somalvico Joseph & Co. opticians, barometer & thermometer & hydrometer
manufacturers, 2 Hatton garden
Somerfield Henry, ivory turner, 67 Marylebone lane, Oxford street
Somers Alfred William, butcher, 58 Cambridge street, Edgware road
Somersall George, engraver & printer, 18 Cannon street, City.
Somerscales MaryAnn (Mrs.),tobacconist, 24 Queen street, Ratcliff
SOMERSET House, 151 Strand
Somerset Arthur Edward, barrister, 3 Pump court; Temple
Somerton Joseph, cheesemonger, 19 Stafford row, Pimlico
Somerton Maria (Mrs.), fruiterer, 112 Edgware road, Paddington
Somervail Charles R. merchant, 147 Leadenhall street
Somervell William, galloon & lasting maker, 3 Little Love lane
Somerville George William, lodging house, 19 Castle street, Falcon square
Somerville James, physician, 3 Bedford street, Bedford square
Somerville James Curtis, barrister, 11 Lincoln's inn fields
Somes Major & Edwin, pawnbrokers, 83 Paradise row, Chelsea
Somes Francis, pawnbroker, 200 Brick lane, Spitalfields
Somes Joseph, shipowner, 35 Broad street, Ratcliff & Mile end
Somes Mary (Miss), artificial florist, 8 Burlington arcade
Sommers Benjamin, cheesemonger, 6 Huggin lane, Wood street
Sommers Edward, baker, 3 Motcomb street, Belgrave square
Sommers John, carpenter & undertaker, 44Whitcomb street, Haymarket
Sones Thomas, tobacconist, 43 Ratcliff highway
Songhurst Gideon, carpenter, 53 Stanhope street, Clare market
Songi Elizabeth (Mrs.), dressmaker, 22 Great Castle street, Regent street
soft, William, tobacconist, 20 Portugal street, Lincolns inn fields
Soper Ann (Miss), milliner & dressmaker, 35 Albemarle street
Soper Ebenezer, furniture printer, 15 Cheapside
Soper Henry, silk manufacturer, 32 Spital square
Soper James, broker & agent, 81 Mark lane
Soper Jane (Mrs.), sash line maker, 4 Blossom street, Norton folgate
Soper William, boot & shoemaker,31 Gower place, Euston square
Soppet John Wharton, linendraper, 8 high street.Marylebone
Sorel & Banes, leathersellers, 50 Bishopsgate within
Soresby James & William, carriers to Derby, 27 Wharf road, City road
Sorg Charles, watch & clock maker, 16 Frederick place, Old Kent road
Sorrell Brothers, patent axletree, lathe & pen makers, Old Ford
Sorrell Edward, hatter, 5 Marshall street, London road
Sorrell John, solicitor, see Kinder & Sorrell
Sotheby Leigh, auctioneer of literary property & works of art, 3 Wellington
street, Strand
Sotheran Thomas & Son, stationers, booksellers, &c. 10 Little Tower street
Sotheran Charles, filter & wine cooler maker, 12 Little Britain
Soughton John, carpenter, 14 Powell street east, King square
Soul Caleb, grocer & cheesemonger, 120 Long alley, Finsbury
Soul Eli, bookbinder & seller, 26 Tabernacle walk, Finsbury
Soul William, silk dyer, 48 York street, Westminster
Soulas Achille, general agent between France & England, 6 George yard, Lombard
street, & 5 Rue Hauteville, Paris
Soulby John & Co. ship chandlers, & mathematical instrument makers, New stairs,
126 Wapping
Soulier & Ward, tobacco & snuff maker, 4 Burlington arcade
Soulsby John & Co. coal merchants, Milford lane, Strand
Soundy Chas. barge builder, 6 Little Abingdon street, Westminster
Soundy Joseph, grocer & teadealer, 13 Brown street, Bryanston square
Sounes William, seal engraver & die sinker, 17 Denmark street, Soho
Souter & Law, school booksellers, publishers & stationers (late of St. Paul's
churchyard), 131 Fleet street
Souter & Symons, builders, 3 Exeter street, Sloane street, Knightsbridge
Souter Isaac, bookbinder, 1l Bell's buildings, Salisbury square
Souter Jemima (Mrs.), coachsmith, 6 Croydon street, Bryanston square
Souter William, wholesale hosiery warehouse, 17 1/2 Addle street, Wood street
South Australian Banking Co. 53 Old Broad street
South Australian Colonization Commission, 9 Park street, Westminster
South Australian Company (David McLaren, manager), 4 New Broad street
South Australian So. (Jn. H. Croucher, jun. sec.) 33 Great Winchester street
South Eastern Railway Office (John Whitehead, sec.) 10 Coleman street
South Metropolitan Cemetery Company's Office, 70 King William street, City;
cemetery opposite St. Luke's church, Norwood
South Gas & Coke Co. Canal bridge, Old Kent road
South Sea Company (N. Simpson, sec.), South Sea House, Threadneedle street
South Western Railway. See “London & South Western Railway”
South George & Son, furniture brokers, 172 Lambeth walk
South John Flint, surgeon, 2 Adelaide place, London bridge
South Samuel Thomas, beer machine maker, 21 George street, Blackfriars road
South Sophia (Mrs.), Laurel Tree P.H. 185 Brick lane, Spitalfields
South Thomas, silk mercer, 15 Leicester square
South Thomas, surgeon, 8 Judd street, Brunswick square
Southall & Ponsford, woollen & stuff merchants, is & 14 King street, Cheapside
Southall William, water gilder, 4 Cumming place, Old street
Southampton Dock Co. George Saintsbury,sec. 19 Bishopsgate within
Southampton Estate Office, 1 Southampton street, Fitzroy square
Southard Charles, Cork cutter, 9 Bear yard, Lincoln's inn fields
Southbrook Sophia (Miss), straw hatmaker, 18 Store street, Bedford square
Southby Joseph, firework maker, 14 Saville place, Lambeth walk
Southby Thomas, hat manufacturer, 128 & 129 London wall, & 42 Beech street,
Southcombe Ann (Mrs.), cheesemonger, 9 Upper area, Hungerford market
Southee Robert, solicitor, 16 Ely place, Holborn
Southee Thomas Edwin, new & secondhand bookseller, stationer & music seller, 7
London road, Southwark
Southen George A. stationer, &c. Mare street, Hackney
Southerden Elizabeth (Miss), grocer, Church street, Hackney
Southern Edwin, teadealer, &c. 201 Oxford street
Southern George, London Apprentice P.H. 12 Old street road
Southey & Cuthbert, stationers, 155 Fenchurch street
Southey George & Co. curriers, 1 Chenies street, Bedford square
Southey James & Son, auctioneers & appraisers, 191 Tooley street
Southey Thomas & Son, wool brokers, 23 Coleman street
Southey William, & Co. tailors & breeches maker, 5 Bury street, St. James'
Southey Alfred, colonial broker, 38 Mincing lane
Southey George, cook & confectioner, 81 Judd street, Brunswick square
Southey Henry Herbert, physician, 1 Harley street
Southey James, sworn broker, 191 Tooley street
Sonthey John, hat manufacturer, 8 Great Charlotte street, Blackfriars road
Southey John, lighterman & wharfinger, King's road. St. Pancras
Southey Simon, cabinetmaker, bedstead, chair & japan furniture manufacturer, 1 &
2 North street, & 1 South street, Finsbury market
Southey William, japanner & bedstead maker, 88 Tottenham court road
Southgate John & Son, military & naval trunk, canteen & chest makers, 76 & 77
Watling street
Southgate Francis Thomas, solicitor, see Harris & Southgate
Southgate George, fishmonger, 45 Rosamon street, Clerkenwell
Southgate James Webb & Son, auctioneers & valuers, 23 Fleet street
Southgate Samuel, builder, 16 Gate street, Lincoln's inn fields
Southgate Thomas, bricklayer, 9 Old North street, Red Lion square
Southin William, baker, 13 Cleveland street, Fitzroy square
Southon John, coal dealer, 30 Upper Lisson street. Lisson grove
Southwark Bridge Office, 10 Queen street place, Upper Thames street
Southwark Court of Requests, Swan street, Trinity street, Stones' end
Southwark Literary Institution (John Spanton, secretary), Portland place,
Borough road
Southwark Savings Bank (Thomas Day, secretary), 9 Three Crown square, Borough
Southwark Steam Wharf, J. P. Robinson & Co. Montague close, adjoining London
bridge, Borough
Southwark Water Works Office (Joseph Quick, collector), Sumner street, Borough ;
Works, Battersea fields
Southwell Josiah & Co. wholesale carpet manufacturers, 12 Gibson square,
Islington, & Bridgnorth, Salop
Southwell James, grocer, 16 Moor street, Soho
Southwell James Callis, bookseller, 2 Blandford street, Portman square
Southwood Joshua, gold trimming maker, 46 Aldermanbury
Southwood Thomas, chemist, 6 Woburn buildings. Tavistock square
Southwood Walter, solicitor, see Bartley & Southwood
Southwood William, linendraper, see Wallis & Southwood
Soutten Frank, meat salesman, 24 Newgate market
Soutter Richard & Robert, sail makers, ship chandlers, & packing tarpaulin
manufacturers, 49 Lower Shadwell
Soutter Francis, commission agent, 2 Adams court, Old Broad street
Soutter William, pastrycook & confectioner, 2 Shoreditch
Soward George, painter, &c. 3, Huntley street, Tottenham court road
Soward George James, plumber & glazier, 33 Little Queen street, Holborn
Soward John, button & trimming seller, 77 Drury lane
Soward John, herald & house painter, 92 Wardour street, Soho
Soward John, statuary & mason, 241 Tottenham court road
Sowdon Henry, carpet warehouse, 1 & 2 Commercial place, Old Kent road
Sowerby William & Co. distillers, 26 Aldersgate street
Sowerby Benn Thomas, pawnbroker, 156 Hoxton Old town
Sowerby Dickinson, pawnbroker, 49 Brick lane, Spitalfields
Sowerby George B. naturalist, 50 Great Russell street, Bloomsbury
Sowerby James, table cover, &c. agent, 46 Berners street, Oxford street
Sowerby John, butcher, 26 Farringdon market
Sowerby John, Green Dragon P.H. 188 Bishopsgate without
Sowerby John, perfumer, 226 Borough High street
Sowerby Joseph, corkcutter, 149 & 150 Shadwell High street
Sowerby Joseph, linendraper, see Williams & Sowerby
Sowerby Judith (Mrs.), bookseller, 3 Mead place, Westminster road
Sowerby Thomas Benn, pawnbroker, 78 Chiswell street
Sowler George, surgeon, 16 Craven buildings, City road
Sowter Thomas & Samuel, builders, 111 Golden lane, St. Luke's
Sowter Isaac, wharfinger, 27 Wharf, City road basin
Sowter William, national baths, 8 Mount street, Lambeth
Sowton James, attorney, 27 Great James street, Bedford row
Sowton William, March, barrister, 3 Harcourt buildings, Temple
Soyee Dominick, french bootmaker, 22 King William street, Strand
Spademan John, pianoforte maker, 31 William street, Hampstead road
Spaeth Charles Benjamin, merchant, 4 Brabant court, 8 Baltic
Spain Martha (Mrs.), butcher, 9 Old Quebec street, Portman square
Spalding & Hodge, wholesale stationers, 145, 140 & 147 Drury lane
Spalding Charles, wine merchant, 5 Union road, Vassal road, Camberwell
Spalding Frances (Miss), milliner, see Scotney & Spalding
Spalding John, Cock & Crown P.H. 4 Little Britain
Spalding John, druggist, 27 Eldon street, Finsbury
Spalding Simon, bootmaker, 14 Great Pulteney street, Golden square
Spanish Consulate Office, 37 Old Broad street
Spanish & Portuguese Orphan Society (A. H. Salom, secretary), 10 Bevis Marks
Spankhurst Matthew, fruit salesman, Borough market
Spankie Robert, Q.S.L. barrister,3 Serjeants' inn,Chancery lane
Spanswick William, York coffee rooms, 20 Russell court, Drury lane
Sparding & Hummel, military tailors, 35 Conduit street
Spark Matthew, livery stables, 19 New road, Sloane street, Chelsea
Sparke Ezra, cheesemonger, 252 Oxford street
Sparke Henry, Crown P.H. 38 Silver street, Golden square
Sparke James, dairyman, 28 Lisle street, Leicester square
Sparke John Gyse, surgeon, 15 Finsbury place south
Sparke Thomas, shell fishmonger, 4 Museum street, Bloomsbury
Sparkes & Clark, stockbrokers, 3 Bartholomew lane, Bank
Sparkes James, soho dairy, 3 West street, Soho
Sparkhall Edward, printer, 142 Cheapside
Sparks & Co. distillers' chemists, 134 St. John street, Smithfield
Sparks & Co. surgical bandage makers, 28 Conduit street, Bond street
Sparks & Green, potato salesmen, 33 Farringdon street, & 55 Farringdon market
Sparks Elizabeth (Mrs.), servants' office, 34 Princes street, Leicester square
Sparks George, carpenter & builder, 12 King street, Tower hill
Sparks George, sack & russia mat. warehouse, 21 Swan street, Minories
Sparks Joseph, linendraper, 9 Tavistock street, Covent garden
Sparks Robert, White Hart P.H. Duke street, Chelsea
Sparks Thomas, bootmaker, 3 Gilbert street, Grosvenor square
Sparks Thomas, bootmaker, 25 Water lane, Fleet street
Sparks Thomas Edward, bootmaker, 3 Tower royal
Sparks William, baker, 29 Colonnade, Russell square
Sparks William, Rose & Bell P.H. Bankside
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