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This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.
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Smee William & Son, wholesale cabinetmakers & upholsterers, 6 Pavement, & 34
Little Moorfields
Smee James, jeweller, silversmith & hardwareman, &c. 1 Minories
Smeed George, Brazen Head P.H. 1 Upper Lisson street, Lisson grove
Smeed George, watch & clock maker, 16 Chapel street, New road
Smeeton John, butcher, 5 Ann terrace, Cambridge heath
Smeeton Samuel, butcher, 69 Goswell street
Smeeton Samuel, cattle salesman, 82 West Smithfield
Smellie George, pawnbroker & salesman, 184 Shadwell High street
Smellie Thomas, tripe dresser, 244 Shadwell High street, & 24 Nassau place,
Commercial road
Smellie Thomas George, copper plate printer, 4 Bedford court, Covent garden
Smellie William James, pawnbroker &c, 1 & 2 Clarendon square, Somers town
Smerdon Mary Ann (Mrs.), straw hatmaker, 95 Bishopsgate without
Smethurst James, lamp maker & oilman, 138 New Bond street
Smirke Edward, barrister, 3 North, King's bench walk
Smirke Edward, fringe & bell rope maker, 9 Hill street, Finsbury
Smirke Sidney, architect & surveyor, 24 Berkeley square
Smith A. & Co. pastry cooks, 26 Poultry
Smith & Allistons', solicitors, 4 Warnford court, Throgmorton street
Smith & Anderson, muslin warehousemen, 130 Cheapside
Smith Andrew & Co. manufacturers of patent wire rope, office, 2 White Lion
court, Cornhill; works, Millwall, Poplar
Smith Andrew & Co. provision merchants, 55 Houndsditch
Smith Ann (Mrs.) & Co. manufacturers of jams, jellies, lozenges, & every other
description of consectionery for export, 4 & 5 Fell street, Wood street
Smith Ann & Sons, jewellers, 4 Carlisle street, Soho
Smith & Atkins, solicitors, 12 Serjeants' inn, Fleet street
Smith & Attwood, window glass manufacturer see Attwood & Smith
Smith & Baber, floor cloth manufacturers, South place, Knightsbridge
Smith & Bannister, coachmakers, 8 Little Marlborough street, Regent street
Smith & Barnes, architects, 5 Frederick's place, Old Jewry
Sluith Benjamin & Son, corn & coal dealers, 90 Fore street, Cripplegate, & 8
London wall
Smith & Bosbery, linendrapers, 208 Regent street
Smith & Brodribb, soapmakers, 2 Bermondsey New road
Smith & Brooks, ladies' academy, 14 Finsbury circus
Smith & Brothers, crape manufacturers, & embossers & waterers, 130 Goswell
street, & 6 Gutter lane
Smith Brothers & Co. merchant tailors, &c. 223 Regent street
Smith & Carrington, malt distillers, Thames bank, Pimlico
Smith & Chapman, wholesale stationers, 22 Paternoster row
Smith Charles & James, painters, &c. 55 Great Marylebone street
Smith Charles & Samuel, gunmakers, 64 Princes street, Leicester square
Smith Charles & Son, map & globe sellers, 172 Strand
Smith & Cooper, insurance ship & custom house agent, 12 Harp lane, Tower street
Smith Daniel & Son, auctioneers, surveyors & land agents, 10 Waterloo place,
Pall mall; & Windsor
Smith & Dewey, lace manufacturers, 9 Wood street, Cheapside
Smith & Ebbs, stationers & printers, 5 Postern row, Tower Hill
Smith Edmuud & Walter, jewellers, 30 Maddox street, Regent street
Smith Edward & Co. tailors, 60 Old Broad street
Smith, Elder & Co. booksellers & stationers, 65 Cornhill
Smith Elizabeth (Miss), &Co. strawbonnet maker, 95 Tottenham court road
Smith & Erichsen, merchants, 110 Fenchurch street
Smith, Finer & Smith, corn merchants, lightermen & granary keepers, Wheatsheaf
wharf. 8 Upper Thames street
Smith & Foss, dairymen, 33 Maiden lane, Covent garden
Smith Francis & Abel, nursery, Cambridge heath, Hackney
Smith Francis & John & Co. custom house agents & lightermen, 19 Water lane
Smith George & Co. malt distillers, Whitechapel road & Eagle wharf, Wapping
Smith George & Sons, wholesale furriers, 13 & 14 & 15 Gough square, Fleet street
Smith, Goodhall & Reeves, merchants, 4 Laurence Pountney place
Smith Henry Bates & Co. wine merchants, 4 St. Paul's churchyard
Smith Henry & Co. grocers, &c. 97 Junction terrace, Edgware road
Smith, Hunter & Gwatkin, attorneys, 9 New square, Lincoln's inn
Smith & Hutchins, surgeons, &c. 19 Trinity square, Tower hill
Smith James Bogle & Co. west india merchants, 15 Tokenhouse yard
Smith James & Co. linendrapers, &c. 58 & 59 South Audley street
Smith James & Co. teadealers & grocers, 104 Whitechapel road
Smith James & Co. wine & brandy merchants, 2 Crescent place, Blackfriars
Smith James & John, Angel Inn & Hotel, High street, Islington
Smith James & Son, tanners & leather dressers, 5 Little Britain, & 9 Bermondsey
New road
Smith James Scott & Co. rectifiers, Whitechapel road
Smith John & Alexr. grocers &c. 27 Michael's place, Brompton
Smith John Bland & Co. woollen cloth waterproofers, 38 Basinghall street, & 24
St. Martin's court
Smith John & Co. cheesemongers, 29 Upper Ebury street, Pimlico
Smith John & Co. hat manufacturers, 376 Oxford street
Smith John & Co. linendrapers, 197 High Holborn
Smith Johm & Co. silk dyers, Eagle house, Mile end road
Smith John & Co. teadealers, 12 Grafton street, Soho
Smith John & Son, gun &c manufactory, 4 Thavies inn
Smith John M. & Samuel M. carvers & gilders, 137 New Bond street
Smith John & Sidney, warehousemen, 9 & 10 King street, City
Smith Joseph & Son, bookbinders, 15 Albion buildings. Bartholomew close
Smith Johm & Son, wholesale clock & clock case makers & manufacturers of clock &
watch & time piece glasses, 2 & 8 St. John's square, Clerkenwell
Smith Joseph W. & Charles H. furnishing ironmongers, gas fitters, water
apparatus manufacturers, 25 Finsbury pavement
Smith & Lapouilli, foreign warehousemen, 26 St. Paul's churchyard
Smith & Linton, artists, 66 Judd street, Brunswick square
Smith & Madgwick, upholsterers, 11 Finsbury pavement
Smith & Malton, surgeons, 9 Upper Seymour street, Portman square
Smith Martha & Harriet, teadealers, 28 Crescent street, Euston square
Smith Michael & Co. bottled beer maker, 38 Roebuck place, Great Dover street
Smith & Nephew, perfumers in ordinary to her Majesty & Royal Family, 1 Princes
street, Cavendish square
Smith & Nephew, wholesale milliners, foreign warehousemen & straw hat
manufacturers, 26 St. Paul's church yard
Smith Noel Thomas & Co. shipping & insurance agents merchants & ship owners, 46
Lime street
Smith & Parfrey, carriage wheel makers, 33 Upper Belgrave place
Smith, Payne & Smiths', bankers, 1 Lombard street
Smith & Read, carpenters, 5 Whitechapel High street
Smith Richard & John, wholesale teadealers, 8 Lawrence Pountney hill
Smith Rd. & Peter, woollen cloth manufacturers, 19 Aldermanbury
Smith Robert Timothy, house painters, 33 High street, Marylebone
Smith & Robins, printers & stationers, 6 King street, Seven Dials
Smith Roddam A. & Son, corn dealers, Dover place west, Kent street road
Smith Samuel & James, land agents, 2 Gray's inn square
Smith Saml. & Co. hairdressers & perfumers, 45 Dean st. Solio
Smith Samuel & Son, insurance brokers, St. Peter's chambers, Cornhill
Smith Sarah & Harriet, milliners, 16 Upper Gloucester place, Chelsea
Smith, Scurfield & Co. coal factors, 3 Cross lane, St. Mary at hill
Smith & Sharp, coal merchants & wharfingers, Hermitage wharf, 343 Wapping ; Oak
wharf, 11 City road basin ; Times wharf, New North road; & Savoy wharf, Strand
Smith & Simmonds, whalebone cutters, whale fin merchants & importers of rattans,
11 Fell street, Cripplegate
Smith (Sebastian) & Co. merchants, 21 Queen street, Cheapside
Smith & Snodin, wax & tallow chandlers & melters, 41 Red Lion street, Holborn; &
30 Theobald's road
Smith & Steer, stockbrokers, 77 Old Broad street
Smith & Stickals, cheesemongers, 12 Queen buildings. Knightsbridge
Smith, Sundius & Co. ship & general agents & insurance brokers, 76 Cornhill, &
Baltic coffee house
Smith Susannah & Son, plumbers, 3 Bread street hill
Smith & Taylor, solicitors, 3 Basinghall street
Smith Thomas & Co. horse hair, flock, wool & cotton wadding manufacturers, 1
Minto street, Long lane, Borough
Smith Thomas & Co. tea dealers & wine merchants, 302 High Holborn
Smith Thomas & Edward, pawnbrokers,17 South street, Manchester square
Smith Thomas & John, tanners, Spa road, Bermondsey
Smith T. W. & Co. merchants, 29 Great St. Helen's
Smith Thomas John & Joseph, quill merchants, pen, ink & wax manufacturers, &
makers of the improved metallic paper memorandum books, 3 Pilgrim street,
Ludgate hill
Smith Thomas & Walter, corah printers & silk manufacturers, 35 Poultry
Smith & Thompson, silk manufacturers, 1A, Watling street
Smith & Titford, engravers, &c. 10 King street, Snow hill
Smith & Tyers, liquid sugar refiners, 203 Upper Thames street
Smith & Watkins, linendrapers, 134 Tottenham court road
Smith William & Co. buttonmakers & sword cutlers, 33 George street, Hanover
Smith William & Co. importers of cigars, 12 King's arms yard, Moorgate street
Smith William, & Co. scalemakers, 238 Borough High street
Smith William & George, printsellers, 24 Lisle street, Leicester square
Smith William, Lepard & Co. wholesale stationers, 32 James street, Covent garden
Smith William, & Robert, merchants, & linen thread makers, 2 Bow lane
Smith William & Sons, blind maker, 3 Castle lane, Bridge street, Southwark
Smith William & William Wyke, attorneys, 16 Southampton street Bloomsbury
Smith's Patent Ship Propeller Co. 15 Fish street hill
Smith Abel, New Crown & Cushion P.H. 55 Mount street, Lambeth
Smith Abraham, baker, 11 Upper Park place, Dorset square
Smith Abraham, tailor, 62 King street, Westminster
Smith Albert, M.R.C.S. dentist, 14 Percy street, Tottenham court road
Smith Alexander, corndealer, 18 Bedford street, Covent garden
Smith Alexander, George P.H. 234 Kent street, Borough
Smith Alex. working silversmith, 3 Bedfordbury, Covent garden
Smith Alfred, cut glass manufacturer, 27 Everetts street, Russell square
Smith Alfred, linendraper, 12 London terrace, Hackney road
Smith Alfred Bucknell, bookbinder, 54 St. John street road
Smith Andrew, bill broker, 1 Birchin lane, Cornhill
Smith Andrew, engineer & millwright, 69 Princes street, Leicester square, & 4
Mill wall, Poplar
Smith Andrew, Scotch box & Ayrshire fancy wood manufacturer to his late Majesty,
18 Lowther arcade
Smith Ann (Mrs.), butcher, 87 Drummond street, Euston square
Smith Ann (Mrs.), lace cleaner, 48 Frith street, Soho
Smith Ann (Mrs.), grocer & cheesemonger, 30 Cursitor street
Smith Ann (Mrs.), oil, color & varnish maker, 121 Fore street, Cripplegate
Smith Ann Diana (Mrs.), timber carter, 62 Cornwall road
Smith Anne (Miss), milliner, 13 New Bond street
Suith Archibald, barrister, 63 Lincoln's inn fields
Smith Arthur, solicitor, 6 John street, Bedford row
Smith Ashton, carman, 12 Archer street, Golden square
Smith Attwood Henry, attorney, 108 Dorset street, Salisbury square
Smith Augustus B. hot house builder, Glebe place, King's road, Chelsea
Smith Baker Peter, solicitor, 17 Basinghall street
Smith Bannister William, Red Lion P.H. 17 Silver street, Golden square
Smith Benjamin, bootmaker, 58 Great Queen street, Lincoln's inn fields
Smith Benjamin, brewer, Canal bridge, Old Kent road
Smith Benjamin, butcher, 8 Orange street, Bloomsbury
Smith Benjamin, chemical works & color manufactory, Blossom street, Norton
Smith Benjamin, cutler, &c. 13 Crown row, Walworth road
$mith Benjamin, Kings Arms P.H. 15 Narrow street, Limehouse
Smith Benjamin, oil & colorman, 107 Fleet street
Smith Benjamin, orchil & cudbear manufacturer, 14 Corbet court, Brown's lane,
Smith Benjamin, printing ink maker, 7 Wine Office court, Fleet street, and Old
Ford, near Bow
Smith Benjamin, silversmith, 12 Duke street, Lincoln's inn fields
Smith Benjamin, stone mason, Albion wharf, Deptford bridge
Smith Benjamin, straw hat manufacturer, 93 Great Peter street, Westminstr
Smith Benjamin, tailor, 25 Henry street, Pentonville
Smith Benjamin, tailor, 5 North street, John street, Fitzroy square
Smith Benwell, dealer in printers' blankets. sieve cloths, &c. 12 Anchor
terrace, Southwark bridge
Smith Bernard, warehouseman, see Hanson, Smiths' & Stephens
Smith Bridget (Mrs.), school, 33 Hamilton terrace, St. John's wood
Smith Caroline (Miss), milliner, 27 Holles street, Cavendish square
Smith Casper, shoemaker, 83 Leman street, Goodman's fields
Smith Catherine (Mrs.), milliner, 39 Burlington arcade
Smith Charles, artists' colorman, 34 Marylebone street, Piccadilly
Smith Charles, attorney, 13 Clifford's inn, Fleet street
Smith Charles, barrister, 6 Middle Temple lane
Smith Charles, boot & shoe maker, 90 Goswell street
Smith Charles, brassfounder, 119 Great Guildford street, Borough
Smith Charles, Britannia P.H. 27 Brown street, Bryanston square
Smith Charles, chemist, &c. 176 Tottenham court road
Smith Charles, dairy, 1 Abbey street, Bethnal green
Smith Charles, fruiterer, 71 Crawford street, Marylebone
Smith Charles, gold laceman, &c. 12 Piccadilly
Smith Charles, Kings Arms Tavern, 132 High Holborn
Smith Charles, pocket book maker, 13 Noble street, Cheapside
Smith Charles, printer & stationer, 6 Hart street, Mark laue
Smith Charles, sculptor, 37 Gloucester place, New road, Marylebone
Smith Charles, slate & metal billiard & bagatelle table manufacturer, 3 Market
street, Hart street, Bloomsbury
Smith Charles, surgeon, 4 Spanish place, Manchester square
Smith Charles, surgeon, 2 Upper York place, Kentish town
Smith Charles, tailor, 105 Great Titchfield street, Oxford market
Smith Charles, tailor, 79 Tottenham court road
Smith Charles, tailor, 3 Water street, Blackfriars
Smith Charles, wire worker, 10 Princes street, Drury lane
Smith C. B. actuary to Nat Life Assurance Society, 2 King William street, City
Smith Charles Frederick, birmingham manufacturer, Jerusalem coffee house
Smith Charles Frederick, brewer, see Ind & Smith
Smith Charles H. Sculptor, &c. 29 Clipstone street, Fitzroy square
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