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London Street Directory in 1843 - I2

This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.

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Isaac Alexander, merchant, 148 St. John street, West Smithfield
Isaac Alex. G. importer of beads, 37 Nottingham place, Whitechapel
Isaac Michael, importer of foreign fruits, 7 St. James's place, Aldgate
Isaac Philip, merchant, & navy agent, 56 Great Prescot street, Goodman's fields
Isaac Saul, tobacconist, 191 Piccadilly
Isaac William, whip manufacturer, see Swain & Isaac
Isaacs Asher & Son, clothes dealers, 11 White street, Houndsditch
Isaacs Abraham, orange merchant, l l Lamb street, Spitalfields
Isaacs Angel, clothier, 13 New road, St. George's east
Isaacs Elias, solicitor, 6 Jeffrey's square, St. Mary axe
Isaacs Elizabeth (Mrs.), egg merchant, 23 Blackmore street, Drury lane
Isaacs Elizabeth (Mrs.), fruiterer & greengrocer, 2 Wilson street, Finsbury
Isaacs Emanuel, furniture warehouse, 1 Old street, St. Luke's
Isaacs Henry, glass cutter & stopper maker 159 Fenchurch street
Isaacs Hyam, bottle dealer, 25 Francis street, Tottenham court road
Isaacs Isaac, appraiser, auctioneer, &c. 8 Houndsditch
Isaacs Isaac, clothes dealer, 112 Houndsditch
Isaacs Isaac, fishmonger, 8 Cullum street, Fenchurch street
Isaacs Isaac, jeweller, 18 Swan street, Minories
Isaacs Isaac, undertaker, 43 Henry street, Hampstead road
Isaacs Israel, butcher, 34 & 35 Duke street, Aldgate
Isaacs James, solicitor, 56 Princes street, Soho
Isaacs John C. curiosity dealer, 12 Wardour street, Soho
Isaacs Lazarus, fruit & cocoanut merchant, 2 King street, Aldgate
Isaacs Lewis, cheesemonger, 30 Houndsditch
Isaacs Lewis, dealer in jewellery, watches, &c. 60 Leman street
Isaacs Lewis, watchmaker, 23 Houndsditch
Isaacs Phenias, furrier, 12 Norton folgate
Isaacs Philip, marine store dealer, l New inn passage
Isaacs Samuel, fruit merchant, 5 & 7 St. James' place, Aldgate
Isaacs Samuel, orange merchant, 18 Mitre street, Aldgate
Isaacs Samuel, picture dealer and importer of curiosities, 131 Regent street
Isaacs Solomon, bottle merchant, 18 East street, Manchester square
Isaacson John Frederick, attorney, 40 Norfolk street, Strand
Isacke William, bookbinder, 18 Sherborne lane, City
Iselin & Co. general merchants, 5 St. Benet's place, Gracechurch street
Iselton, boot & shoemaker, 33 Great Dover street, Borough
Isemonger William, butcher, 179 Tooley street, Borough
Isern James, lapidary, 16 Upper Union court, Holborn hill
Isherwood Nicholas & Son, house decorators, 35 Ludgate hill
Isherwood James, Globe P.H. 53 Regent street, Lambeth
Isherwood John F. painter, &c. 13 Holland place, Clapham road
Isherwood Robert, proctor, see Shephard, Isherwood & Co
Isidore Marchand, hairdresser, 14 Bentinck street, Manchester square
Isitt Charles & John, cattle salesmen, 17 West Smithfield
Isley Charles, plough brewery, 41 Wellington street, Goswell street
Islington Dispensary, 1 Church row, Upper street, Islington
Islington Literary & Scientific Society, Wellington street, Upper sstreet
Ismay Joseph, skinner & hatters' furrier, 14 Great Guildford street
Ison William, baker, 1 New street, Shoemaker row, Blackfriars
Israel Nathan & Son, fruiterers, Centre row, Covent garden
Israel Charles & Co. tailors, 46 Cannon street road, St. George's east
Israel Henry Ash, carcase butcher, 66 Aldgate High street
Israel John Isaac, butcher, 30 Tower street, Seven dials
Italiener, Bresselaw & Co. commission agents, 15 Fish street hill
Itter Henry, baker, 9 Vere street, Clare market
Itter John Martin, baker, 143 Goswell street
Ivall David & Co. coach & harness maker, 158 Tottenham court road
Ivatts George, tailor, 6 Great Quebec street, Montagu square
Ive George Henry, gold & silversmith & jeweller, 126 Cheapside; 17 Cornhill, & 10 Finsbury place north
Ivens Edmund, cattle salesman, 60 West Smithfield
Ivens William, Hadfield, merchant, 2 Arthur street east, London bridge
Iverson Richard, dining rooms, 42 St. John street, Smithfield
Ivery James, bell hanger & gasfitter, 4 Pitt street, Fitzroy square
Ives & Innels, varnish makers, Belle Isle, Maiden lane, King's cross
Ives & Swan, booksellers, 14 Paternoster row
Ives Edmund, upholsterer, appraiser, &c. 124 High Holborn
Ives Edward, livery stables, 5 Devonshire street, Portland place
Ives Henry Stephen, Globe P.H. 33 Crutched friars.
Ives James Pain, Old Kings Head P.H. 173 Blackfriars road
Ives John, cattle salesman, 8 West Smithfield
Ives William, tailor,5 Cloth fair, West Smithfield
Ivimey Joseph, solicitor, & superintendant registrar of births, deaths & marriages, for the district of St. Pancras, 89 Chancery lane, & 3 Mornington place, Hampstead road
Iviny Augustus, chemist, 19 Fashion street, Dockhead
Ivimy Thomas Goldson, surgeon, 22 Robert street, Chelsea
Ivison Fletcher, wine merchant (of Cadiz & Oporto), 3 Dunster court, Mincing lane
Ivy John, musical instrument maker & importer, see Wood & Ivy
Ivyleaf James, hatter, 139 Regent street
Izard Isaac, tailor & draper, 47 Gloucester street, Queen square
Izant Frederick, dining rooms, 21 Bucklersbury
Izant Robert, Blue Anchor P.H. 92 York street, Westminster
Izod George, grocer & tea dealer, 180 Borough High street
Izod James, auctioneer, 2 Warnford court, Throgmorton street, & 5 Lower Kennington lane
Izod James, brass rule cutter, printers’ smith & joiner; space line, metal rule & all kinds of stereo ornaments & furniture founder; press & machine roller manufacturer, 8 Turnagain lane, Farringdon street
Izod William, ironfounder & coppersmith, Grove, Great Guildford street, Borough
Izod William & Co, manufacturers of cast iron kitchen furniture, 9 College hill
Izzard James, turner in ordinary to her Majesty, bookseller & stationer, 46 Upper Brook street, Grosvenor square
Izzard James, whiting manufacturer, 14 Heneage street, Whitechapel
Izzard Robert, leather dresser & manufacturer of japan & enamel leather, 81 Long lane, Borough

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