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This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.
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Smith Jane(Mrs.), milliner, 4 Lower Queen's row, Pentonville
Smith Job, carpenter, 28 Worship street Finsbury
Smith Job, summer house builder, near The Horns, Kennington
Smith John, Albion P.H. 7 Beak street, Regent street
Smith John, baker, 66 Anchor & Hope alley, Wapping
Smith John, baker, 121 Brick lane, Spitalfields
Smith John, baker, 13 Clare street, Clare market
Smith John, baker, 3 Lamb's conduit street, Foundling
Smith John, baker, 56 Mount street, Lambeth
Smith John, baker, 321 Strand
Smith John, barrister, 11 King's Bench walk, Temple
Smith John, bookbinder, 3 Exeter street, Strand
Smith John, bootmaker, 32 Wych street, Strand
Smith John, box & packing casemaker, 6 Adam's place, Borough High street
Smith John, bricklayer, 10 Coal yard, Drury lane
Smith John, builder, Gough street north, Gray's inn lane
Smith John, builder, 7 Nelson's place, Gravel lane, Borough
Smith John, butcher, 107 High street, Wapping
Smith John, butcher, 277 Bermondsey street
Smith John, butcher, 214 Blackfriars road
Smith John, carman, 4 box, London dock entrance
Smith John, carpenter, 20 Little Queen street, Lincoln's inn fields
Smith John, carpenter, 20 Hosier lane, West Smithfield
Smith John, chemist & druggist, 83 Leader street, Chelsea
Smith John, clock maker, 70 Charlotte street, Fitzroy square
Smith John, coach builder, 22 South row, New road, Pancras
Smith John, cooper, Pleasant place, Holloway
Smith John, corn dealer, High street, Bow
Smith John, Crown P.H. 23 Vere street, Clare market
Smith John, door spring & hingemaker, 50 Little Bartholomew close
Smith John, florist, Centre row, Covent garden market
Smith John, Grapes P.H. 27 Silver street, Golden square
Smith John, grocer, 6 Belgrave place, Wandsworth rood
Smith John, grocer & cheesemonger, 4 Commercial road, Pimlico
Smith John, grocer & teadealer, 85 Fetter lane
Smith John, haberdasher, see Debenham, Pooley & Smith
Smith John, haberdasher, 13 Stucley terrace, Camden Town
Smith John, hairdresser, 4 Charles street, Westminster
Smith John, hatter, 2 Deptford bridge
Smith John, house agent, see Anderson & Smith
Smith John, Lamb & Flag P.H. 33 Rose street, Long acre
Smith John, leather seller, 7 Warren street, Fitzroy square
Smith John, Nags Head P.H. 10 Whitechapel road
Smith John, nurseryman & florist, Dalston, & Covent garden
Smith John, Old Three Tuns P.H. 1 Broadway, Westminster
Smith John, painter & glazier, 10 Little College street, Westminster
Smith John, piece broker, 40 Duke street, Aldgate
Smith John, plumber & glazier, 78 Hoxton Old town
Smith John, poulterer & game dealer; 89 Shadwell High street
Smith John, Queens Head P.H. 12 Whitecross street, Cripplegate
Smith John, record ink maker, 279 Strand
Smith John, rope & twine maker, 47 Long acre & Old Ford
Smith John, russia merchant, 5 Austinfriars
Smith John, (of Brixtock), sheep salesman, 41 West Smithfield
Smith John, shipping butcher, 107 Wapping
Smith John, shoemaker, 8 Brunswick parade, Pentonville
Smith John, smokejack maker & ironmonger, 6 High street, St. Giles's
Smith John, solicitor; clerk & superintendent registrar of births, deaths &
marriages, for the Whitechapel Union, 23 Leman street, Goodman's fields
Smith John, stationer, bookbinder, vellum manufacturer, tanner, & printer, 49
Long Acre
Smith John, surgeon, 40 Banner street, St. Luke's
Smith John, surgeon, 40 St. Mary axe
Smith John, surgeon, 1A, Woburn place, Russell square & 50 Gower street
Smith John, surgeon & chemist, 1 North place, Kingsland road
Smith John, tailor, 6 Newcastle street, Farringdon street
Smith John, tailor, 51 Poland street, Oxford street
Smith John, tailor, 17 Tavistock street, Covent garden
Smith John, tanner, Grange road, & 2 Alscot place, Bermondsey
Smith John, timber & coal merchant, 13 Cottage place, City road
Smith John, turner & bed pillar carver, 15 High street, St. Giles's
Smith John, undertaker, 11 Upper Clifton street, Finsbury
Smith John, wheelwright, 6 Baker's row, Whitechapel
Smith John, whitesmith, 3 Marlborough mews, Blenheim street
Smith John, White Horse P.H. 105 Long acre
Smith John, White Horse P.H. 50 South Audley street
Smith John, White Swan P.H. 181 Upper Thames street
Smith John, wholesale windsor chairmaker, 23 Old street, St. Luke's
Smith John, window glass warehouse, 30 Princes street, Leicester square
Smith John Bell, artist, 2 Coventry street, Haymarket
Smith John Buchannan, artist, Camberwell green
Smith John Chappell, stationer, &c. 13 Dean street, Westminster
Smith John Chiles, Black Horse P.H. Old Boswell court, Carey street
Smith John Cogle, Silver Lion P.H. 42 Pennyfields, Poplar
Smith John D. merchant, 36 Old Broad street
Smith John Francis, tailor, 18 Fenchurch buildings
Smith John James, congreve manufacturer, 1 Wellington row, Church street,
Bethnal green & 7 Sycamore street, Old street, St. Lukes's
Smith John Hetherington, solicitor, l Blandford street, Portman square
Smith John Hood, wine & spirit merchant, 1 Bell court, Mincing lane
Smith John Robt. fancy cabinet maker, l Guilford street east, Spafields
Smith John Russell, bookseller, 4 Old Compton street, Soho
Smith John Sidney, attorney, Six clerks' office, Chancery lane
Smith John Sydney, butcher, 91 Great Titchfield street, Oxford street, & 11
Cleveland street, Fitzroy square
Smith John Spry, attorney, Six clerks' office, Chancery Jane
Smith John Thomas, fruiterer, 17 Motcomb street, Belgrave square
Smith John William, barrister, 12 King's bench walk, Temple
Smith John Willonghby Lacy, plumber, 30 Dorset street, Portman square
Smith Jonah, corn & hay dealer, &c. 4 Upper Kennington lane
Smith Jonathan, grocer, &c. 11 Hart street, Grosvenor square
Smith Joseph, academy, 9 Chapel row, Exmouth street
Smith Joseph, barrister, 1 Field court, Gray's inn lane
Smith Joseph, bookseller, publisher & printer, 193 High Holborn
Smith Joseph, boot & shoemaker, 7 Crown row, Walworth road
Smith Joseph, butcher, 132 Edgware road, Marylebone
Smith Joseph, carpenter, 48 Worship street, Shoreditch
Smith Joseph, chemist & druggist, 20 Haymarket
Smith Joseph, dairyman, 66 Coleshill street, Pimlico
Smith Joseph, County Terrace Tavern, 31 Webb's County terrace, New Kent road
Smith Joseph, dairyman, 32 Little Earl street, Seven dials
Smith Joseph, gold & silver heater, 10 Union place, City road
Smith Joseph, hair dresser, 3 Bruton street
Smith Joseph, iron merchant, 29 Broad street, Lambeth
Smith Joseph, linendraper, 58 Poplar High street
Smith Joseph, newsvender, 4 Staining lane, Wood street
Smith Joseph, optician, 15 Palace row, New road, St. Pancras
Smith Joseph, painter & glazier, 18 Great Bell alley, Coleman street
Smith Joseph, plumber & glazier, 22 Woodstock street, Oxford street
Smith Joseph, professor of mathematics, 14 Stafford row, Pimlico
Smith Joseph, stationer, see Sims & Smith
Smith Joseph, tobacconist, 25 Strand
Smith Joseph, surgeon, 38 Clapham road place
Smith Joseph, upholsterer, 53. Howland street, Fitzroy square
Smith Joseph, warehouseman, see Hansom,Smiths & Stephens
Smith Joseph, watchmaker, 18 Bride lane, Fleet street
Smith Joseph, woollen draper, 12 Marshall street, Golden square
Smith Joseph Samuel, pinmaker, 15 Great Dover street, Borough
Smith Josiah, surgeon, 9 James place, Hackney road
Smith Josiah William, barrister, 86 Chancery lane
Smith Junius, american merchant, 4 Fen court, Fenchurch street
Smith Leonard, grocer, 18 Beauvoir terrace, Kingsland road
Smith Lewis Joseph, engraver, see Summers & Smith
Smith Louisa (Miss), professor of music, 24 Thavies inn, Holbrn
Smith Louisa (Mrs.), boot maker, 32 Water lane, Blackfrs
Smith Louisa (Mrs), , grocer & cheesemonger, 37 1/2 Poplar High street
Smith Luke, coffee rooms, 4 Cumberland row, Battle bridge
Smith Magnus, Queens Head P.H. 67 Broad street, Ratcliffe
Smith Maria (Miss), milliner, 33A, Edwards street, Portman square
Smith Margt. Mrs.), coal & coke dealer, 22 Water lane, Fleet street
Smith Margt. (Mrs.) stay & bonnet maker, 34 Crawford street, Portman square
Smith Martha (Mrs), window blind maker, 4 Hanover street, Long acre
Smith Mary (Mrs.), dealer in rags, 25 Fleet lane, Old Bailey
Smith Mary (Mrs.), fruit saleswoman, Spitalfields market
Smith Mary (Mrs.), furniture broker, 8 & 19 Wine street, Hatton garden
Smith Mary (Miss), milliner, 19 St. James's street, Pall mall
Smith Mary (Mrs.), tobacconist, 88 Bunhill row
Smith Mary Ann (Mrs), wardrobe dealer, 95 High street, Marylebone
Smith Mary Ann (Mrs), governess agent, 30 Alfred placem Bedford square
Smith Matt. bread & biscuit baker, 88 High street, Camden town
Smith Michael, baker, 21 Moor street, Soho
Smith Michael, solicitor, see Bailey, Shaw & Smith
Smith Montague Edward, barrister, 3 Paper buildings, Temple
Smith Ormond, ship owner, 68 Paradise street, Rotherhithe
Smith Oscar, ivory turner, 16 Ryder's court, Leicester square
Smith Owen George, grocer, 32 Paddington street, Marylebone
Smith Peter, Highlander P.H. 89 Dean street, Soho
Smith Peter Hen. saddler & harnessmaker,10 Beak street, Regent street
Smith Pierce, baker, 3 Queen street, Pimlico
Smith Protheroe, surgeon, 15 John street, Bedford row
Smith Richard, carver, &c. 16 Bennett street, Blackfriars road
Smith Richard, glass & china warehouse, 196 Regent street
Smith Richard, grocer & teadealer, 39 Exeter street, Sloane street
Smith Richard, grocer, &c. 2 Harmood place, Hampstead road
Smith Richard, grocer, &c. Stratford Broadway
Smith Rd. Red Lion & Spread Eagle P.H. 94 Whitechapel High street
Smith Richard, russia broker, Baltic coffee house
Smith Rd. solicitor, 67 Chancery lane & 12 Harpur street, Red Lion square
Smith Richard, tailor & habit maker, 22 Montagu street, Portman square
Smith Richard, veterinary surgeon, 15 Rufford's buildings, High street,
Smith Richard Carpenter, solicitor to the licensed victuallers' fire & life
assurance company; vestry clerk of St. Saviours, clerk to the guardians, and
superintendent registrar of births, deaths & marriages for the parishes of St.
Saviour's, Southwark, & Christchurch, 27 Bridge street, Southwark
Smith Rd. Collins, ship & insurance broker, see McGhie, Page & Smith
Smith Richard Moore, sculptor, Glebe place, King's road, Chelsea
Smith Rigby Davies, bootmaker, 74 London wall
Smith Robert, baker, 41 Old Compton street & 46 Dean street, Soho
Smith Robert, baker, 148 Poplar High street
Smith Robert, coal merchant, 7 St. James's place, St. James's
Smith Robert, corn chandler, 5 Gloucester place, King's road, Chelsea
Smith Robert, corn dealer, 13 College street, Chelsea
Smith Robert, dining rooms, 97 Ratcliff Highway
Smith Robert, ironmonger, 13 Gutter lane, Cheapside
Smith Robert, Prince of Wales P.H. 22 Great Barlow street, Marylebone
Smith Robert, secretary to British iron company, 3 New Broad street
Smith Robert, ship & insurance broker, see Brook & Smith
Smith Robert, water gilder, 7 Staining lane, Wood street
Smith Robert, wine cooper, 16 North Mews, Burton crescent
Smith Rt. Arthur, house painter, 10 Northamptom place, Old Kent road
Smith Robert George, solicitor, 5 New inn, Wych street, Strand
Smith Rt. Hen. baker, 3 Belinda place, Canonbury square, Islington
Smith Robert Maclean, coal merchant, Union wharf, Millbank street
Smith Rosser, corndealer, 275 Bermondsey street
Smith Saddler, carman, 25 Holywell row, Shoreditch
Smith Samuel, baker, 41 Clipstone street, Fitzroy square
Smith Samuel, Blue Posts P.H. 14 Rupert street, Haymarket
Smith Samuel, Coach & Horses P.H. 1 Little Marlborough street
Smith Samuel, coffee rooms, 6 James street, Covent garden
Smith Samuel, cattle salesman, 41 West Smithfield
Smith Samuel, coal merchant, Waterloo wharf, Strand, & 7 Fountain court
Smith Samuel, confectioner, 191 Poplar High street
Smith Samuel, confectioner, 3 Salmon lane, Limehouse
Smith Samuel, grocer & cheesemonger, Battersea
Smith Samuel, gun lock maker, 6 Newcastle street, Whitechapel
Smith Samuel, oil & italian warehouse, 16 Mark lane
Smith Samuel, porkman, 7 Princes street, Leicester square
Smith Samuel, potato salesman, 15 Red Lion street, Spitalfields
Smith Samuel, solicitor, 44 Southampton buildings, Chancery lane
Smith Samuel, stationer & printer, see Ebbs & Smith
Smith Samuel, stockbroker, 7 Bank chambers, Lothbury
Smith Samuel, straw hat warehouse, 77 Sun street, Bishopsgate
Smith Samuel, tailor, 71 Commercial road, Lambeth
Smith Samuel, timber agent, 23 Pump row, Old street road
Smith Samuel, truss & surgeons' instrument maker, 40 Grays inn ##
Smith Samuel, watch jeweller, 128 St. John street road
Smith Samuel Augustus, shipping agent, 24 Billiter street
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