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This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.
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Looker & Blacker, wardrobe dealer, 25 Wells street, Oxford street
Looker Henry William, manufacturing cutler, 42 Leadenhall street
Loom John, corn & coal merchant, 31 Lime street
Loomes John, porkman, 18 Barnsbury place, Upper street, Islington
Loomes Joseph, porkman, 81 St. John street road
Loomes Samuel, poulterer, 71 St. John street road
Loop Thomas, lapidary, 16 Exmouth street, Spa fields
Loose Eleanor (Mrs.), oil & color warehouse, 7 Sloane square, Chelsea
Loose Robert, waxchandler, 52 Princes street, Leicester square
Loosely Charles, butcher, 19 Long alley, Finsbury
Loosely Elizabeth Esther(Mrs.), babylinen warehouse, Princes street, Westminster
Loosemore Elizabeth (Miss), milliner, 208 Piccadilly
Lopez & C. MCKinnell, wine merchants, 113 Fenchurch street
Lopez Michael M. merchant, 10 Fenchurch buildings
Lopex Ramon de Bertodano, merchant, 27 Austinfriars
Lopresti Charles William, fish sauce & condiment warehouse, 90 Piccadilly
Loraine & Barker, timber merchants, 7 Store street, Bedford square & 61 Wardour
street, Soho; & opposite St. Giles' church
Lord Alice & David, hosiers & glovers, 24 Lowther arcade
Lord & Hall, wool brokers, 8 Basinghall street
Lord Hen. W.& Co. east india & colonial brokers, 38 Mincing lane
Lord & Marlborough, haberdashers, 32 Red Lion street, Holborn
Lord Chamberlain's Offices, Stable yard, St. James's palace
Lord Chancellor's Court, term time, Westminster Hall; vacation, Lincoln's inn
hall; residence 25 George Street, Hanover square
Lord Great Chamberlain's Office, Parliament office, House of Lords
Lord Mayor's Court Office, 7 Old Jewry
Lord Steward's Pay Office, Great court, St. James's Palace
Lord Alfred, surgeon, &c. 22 Trinidad place, Liverpool road
Lord Charles, Salmon & Ball Tavern, Bethnal green road
Lord Henry, carpenter & builder, 1 Great Ormond yard, Queen square
Lord Henry, carpenter, &c. 16 New North street, Red Lion square
Lord James, barrister, 3 Elm court, Temple
Lord James, carpenter, 3 White hart street, Brydges street, Covent garden
Lord James, oil & colorman, 16 Brunswick street, Cromer street
Lord John, glover & hosier, 68 & 69 Burlington arcade
Lord John, Prince of Wales P.H. 15 Charlotte street, Portland place
Lord Mary Ann (Mrs.), haberdasher, see Gorman & Lord
Lord Oliver, hairdresser, 125 High street, Camden town
Lord Robert, drysalter, 5 Wine street, Minories
Lord Samuel, dining rooms, 19 Nicholas lane, Lombard street
Lord Thomas, parliamentary patent & mining agent, 30 Nicholas lane, City
Lord's Day Observance Society, (Joseph Wilson, esq. hon. sec.), 12 Exeter hall,
372 Strand
Lorimer George, cheesemonger, 155 Upper Whitecross street, St. Luke's
Lorkin Jeremiah & Co. merchants & blackwall hall factors, 68 Basinghall street
Lorkin John, oil & hop merchant, 23 Aldersgate street
Lorkin Thomas, wine merchant, 12 Rood lane, Fenchurch street
Lormier William, watchmaker, 93 Wood street, Cheapside
Lorymer William Tindal, solicitor, Lincolns inn chambers, 2 Portsmouth street
Losada José R. de, watchmaker, 20 Woburn buildings, Tavistock square
Loscombe William, butcher, 14 Portland row, High street, Camberwell
Lothian James, bootmaker, 43 Chandos street, Covent garden
Lott John & William, hatters, 83 Tooley street
Lott John Fred. musical instrument maker, 32 King street, Seven dials
Lott Thomas, solicitor, vestry clerk of St. Mary le Bow, City, 43 Bow lane,
Lott William, confectioner, 77 Cheapside, & 11 Bridge street, Lambeth
Loudan William, watch & clockmaker, 16 Blackfriars road
Loudonsack & Case, navy agents, 1 James street, Adelphi
Loudansack Eliza (Miss), ladies’ school, see Roman & Loudansack
Lough Foyle & Lough Swilly Embankment Company, (John Robertson, secretary) 34
Lough Henry, ham & beef dealer, 7 Kent place, Old Kentrú
Lough John, ham dealer, 181 Brick lane, Spitalfields
Lough John Graham, sculptor, 13 Melcombe place, Dorset square
Lough Joseph, ham dealer, 155 Shoreditch
Loughborough Thomas, solicitor, 23 Austinfriars
Loughnan & Hughes, wool brokers, 78 Basinghall street
Loughman & Son, merchants, 78 Basinghall street
Louis & Smart, surgeon dentists, 32 Castle street, Leicester square
Louis Edward, combmaker, perfumer, &c. 27 Gerrard street, Soho
Lound John, auctioneer, &c. see Nedby & Lound
Loustau John, wine importer, 20 Mark lane
Louvel Lewis Peter, haberdasher, 49 White street, Borough
Lovat Samuel, barrister, 2 Stone buildings, Lincoln's inn
Love & Evans, blackwall hall factor & warehousemen, 79 Basinghall street
Love Martin & Thomas, corndealers, 77 New Corn Exchange, Mark lane, & Stoke
Newington High street
Love George, hearth stone & whiting maker, 5 Green walk, Blackfriars
Love George, librarian, bookseller & stationer, 81 Bunhill row
Love James, chemist, 11 Grosvenor row, Pimlico
Love James, furnishing undertaker, 9 Fleur de lis street, Norton Folgate
Love John, plumber & glazier, Notting hill High street
Love John, surgeon, 12 Brook street, Grosvenor square
Love Mary (Mrs.), haberdasher, 6 Providence row, Finsbury
Love Richard, grocer & teadealer, 51 Brick lane, Spitalfields
Love Richard jun. manufacturer of sewing & mending cotton, lamp & candle wicks,
cotton waste, &c. 52 Coleman street
Love Thomas, dyer & scourer, 25 Great Windmill street, Haymarket
Love Thomas, plumber, glazier, &c. 7 Little Britain
Love William, boot & shoe maker, 240 Shoreditch
Love William, corndealer, &c. 4 High street, Pentonville
Lovecraft William, tailor, 2 Angel court, Throgmorton street
Loveday Arthur, proctor, 10 Godliman street, Doctors' commons
Loveday Charles Daniel, pawnbroker, 14 St. Alban's place, Edgware road
Lovegrove & Leathes, merchants, 5 Cloak lane, City
Lovegrove & Morgan, drapers, mercers, &c. 34 Great Portland street
Lovegrove & Palethorpe, surgeons, 18 Upper Baker street, Regents park
Lovegrove Samuel & Edward, London coffeehouse, 24 Ludgate hill, & West India
Dock Tavern, & Brunswick Hotel, Blackwall
Lovegrove Charles, plumber, 18 New Church street west, Edgware road
Lovegrove Edward, printer, 27 Gee street, Goswell street
Lovegrove James, summerhouse builder, 5 & 6 Cumberland row, Kennington green
Lovegrove James, York Hotel, see Quartermaine & Lovegrove
Lovegrove William, Fladong's Hotel, 144 Oxford street
Lovegrove William, Little Wonder P.H. 152 Drury lane
Lovejoy Samuel & William, corn dealers, 7 Peter street, Saffron hill
Lovejoy Maria Frances (Mrs.), paperstainer, 4 Long lane, Smithfield
Lovejoy Samuel. auctioneer, see Walters & Lovejoy
Lovejoy William, auctioneer, 25 Upper North place, Gray's inn road
Lovel James, clothworker, 38 Basinghall street
Lovelace John, leather seller & agent, 18 Greville street, Hatton garden
Loveland Thomas Myddleton, attorney, 6 Symond's inn, Chancery lane, & King's
road, Chelsea
Loveland William, china dealer, 17 High street, Portland town
Loveless James, auctioneer, 5 Little Charlotte street, Blackfriars road
Lovell Charles W. & Charles Henry, solicitors, 14 South square, Grays inn
Lovell & Halliwell, solicitors, 4 Great Ryder street, St. James's
Lovell John Thomas & Co. window glass cutter, 53 Red Lion street, Holborn
Lovell Alfred William, cheesemonger, 25 Seething lane, Great Tower street
Lovell Ann (Miss), dressmaker, 26 Buckingham street, Strand
Lovell Charles, plumber, glazier & painter, 19 Bow lane, Cheapside
Lovell Ellzabeth (Mrs.), coffee rooms, 2 Bishop's walk, Lambeth
Lovell James, fringe, trimming, &c. manufacturer, 56 Goswell street
Lovell James, leghorn & chip hat dyer, 51 Aldersgate street
Lovell John Alphonsus, working jeweller, 44 Barbican
Lovell John Thomas, carpenter & builder, 3 Dean street, Shadwell
Lovell Langford, west india merchant, 14 New City chambers
Lovell William, architect & surveyor, 45 Cumming street, Pentonville
Lovell William, cattle salesman, 15 West Smithfield
Lovell William, gold beater, 18 St. John's lane, Smithfield
Lovelock Henry, cabinetma.8 Queen street, Worship street, Finsbury
Lovelock James, dairyman, 48 Dean street, Soho
Lover Frederick, publisher, Aldine chamber, 13 Paternoster row
Lover Samuel, artist, 24 Charles street, Middlesex hospital
Loveridge John, cheesemonger, 58 Crawford street, Portman square
Loveridge John, dinning rooms, 78 Snowhill
Lovesey Conway William, barrister, 1 Church yard court, Temple
Lovett Abraham Hen. bookseller & binder, 32 King street, Soho
Lovett Charles, coffee rooms, 11 London road, Southwark
Lovett John, carpenter & undertaker, 33 Dorset street, Portman square
Lovett John, cheesemonger, 66 High Holborn
Lovett John, fruiterer, 16 Pell street, Ratcliff highway
Lovett Samuel, surgeon, 23 Clare street, Clare market
Lovett Thomas, carpenter, 49 East street, Manchester square
Lovett William, bookseller, 183 Tottenham court road
Lovett William, fruiterer, 135 Great Suffolk street, Borough
Loveys Andrew Tapper, wine & bottle merchant, cooper, &c 45 Mansell street,
Goodman's fields, & 6 Hart street, Mark lane
Lovick Thomas, surveyor of pavements, 17 Princes street, Red Lion square
Loving Henry, Northumberland Arms P.H. 36 Goodge street, Tottenham court road
Lovitt Thomas, carpenter & builder, 35 King square Goswell road
Low Robert & Son, perfumers to her Majesty, and general dealers in combs,
brushes, &c. wholesale & retail, 330 Strand
Low Ann (Mrs.), baker, 58 Aldermanbury
Low Archibald McArthur, solicitor, 65 Chancery lane
Low Charles John, printer, see Chance & Low
Low David, merchant, 4 Adam's court, Old Broad street
Low Dennis, hairdresser, 1 Little Hermitage street, Wapping
Low Edward, baker, 121 Mount street, Berkeley square
Low Elizth.(Miss), ladies' school, 15 Great Queen street, Lincolns inn fields
Low George, baker, 1 Duke street, West Sumithfield
Low Henry Wylie, custom house commission & insurance agent, street9 St.
Dunstan's hill
Low James, currier, 17 Portpool lane, Gray's inn lane
Low James (of Calcutta), east india exchange broker & agent, 75 Old Broad street
Low John, bookseller & binder, 14 Little queen street, Lincoln's inn fields
Low John, cattle salesman, 17 West Smithfield
Low John, fishmonger, 4 Ship tavern passage, Leadenhall market
Low Mark Anthony, undertaker, 12 Union street east, Spitalfields
Low Robert, baker, 46 Mount street, Berkeley square
Low Robert, Union Arms P.H. 26 Panton street, Haymarket
Low Sampson, bookseller & stationer, 42 Lamb's Conduit street
Low Sam , publisher's circular office, 54 Fleet street
Low Stephen, cattle salesman, 11 West Smithfield
Low Thomas, house agent, 59 New Compton street, Soho
Low William, fruiterer, 5 Queen street, Soho
Low William, furnishing undertaker, 21 Museum street, Bloomsbury
Low William, painter, 24 King street, Soho
Low William, stationer & bookseller, 31 Abchurch lane, City
Low William, Francis, attorney, 15 Clifford's inn, Fleet street
Lowcock George, razor maker & cutler, 38 Cornhill
Lowcock Richard, wholesale teadealer, see Miller & Lowcock
Lowdan John, linendraper, 17 & 18 Crawford street, Portman square
Lowden John Dawson, chemist & druggist, 205 Fleet street
Lowdon Robert, linendraper, 111 &112 Edgware road
Lowe & Hornblower, wholesale chemists & druggists, 47 Blackfriars road
Lowe John & William, attorneys, 2 Tanfield court, Temple
Lowe Sapphirus & Co. scotch oatmeal factors, 48 Eastcheap
Lowe & Sweeting, attorneys, 22 Southampton buildings, Chancery lane
Lowe Albert, optician, 18 Warwick square, Newgate street
Lowe Catherine (Mrs.), milliner, &c. 4 Oddy's row, Islington
Lowe Daniel, crape dyer, &c. 4 Albert place, Hoxton Old town
Lowe David, tailor, 10 Adelaide street, West Strand
Lowe Edward, chemist, &c. 15 Upper Gloucester place, King's road, Chelsea
Lowe Edward, printer, 3 Playhouse yard, Blackfriars
Lowe Elizabeth (Mrs.), Crown coffee rooms, 29 Eyre street hill
Lowe Francis, engraver & enameller, 10 Wilderness row, Clerkenwell
Lowe George, civil engineer, 39 Finsbury circus
Lowe George, Queen's Head P.H. 52 Piccadilly
Lowe James, tailor, 2 Wilson street, Drury lane
Lowe John, builder, 5 Little Wild street, Lincoln's inn fields
Lowe John, cabinet maker, 52 Berwick street, Soho
Lowe John, engraver & enameller, 65 Red Lion street, Clerkenwell
Lowe John, hatter to the Queen, 68 Fleet street
Lowe John Jacob, coffee rooms, 68 Aldersgate street
Lowe John Thomas, straw bonnet maker, 6 Essex place, Mile end road
Lowe John William, barrister, 3 Elm court, Temple
Lowe Joseph, law stationer, 27 Bell yard, Temple bar
Lowe Josiah, wholesale clothes warehouse, 3 Minories
Lowe Josiah Graham, fancy warhouseman, 6 Goldsmith street, Cheapside
Lowe Nathaniel, baker, 3 Salmon lane, Limehouse
Lowe Richard, Green Man P.H. 134 Edgware road, Marylebone
Lowe Richard, press tool maker, 26 Meredith street, Clerkenwell
Lowe Robert, bedstead & cabinet manufacturer, 126 Wardour street, Soho
Lowe Robert Manley, attorney, 2 Tanfield court, Temple
Lowe Samuel, tailor, 26 Barbican
Lowe Sarah (Mrs.), bootmaker, 39 Regent street, Horseferry road
Lowe Thomas, baker, 1 Portland place south, Clapham road
Lowe Thomas, cheesemonger, 57 Upper North place, Gray's inn road
Lowe Thomas, miniature painter in enamel, 40 Ely place
Lowe William, One Tun P.H. 84 Holborn hill
Lowe William, printer, 3 Upper St. Martin's lane, Charing cross
Lowe William, tailor & draper, 5 Barge yard, Bucklersbury
Lowe William Frederick, boot maker, 39 Regent street, Horseferry road
Lowe William Thomas, surgeon & apothecary, 111 Aldersgate street
Lowell Joseph Cocking, bookseller, see Barther & Lowell
Lowen Edward, wine cooper, 39 Steward street, Spitalfields
Lowen John, auctioneer & appraiser, 280 Whitechapel road
Lower Ed William, architect & surveyor, 8 Upper Ranelagh street, Pimlico
Lowes Edward, sacking, canvas, &c. manufacturer, 201 Borough High street
Lowis William, Flying Horse P.H. 53 Milton street, Cripplegate
Lowless Joseph & Son, solicitors, 2 Hatton court, Threadneedle street
Lowley William, stock, shirt & bracemaker, 8 Cranbourn street, Leicester square
Lowman, Adam & Son, cheesemongers & butterfactors, 43 Eastcheap
Lowman Henry, linendraper, see Hodge & Lowman
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