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London Street Directory in 1843 - P10

This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.

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Pittar (Arthur), & Co. merchants, 48 Old Broad street
Pittar & Co, diamond & jewel merchants, 10 John street, Adelphi
Pittard James, bookbinder, 15 Little New street, Shoe lane
Pittendreigh Samuel John, solicitor, 13 Green terrace, New River head
Pittman Herbert & Robert, bricklayers, 16 Hoxton Old town
Pittman Mary Ann & Son, booksellers & printers, 5 & 20 Warwick square
Pittman Rt. & Herbert, builders, Crooked Billet yard, Kingsland road
Pittman Eliza (Miss), milliner, 64 Great Portland street, Oxford street
Pittman George, fruiterer, 110 Albany street, Regent's park
Pittman Jas. fishmonger, 14 Skinner's place, Leadenhall market
Pittinan James, lodging house, 25 Thavies inn, Holborn
Pittman John, chinaman, 32 Lamb's Conduit street, Foundling
Pittman John Russell, potato dealer, 41 Broad street, Bloomsbury
Pittman Rd. solicitor for the parish, 31 Paddington green
Pittman Thomas, greengrocer, 30 University street, Tottenham court road
Pittock Henry William, hairdresser, 6 Great Wild street, Lincoln's inn fields
Pittock James, pastrycook, 109 Ratcliff highway
Pitts William & Son, chaise body makers, Oakley' street, Lambeth
Pitts Charles, tailor, 27 Tavistock street, Covent garden
Pitts John, printer 6 Great St. Andrew steet, Seven dials
Pitts William, sculptor, 5 Watkin's terrace, Pimlico
Pittway John, desk & dressing case maker, 4 Kirby street, Hatton garden
Pitty David, draper, 13 Mount terrace, Whitechapel road
Pitz Hannah (Mrs.), bougie maker, 13 Lamb's Conduit street, Foundling
Pixley William, ropemaker, see Curling, Pixley & Co
Pizer William, clothes salesman, 102 Chalton street, Somers town
Pizley & Tucker, hat manufacturers, 2 Surrey place, Walworth road
Pizzala Mary & Son, looking glass makers, 84 Leather lane
Pizzala Augustus, optician, mathematical and philosophical instrument maker, barometer, thermometer, hydrometer, & saccharometer maker, 7 Charles street, Hatton garden
Pizzala Peter, alabaster &c. warehouse, 91 Quadrant, Regent street
Pizzey Thomas, cabinet & blind maker, 81 Old street road
Pizzi Jane (Mrs), glass blower & barometer maker, 19 Leather lane
Pizzie Caleb, willow square, &c. maker, 18 Red cross street, Cripplegate
Place & Carbery, tailors, 16 Charing cross
Place & Wood, manufacturers of sewing silks, twists &c. 10 Cateaton street
Place John Thomas, grocer, 37 Great Portland street, Oxford street
Plackett Richard, White Lion P.H. 44 Vere street, Clare market
Plaisterers' Hall, Addle street, Wood street; Josiah Hindman, clerk, 2 Bevis court, Basinghall street
Plane John, window blind maker, 46 Hackney road
Planet weekly newspaper, 299 Strand
Plant Ann (Miss), livery stables, Greyhound yard, 2 Brick street, Park lane
Plant Edward jun., French Horn P.H. 26 Crutchedfriars
Plant George, publisher, Old Trinity house, Water lane, Tower street
Plant John, Kentish Drovers P.H. Eden place, Old Kent road
Plant Jonathan, bricklayer, 4 White Lion street, Pentonville
Plant Robert, hosier, glover & shirtmaker, 6 Gracechurch street
Plant Thomas, chandler, 28 & 29 James street, Oxford street
Plant William, enameller, 24 Meredith street, Clerkenwell
Plante Peter, hosier, see Pope & Plante ,
Plasket Thomas Henry & Son, wine & brandy merchants, 24 Old Burlington street
Plaskett & Shilton, builders, Robert street, Wine street, Waterloo road
Plaskett Ruben, watch maker, 31 Raven street, Whitechapel road
Plasted James, tobacconist, 122 Ratcliff highway
Plater Thomas, fishmonger, 48 King street, Westminster
Plato Silvester, working jeweller, 21 Artillery lane, Bishopsgate
Platow (Morritz), & Co. [late Vardy & Co.] fitting manufacturers, & patentees & manufacturers of the double cone gas burner, the gas moderator, Platow's automaton coffee urn, & Platow's beer engine, 55 High Holborn
Platt John & Son, house painters & paper hangers, 3 John street, Oxford street
Piatt Edward, barrister, 3 Hare court, Temple
Platt George, bootmaker, 2 Maddox street, Bond street
Platt James, builder & bricklayer, 32 John street, Fitzroy square
Platt Jas. secret springer, 21 St. James's walk, Clerkenwell
Platt John, solicitor, 5 Church court, Clement's lane
Platt Thomas, attorney, 26 Brunswick square
Platt Thomas, barrister, 4 Stone buildings, Lincoln's inn
Platt Thomas Joshua, Q.C. barrister, 10 Farrar's buildings, Temple
Platt William, upholsterer & broker, 270 Whitechapel road
Platten Thomas, blacking maker, 20 Russell street, Mile end
Plattford John, linendraper & hosier, 20 Crown street, Finsbury
Platts Frederick, engraver, &c. 5 New Church street west, Edgware road
Platts Henry, attorney, a commissioner for taking affidavits in Surrey, Kent, Essex, Middlesex & Canterbury, & hon sec. to mechanics' philanthropic institution, 13 South square, Gray's inn
Platts Isaac, pawnbroker, 21 Upper York street, Bryanston square
Platts Joseph, stock & bit maker, 13 Little Peter street, Westminster
Plaxman William, sen. dyer & scourer, 46 Spital square
Plaxton William, Wells, refined sugar broker, 55 Commercial sale rooms
Player Horatio, watchmaker, 2 North place, Gray's inn lane
Player John Phillips, stationer, 53 New Church street, Lisson grove
Playford Henry, general merchant, 9 Botolph lane, Eastcheap
Playford Henry, stockbroker, 3 Copthall buildings
Playll John James, bootmaker, 120 Bishopsgate without
Playne Peter P. & Charles, woollen manufacturers, 9 Ironmonger lane
Playne William, & Co. woollen cloth manufacturers, 22 Basinghall street
Playstead Henry, carriage lampmaker, 14 Dorrington street, Leather lane
Playsted Henry, carpenter & undertaker, 14 Heddon street, Regent street
Pleasant Edmund, builder, 14 Cobourg street, Clerkenwell
#. John, bricklayer & builder, 1 Vauxhall street, Lambeth
Plenderleath Robert, furniture dealer, 17 Pread street, Edgware road
Plevy John, Falcon P.H. Wandsworth road
Plews John, bridge contractor, &c. Millwall
Plews Robert, hosier, glover & outfitter, 129 Strand
Plews Thomas, solicitor, 32 Bucklersbury
Pleydell & Foote, merchants, 35 Seething lane, Tower street
Pleydell Thomas, confectioner, 35 Bishopsgate without
Plimmer John, Bell P.H. East street, Walworth
Plimpton Alexander, cornfactor, 13 Bankside, Southwark
Plimpton Alex. jun. merchant, 19 Laurence Pountney lane
Plimpton James, merchant, 44 Cross street, Finsbury
Plimpton Michael, confectioner, 34 Barbican
Plimpton Samuel, corn, seed & hop factor, 43 Mark lane
Plock & Logan, merchants, 46 Line street
Plow Henry Anthony, academy, Trafalgar place, Clapham road
Plowes John & Co. merchants, 64 Old Broad street
Plowman Harkles, Red Lion P.H.  21 York row, Kennington road
Plowman James, baker, 19 High street, St. Giles's
Plowman John, farrier, 7 Mayfield place, Kensington
Plowman John, Three Compasses P.H. Wandsworth road
Plowman Richard, solicitor, see Roche, Plowman & Roche
Plucknett & Roberts, attorneys, 17 Lincoln's inn fields
Plum Charlotte (Mrs.), hosier & glover, 87 Whitechapel road
Plum George, cutler, 17 Pickett street, or 262 Strand
Plum William, baker, 8 Eyre street hill, Leather lane
Plumb David, boot & shoemaker, 17 Upper Jubilee street, Mile end road
Plumb Henry, bootmaker, 33 King street, Covent garden
Plumb John, tailor, 3 Little Queen street, Westminster
Plumb John, umbrella maker, 64 Burlington arcade
Plumb John, working jeweller, 6 Great Portland street, Oxford street
Plumb Thomas William, baker, High street, Kingsland
Plumbe Ann (Mrs.), agent for south sea arrow root, 3 Alie place
Plumbers' Hall (John Beckwith Towse, clerk), Chequer yard, Great Bush lane
Plumbly & Parr, watchmaker, 16 New Cavendish street, Portland place
Plumbly Robert, furniture broker, 5 Old street, St. Luke's
Plumbridge John, orange merchant, 22 Botolph lane
Plume Harriet (Mrs.), Black Lion Tavern & booking office, 6 Bishopsgate within
Plume William Thomas, butcher, 23 Little Carter lane, Doctors' commons
Plumer Lewellyn G. Horse & Dolphin P.H. 11 Macclesfield street
Plumer Thomas Hall, barrister, Examiner's office, Rolls yard
Plumley Peter, iron merchant, New Park street, Borough
Plumley Peter, solicitor, see Vincent & Plumley
Plummer John, bookseller & publisher, 457 West Strand
Plummer John, cotton manufacturer, see Wilson & Plummer
Plummer John, printer, 29 Pudding lane, Eastcheap
Plummer Samuel, Black Lion P.H. 8 Vinegar yard, Brydges street
Plummer Stephen, comb, brush & perfumery warehouse, 11 Ludgate street
Plummer William, bookseller & news agent, 46 Theobald's road
Plumpton Robert, fishing rod maker & cutler, 19 Newgate street
Plumpton William, gasfitter, 4 Lumber court, Seven dials
Plumpton William, linendraper, 68 & 69 Whitechapel road
Plumptre Charles John, special pleader,44 Southampton buildings
Plumptre Edward Hallows, attorney, 4 Lamb buildings, Temple
Plumstead Henry, builder, 62 Hackney road
Plumstead William, builder, &c. 35 Union street, Kingsland road
Plunkett William, barrister, 6 Stone buildings, Lincoln's inn
Plym Lydia (Mrs.), bookseller, 2 Bretten terrace, King's road west, Chelsea
Plymouth, Falmouth, Dublin, & Belfast Steam Packet Company (James Hartley & Co.), managers, 16 John street, Minories; 44 Regent circus, Piccadilly ; & Irongate wharf
Poate Thomas, pastry cook, 8 Red Lion passage, Red Lion square
Pockett Daniel, fish salesman, 3 Giltspur street, West Smithfield, & 20 Love lane, Eastcheap
Pocklington, Frackelton & Jury, meat salesmen, 8 Newgate market
Pocklington & Lacey, bankers, & agents to cattle salesmen, 60 West Smithfield
Pocklington Charles, butcher, 31 Old Change
Pocklington Frederick, tobacconist, 23 East place, Lambeth
Pocklington John, cattle salesman, 60 West Smithfield
Pocklington Joseph Pain, salesman, see Bowles & Pocklington
Pockneall Joseph, grocer, &c. 1 Vineyard, Tooley street
Pocknill Harriet (Mrs.), milliner, 37 Cursitor street
Pocock Arthur W. & Co. fancy bread & biscuit bakers, and makers of the rice bread as used in India, 27 Old Jewry
Pocock & Sons, coal merchants, St. Bride's wharf, Whitefriars
Pocock Thomas & Son, boot & shoe warehouse, 5 Duke street, Tooley street
Pocock & Wilkin, solicitors, 59 Bartholomew close, City
Pocock Benjamin, boot & shoe maker, 163 Kingsland road
Pocock George, boot & shoe maker, 8 Peerless place, City road
Pocock George Pearce, solicitor, 10 Norfolk street, Strand
Pocock James, carpenter & undertaker, 10 Castle street, City road
Pocock John Innes, attorney, 27 Lincoln's inn fields
Pocock Thomas, boot & shoe manufactory & leather warehouse, 9, 10 & 11 Darlington place, Southwark bridge road ; 208 Tooley street; 5 Gray's place, Fulham road; & 3 Queen's buildings, Knightsbridge
Pocock Thomas Gotch, boot & shoemaker, 18 Newington Causeway
Pocock Thomas William, lithographer & printer, 90 Hatton garden
Pocock Thomas Willmer, surgeon, 4 Brompton row
Pocock William, baker, 38 Palace street, Pimlico
Pocock Win. grocer, 39 Princess street, Lisson grove
Pocock William, plumber & glazier, 8 Manchester street, Manchester square
Pocock William, shell fishmonger, 67 Old Bailey
Pocock William Francis, surveyor, 10 Trevor terrace, Knightsbridge
Pocock William Thomas, tailor, 3 St. Michael's alley, Çornhill
Pocock William Willmer, architect, 2 Halkin terrace, Belgrave square
Pocock Zachary Pierce, surgeon, 11 Victoria road, Pimlico
Podmore George, stockbroker, 26 Threadneedle street
Podmore Robert, stockbroker, 1 Hatton court, Threadneedle street
Podmore Thomas, birmingham warhousemen, see Twells & Podmore
Podmore Thomas, die sinker, 29 Bedford street, Covent garden
Poett Joseph, surgeon, 3 University street, Tottenham court road
Pogmore Joseph, wholesale brushmaker &c. 5 David street, Marylebone
Poidevin Francis, goldsmith, 16 Brewer street, Golden square
Poile George, pawnbroker, 1 New Park street, Borough
Poile Thomas, pawnbroker, 26 & 27 Great Suffolk street, Borough
Point Sarah (Mrs.), china & glass dealer, 12 Harp alley, Shoe lane
Pointer Rd. Prince & Princess P.H. 3 Gravel lane, Southwark
Pointer Thomas, muffin baker, 18 Carburton street, Fitzroy square
Pointing Dorotha (Miss), charcoal maker, 20 Lloyd's row, St. John's street
Points Ann & Son, barge builders, Upper Fore street, Lambeth
Polack Lipman, tailor, 68 Leman street, Goodman's fields
Poland Peter & Co. wholesale furriers, 52 Bread street, Cheapside
Poland P R. & Son, fur & skin merchants, 21 Bow lane, Cheapside
Poland George, furrier, 90 Oxford street
Poland Joshua A. fishmonger, 108 Whitechapel High street
Polden Gerrard, ship & insurance broker, 10 Gould square, Crutched friars
Pole Brothers, merchants, 21 Billiter street, City
Pole & Maylard, silk mercers & drapers, 95 & 96 Borough High street
Pole William, barrister, 3 Stone buildings, Lincoln's inn
Pole William, Edmund, barrister, l New square, Lincoln's inn
Polhill & Coleman, wine & spirit merchants, 2 Crown court, Old Bond street
Police Gazette (Monday, Wednesday & Friday), Bow street, Covent garden
Polish Refugees' Office (John S. Stebbs, secretary), 2 Middle Scotland yard
Polkinghorn & Davies, milliners & dressmaker, 19 Duke street, Smithfields
Polkinghorne Edwin S. merchant, 4 New London street
Pollack John, tailor, 5 Great Alie street, Goodman's fields
Pollak James, wool merchant, 2 Sambrook court, Basinghall street
Pollard Charlotte & Co. artificial florists, 8 Warwick street, Golden square
Pollard John & Co. warehousemen, 12 Coleman street
Pollard, Wells & Co. west india merchants, 27 Bucklersbury
Pollard Edward, William, surgeon, 1 Brompton square, Fulham road
Pollard Andrew, coal & corn agent, 188 Borough High street
Pollard George, bookseller, 4 William's place, Walworth
Pollard George, newsvender, 17 Duke street, West Smithficli
Pollard James, tailor, 9 Redcross square, Cripplegate
Pollard Peter, grocer & cheesemonger, 5 Lawson street, New Kent road
Pollard Sarah (Mrs.), boarding house, 17 Bedford street, Russell square
Pollard Thomas R. dairyman, 9 New Quebec street, Portman square
Pollard William, butcher, 49 King street, Golden square
Pollard William, butcher, 27 Doyley street, Sloane square, Chelsea
Pollentine William, picture dealer, 48 Wardour street, Soho
Poller Robert, Ship P.H. 36 Wardour street, Soho
Pollett George E. & Son, cattle salesmen, 8 West Smithfield
Pollett, Sunart & Pollett, accountants, &c. 1 Furnival’s inn
Pollock George K. & Charles M.I.solicitors, 19 Great George street, Westminster
Pollock David (Q.C.), barrister, 3 Pump court, Temple
Pellock Sir Frederick, attorney general, 2 King's Bench walk, Temple
Pollock George, carpet manufacturer, 11 Addle street, Wood street
Pollock Isaac, manchester warehouse, see Adams & Pollock
Pollock John, agent for Alexander Cowan & Sons, papermakers of Penicuik, near Edinburgh, & agent for the Scottish Provident Life Insurance Co. 12 Great St. Thomas Apostle
Pollock John, wine merchant, 4 Sermon lane, St. Paul's
Pollock John Henry, solicitor, 4 Sambrook court, Basinghall street
Pollock Joseph Scarth, professor of dancing, &c. 4 Sermon lane
Pollock Robert James, surgeon, see Carrick & Pollock
Pollock Thomas, chemist & druggist, 129 Fenchurch street
Pollock William Frederick, barrister, 1 Kings Bench walk
Pollon John, French boot maker, 98 Cheapside
Polly Thomas, bed sacking maker, 4 Webber street, Blackfriars road
Polonceau's Patent Bitumen Pavement Company (John Pilkington, sec.) Essex wharf, Essex street, Strand
Polson Francis, barrister, 1 Mitre court buildings, Temple
Polson James, grocer, 15 Old Chapel row, Kentish town
Polson William Gray, barrister, 1 Mitre court buildings. Temple
Polwarth Robert, bookbinder, &c. 8 Queen's row, Pimlico
Polwin Christopher, teadealer, 3 Pollen street, Hanover square
Polyblank George, hosier, &c. 85 St. John street road
Polytechnic Journal, 13 Wellington street north, Strand
Pomeroy Mary (Mrs.), glass, &, 4 Marlbro' place, Kennington cross
Pomfrett William, cork cutter, 105 London road, Southwark
Poncy Abraham, watchmaker, 47 Great Russell street, Bloomsbury
Poncy John, commission agent, 47 Great Russell street, Bloomsbury
Pond James, dyer, 9 Orange street, Red Lion square
Pond John, brushmaker & turner, 2 Tyler street, Golden square
Bond Matilda (Mrs.), dressmaker, 26 Porter street, Soho
Ponder & Fisher, army tailors, 37 Duke street, St. James's
Ronder William, surgeon, 54 Redcross street, Cripplegate
Ponder James, baker, 158 Upper Thames street
Ponler John & Son, timber merchants, 18 St. George's place, St. Georges east

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