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London Street Directory in 1843 - L6

This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.

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Lerigo David, fruiterer & greengrocer, 25 Greek street, Soho
Lerigo David, George & Dragon P. H. 22 Greek street, Soho
Lerigo James, fruiterer, l Orange street, Red Lion square
Lermitte George & Co. woollendrapers, 4 Aldgate High street
Le Roy (Mdlle.), professor of the harp, 42 Upper Norton street
Lerro William, goldsmith, &c. 25 Norfolk street, Middlesex hospital
Leschallas John, builder, 3 Princes street, Spitalfields
Leschallas William, wholesale stationer, 32 Budge row, Cannon street
Lescher Joseph, Son & Co. starchmaker, Thomas street, Whitechapel road
Lescher Joseph Sidney, wholesale druggist, see Evans & Lescher
Leschevin Charles P. ornamental painter, 29 Beaumont street, Marylebone
Lescombe Samuel, glass & china warehouse, 47 Shoe lane, Fleet street
Lescot & Mauger, goldsmiths & jeweller, 47 Northampton street, Clerkenwell
Le Serve Frederick, boot & shoe maker, 31 Tothill street, Westminster
Lesingham John, house decorator, 1 Elms place, Bayswater
Leslie James & Son, builders, 56 Paddington street, Marylebone
Leslie Lewis & Son, auctioneers, &c. 43 Margaret street, Cavendish square
Leslie & Smith, irish provision merchant, 17 St. Dunstan's hill
Leslie George, oil & colorman, 60 Brick lane, Spitalfields
Leslie John, barrister, 7 Mitre court chambers, Fleet street
Leslie John, coal merchant, 58 Paradise row, Chelsea
Leslie John, tailor & habit maker, 60 Conduit street, Regent street
Leslie John, theological bookseller, 52 Great Queen street, Lincolns inn fields
Leslie Patrick, merchant, London Institution, Finsbury circus
Leslie Patrick, M.D. surgeon, 27 Wilton place, Belgrave square
Leslie Rd. Baker, coal merchant, George street, Eastern wharf, Adelphi
Leslie Robert, merchant, see Cheape & Leslie
Leslie Thomas, surgeon, 4 Penton Street, Pentonville
Leslie William, granite depot, see McDonald & Leslie
Lesser David, surgeon dentist, 34 Berners street, Oxford street
Lesser Goltheimer, foreign & fancy goods importer, 2 Great Russell street
Lester & Jackson, linendrapers, 63 Crown street, Finsbury
Lester Thos. & Sons, silk & velvet manufacturer, 1 Aldermanbury
Lester Charles, ship biscuit baker, 75 Wapping wall
Lester Daniel, dining rooms, 50 Ratcliff highway
Lester Elias, furner, &c. 73 New Compton street, Soho
Lester Henry, tobacconist, 122 Aldersgate street
Lester James, attorney, 4 Cushion court, Old Broad street
Lester John, builder, see Jeffrey & Lester
Lester Thomas, inoiseller's stationer, 14 Finsbury place north
Lester William, Two Brewers P.H. 27 London wall
Lestourgeon Frederick Edw. wine & spirit merchant, 74 Aldersgate street
L’Estrange Francis, surgeon, 12 Gower street north, New road
L’Estrange H. Frederick, barrister, 1 New square, Lincoln's inn
Letche Leonardo, linendraper, 40 Queen street, Bryanstone square
Letchford Ann (Mrs.), lodging honse, 1 Thavies inn, Holborn
Letchford Thomas, coffee rooms, 37 High street, St. Giles
Letchford William, lodging house, 2 Ely place, Holborn
Lethbridge John Christopher, solicitor, see Bicknell & Lethbridge
Letford Thomas, Lowndes Arms P.H. 3 Lyall place, Eaton square
Letoulat Alexander, accordion maker, 46 Burlington arcade
Lett Arthur, timber merchant, Lett's wharf, Commmercial road, Lambeth
Lett Thomas, wharfinger, Lett's wharf, Commmercial road, Lambeth
Letts & Son, stationers & mapsellers, 8 Cornhill
Letts Charles, watch jeweller, 8 Wynyatt street, Goswell road
Letts Charlotte (Mrs.) watch jeweller, 5 Wood street north, King square
Letts John, attorney, 8 Bartlett's buildings, Holborn
Letts William, watch jeweller, 81 Rahere street, Goswell road
Leuchars Lucy & Son, dressing case makers, 38 Piccadilly
Leuliette Peter, paris diligence director, 34 & 36 Regent circus
Leuty Henry, carpenter, 36 Great Marylebone street
Lever John & Joseph, vellum & parchment manufacturers, 13; Size lane, City, & Neate street Coburg road, Old Kent road
Lever Charles, agent to registrar of deeds for the East Riding of Yorkshire, and solicitor to the Scottish Equitable Assurance Office, Edinburgh, & to the Northern Reversionary Company, 10 King's road, Bedford row
Lever George, surveyor & builder, 1 Bayham street, Camden town
Lever James, bootmaker, 2 Brompton terrace, Brompton road
Lever John Chs. M.D. surgeon, 33 Bridgehouse place, Newington causeway
Lever Joseph, baker, 34 Silver street, Golden square
Lever Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 2 Pratt street, Camden town
Leverett Benjamin, black pin maker, 229 Kent street, Borough
Leverett Elizabeth (Mrs.), pin maker, 36 King street, Borough
Leveridge William & Samuel John, wine merchants. 163 Fleet street
Levermore Sarah (Mrs.), straw bonnet maker, 146 Goswell street
Leveroni James, comestiles importer, Harrison street, Gray's inn rd
Leversha John, corndealer, 3 Borough road
Leverton John, painter, paperhanger &c.2 Bruton place, Berkeley square
Levesque Elzabeth (Mrs.) pianoforte maker, 8 Haberdasher walk, Hoxton
Levesque James, grocer, 16 Clifton street, Finsbury
Levett Richard, nailmaker & ironmonger, 86 Broad street, Ratcliff
Levi Alexander, herbalist, 19 Bury street, St. Mary axe
Levi Ann (Mrs.), china warehouse, 25 Bermondsey New road
Levi Humphrey, general broker, 11 South street, Finsbury market
Levi Lemin, plate &c. dealer, 3 Smith's buildings, Mansell street
Levick & Brothers, merchants, 131 Fenchurch street
Levick Charles, pin & needle manufacturer, 34 Poultry
Levick Geo.inspector of corn returns, 5 Fowkes buildings, Tower street
Levick Robert, lace manufacturer & agent, 39 King street, Cheapside
Levien Edw. & John & Co. stockbrokers, 9 Throgmorton street
Levien Henry, french polisher, 40 Belton street, Long acre
Levin Moses & Ephraim, importers of beads, toys & foreign manufactures; also birmingham & sheffield goods of every description, 16 Great Alie street, Goodman's fields
Levin Siegmund & Co. general com. merchants, 34 Great Winchester street
Levin Barnett, tobacconist, 34 Leman street, Goodman's fields
Levin Henry, boarding house, 24 Bury street, St. Mary Axe
Levin James Henry, merchant, 23 Coleman street
Levin Martin, merchant, 9 Catherine court, Tower hill
Levin Meyer, merchant, 69 Great Prescot street, Goodman's fields
Levin William Charles. bill & Exchange broker, Baltic coffee house
Levingston Charles, oil & colorman, 254 Poplar High street
Levinson Isidor, hosier, glover, &c. 61 Charing cross
Levinson Morris, tailor & outfitter, 12 Charing cross
Levison Samuel, merchant, 12 Copthall court, Throgmorton street
Levoi Abraham, tobacco & snuff manufacturer, & importer of foreign cigars, 32 King street, Snow hill
Levy (Laurence) & Co. officers to sheriff of Middlesex, 88 Newman street, Oxford street, & 16 Fetter lane, Fleet street
Levy & Moss, watchmakers, 1 Liverpool buildings, Bishopsgate
Levy Walter & Lewis, manufacturers & purveyors of maccaroni & vermicelli to her Majesty, & oil & italian merchants, 2 White's row, near Artillery lane, Bishopsgate without
Levy Aaron, tailor, 38 Warren street, Fitzroy square
Levy Abraham, coal merchant, 43 Great Prescot street, Goodman's fields
Levy Abraham, wholesale watch, clock, & gold & silver curb guard chain manufacturing, Trinity square, Tower hill & Albany street, Regents park
Levy Alex. clothes warehouse & naturalist, 242 Shadwell High street
Levy Augustus Samuel, fruit merchant, 29 Botolph lane
Levy Barnett, wholesale clothier, 4 Little Prescot street, Goodman's fields
Levy Daniel, china & glass dealer, 1 Surry place, Old Kent road
Levy David, fruit merchant, 371 Oxford street
Levy Elizabeth (Mrs.),china & glass warehouse, 4 Tyler street, Golden square
Levy Elizabeth (Mrs.), naval  &c warehouse, 14 Hemmings row, St.Martin's lane
Levy Henry, appraiser & furniture broker, 249 Poplar High street
Levy Henry, clothes salesman, 69 Marylebone lane, Oxford street
Levy Henry, clothes warehouse, 28 Bevis marks
Levy Hiam, tailor, 20 Broad street, Rateliff
Levy Hyam, general outfitter, 12 Shadwell High street
Levy Isaac, butcher, 12 West street, Soho
Levy Isaac, naval & military warehouse, 2 Hemming's row, St.Martin's lane
Levy Isabel (Mrs.), writer of the course of exc. 5 Coopers row, Tower hill
Levy Jacob, orange merchant, Covent garden fruit market
Levy Jacob, scalemaker, 39 Belton street, Long acre
Levy John, wholesale stationer, 83 Aldersgate street
Levy Jonas, toll contractor, 3 Crescent place, New Bridge street
Levy Jonas, gas meter manufacturer, see Defries & Levy
Levy Jonas, merchant, 63 Great Prescot street, Goodman's fields
Levy Jonas, watch & clock manufacturer, 13 Bevis marks
Levy Joseph, agency & commission warehouse, 39 Poultry
Levy Joseph, clothes dealer, 3 King's row, Pimlico
Levy Joseph Moses, worsted, silk & fringe maker, 48 Newgate street
Levy Lawrance, clothier, 7 Upper East Smithfield
Levy Lawrence, wine merchant, 17 Norfolk street, Strand
Levy Leon, clothes salesman, 314 Strand
Levy Lewis, bill broker, 3 Crescent place, Blackfriars
Levy Lewis, solicitor, 3 Crescent place, Blackfriars
Levy Lyon, hatter & clothier, l Lambeth Lower Marsh
Levy Lyons, clothier, 29 Holywell street, Strand
Levy Morice, wine merchant, 25 Norfolk street, Strand
Levy Moses, jeweller, 29 Great Prescot street, Goodman's fields
Levy Meyer, commission merchant, 4 Adam's court, Old Broad street
Levy Moses, fruiterer, 16 Grosvenor street west, Pimlico
Levy Moses, orange merchant, 17 Mitre street, Aldgate
Levy Moses, rag merchant, 109 Gravel lane, Houndsditch
Levy Nathan, fruit dealer, 16 Mitre street, Aldgate
Levy Rudolph, merchant, 3 Crown court, Threadneedle street, & Baltic
Levy Samuel, fruiterer, 23 Duke street, Aldgate
Levy Samuel, naval & military outfitter, portable bedstead & camp furniture manufactory, 28 King William street, Strand
Levy Widow, writer of the course of exchange, 5 Cooper's row, Crutched friars
Levyson Montague, diamond merchant, 18 Queen square, Bloomsbury
Lewellen Fred. Leopard coffee & dining rooms, 86 Fenchurch street
Lewellen Fred. tailor, 86 Fenchurch street
Lewellin, Truman & Co. warehousemen, 23 Wood street, Cheapside
Lewellin Daniel, attorney, 43 Lincoln's inn fields
Lewellin Edwin, cheesemonger, 24 Liquorpond street, Gray's inn
Lewellin John, marine store dealer, 2 Newman passage, Newman street
Lewellin Richard, merchant, 33 Claremont square, Pentonville
Lewen Richard, bootmaker, 4 Mason's alley, Basinghall street
Lewer Henry, bookbinder, 33 Lower Ranelagh street, Pimlico
Lewer William Henry, architect, 3 Duke street, Westminster
Lewes Francis, bookseller, 36 Kenton street, Brunswick square
Lewes George Cyrus, ironmonger, l Lowndes terrace, Knightsbridge
Lewin & Hailstone, man's mercer, 26 Brewer street, Golden square
Lewin & Whitney, butchers, 17 Skinner street, Somers town
Lewin Adam, linendraper, 159 High street, Hoxton Old town
Lewin Charles, cornchandler, 148 Whitechapel road
Lewin Francis Ellicar, coal merchant, 2 Duke street, Portland place, & Salisbury street wharf, Strand
Lewin George Herbert, solicitor, 3 Adelaide street, Strand
Lewin Henry, solicitor, 8 St. Martin's place, Trafalgar
Lewin Sir Gregory Allmutt, knt. barrister, 1 Elm court, Temple
Lewin John Thomas, stationer, 6 Upper Kennington lane, Vauxhall
Lewin Thomas, barrister, 21 Old square, Lincoln's inn
Lewin Thomas, draper & mercer, see Ash & Lewin
Lewin Thomas Fox, flourfactor, Queenhithe wharf
Lewinton Alfred, jun. chemist, &c. 25 Nassau street, Mddlesex hospital
Lewis & Allenby, silk mercers, 195 & 197 Regent street
Lewis & Bedwell, tailors, 92 Queen street, Cheapside
Lewis, Brothers, wholesale teadealers, 5 Brabant court, Philpot lane, late Moody & Lewis
Lewis Charles & Co. wholesale bath & pump maker, 32 Stangate street, Lambeth
Lewis & Fairman, merchants, 5 Falcon square
Lewis Jane (Miss), straw, tuscan, &c. warehouse, 14 Upper street, Islington
Lewis Horatio & Co. tobacco manufacturers, 206 Bermondsey street
Lewis, James & Lewis, linen manufacturers & importers, 140 Cheapside
Lewis John & Son, linendrapers, 87 Oxford street
Lewis & Lewis, attorneys, 10 Ely place, Holborn
Lewis & Morland, tailors & habit makers, 31 Maddox street, Regent street
Lewis Richard & Co. printers, 50 Bunhill row, Chiswell street
Lewis Samuel & Co. publishers, 87 Hatton garden
Lewis & Scott, merchants & shipowners, 25 Lombard street chambers
Lewis William & Son, printers & prints, auctions. 21 Finch lane, Cornhill
Lewis Abraham, diamond broker, 55 Dempsey street, Stepney
Lewis Adolphus John, printer, 23 Cumming street, Pentonville
Lewis Alexander, commercial agent, 24 New City chambers, Bishopsgate
Lewis Alfred, wine & spirit merchant, see Hull & Lewis
Lewis Ann (Miss), ladies' school, 15 Aske terrace, Hoxton
Lewis Ann(Miss), straw bonnetmaker, 18 Crescent street, Euston square
Lewis Ann (Mrs.), bookseller, stationer & news agent, 34 Mount street
Lewis Ann (Mrs.), potato sales. 26 James street, Covent garden
Lewis Arthur, ivory, drug & colonial broker, 26 Martin's lane, City
Lewis Arthur James, barrister, 58 Chancery lane
Lewis Benjamin, attorney, 4 Verulam buildings, Gray's inn
Lewis Benjamin, solicitor, 9 London street, Fenchurch street
Lewis Charles, attorney, 3 Albany court yard, Piccadilly
Lewis Charles, bookbinder, 35 Duke street, St. James's square
Lewis Charles, dyer & scourer, 28 Oxendon street, Haymarket
Lewis Charles, watch & water gilder, 16 Wilderness row, Clerkenwell
Lewis Charles Vallancey, attorney (at Messrs. Lewis), 10 Ely place
Lewis Charlotte (Miss), mourning milliner, 9 John street, Oxford street
Lewis David, coffee rooms, 109 Tooley street
Lewis David, linendraper, 6 Kennington cross
Lewis David, surgeon, 28 Artillery place west
Lewis David Thacker, surgeon, 4 Haydon square, Minories
Lewis Edward, baker, &c.; 28 George street, Grosvenor square
Lewis Edward, Flower Pot P.H. 115 Bishopsgate within
Lewis Edward, tailor, 11 Howard street, Surrey street, Strand
Lewis Edward fan tobacconist, 21 Edward street, Hampstead road
Lewis Eliza (Mrs.), fruiterer, 72 Little Britain
Lewis Elizbth. (Mrs.), coffeehouse, l New wharf, Whitefriars
Lewis Felix, fruit salesman, Covent garden fruit market
Lewis Francis David, newspaper &c. agent, 3 Castle court, Birchin lane
Lewis Frederick, surgeon, 190 Sloane street, Knightsbridge
Lewis Fred. Christian, artist, 53 Charlotte street, Portland place
Lewis George, auctioneer, 6 Palsgrave place, Strand
Lewis George, carpenter, 185 Drury lane
Lewis George, chemist, 33 Leicester square
Lewis George, refiner & sweep washer, 75 St. John street, Clerkenwell
Lewis George Robert, artist, 61 Norton street, Fitzroy square
Lewis Henry, gasfitter, 40 Marsham street, Westminster
Lewis Hen. gold chain maker, 5 Pleasant row, Pentonville
Lewis Henry, gold refiner, 40 Wilderness row, Clerkenwell
Lewis Henry, patent medical & toothpowder maker, 35 Norfolk street, Strand
Lewis Hugh, surgeon & chemist, 8 Balls Pond road
Lewis James, ale & porter merchant, 27 Love lane, Eastcheap
Lewis James, corkcutter, 36 Wells street, Oxford street
Lewis James, custom house & general agent, 27 Love lane, Eastcheap
Lewis James, printer, 15 frith street, Soho
Lewis James Henry, writing master, 113 Strand
Lewis James Henry Frederic, solicitor, see Blake & Lewis
Lewis Jeremiah, auctioneer, &c. 33 Commercial road east
Lewis John, attorney, 7 Arundel street, Strand
Lewis John, bookbinder, 1 Buckingham place, Fitzroy square
Lewis John, bookbinder, stationer, &c. 9 Gough square, Fleet street
Lewis John, boot & shoemaker, 5 Brewer street, Golden square
Lewis John, boot & shoe maker, 82 Edgware road
Lewis John, carpenter, 34 Warren street, Fitzroy square
Lewis John, chairmaker, 44 Newman street, Oxford street
Lewis John, cheesemonger, 106 Tooley street
Lewis John, marine store dealer, 107 Shadwell High street
Lewis John, music smith, Tottenham mews, Middlesex hospital
Lewis John, surgeon, 4 Haydon square, Minories
Lewis John, tailor, 6 Little Compton street, Soho
Lewis John, tailor, 59 Poland street, Oxford street
Lewis John, watchgilder, 7 Albemarle street, Clerkenwell
Lewis John, wire worker, 4 Cornwall road, Stamford street, Blackfriars
Lewis John Rugg, attorney, 2 Field court, Gray's inn

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