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This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.
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Smith Sarah (Mrs.), bricklayer, 100 Wapping High street
Smith Sarah (Mrs.), Chequers P.H. 55 Tothill street, Westminster
Smith Sarah (Mrs.), milliner, &c. 3 Blenheim street, New Bond street
Smith Sarah (Mrs.), trimming seller, 16 Stonecutter street, Farringdons
Smith Sarah (Miss), milliner, 208 Poplar High street
Smith Sebastian, merchant, 21 Queen street, Cheapside
Smith Seth, builder, 33 Eaton square, Pimlico
Smith Seth, carver & gilder, 39 Carey street, Lincoln's inn
Smith Sidney, coal & potato warehouse, 1 Queen street, Grovenor square
Smith Sidney, hosier & shirtmaker, 34 Burlington arcade
Smith Sidney, solicitor, 9 Barnard's inn, Holborn
Smith Simon, saddler & harness maker, 65 Cornwall road
Smith Spencer, general smith, 11 Tower street, Seven dials
Smith Stephen, coffee rooms, 5 Beech street, Barbican
Smith Susan (Mrs.), Crown & Anchor P.H. 9 Great Guildford street, Borough
Smith Susan (Mrs.), milliner, 23 Victoria road, Pimlico
Smith Talbot, Lincoln Hotel, 7 1/2 Manchester street, and 20 South street,
Manchester square
Smith Thomas, architect, 4 Bloomsbury square
Smith Thomas, army agent, see Baron & Smith
Smith Thomas, artificial florist & milliner, 66 St. Paul's churchyard
Smith Thomas, baker, 47 Redcross street, Borough
Smith Thomas, barge builder, 30 Upper Fore street, Lambeth
Smith Thomas, basket maker, 36 Rose street, Covent garden
Smith Thomas, blackwell hall factor, see Hughes & Smith
Smith Thomas, brassfounder, 51 Castle street east, Oxford street
Smith Thomas, brassworker, 14 Queen street, Oxford street
Smith Thomas, brown stone pottery, 72 Prince's street, Lambeth
Smith Thomas, brush maker, 38 Seward street, Goswell street
Smith Thomas, butcher, 38 Monkwell street, Cripplegate
Smith Thomas, butterman, 6 Victoria place, Hoxton old town
Smith Thomas, carpenter & builder, l Dockhead, Bermondsey
Smith Thomas, carver & gilder, 23 Denmark street, Soho
Smith Thomas, cattle salesman, 11 West Smithfield
Smith Thomas, cattle salesman, 17 West Smithfield
Smith Thomas, cheesemonger, 173 Hoxton old town
Smith Thomas, chemist, &c. 31 Brick lane, Spitalfields
Smith Thomas, Coach & Horses P.H. 199 Shadwell High street
Smith Thomas, cork manufacturer, 49 Eastcheap
Smith Thomas, dyer, 74 Chapel street, Pentonville
Smith Thomas, fishmonger, 33 Somerset place, Hoxton
Smith Thomas, fishmonger, 7 Portman market
Smith Thomas, fringe & worsted manufacturer, 75 Newgate street
Smith Thomas, furniture designer, 36 Thayer street, Manchester square
Smith Thomas, grocer, 3 Howard's place, Hackney road
Smith Thomas, gunmaker, 3 Bridge street, Westminster
Smith Thomas, hairdresser, 16 Great Russell street, Bloomsbury
Smith Thomas, Hope P.H. Blackmoor street, Clare market
Smith Thomas, hosier & draper, 79 Shadwell High street
Smith Thomas, importer of china & east india goods, 439 Strand
Smith Thomas, livery stables, 7 Southwick mews, Cambridge terrace
Smith Thomas, livery stables, Upper George street, Sloane square
Suith Thomas, oil & varnish warehouse, 3 Raven row, Whitechapel road
Smith Thomas, organ builder, 5 Union street, Walcot place, Lambeth walk
Smith Thomas, pawnbroker, 98 & 99 Junction terrace, Edgware road
Smith Thomas, pawnbroker, &c. 2 Pitfield street, Hoxton
Smith Thomas, piece broker, 3 Duke street, Aldgate
Smith Thomas, plumber, 1 Artillery street, Bishopsgate
Smith Thomas, plumber, 19 East road, City road
Smith Thomas, printer, 43 Mincing lane
Smith Thomas, sailmaker, 45 Prince's street, Rotherhithe
Smith Thomas, sculptor, 5 Savoy street, Strand
Smith Thomas, smith & farrier, Lawrence street, Cheyne walk, Chelsea
Smith Thomas, solicitor, 15 Furnival's inn, Holborn
Smith Thomas, surgeon, 14 Bow lane, Cheapside
Smith Thomas, surgeon, 32 Upper George street, Montague square
Smith Thomas, tanner, Grange, Bermondsey
Smith Thomas, teadealer, 17 Cambridge street, Edgware road
Smith Thomas, teadealer & wine mer. 302 High Holborn
Smith Thomas, tobacconist, 12 Park place, Mile end, near Red Cow ##
Smith Thomas, tobacconist, 12 Tyler street, St. James's
Smith Thomas, watch & clockmaker, 5 Wellington place, Commercial road east
Smith Thomas, watch movement maker, see Hogan & Smith
Smith Thomas, wheelwright, 5 Alfred mews, Tottenham court road
Smith Thomas, White Hart P.H. Battersea
Smith Thomas, wholesale coffee dealer, 13 Mincing lane
Smith Thomas, wine merchant, 1 Bow lane, Cheapside
Smith Thomas, wine & spirit merchant, 10 High street, Newington butts
Smith Thomas jun. plumber, &c. 10 Lawrence lane, Cheapside
Smith Thomas Bishop, tailor, 7 Belmont row, Vauxhall
Smith Thomas Bruce, upholsterer, 41 Brompton row
Smith Thomas Edward, Kings Arms P.H. 61 Lower Thames street
Smith Thomas Fry, corn dealer, 1 Britannia place, Wandsworth road
Smith Thomas Geo. attorney, Six clerks office, Chancery lane
Smith Thomas George, stationer, 22 Down street, Piccadilly
Smith Thomas Grey, sec. to the Equivalent Co. 7 Dowgate hill
Smith Thomas Henry, attorney, 7 Milton street, Dorset square
Smith Thomas Hy. house & estate agent, 9 Liverpool street, King's cross
Smith Thomas Henry, newsvender, 49 Lincoln's inn fields
Smith Thomas James, wholesale hosier, 25 Addle street, Aldermanbury
Smith Thomas Sidney, carpenter & packing case maker, & dealer in laths &
scantling for wine cellars, Co. by Kyan's patent process for resisting dry rot,
15 Great Tower street
Smith Thomas Southwood, physician, 36 New Broad street
Smith Timothy, linendraper & hosier, 100 Edgware road
Smith Timothy, painter, 28 Northumberland street, New road
Smith Valentine, dealer in tea & british wines, 53 Aldersgate street
Smith Vincent, barrister, 5 Stone buildings, Lincoln's inn
Smith Walter, goldsmith, &c. 46 Cirencester place, Fitzroy square
Smith Walter, grocer & cheesemonger, 10 Poplar high street
Smith Walter Samuel, bootmaker, 19 Lower Smith street, Clerkenwell
Smith William, Adelaide P.H. Wellington place, Liverpool road, Islington
Smith William, Artichoke P.H. Cambridge road, Mile end
Smith William, auctioneer, 10 Oldham place, Bagnigge wells road
Smith William, baker, 20 Lower Smith street, Clerkenwell
Smith William, barrister, 3 New square, Lincoln's inn
Smith William, bookbinder, 15 St. John's lane, Clerkenwell
Smith William, bookbinder & stationer, 2 Ivy lane, Newgate street
Smith William, bookseller & publisher, 113 Fleet street
Smith William, bootmaker, 55 George street. Blackfriars road
Smith William, bootmaker, 5 Leigh street, Red Lion square
Smith William, builder, &c. 22 Tabernacle row, City road
Smith William, builder, 58 Watling street, & at Islington
Smith William, butcher, 90 Fenchurch street
Smith William, carpenter & builder, 5 Cambridge street, Golden square
Smith William, carpenter & builder, 29 St. Mary at hill
Smith William, carpenter & builder, 253 Tottenham court road
Smith William, carpenter & builder, 85 White Lion street, Pentonville
Smith William, carpenter & wheelwright, 5 Star corner, Bermondsey
Smith William, cheesemonger, 49 & 50 Chandos street, Strand
Smith William, cheesemonger, 1 Marsham street, Westminster
Smith William, chimney sweeper, l Rose & Crown court, Foster lane
Smith William, coach painter, 51 Gray's inn lane
Smith William, coachsmith, 47 High street, Marylebone
Smith William, coffee rooms, 2 Lichfield street, Soho
Smith William, cooper & stave merchant, 13.Johns row, Brick lane, St. Luke's
Smith William, corkcutter, 39 Fish street hill, & 28 St. Dunstan's hill
Smith William, currier, 116 Brick lane, Spitalfields
Smith William, dairyman, 3 Portsmouth street, Lincoln's inn fields
Smith William, fishmonger, 11 Portman market
Smith William, fruiterer, 39 Fish street hill
Smith William, fruiterer, 2 Yardley street, Clerkenwell
Smith William, furniture broker, 105 Tooley Street
Smith William, gas meter manufacturer, 14 Bridgewater gardns
Smith William, general chandler, 20 Great Bush lane, Cannon street
Smith William, George Tap, 21 Aldermanbury
Smith William, grocer, Broadway, 62 1/2 Fore street, Limehouse
Smith William, grocer, 16 Paradise row, Chelsea
Smith William, grocer, 91 Paul street, Finsbury
Smith William, grocer & cheesemonger, Camberwell green
Smith William, #. dresser, &c. 32 Chapel street, Grosvenor square
Smith William, hairdresser, &c. 17 Red Lion street, Whitechapel
Smith William, hat maker, 21 Coventry street, Haymarket
Smith William, hosier & glover, 3 Ludgate street
Smith William, irish provision merchant, see Leslie & Smith
Smith William, ivory turner & carver, 3 Broadway, Ludgate hill
Smith William, linen draper, see Dickins, Smith & Stevens
Smith William, livery stables, Bristow street, Earl street, Blackfriars
Smith William, map & print colorer, 21 Woodbridge street, Clerkenwell
Smith William, military cap & belt maker, 7 Lichfield street, Soho
Smith William, newsman, 3 Saville place, New Burlington street
Smith William, oil & colorman, 82 Leman street, Goodman's fields
Smith William, outfitter & contractor, 327 High Holborn
Smith William, paperhanger, &c. 79 Margaret street, Cavendish square
Smith William, pawnbroker, 1 Clarke's place, High street, Islington
Smith William, pawnbroker, 3&4 Lower street, Islington
Smith William, potato salesman, 106 Shoreditch high street
Smith William, Rope maker, New church street, Bermondsey wall
Smith William, Royal Standard P.H. 227 Piccadilly
Smith William, Royal wine shades, 5 Leicester square
Smith William, sack & bag maker, 55 Snow's fields, Berinondsey
Smith William, Scotch box maker, 46 Lisle street, Leicester
Smith William, sheffield plate warehouse, 3 St. Michael's alley, Cornhill
Smith William, shipwright, see West & Smith
Smith William, silk warehouseman, 23 Great Distaff lane, Friday street
Smith William, Smith & ironmonger, 7 Rosamon street, Clerkenwell
Smith William, solicitor, 2 Francis street, Golden square
Smith William, Solicitor, 16 Wilmington square
Smith William, Stirling Castle P.H. 50 London wall
Smith William, stockbroker, 25 Tokenhouse yard, Lothbury
Smith William, surgeon, 167 Bishopsgate street without
Smith William, surgeon, 2 Dowgate hill
Smith William, surgical instrument & truss maker, 2 New street, St. Thomas's
street, Borough
Smith William, tailor, 7 Bateman's buildings, Soho
Smith William, tailor, 3 Upper John street, Golden square
Smith William, tea broker, 46 Fenchurch street
Smith William, Three Cups Hotel, 88 Aldersgate street
Smith William, timber merchant, 97 Curtain road, Shoreditch
Smith William, tobacconist, 2 Blackmoor street, Drury lane
Smith William, tobacconist, 39 Strutton ground, Westminster
Snith William, upholsterer, 94 York street, Westminster
Smith William, watchmaker, see Ellicott & Smith
Smith William, White Hart P.H. 46 Kingsland road
Smith William, wine merchant, see Bellamy & Smith
Smith William jun. veranda builder, 95 Goswell road
Smith William sen. veranda builder, 8 Northampton place, Old Kent road
Smith William A. portrait painter, 33 Southampton street, Strand
Smith William Arnet, Kings Arms P.H. 52 Beech street, Barbican
Smith William Cannon, corn merchant, 176 High Holborn
Smith William Castle, solicitor, 3 Laurence Pountney place
Smith William Charles, cordage & sl. clothface & commercial merchant, 120 Minories
Smith William Clifford, undertaker, 11 Exeter place, Knightsbridge
Smith William Henry, LL.D. barrister, 18 Southampton buildings
Smith William Henry, barrister, 1 Harcourt buildings. Temple
Smith William Henry, Royal Mint P.H. Southwharf road, Paddington
Smith William Henry, solicitor, 22 Bedford row, Bloomsbury
Smith William Henry, stationer & newsman, 192 Strand
Smith William Henry, surgeon, 5 Marlboro’ place, Walworth
Smith William Henry, upholder & undertaker, 72 Old Broad street
Smith William Hunt, wine & spirit merchant, & agent for Messrs. Deinhard &
Jordan of Coblentz, 13 Little Tower street
Smith William James, architect, 7 Whitehall yard
Smith William John, auctioneer, 20 Great Dover street, Borough
Smith William Jonathan, India House P.H. Rotherhithe
Smith William Joseph, linendraper, &c.36 Crosby row, Walworth
Smith William Marten, warehouse keeper & agent, Cross lane, St. Dunstan's hill,
& Harp lane, Tower street
Smith William Mat, silk & trimming manufacturer, 10 Cumberland street, Hackney
Smith William Mountjoy, dealer in curiosities, 417 Strand
Smith William Richard, newsagent, 46 Crawford street, Portman square
Smith William Robert, gas fitter, brass finisher, and lamp manufacturer, 22
Union street east, Spitalfields
Smith William Samuel, Red Cow P.H. 4 King street, Snowhill
Smith William Tennyson, cutler, &c. 72 King Willian street, City
Smith William Tyler, physician, 27 Piccadilly
Smith William Umfreville, surgeon, 56 Gracechurch street
Smith William, Waterhouse, corn & coal merchant, near Battersea church
Smith William Wright, lodging house, 3 Carpenter's buildings, London wall
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