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London Street Directory in 1843 - L7

This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.

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Lewis Lewis, ironmonger, 61 Crawford street, Portman square
Lewis Lewis Alpha, book auctioneer, 125 Fleet street
Lewis Maria (Mrs.), Grey Coat Hospital P.H. 17 Greycoat street
Lewis Michael, solicitor, 16 Wilmington square
Lewis Nicholas, baker, 5 Pleasant row, King's cross
Lewis Osborn, newspaper agent, see Clarke & Lewis
Lewis Penry, salt & whiting manufacturer, Hertford road, Kingsland
Lewis Philip, furnishing ironmonger, 57 Bishopsgate without
Lewis Philip, oilman, 35 Langley place, Commercial road east
Lewis Rees, academy, 16 Cold bath square, Clerkenwell
Lewis Rees, cowkeeper & dairyman, 19 Brown's lane, Spitalfields
Lewis Richard, cheesemonger,28 New Millman street, Foundling
Lewis Richard, King's Arms P.H. 25 Roupell street, Blackfriars
Lewis Richard, stove maker & locksmith, 57 Curtain road, Shoreditch
Lewis Richard, Virginia Plant P.H. 22 Virginia terrace, Great Dover road
Lewis Robert, cotton broker, see Petley & Lewis
Lewis Robert, dyer, 7 Elizabeth street, Hans place, Sloane street
Lewis Robert, goldsmith & jeweller, 22 Oxford street
Lewis Robert, merchant, 21 Queen street, Cheapside
Lewis Robert, wholesale coffee dealer, 2 Great Tower street
Lewis Roger, cheesemonger, 130 Drury lane
Lewis Samuel Morgan, hosier & glover, 164 Strand
Lewis Sarah (Mrs.), marine store dealer, 9 Silver street, Wood street
Lewis Thomas, bootmaker, 31 Marchmont street, Brunswick square
Lewis Thomas, boot & shoe ma. 9 Upper Dorset place, Clapham road
Lewis Thomas, coach joiner & trunk maker, 46 Long acre
Lewis Thomas, coal & potato dealer, Upper Bland street, Dover road
Lewis Thomas, gold cutter, 42 Clerkenwell close
Lewis Thomas, grocer, 1 King street, New north road, Islington
Lewis Thomas, hairdresser, 42 Duke street, Manchester square
Lewis Thomas, jewel case maker, 87 Newman street, Oxford street
Lewis Thomas, linendraper, 1 Plumber's row, City road
Lewis Thomas, plasterer, 2 Sidney street, Goswell road
Lewis Thomas, sec. of Union Assurance Office, Cornhill & Baker street
Lewis Thomas, solicitor, 25 Clement's lane, Lombard street
Lewis Thomas, tallow chandler, 61 Whitechapel High street
Lewis Thomas, undertaker, 21 Yardley street, Spafields
Lewis Thomas, warehouseman & leather importer, 62 Basinghall street
Lewis Thomas Robert, wine merchant, 16 Gold square, Crutched friars
Lewis William, academy, Upper Norland house, Kensington Gravel pits
Lewis William, actuary to Family Endowment society, 12 Chatham place, Blackfriars
Lewis William, brass turner & tube drawer, & copper & brass plate manufacturer, 3 Rose street, Covent garden
Lewis William, butcher, 5 Lime street passage
Lewis William, carpenter, &c. 2 Star street, Edgware road
Lewis William, chemist, 21 Paddington street
Lewis William, greengrocer, 14 Blackmoor street, Drury lane
Lewis William, horsehair seating manufacturer, 6 Chapel street, Curtain road
Lewis William, solicitor, see Hillier, Lewis & Hillier
Lewis William, stockbroker, 12 Throgmorton street
Lewis William, tailor, 75 George street, Euston square
Lewis William, tailor, see Cain & Lewis
Lewis William, tobacconist, 2 Rockingham place, New Kent road
Lewis William, trunk maker, 5 Broker's row, Mint street, Borough
Lewis William, woolstapler, Tyers gateway, 211 Bermondsey street
Lewis William David, conveyancer, 10 Serle's street, Lincolns inn
Lewis William Henry, straw bonnet manufacturer, 34 Ludgate street
Lewis William Stone, barrister, actuary of Rock Life Assurance Office, 14 New Bridge street, Blackfriars
Lewis Mary Ann (Mrs.), wholesale milliner, 93 Fleet street
Lewsey James, tailor, 5 Paul's alley, Paternoster row
Ley Walter, fruiterer, 24 New Millman street, Foundling
Leykauff John, engraver, 4 Lisle street, Leicester square
Leys, Masson & Co. flax spinners, 12 Pancras lane, Bucklersbury
L'Hospital Joseph, perfumer & watchmaker, 209 Regent street, & 8 Pollen street, Hanover square
Lialter Isaac, carcase butcher, 67 Aldgate High street
Lias John & Son, silversmiths, 8 & 9 Finsbury street, Finsbury square
Lias Charles, silver spoon & plate manufacturer, 65 Crown street, Finsbury
Liberty George, linendraper, &c. see Evans & Liberty
License Office, Stamp office, Somerset house
Licensed Victuallers' & General Fire & Life Assurance Co. (Walter Thomas Fawcett, sec.) 4 Adelade place, City
Licensed Victuallers' Asylum, Asylum road, Old Kent road
Licensed Victuallers' Protection Society, 3 New Bridge street
Licensed Victuallers' School, Upper Kennington lane
Lickfold Charles, cheesemonger, 6 Lower street, Islington
Lickfold William, cheesemonger, 3 Great Quebec street
Lickorish Joshua, warehouseman, see Cook, Lickorish & Co
Lidbitter Thomas, windsor chair maker, 8 Coburg place, Borough road
Liddaman William, hosier & glover, 9 London road, Southwark
Liddell George, tailor, 1 Lower Belgrave place, Pimlico
Liddell Jas, russia broker & general agent, Baltic coffee house
Liddelow William, baker, 35 Hereford street, Lisson grove
Lidderdale David, lace manufacturer, see May & Lidderdale
Lidderdale Halliday, physician, 6 Blandford square, Dorset square
Liddiard & Co. calico printers, 61 Friday street
Liddiard George, Plough P.H. Mile end road, Bow road
Liddiard Gilbert, manufacturing chemist, 61 Friday street, Cheapside; & Ocean street, Stepney, .
Liddiard John, glazier, 6 Well street, Cripplegate
Liddiard Thomas, coal merchant, 11 St. George's terrace
Liddington Job, pianoforte tuner, 38 Newman street, Oxford street
Liddle Duncan & Co. east india pale ale, merchants, 53 Chancery lane, corner of Southampton buildings
Liddle George, wine merchant, 67 Princes street, Leicester square
Liddle John, surgeon, 88 Leman street, Goodman's fields
Liddle Walter, corn chandler, 20 Gravel lane, Southwark
Liddon James, bookbinder, 2 Knowles court, Doctors' commons
Lidgett John, ship & insurance broker, 50 Lime street
Lidington John, greengrocer, 32 Perceval street, Clerkenwell
Lidington Stephen, King's Head Tavern, 30 Old Jewry
Lidstone Joseph & Co. builders, 9 Old Bailey
Lidstone Jarvis, butcher, 4 Motcomb street, Belgrave square
Lidstone Nicholas, butcher, 14 Brewer street, Pimlico
Lidstone Reuben, carpenter, 10 Warren street, Fitzroy square
Lidyard George, Grapes P.H. 63 West Smithfield
Liggins Joseph & Co. west india merchants, 37 Mincing lane
Liggins John Wheatley, wholesale hosier, 68 Wood street, Cheapside; &7 Walton's buildings, New Brown street, Manchester
Light Henry, teadealer, 15 High street, Shoreditch
Light James, carman, see North & Light
Light William, wholesale hardwarenan & agent, 86 Snowhill
Light Zacariah, teadealer, 49 Lambeth walk
Lightbody Charles, poulterer, 9 Edgware road
Lightfoot, Robson & Lightfoot, attorneys, 26 Castle street, Leicester square
Lightfoot Edward, blindmaker, 18 St. George's place, High street, Camberwell
Lightsoot Henry, cabinet maker & upholsterer, Camberwell green
Lightfoot John, manufacturing goldsmith, Camberwell green
Lightfoot John, surgeon, 23 Lower Belgrave street, Pimlico
Lightfoot Joseph, hairdresser, 15 Drury court, Drury lane
Lightfoot Richard, brewer, 4 Freeschool street, Horselydown
Lightfoot William, chemist, see Simon & Lightfoot
Lightfoot William, coal merchant, &c. 82 Tooley street
Lightly & Simon, ship & commercial agents, 123 Fenchurch street; & 67 Lower Thames street
Lightly Humphrey Joseph, hairdresser, 7 St. Swithin's lane
Lightup Richard & George, vellum binders, 4 Jewry street, Aldgate
Lilburn George Sermon, physician, 24 Harley street
Liles John, ham & tongue merchant, 9 New street, Covent garden!
Liley Henry, livery stables, Swan yard, Knightsbridge
Lill Richard, grocer, Post Office, Wandsworth road, Vauxhal
Lilley Edward William, soap maker & tallow melter, see Harris & Lilley
Lilley George, mahogany merchant, 47 Crispin street, Spitalfields
Lilley George, printer, 3 Queen's head passage, Newgate street
Lilley John, artist, 19 Newman street, Oxford street
1.illey John, optician, 7 Jamaica terrace, Commercial road, Limehouse
Lilley Thomas, coachsmith, Grosvenor mews, New Bond street
Lilleyman John, silk warehouseman, 3 Bow Church yard
Lillie Benjn. plumber, painter, &c. 70 High street, Marylebone
Lillie Susannah ( Mrs.), 26 Thayer street, Manchester square
Lillie William, engraver, &c. 65 Margaret street, Cavendish square
Lillwall & Poole, cheesemongers, 77 Gracechurch street
Lillwall Richard, wholesale cheesemonger, 42 Lime street
Lilly James, fruiterer, 4 Buckingham street, Strand
Lilly Joseph, bookseller, 19 King street, Covent garden
Lilly Samuel, barrister, 9 Inner Temple lane
Lilly Thomas, cattle salesman, 8 West Smithfield
Liman Edward, cheesemonger, 28 Lower Sloane street, Chelsea
Limbert John & Co. wholesale teadealers, 22 Tottenham court road
Limbert Bryans Thomas, Triumph P. H. 36 Skinner street, Somers town
Limbird John, printer, publisher, & stationer, 143 Strand
Limbrick Robert, tailor, 7 Brewer street, Pimlico
Limby Henry, chocolate manufacturer, see Chambers & Limby
Limebeer Jas. bootmaker, 10 Great Queen street, Lincoln's inn fids
Limebeer John, cheesemonger, 108 Albany street, Regent's park
Limer Richard, dairyman, 68 Compton street ##
Limpus John, carman, St. Bride's wharf, Whitefriars
Limsden George, Kings Head P.H. 6 Lincolns inn fields
Linaberg Emanuel & Memdel, cap makers. 13 Ryders' court, Leicester square
Lincoln & Bennett, hatters, 2 Sackville street, Piccadilly
Lincoln Henry Cephas, organ builder to her majesty, 196 High Holborn
Lincoln's Inn; entrances, Carey street; Chancery lane & Serle street; Steward's Office, 15 Old square
Lincoln John, surgeon, 5 South street, South Audley street
Lincoln Joseph, baker, 2 Wellington terrace, Bayswater
Lincoln Thomas, carpenter, 15 Belvoir terrace, Vauxhall Bridge road
Lincoln William, Simpson, bookseller, Cheltenham place, Westin road ##
Linda Moses & Co. capmakers, 39 Little Charlotte street, Blackfriars road
Lindars James, coal merchant, 22 Austinfriars
Lindars James, commercial agent & accountant, 22 Austinfriars
Lindenthal Israel Levy, sec. of synagogue, Great St. Helen's
Linder Charles, chemist, see Gifford. & Linder
Lindfield John, Duchess of Kent P.H. 30 Liverpool terrace
Lindfield Thomas, builder, 19 Stanhope street, Hampstead road
Lindfield William, builder & bricklayer, 11 Duke street, Bloomsbury
Lindgren Adolphus, merchant, l Crown court, Old Broad street
Lindgren Hans Jonas, ship agent, 13 Crescent, Minories
Lindley James, bead & bugle manufacturer, 3 Cranbourn street
Lindley William, civil engineer, 8 Adelphi terrace
Lindner Prederick, pawnbroker, 8 North place, Gray's inn lane
Lindo Ephraim & Co. merchant, 3 Winchester buildings, Great Winchester street
Lindo David A. merchant, 37 Mansell street, Goodman's fields
Lindo Nethaneel, solicitor, 113 Fenchurch street
Lindo Zachariah, surgeon, see Van Oven & Lindo
Lindon William, merchant, 12 Bucklersbury
Lindop John & Son, toy & bead importers, & manufacturers of combs, brushes, & fancy cabinet ware, 19 Cannon street
Lindsay, Bristow & Sparrow, berlin wool &c. importers, 51 Bread street
Lindsay Geo. & John, merchants, 26 Laurence Pountney lane
Lindsay & Mason, solicitors, 26 Cateaton street
Lindsays Pattinson, warehouse, 35 St. Paul's churchyard & 70 Change
Lindsay Charles, builder, 10 1/2 Addle hill, Doctors' Commons
Lindsay Henry, coffee rooms, 11 Middle row, Holborn
Lindsay Hugh Hamilton, ship broker & ship agent, 8 New East India chambers, ## iradonnai street.
Lindsay Robert, baker, 7 George's place, Old street road
Lindsay Robert, brewer, 9 Kent place, Old Kent road
Lindsay William, baker, 17 Grenada terrace, Commercial road
ji is won naker N. seedsman, 74 Whitehorse street, Stepney
Lindsell John, barrister, 24 Old square, Lincoln's inn
Lindsell William, solicitor, see Oliver & Lindsell
Lindsey Charles, hard wood turner, 57 Paradise street, Lambeth
Lindsey Elizabeth (Mrs.), tobacconist, 42 Liquorpond street
Lindsey Elizabeth Frances (Mrs.), plumber, 55 Wych street, Strand
Lindsey John, baker, 10 Newland terrace, Kensington
Lindsey John, bootmaker, 35 Wapping
Lindsey John, tailor, 90 Drury lane
Lindsey John Thomas, goldsmith, &c. 12 Stafford row, Pimlico
Lindsey Joshua, pork butcher, 2 Vere street, Clare market
Lindsey Mark, coppersmith, North street, Sidney street, Mile end
Lindsey Mark, surgical instrument maker, 18 Webb street, Borough

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