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This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.
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Lindsey Phoebe (Mrs.), stationer, 10 Commercial place, Kentish town
Lindsey Thomas, currier, &c. 23 Bridge house place, Borough
Lindsey William, hat manufacturer, 33 Blackfriars road
Lindus Harriet (Mrs.), horse hair manufacturer, 170 Kent street, Borough
Lindus Henry, solicitor, 13 South square, Gray's inn
Line John, lodging house, 4 Palace place, Great Scotland yard
Line Mary Ann(Mrs.), milliner, 15 Great Newport street, Long acre
Lineham William, butcher, 25 Farringdon market
Linendrapers' &c. Institution, 24 Surrey street, Strand
Lines Augustus, hay salesman, 3 Irongate wharf, Paddington
Lines Charles, coach builder, 74 Blacfriars road
Lines Martha (Miss), straw hat maker, 8 Lamb's Conduit street
Ling Benj. ship breaker & timber merchant, 22 Fore street, Limehouse
Ling Charles, linendraper,. 9 & 10 Northumberland place, Commercial road east
Ling James, tailor, 7 Chapel street west, Edgware road
Ling Samuel, linendraper, 219 Borough High street
Ling Thomas, musical reed maker, 31 Cirencester place, Fitzroy square
Ling William, gun & pistol maker, 61 Jermyn street
Lingard Mary (Mrs.), auctioneer, 36 York street, Commercial road
Lingard Robert, butcher, 36 Great Windmill street, Haymarket
Lingfield Robert, farrier, 23 Berners mews, Oxford street
Lingford Henry, tailor, &c. 55 Basinghall street
Lingford Matthias, linendraper, 1 Broadway, Westminster
Lings John Benjamin & Son, wholesale cheesemongers, 1 Spur street, Leicester
square, & 216 Borough High street
Limgs William, surgeons' instrument maker, & cutler, 1 Jewin street
Linklater John, solicitor, see Dods & Linklater
Linklater Robert, importer of irish & foreign provisions, and ship chandler, 117
& 269 Wapping
Linkson John, Three Cranes P.H. 194 Brick lane, Spitalfields
Linnaean Society, (John Joseph Bennett, secretary), 82 Soho square
Linnecar Edward Harrison, surgeon, 56 Aldermanbury
Linnecar Sophia (Miss), tobacconist, 20 Lamb's Conduit street
Linnegar James, bricklayer, &c. 23 Houghton street, Clare market
Linnell John, shipsmith & bellhanger, 53 Rotherhithe
Linnet John, goldsmith & jeweller, 10 Argyle place, Regent street
Linnett William, baker, 8 Great Cambridge street, Hackney road
Linney Jane & Caroline (Misses), milliners, 23 Regent street
Linney Amos, tailor & army clothier,23 Regent street, Waterloo place
Lisenden John, pork butcher, 130 Borough High street
Linsey Robert, auctioneer, 16 City terrace, City road
Linsey Thomas, watch & clock maker, 172 Shoreditch
Lintern George, chemist, &c. 111 Guildford street, Russoil square
Lintill Philip, Old Swan P. H. Battersea
Linton & Dromgole, window glass cutters, 16 Bath place, New road, & 20 Barbican
Linton John Henry & Son, stockbrokers, 4 Shorter's court, Throgmorton street
Linton Henry, cowkeeper, 11 Allsop place, Regent's park
Linton James, coal merchant, Union wharf, Wilton road, Pimlico basin
Linton James, teadealer, 11 Melton street, Euston square
Linton John, tailor, 22 Dean street, Soho
Linton Richard, carpenter & builder, l Oak lane, Limehouse.
Linton William James, artist, see Smith & Linton
Lintott James & Son, oil & italian warehouse, 72 Cannon street
Lintott John & Son, cattle salesmen, 41 West Smithfield
Lintott Charles, baker, High street, Notting hill
Lintott Edward, dyer & scourer, 37 High street, Portland town
Lintott William, butcher, Bull's head passage, Leadenhall market
Lintott William, dentist, 24 Mortimer street, Cavendish square
Linwood Mary (Miss,) exhibition, 5 Leicester square
Linwood Robert, pawnbroker, 56 St. John street, Clerkenwell
Linwood William, merchant, 2 Billiter square
Lion Guilleaume & Co. foreign goods importer, see Guilleaume Lion & Co.
Lipman Philip & Son, pencil maker, 8 Old Castle street, Whitechapel
Lipop Lorenzo, bit & stirrup maker, 36 Gilbert street, Grosvenor square
Lipscomb Charles, corn & coal merchant, 20 Platt terrace, Pancras road
Lipscomb Geo. grocer, 8 Westmoreland buildings, Aldersgate street
Lipscomb Henry, solicitor, 6 Ely place, Holborn
Lipscomb William, carman, 8 Gedling street, Bermondsey
Lipseombe John & Co. water filter makers, 93 Quadrant.
Lipscombe & Knighton, carriers, Elephant inn, Fore street, City
Lipscombe Ann (Mrs.), staymaker, 93 Quadrant, Regent street
Lipscombe John, tailor, 2 Little Titchfield street, Portland place
Liquorish Godfrey William, teadealer, 144 Hoxton old town
Lisney Eliza M.(Miss), drawing academy, 1 Mylne street, Claremont square
List John, tripeman, 175 Drury lane
Lister, Beck & Beck, wine merchants, 5 Tokenhouse yard
Lister & Law, insurance brokers, 31 St. Swithin's lane, City
Lister Christopher, woollen draper, 106 High Holborn
Lister Daniel, solicitor, 23 Berkeley square
Lister George Arthur, barrister, 26 Bell yard, Lincoln's inn
Lister Isaac Solly, merchant, 3 Laurence Pountney hill
Lister John, surgeon, 15 Weymouth street, Portland place
Lister Nathaniel, physician, 8 Lincoln's inn fields
Lister Eliz. (Mrs.), cook & confectioner, 65 High street, Marylebone
Lister Thomas, Hole in the Wall P.H. 1 Gloucester street, Bloomsbury
Lister Thomas, watchjoint finisher, 17 Perceval street, Clerkenwell
Lister William, blackwell hall factor, 78 Basinghall street
Lister William, jewel casemaker, 24 Great Queen street, Lincoln's inn fields
Lister William, Monument P.H. 1 Eastcheap
Lister William, plumber, &c. 3 Butcher hall lane, Newgate street
Liston David John, New Barn P.H. 12 Pickett street, 258 Strand
Liston James, engine turner engraver, &c. 51 Wynyatt street, Goswell road
Liston Robert, surgeon, 5 Clifford street, Bond street
Litchfield & Owen, attorneys, 80 Chancery lane
Litchfield John, builder, Bethnal green
Litchfield Thomas, butcher, 5 Wallington place, Wandsworth road
Literary Advertiser Newspaper (Bent's), 13 Paternoster row
Literary Fund Soc. (Octavian Blewitt, sec.), 73 Great Russell street
Literary Gazette Weekly Newspaper Office,7 Wellington street, Strand
Literary Polish Association, 10 Duke street, St. James's
Litherland (Misses), ladies' school, 12 York place, Fulham road
Litherland John, attorney, 5 St. James's street, Pentonville
Litsenburgh Abraham, statuary & mason, 86 Wardour street, Soho
Litt & Bushby, merchants & insurance brokers, St. Peter's chambers, Cornhill
Littell Thos. carver & gilder, 39 Baalzephon street, Bermondsey
Little James & Sons, builders, 1 America square, Minories, and Size yard, 22
Whitechapel road
Little James Worthing & Co. ind. corn starch maker, 190 High Holborn
Little & Oakshatt, carpenters & builders, 28 George street, Shoreditch
Little & Sparrow, cloth workers, 7 White hart street, Catherine street
Little Augustus Fred. house agent, l Dorset square
Little Burgess, ironmonger & smith, Broadway, Stratford
Little David, coach lace maker, 22 Newton street, Holborn
Little Edward, cowkeeper, 16 Upper Ranelagh street
Little Edward Cullen, cooper, 14 High street, Camberwell
Little Edward May, cowkeeper, 16 Arabella row, Pimlico
Little Eliza (Mrs.), tobacconist, 5 Duke street, Aldgate
Little Frances Ann (Mrs.), stationer & bookseller, 34 Henrietta street, Covent
Little George, barrister, 11 New square, Lincoln's inn
Little George, corndealer, 1 Liverpool street, King's cross
Little Giles, fishing tackle maker, 15 Fetter lane, Holborn
Little Henry, florist & seedsman by appointment to her Majesty,13 Gloucester
place, King's road, Chelsea & 7 Mansion house, City
Little John, dairyman, 27 Elizabeth street south, Pimlico
Little John, Red Lion stables, 16 Red Lion street, Whitechapel
Little Joseph, builder, 3 Church court, Clement's lane
Little Joseph, cheesemonger, 44 Leather lane, Holborn
Little Joseph, timber merchant, 6 Brighton place, Hackney road
Little Robert, wine merchant, 4 Somerset place, New road, Commercial road east
Little Robert Ed. stockbroker, 11 Warnford court, Throgmorton street
Little Thomas, architect, 36 Northumberland street, Marylebone
Little Thomas, potato salesman, Cotton's wharf, Tooley street
Little Walter, whiskey merchant, 6 Three King court & Baltic
Little William, carpenter & builder, 119 Kingsland road
Little William, coal merchant, see Monkhouse & Little
Little William, coal merchant, 15 Earl street, Blackfriars
Little William, confectioner, 4 Great Russell street, Covent garden
Little William, cooper, Little Cross street, Newington butts
Little William, corn, &c. merchant, 31 North row, Grosvenor sq
Little William John, physician, 10 Finsbury square
Littlefield James, dining rooms, 23 High road, Knightsbridge
Littlefield James, potato dealer, 43 Aldgate High street
Littleford John, working jeweller, 8 St. James's street, Clerkenwell
Littleford Joseph, coachmaker, 76 High street, Marylebone
Littlejohn Thomas & Son, Scotch confectioners, 77 King William street, City
Littlejohn Martha (Mrs.), hatter & furrier, 62 Paddington street
Littlejohn Sophia (Mrs.), capmaker, 49 1/2 King street, Golden square
Littlejohn Thomas, baker, 129 Brick lane, Spitalfields
Littlewood John & Co. outfitters, hosiers & tailors. 78 New Bond street
Littlewood John & Co. merchants, 115 Wood street, Cheapside
Littlewood Edward, butcher, 7 Beaufort terrace, King's road, Chelsea
Littlewood Enoch, Kings Arms P.H. 5 Chapel street, Bedford row
Littlewood George, carriage lamp maker, 32 Upper King street, Bloomsbury
Littlewood Samuel, cooper & paper merchant, 185 Upper Thames street
Littlewood Thomas, butcher, 74 Wells street, Oxford street
Littlewort Charles James, surgeon dentist, 12 New Bridge street
Littlewort George, optician, 11 Ball alley, Lombard street
Littlewort William, optician, 7 Ball alley, Lombard street
Littleworth George, watchmaker, 21 Rahere street, Goswell road
Litton James, butcher, 1 Nile street, Hoxton New town
Livermore & Son, furnishing ironmongers, 30 Oxford street
Livermore & Tranah, pawnbrokers, 127 Tottenham court road
Livermore James, foreign wine & spirit importer, 27 Mincing lane
Livermore Samuel, auctioneer, 32 Beaufort street, Chelsea
Livermore William Charles, bricklayer, 4 Paradise row, Bethnal green
Livesey James, oil & colorman, 21 Great James street, Lisson grove
Livesey Joseph, artist, 26 Valentine place, Blackfriars road
Livett Richard, house agent, 23 Wyndham street, Bryanstone square
Living Edwin & Co. wax & tallow chandler, 1 Chancery lane, Holborn
Living Robert, poulterer & game dealer, Leadenhall market
Livings John drawing instrument maker, 63 Rahere street, Goswell road
Livingston David, biscuit baker, 109 Bishopsgate within
Livingston Jasper, ship & insurance broker, 22 Birchin lane
Livingston William John, sailmaker & coal merchant, 79 Fore street, Limehouse
Livingstone Alexander Speed, engineer, Cornhill
Livock John, architect & surveyor, 89 Wakefield street, Brunswick square
Lizardi Francis de, & Co. merchants, 26 Austinfriars
Lizars Ann (Mrs.), dairy, 27 Maiden lane, Covent garden
Lizarzaburu Manuel, merchant, 64 Cornhill
Llanelly Railway & Dock Co. (John Bigg, sec.) 59 0ld Broad street
Llangennech Coal Company, 18 & 19 Crosby hall chambers
Llewellin Henry, solicitor, 29 Noble street, Cheapside
Llewellyn Thomas, surgeon, 9 Mount place, Whitechapel road
Lloyd, David & Co. wholesale grocers & teadealers, 18 Rood lane, Fenchurch
Lloyd & Davies, wholesale perfumers, 7 Rathbone place, Oxford street
Lloyd Edmund & Co. booksellers, &c. 57 Harley street, Cavendish square
Lloyd Georgiana & Louisa (Misses), staymakers, 79 New Bond street
Lloyd John & Francis, tobacco & snuff manufacturers, 77 Snowhill
Lloyd John & Son, glovers, 2 Charlton street, Regent street
Lloyd & Key, stockbrokers, 11 Shorter's court & Rotunda, Bank
Lloyd & Meeson, surgeons, 1 New Basinghall street
Lloyd Sarah (Mrs.),& Co. straw hat warehouse, 2 Wigmore street
Lloyd, Stewart & Brodribb, tea brokers, 130 Fenchurch street
Lloyd Thomas & Co. grocers & teadealers, 141 Aldersgate street & 4 Plumber's
row, City road
Lloyd Thomas P. & Co. russia merchants, 23 Abchurch lane
Lloyd's Captains' Room, 80 Bishopsgate within
Lloyd's Coffee House, 80 Bishopsgate within
Lloyd's Register of British & Foreign. Shipping (C Graham, sec.), 2 White Lion
court, Cornhill
Lloyd's Subscribers' Room, Old South Sea House, Threadneedle street
Lloyd Benjamin, baker, 27 Bevenden street, Hoxton
Lloyd B. Fredk.(Mrs.), milliner, 41 King's road east, Sloane square
Lloyd Bernard Septimus, agent, see Wreford & Lloyd
Lloyd Charles, barrister, 26 Chancery lane
Lloyd Charles, hat leather & lining cutter, 64 Redcross street, Borough
Lloyd Charles, tobacco manufacturer, see Wishart & Lloyd
Lloyd Edmund, boot & shoemaker, 57 Houndsditch
Lloyd Edward, bricklayer, 118 Great Portland street, Oxford street
Lloyd Edward, merchant, 5 White Hart court, Lombard street
Lloyd Edward, printer & publisher, 231 Shoreditch High street
Lloyd Edward John, barrister, 3 New square, Lincoln's inn
Lloyd Eliza (Miss), milliner, 56 Brook street, Grosvenor square
Lloyd Eusebius Arthur, surgeon, 14 Bedford row, Bloomsby
Lloyd Frederick, butcher, 5 Bray's biuldings, Lower road, Islington
Lloyd Fred. T. custom house agent, 23 Abchurch lane
Lloyd George, french hat manufacturer. 18 Banner street, St. Luke's
Lloyd George, oil & italian warehouse, 45 Little Britain
Lloyd George John, solicitor, 16 Great James street, Bedford row
Lloyd Henry, banker, see Hanbury's, Taylor & Lloyd's
Lloyd Henry Edward L. engineer & millwright, Gravel lane, Borough, & 33 Nelson
square, Blackfriars
Lloyd Herbert, solicitor, 61 Cheapside
Lloyd Hugh, attorney, 32 Brewer street, Golden square
Lloyd James, tobacconist, 54 Gray's inn lane
Lloyd John, Blue Anchor P.H. 35 Chancery lane
Lloyd John, commercial traveller, 15 Compton street, Brunswick square
Lloyd John, corn dealer, 66 Gray's inn lane
Lloyd John, glove & brace maker, 1A, Wimpole street, Cavendish square
Lloyd John, news agent, 46 Old Compton street, Soho
Lloyd John, shoe manufacturer, 19 Stonecutter street, Farringdon street
Lloyd John, tailor, 3 Jermyn street, St. James's
Lloyd John Horatio, barrister, 1 King's Bench walk, Temple
Lloyd John Hugh, artist, 25 Northumberland street, New road
Lloyd John William, chemist, 192 Maida hill, Edgware road
Lloyd Joseph, coal merchant, Palace wharf, Church street, Lambeth
Lloyd Joseph, fruiterer, &c. 3 Eagle terrace, City road
Lloyd Joseph, news agent & stationer, 37 Chester place, Kenningtong ##
Lloyd Joseph, tallow chandler, 39 Monkwell street, Cripplegate
Lloyd Mary Ann (Mrs.), teacher of dancing, &c, 68 Quadrant
Lloyd Richard, carpenter, &c. Harley mews north, Harley street
Lloyd Richard, drysalter & general agent, 6 Great Tower street
Lloyd Richard, hardwareman & cutler, 19 Ebury street, Pimlico
Lloyd Richard, tobacco manufacturer, 69 Holborn hill
Lloyd Robert, cattle salesman, 15 West Smithfield
Lloyd Robert, hatter, 71 Strand
Lloyd Samuel, dyer & scourer, 4 King's place, Commercial road east
Lloyd Solomon, hairdresser, l Foubert's place, Regent street
Lloyd Theophilus D. quill merchant, 11 Hosier lane, West Smithfield
Lloyd Thomas, Brown Bear P.H. 30 High row, Knightsbridge
Lloyd Thomas, grocer & teadealer, 1 Moreton terrace, Kentish town
Lloyd Thomas, haberdasher, 70 Leather lane, Holborn
Lloyd Thomas, linen factor, 129 Oxford street
Lloyd Thomas, parchment seller & law stationer, 30 Bartlett's buildings
Lloyd Thomas, surveyor, 35 York terrace, Regent's park
Lloyd Thomas, wine merchant, 9 Gerrard street, Soho
Lloyd Thomas H. chemist, 2 Northumberland terrace, Bagnigge wells road
Lloyd Thomas J. cattle salesman, 17 West Smithfield
Lloyd Thomas William, professor of music, 68 Quadrant
Lloyd William, auctioneer, 5 Hatfield street, Blackfriars road
Lloyd William, bookseller, 36 Chandos street, Covent garden
Lloyd William, dairyinan, 36 Felix terrace, Liverpool road
Lloyd William, hatter, 27 Kingsland road, East side
Iloyd William, tailor, 46 Great Suffolk street, Borough
Lloyd William, watchmaker, 6 Britannia row, Hoxton
Lloyd William, Yorkshire Grey P.H. 3 Great White Lion street, Seven dials
Lloyd William Henry, cooper, 4 Hayfield place, Mile end
Lloyd William Henry, pawnbroker, 18 Strutton ground, Westm
Lloyd William Watkins, surgeon, 62 Great Russell street, Bloomsbury
Load & Mair, warehousemen, 88 Watling street
Loaden William, solicitor, 32 Great James street, Bedford row
Loader Edw. timber merchant, 64 Tabernacle walk, Finsbury
Loader George, butcher, 74 Tottenham court road
Loader Isaac, timber & rod merchant, 6 Upper Thames street
Loader James, coffee rooms, 30 King street, Snowhill
Loader Jane (Mrs.), bonnet & stay warehouse, 5 Alexander place, Brompton
Loader John, coffee rooms, 14 Church street, Spitalfields
Loader John, fruiterer, 16 Nicholas lane, Lombard street
Loader Joseph, tailor, 37 Paul street, Finsbury
Loader Richard, cabinet, chair & looking glass & floor cloth manufacturer, 23 &
24 Finsbury pavement
Loader Sarah (Miss), milliner, 23 Constable row, Mile end road
Loadman William, Henry, butcher, 39 Paddington street, Marylebone
Loaring Robert (Mrs.), boarding house, 21 Craven street, Strand
Loat William L. builder, &c. 2 Little Ormond street, Queen square
Lobb Ellis Goods, hosier & glover, 148 Cheapside
Lobb James B. sec. to the british salt Co. 6 Great Winchester street
Lobb Thomas, Grapes P.H. 22 Tooley street
Lobb William, surgeon, 12 Aldersgate street
Loch William Adam, barrister, 6 New square, Lincoln's inn
Lochhead James, glass, &c. dealer, 6 Great Queen street, Lincolns inn fields
Lochner Chris Pelley, proctor & notary, 13 Great Carter lane
Lochner William, Conrad, architect & surveyor, Albion place, London wall
Lock James & George, hatters, 6 St. James's street, Pall mall
Lock Hospital, Harrow road, Paddington
Lock James, lath render, 4 Park street, Kennington cross
Lock John, tailor, 57 Milton street, Cripplegate
Lock Joseph, feather merchant, 24 King street, Covent garden
Lock Lawrence, bootmaker,94 Drury lane
Lock Philip William, grocer &c. Commercial terrace, Commercial road east
Lock Richard, King William IV. P.H. 351 Albany road
Lock Rt. ale brewer, anchor brewhouse, 14 Dorset street, Clapham road
Lock Robert, carver & gilder, 27 Cirencester place, Fitzroy square
Lock Robert, tailor, 13 East street, Hoxton Old town
Lock Robt. Fred. solicitor, 8 New inn & 36 Smith street, Chelsea
Lock Samuel, dyer &c. 50 Berners street, Oxford street
Lock Thomas Agland, attorney, 18 Surrey street, Strand
Lock William, bookbinder & stationer, 4 Borough road
Lock William, corn dealer & seedsman, 3 King street, Camden town
Lock William, grainer & painter, 15 Wilson street, Gray's inn road
Lock William, newsagent & tobacconist, 52 Upper North place, Gray's inn road
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