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London Street Directory in 1843 - S13

This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.

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Skoles Elizabeth (Mrs.), cowkeeper, 14 North street, Fitzroy square
Skottowe George B. attorney, 10 Whitehall
Skoulding Edw. R. Milliner, 11 New Church street, Lisson grove
Skowing Edward, watch engraver, 43 St. John square, Clerkenwell
Skuse John, comb manufacturer, 6 Heath place, Cambridge heath
Skynner Robert, conveyancer, 42 Mortimer street, Cavendish square
Skynner William Henry, solicitor, 42 Mortimer street
Skyring William Henry, surveyor, 4 Copthall buildings
Slack Joseph & Son, hatters & hosiers, 62 South Audley street
Slack Richard & John, furnishing ironmongers, 336 Strand
Slack Henry James, wool broker, see Buxton & Slack
Slack Elizabeth (Miss), milliner, 6 South Molton street, Bond street
Slack James, hair dresser & perfumer, 4B, Sloane street
Slack William, pastry cook, 41 Old street road
Slack William Gilliam, solicitor, 10 Union street, Hill street, Berkeley square
Sladden John, auctioneer, &c. 33 Great Alie street, Goodmans fields
Slade & Pitcher, proctors, 20 Bennett's hill, Doctors' commons
Slade Charles, china & glass warehouse, 2 Walkers court, Golden square
Slade Elizabeth (Mrs.), poulterer, 20 North Audley street
Slade Frederic William, barrister, 2 Pump court, Temple
Slade Henry, carpenter & packing case maker, charterhouse street
Slade John, bone button maker, 7 Tilley street, Tenter ground, Spitalfields
Slade John, law stationer, 16 Carey street, Lincoln's inn
Slade John, ship agent & insurance broker, 69 Upper Thames street
Slade Laura (Mrs), milliner, 86 Leadenhall street
Slade Louisa (Miss), clothes dealer, 86 Berwick street, Soho
Slade Richard Greville, dentist, see Normansell & Slade
Slade Robert, tailor, 15 St. John street, Clerkenwell
Slade Samuel, baker, 17 Warwick place, Kingsland road
Slade William, coachmaker, 90 & 91 St. John street road
Slade William, navy agent, 21 Cecil street, Strand
Slade William, Bushnell, surgeon, &c. 2 Foregate, Clements inn
Sladen, Glennie, Farquhar & Sladen, proctors, 19 Bennett's hill
Sladen St. Barbe, solicitor, 21 Abingdom street
Slader Captain Peter, shipowner, 25 Bedford square east
Slaney George, fruiterer, 7 Carpenter street, Berkeley square
Slaney William Henry, attorney, 13 Gray's inn square
Slark William & Son, furnishing ironmongers, 10 Cheapside
Slark Ann (Mrs.), chemical stopperer, Goldsmith street, Gough square
Slark Thomas, hairdresser, 7 Little Ormond street, Queen square
Slark William, coach & waggon office, Park side, Knightsbridge
Slark William, general carrier, Old White Horse Cellar, 156 Piccadilly
Slark William, ironmonger, &c. see Dare & Slark
Slark William, whip & umbrella maker, 67 Burlington arcade, & 31 Harrington street north, Hampstead road
Slate Thomas, bookbinder, 2 King's head court, Holborn
Slater & Coates, fustian, &c. warehouse, 5 Wood street, Cheapside
Slater (Cyrus), & Son, tailors, 45 Albemarle street, Piccadilly
Slater, Marshall & Brother, bootmakers, 1 Spur street, Leicester square
Slater & Saunders, upholsterer, 21 to 23 Queen's buildings, Knigtsbridge
Slater Charles, painter & glazier, 10 Norwich court, Fetter lane
Slater David, brushmaker, 29 Windsor terrace, City road
Slater Francis, solicitor, see Templar, Shearman, & Slater
Slater Gilbert, teadealer, 10 London terrace, Hackney road
Slater James, gas fitter, 23 Denmark street, Soho
Slater Joel, butcher, 42 Lower Belgrave place, Pimlico
Slater John, bootmaker, 126 Union street, Borough & 133 Lambeth Lower marsh
Slater John, butcher, South Lambeth place, South Lambeth north side
Slater John, cattle salesman, 60 West Smithfield
Slater John, tailor, 2 King street, Regent strect
Slater (Mrs.), John, ladies' school, 5 Hall place, St. John's wood
Slater Thomas, butcher, 9 & 10 High street, Kensington, & 47 Jermyn street, St. James's
Slater Thomas, hairdresser & perfumer, 19 Queen street, Soho
Slater Vize, printer, 23 Buckingham place, Fitzroy square
Slater Ward, teadealer & grocer,76 Drury lane
Slater William, lamp maker, 41 Charlotte street, Whitechapel
Slater William, watchmaker, 193 Ratcliff highway
Slater Wilson, patent copper powder barrel maker, 332 Wapping
Slatford Henry, bootmaker, 1 Pinner's court, Old Broad street
Slatter Eliz. (Mrs.), lace cleaner, 1 Leicester street, Regent street
Slatter George, wine & brandy merchant, 22 Cullum street, Fenchurch street
Slatter James, coachlace maker, 8 Edward street, Blackfriars road
Slatter Thomas, coach & harness maker. 134 Long acre
Slatter Walter William, haircutter, 24 Marylebone street, Piccadilly
Slatyer James, tailor, 1 Upper Charles street, Northampton square
Slatyer Joseph, tailor, 31 Goswell road
Slaughter Alfred, linendraper, 13 Bedford court, Covent garden
Slaughter Edward, solicitor, see Winter and Slaughter
Slaughter Mihill, coal merchant, see Capel & Slaughter
Slave Registrar's Office, 13 James street, Buckingham gate
Slaymaker Thomas, fruit salesman, Long market, Covent garden
Sleap John G. merchant & insurance broker, 24 Threadneedle street
Sleap Jonathan Thomas, attorney, 2 Middle Temple lane
Sleap Thomas, tailor, 16 Worship street Finsbury
Sleath John Henry, anatomical machinist & artificial eye maker, 175 Fleet street
Slee Edward & Co. proprietors of Webster's diet drink, 80 Borough High street
Slee Edward Richardson, vinegar maker, Church street, Bermondsey
Slee P.T. & B.C. mustard maker & druggist grinders, Russell place, Bermondsey
Slee Robert, solicitor & superintendent registrar of births, deaths & marriages for the union of St. Olave's Southwark, and vestry clerk for St. John's parish, 1 Parish street, St. John's Southwark
Sleeman John, chemist & druggist, 53 Crown street, Finsbury
Sleigh William Campbell, sugar refiner, 11 Little Alie street
Sleight Thomas & Co. gas fitters, 4 Duke street, Westminster
Sleight Thomas, gasfitter, see Cox & Sleight
Slemmon Thomas, mathematical instrument maker, 3 Brandon row, New Kent road
Slesinger Henry & Joseph, importers of fancy goods, 9 Cateaton street
Slim Edward, grocer, 133 Upper street, Islington
Slim James, silk manufacturer, 17 Spital square
Sliman George, snuff box manufacturer, 31 Norfolk street, Middlesex hospital
Slingsby Elizabeth (Mrs.), haberdasher, 7 Market street, Oxford street
Slingsby John, tailor, 48 Chalton street, Somers town
Binn Charles, boot & shoemaker, 27 Chancery lane
Slinn Joseph, plumber, I Bloomsbury court, high Holborn
Slipper & Cornick, builders, &c.70 Little Britain
Slipper James, chemist & druggist, 87 Leather lane
Slipper Thos. surgeon, 6 Beckford place, Kennington common
Sloan John, tailor, &c. 198 Sloane street, Knightsbridge
Sloan Thomas, law stationer, see Stevenson & Sloan
Sloane John & Co. cheesemongers, 114 St. Martin's lane
Sloane George, special pleader, 6 Pump court, Temple
Slocombe John, baker, 3 Britannia place, Wandsworth road
Slocombe Robert, tallow chandler, 9 Charlotte street, Portland place
Slocombe William, solicitor, 5 New Bank buildings
Slodden & Stocking, italian warehouse, 42 High street, Marylebone
Slograve Charles, White Horse P.H. 37 Rupert street, Haymarket
Sloman Ben. furniture broker, 52 Old Compton street, Soho
Sloman Samuel, outfitting warehouse, 19 King street, Tower hill
Sloman Samuel, upholsterer & easy chairmaker, 15 Wardour street
Sloman William, cabinetmaker, 22 Gower place, Euston square
Slope Thomas, silk mercer, 55 Piccadilly
Sloper James, stationer & bookbinder, 47 Holborn hill
Sloper John Dobbs, boot & shoemaker to her majesty, 19 Store street, Bedford Square
Sloper Thomas, bookseller, &c. 11 Edwards street, Portman square
Sloper Thomas, rule maker, 28 Freeschool street, Horselydown
Slow Rt. James, Prince William Henry P.H. 111 Bermondsey street
Slowburn Henry, cheesemonger, &c. 30 Lambeth Lower marsh
Slowman Ben. wine & spirit merchant, 32 St. Mary at hill
Sly Elizabeth (Mrs.), straw hat maker, 7 Jewry street, Aldgate
Sly John, leather cutter, 34 Great St. Andrew street, Seven dials
Sly Stephen, engraver on wood, 11 Bouverie street, Fleet street
Slyfield George, boarding house, 5 Norfolk street, Strand
Slyth George, Beckford Head P.H. 38 Old street, St. Luke's
Slyth Joseph, stationer, 68 South Audley street
Smale Henry Lewis & Son, proctors, 3 Dean's court, Doctors commons
Smale George, bootmaker, 217 Bermondsey street
Smale Henry, mechanical dentist, 187 High Holborn
Smale James, bootmaker, 66 Seymour place, Bryanstone square
Smale John, barrister, 1 New square, Lincoln's inn
Smale Thomas, dealer in ivory, sea horse, sea cow, & natural, & maker of artificial teeth, 187 High Holborn
Smale Thomas, jun, manufacturer of mineral teeth, 187 High Holborn
Smale William Adderley, solicitor, 30 Arundel street, Strand
Smales Richard, surgeon, 10 Terrace, Walworth road
Small, Colquhoun & Co. merchants, 8 Old Jewry
Small Thomas & Son, manufacturers of paper teatrays to the Queen & the royal family, 17 & 18 King street, Covent garden
Small Parcel Depot, 17 Warwick square, Newgate street
Small Pox Hospital (James Frederick Morson, resident surgeon), King's cross, St. Pancras old road
Small Elizabeth S. (Mrs.), plumber, &c. Fonthill place, Clapham road
Small Harriet (Mrs.), fruiterer, 6 South Molton street
Small James, cheesmongcr, 116 Aldersgate street
Small John Charles, surgeon, 22 Bedford place, Russell square
Small Thomas, working jeweller, 3 Dacre street, Westminster
Small William, painter & glazier, 3 South Molton street, Bond street
Smallbone George, pawnbroker, 204 Fleet street
Smallbone John, bedstead maker, 3 Cumberland street, Middlesex hospital
Smallbone William, stockbroker, Stock exchange
Smallcomb Jn. Rose & Crown P.H. 8 Londonhouse yard, St Paul's
Smalley Oberton, hosier, &c. 2 Barnsbury place, Islington
Smallhorn John, carver & gilder, 9 Cleveland street, Fitzroy square
Smallman Joseph, builder, 1 Chester street, Grosvenor square
Smallpiece Thomas, orange merchant, 12 Botolph lane, Thames street
Smallridge Thomas, coachmaker, 15 Vere street, Cavendish square
Smallridge William, saddler to the queen, 4 Holles street, Cavendish square
Smallridge William James, saddler, 13 Devonshire buildings, Great Dover road
SmallshawWm. John, general salesman, 4 Scotts place, Islington
Smallwood William, building material dealer, Rockingham house, New Kent road, & 30 St. Andrew's road, Borough
Smart & Buller, attorneys, 56 Lincoln's inn fields
Smart & Tullet, stationers & account book maker, 26 Bread street
Smart (Denham) & Co. cornfactors, 131 Fenchurch street
Smart Edward & Henry, picture dealers, 10 Tichborne street, Haymarket
Smart & Whitehouse, locksmiths &c. 1 Drury court, Strand
Smart William, John & John, velvet & silk manufacturers,7 Milk street
Smart Alexander, clock & watchmaker, 70 South Audley street
Smart Charles, ironfounder, Dorrington street, Coldbath fields
Smart Charles, late Weir & Co. agricultural implement maker & iron founder, 369 Oxford street
Smart Frances (Mrs.), dressmaker, 21 Leather lane
Smart George, cheesemonger & grocer,42 Duke street, St. James's
Smart George, professor of dancing, 29 Leman street
Smart George, saw mills, York road, Westminster road
Smart Henry, solicitor, 31 Percy street, Tottenham court road
Smart Henry, surgeon dentist, see Louis & Smart
Smart James, accountant, see Pollett, Smart & Pollett
Smart James, corn & coal merchant, 33 Chiswell street
Smart James Durant, brushmaker, 54 Judd street, Brunswick square
$mart John, boot & shoemaker, 26 Castle street east, Oxford street
Suart John, silk manufacturer, 37 Union street, Bishopsgate
Smart John, tailor, see Tolley & Smart
Bmart Kneller, refiner, &c, 60 Princes street, Leicester square
Smart Richard, boot & shoemaker, 1 Stoney lane, Tooley street
Smart Robert, leather dresser, 5 Lemon street, Loman's pond, Borough
Smart Stephen, brickfields, Seven Sisters' road, Holloway
Smart Thomas, artist, 18 Greek street, Soho
Smart Thomas, carver & gilder, 53 Greek street, Soho
Smart Thomas, tailor, 54.James street, Oxford street
Smart Walter, lithographic engraver, &c. 10 Leather lane
Smart William, attorney, 2 Figtree court, Inner Temple
Smart William, coal merchant, see Brames & Smart
Sumart William, composition ornament manufacturer, 18 Crown street, Finsbury
Smart William, solicitor, 19 Austinfriars
Smart William, writing master, &c. 7 New street, Covent garden
Smartt Thomas Lifford, attorney, 25 Sun street, Bishopsgate
Smeaton John, civil engineer, London Dock entrance
Smedley & Rogers, solicitors, 40 Jermyn street
Smedley John Benjamin, solicitor, 5 Staple inn, Holborn

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