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London Street Directory in 1843 - E3

This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.

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Edy John, elastic truss, &c. maker, 63 Dean street, Soho
Edy Thomas, saddler, 16 Stafford row, Pimlico
Edye Thomas, attorney, 14 Clement's inn, Strand
Edye Walter Oke, special pleader, 11 King's Bench walk
Edzard James, plumber & watercloset maker, 7 Little Queen street, Westminster & 10 Panton street, Haymarket
Eede Charles, butcher, 1 Newland place, Kensington
Eede Henry, teadealer, &c. 26 Marchmont street, Brunswick square
Eedes John, accountant & bookseller, 14 Little Knightrider street
Eedes Robert, cheesemonger, 20 High street, Kensington
Eedes Robert, trunk & packing case maker, 49 Moorgate street
Eedle & Spon, booksellers, 82 Chancery lane
Eedy Bennett, bookbinder, 17 New street square, Fetter lane
Eekhoud Alexander, merchant, 123 Copthall court, Throgmorton street
Eele Aaron, stonemason, 135 Ratcliff highway
Eeles Thomas Robert, bookbinder, see Leighton & Eeles
Efford William, carpenter & joiner, 12 Rose street, Soho
Egan Edward, merchant, see Kingston's, Lambert & Egan
Egan James, tailor, 6 Sussex street, Tottenham court road
Egan John, grocer, 24 Montpelier square, Brompton
Egan John, tailor, 21 Chenies street, Bedford square
Egerton Mary & Sons, plumbers, 1 Temple street, Whitefriars
Egerton Edward Christopher, barrister, 1 Tanfield court, Temple
Egerton Henry, barrister, 6 Old square, Lincoln's inn
Egerton Jeremiah, plumber, 8 Red Lion court, Fleet street & Whitefriars
Egg Charles & Henry, gun, rifle & pistol manufacturers, 1 Piccadilly (successors to the late Joseph Manton & Son)
Egg & Co. patent truss makers, 1 Piccadilly
Egg Durs, gunmaker, 4 Pall mall
Eggleton Jeremiah, tobacconist, 2 Belmont row, Vauxhall
Eggleton Richard, hairdresser, 120 Charlton street, Somers town
Eglese Joseph, jeweller, 13 Aldgate High street
Egleton Charles & Thomas, bookbinders, 90 Holborn hill, & 5 Goldsmith row, Gough square
Egleton Charles, bookbinder, 5 East Harding street, Gough square
Egleton John, surgeon, 9 Oxford terrace, Edgware road
Egleton Abraham, gold burnisher, 17 Queen street, Clerkenwell
Egley Thomas, book seller, stationer & juvenile library, 69 New Bond street
Egley William, artist, 40 London street, Fitzroy square
Eglinton Robert & Co. east india agents, 8 Broad street buildings
Egyptian Agency Offices & India Rooms, 34 Cornhill
Ehrensperger (Conrad) & Co. merchants, 4 Laurence Pountney place
Ehrhart Joseph, confectioner, &c. 437 Strand
Eiffe James S. chronometer maker, 48 Lombard street, City, & 1 South crescent, Bedford square
Eicke Charles, solicitor & parliamentary agent, 11 Park street, Westminster
Eiloart Ferdinand, pianoforte maker, 64 Seymour street, Euston square
Einsle Edw. surgical instrument maker & cutler, 46 St. Martin's lane
Eisdell John Byles, brewer, Burdett street, Walworth common
Eisdell Nathaniel, surgeon, 77 Sloane street, Knightsbridge
Eitel Abraham, coppersmith, 5 Villiers street, Strand
Eives.James, ironmonger, 29 Great Titchfield street, Oxford street
Ekins George, accountant, 2 Southwark bridge road
Ekstedt.Thos. James, pianoforte maker, 1 Bridge house place, Borough
Elam Alfred & Brothers, manufacturers of trusses, surgical bandages, &c. patentees of the new invented elastic spring uterus supporter, 403 Oxford street
Elam Benjamin & Son, woollen drapers, 53 Leicester square
Elam Benjamin, chemist, see Ancell & Elam
Elam Thomas, ropemaker, 68 Marylebone lane, Oxford street
Eland & Son, sheep salesmen, 41 West Smithfield
Eland John, morocco leather manufacturer, Gun alley, 85 Bermondsey street
Eland John Leete, surgeon, 23 Bloomsbury square
Eland Thomas Bult, butcher, Old Chapel row, Kentish town
Elborough Thomas & Co. wax & tallow chandler, 51 South Audley street
Elborough Stephen grocer &c. 32 Guildford place, Spafields
Elburn Henry James, law stationer, 63 Carey street, Lincoln's inn
Elcoate Luke, printer, see Chapman & Elcoate
Elcock Jacob, butcher, 20 Upper Ebury street, Pimlico
Elcock James, teadealer, &c. 15 Paddington street, Marylebone
Elcum Hugh William, solicitor, 187 Blackfriars road
Eld William, bootmaker, 60 High street, St. Giles's
Elden Charles, George & Harriet, confectioners, 40 Red Lion street, Holborn street
Elden Richard, dining rooms, 3 George street, Mansion house
Elder, Smith & Co. booksellers & stationers, 65 Cornhill
Eller David, George P.H. 104 Houndsditch
Elder Henry Weston, bristle merchant, 7 Commercial place, City road
Eldering Joshua, greengrocer, &c. 20 Stafford street, Lisson grove
Eldershaw William, stationer & newsman, 15 Adam street west
Eldershaw William, veterinary surgeon, 6 Mount terrace, New road, Whitechpel
Elderton & Phillott, solicitors, 25 Clement's lane, Lombard street
Elderton Charles, butcher, 2 Well street, Wellclose square
Elderton Charles Merrick, barrister, 9 New square, Lincoln's inn
Elderton & Hoare, solicitors, 3 Lothbury
Elderton Thomas Rt. ironmonger, 2 Upper Gloucester place, Dorset square
Eldred John H. surveyor & builder, 11 Bleeding hart yard, Hatton garden
Eldred William, baker, 1 Artillery terrace, Westminster
Eldrid Thomas, saddlers' ironmonger, 21 Fore street, Cripplegate
Eldridge & Rapson, veterinary surgeon, 33 Colonade mews, Russells]
Eldridge & Womesley (Misses), milliners, 7 Judd street, Brunswick square
Eldridge Henry, carpenter &c. 29 Cumberland street, Hackney road
Eldridge Thomas, coachmaker, see Hay & Eldridge
Eldridge Thomas, builder & house agent, 6 Judd street, Brunswick square
Eldridge William, tailor, 27 Hyde street, Bloomsbury
Eldridge William, watch motion maker, 54 Rahere street, Goswell road
Element & Knight, carpet warehouse, 273 High Holborn
Element John, British Coffeehouse & Tavern, 26 & 37 Cockspur street
Elerig Henry, tailor, 5 Goodwin's court, St. Martin's lane
Eley Henry, chemist, 19 Providence place, Kentish town
Eley Joseph, carrier, 6 Commercial ace, Kentish town
Eley Robert, coal & wood dealer, 5 York street, Hans place, Sloane street
Eley Thomas, wire cartridge, percussion cap and wadding manufacturer, 40 Old Bond street
Elford John & Holmes, tailors, &c.3 Great Pulteney street, Golden square
Elford William, wax & tallow chandler, 65 Charing cross
Elgar Edwin, butcher, 3 Wellington terrace, Liverpool road
Elgar William, tea dealer, see Wiles & Elgar
Elgar William, tobacconist , 17 Tothill street, Westminster
Elgee Thomas, Rum Puncheon P.H. 4 Cross lane, Newton street, Holborn
Elger John, builder, 13 South street, South Audley street & Park lane
Elgie George Thomas, solicitor, 7 Bucklersbury
Elgie Thomas, plumber & painter, 52 Foley street, Portland place
Elzood John Garrard, house agent & auctioneer, 98 Wimpole street
Elias Hyman, merchant, 62 King William street, City
Elin John Bloxam, merchant, Brabant court, Philpot lane
Eliot Geo. H. surveyor & land agent, 4 Charlotte street, Bloomsbury
Elisha Caleb, watch & clockmaker, 8 New Bond street
Elisha Henry, grocer, 10 King street, Cloth fair, Smithfield
Elisha James, wire blind maker, 192 Bishopsgate without
Elkan Isaac, merchant, 10 Bucklersbury
Elkenton Thomas, tobacconist, 15 Victoria road, Pimlico
Elkin Benjamin, merchant, 4 Great Winchester street
Elkin Charles Jn. paperhanger, 11 Terrace, High street, Kensngtn
Elkin William, ironfounder, 3 Kinaston street, Oakley street, Lambeth
Elkington & Co. electro gilders & platers, 45 Moorgate street
Elkington & Jullian, chemists & druggists, 51 Shadwell High street
Elkington George Richards, gold gilt & silver ornament manufacturer, 74 Hatton garden
Elkington Henry, druggist, 132 St. Albans place, Edgware road
Elkington Henry, woolstapler, 18 Crimscott street & Market street, Bermondsey
Elkington John, Coach & Horses P. H. 120 Holborn hill
Elkington Joseph, grocer, 11 Vauxhall bridge road
Elkington Simeon, woolstapler, 163 Bermondsey street
Elkington William, cowkeeper &c. 5 Keppel street, Marlborough road, Chelsea
Elkins & Dubbins, bookbinders & stationers, 26 Queen's row, Pimlico
Elkins Alfred, surgeon, 30 Foley place, Portland place
Elkins Edward, solicitor, 59 Newman street, Oxford street
Elkins Valentine, importer of frankfort black & india paper, & dealer in burnt oils, 62 George street, Portman square
Elkins William Henry, bookseller & stationer, 47 Lombard street
Elkins William Morris, solicitor, 4 Cook's court, Lincoln's inn
Elks Thomas, shirt maker, &c. see Ragsdale & Elks
Ell George, ladder & barrow maker, 13 Tottenham court, New rid
Ell Thomas, laddermaker, 1 Windsor terrace, City road, & 3 Singleton street, ##
Ellanay John, grocer, 77 Leather lane, Holborn
Ellard John, hatters' furrier, 20 William street, Blackfriars road
Ellard William, fur manufacturer, 15 Little Charlotte street, Blackfriars road
Ellard William, plumber, 20 Windmill street, Tottenham court road
Elldred John, linen factor, see Phillips & Elldred
Elledge James, currier, 19 White's grounds, Bermondsey street
Ellerby Elizabeth & William, wholesale sheffield warehouse, 8 Ave Maria lane
Ellerby Thomas, artist, 34 Gerrard street, Soho
Ellerd John, baker, 8 Queen street, Ratcliff
Ellerthorp Jonathan, conveyancer,37 Colet place, commercial road east
Ellerton John & Co. agents & print warehousemen, 33 Lawrence lane
Elles James, baker, 6 Foster lane, Cheapside
Ellett Samuel, desk & pocketbook maker, 9 Charterhouse lane
Elley Dan, stockbroker, 1 Hatton garden
Elley John, furniture ironmonger, l corner Hatton garden & Holborn
Ellice, Kinnear & Co. merchants, 145 Leadenhall street
Ellicott & Smith, watchmakers, 27 Lombard street
Ellicott Sampson, coffee rooms, 57 Farringdon street
Ellin James, toy warehouse, 9 Hand court, Holborn
Eliot & Coins, wholesale druggists, is oxford court, Cannon street ##
Elliot John Lettsom & Co. brewers, Stag brewery, Pimlico
Elliot Archibald, architect, 14 1/2 Osnaburgh street, Regent's park
Elliot Charles, upholsterer, 6 Clifton street, Finsbury
Elliot Edward, printer, 14 Holywell street, Strand
Elliot Frederick, ropemaker, see Day & Elliot
Elliot George, plumber, painter & glazier, 344 Strand
Elliot John, cattle salesman, 11 West Smithfield
Elliot Margaret Ann (Miss), tabinet establishment, 43 Pall Mall
Elliot Rebecca (Miss), portrait painter, 344 Strand
Elliot Robert, coffee rooms, 63 Wych street, Strand
Elliot Robert, porter merchant, see Hibbert & Elliot
Elliot Walter, grindery & leather seller, 14 Bedfordbury
Elliotson John, physician, 37 Conduit street, Bond street
Elliott & Butler, glass cutters, 5 Mount Pleasant, Gray's inn lane
Elliott, Frith & Co. merchants. &c. india agents. 9 Great St. Helens
Elliott James & Thomas, bakers, 26 High street, Bow
Elliott Messrs. cowper house lunatic asylum, Old Brompton
Elliott Stephen & Joseph, coachmaker, 85 Bridge road, Lambeth
Elliott Charles, butcher, 112 Park street, Kennington cross
Elliott Charlotte (Miss), staymaker, 15 Mortimer street, Cavendish square
Elliott Daniel, cheesemonger, 24 Skinner street, Somers town
Elliott George, bread & biscuit baker, 1 Wilmington street, Spafids
Elliott George, manufacturing jeweller, 5 Skinner street, Clerkenwell
Elliott George, oil & colorman, 12 Clement's inn passage, Clare market
Elliott George Percy, barrister, 2 Essex court, Temple
Elliott Henry, lapidary, 10 St. John street road
Elliott James, baker, 11 Primrose street, Bishopsgate
Elliott James, baker, 133 Whitechapel road
Elliott James, plumber, 35 Henry street, Pentonville
Elliott James, potato dealer, 19 Counter street, Borough
Elliott James, Star & Garter P.H. 19 Great Peter street, Westminster
Elliott James, upholsterer, 14 New Church street west, Edgeware road
Elliott James Ray, oil & colorman, 124 Edgware road. Paddington
Elliott James Warner, silk dyer, 101 Jermyn Street
Elliott Job, ironmonger & smith, 9 Beer lane, Tower street
Elliott John, fruiterer, 1 Shepherd's market, May fair
Elliott John, furniture broker, 12 Chapel street, New road
Elliott John, pawnbroker, &c. 35 Kingsland road ##
Elliott John, saddlers' ironmonger, see Baldwin & Elliott
Elliott John, surgeon, &c. 2 Finsbury pavement
Elliott John, White Hart P.H. 72 Bunhill row, Chiswell street
Elliott John Dymoke, chemist, &c. 10 Giltspur street
Elliott John William, birmingham & Sheffield agent, 16 Thävies inn, Holborn
Elliott Joseph, cheesemonger, 37 City road, Finsbury
Elliott Joseph, scalemaker, 5 Hosier lane, West Smithfield
Elliott Philip, artists’ colorman, 15 Marchmont place, Russel square
Elliott Robert, cheesemonger, 233 Shadwell High street
Elliott Robert, Rodneys Head P.H. 168 Whitechapel road
Elliott Robert, sea pilot, 11 Stepney causeway, & Lloyd's
Elliott Thomas, Grosvenor Arms P.H. 2 Grosvenor street
Elliott Thomas, merchant, 2 Claremont square, Pentonville
Elliott Thomas, Moonraker P.H., 94 Great Suffolk street, Borough
Elliott Thomas Christopher, milliner, &c. 76 Kingsland road
Elliott Willian, baker, 8 Lower road, Islington
Elliott William, button manufacturer, 10 Goldsmith street, Cheapside, & at Birminghain ; patentee of the brocaded silk buttons
Elliott William, carpenter, 6 Duke street, Aldgate
Elliott William, dyer, 6 Wellington place, Goswell road
Elliott William, hat manufacturer, 16 Charles street, Blackfriars road
Elliott William, linendraper, 2 New Church street west, Edgware road
Elliott William, mathematical, optical philosophical & drawing instrument maker, 268 High Holborn
Elliott William, silversmith, 25 Compton street, Clerkenwell
Elliott William, Straw bonnet maker, Church street, Hackney
Ellis Edward & Co. stockbrokers, 53 Threadneedle street
Ellis & Everington, warehousemen, 1,2, & 3 St. Paul's church yard
Ellis & Gideon, wholesale clothing warehouse, 2 Minories & 1 Union row, Tower hill
Ellis John & Co. ham & beef dealers, 3 Old Jewry, 14 Castle $treet, Leicester square
Ellis John Jasper & George, hop & grass seedmerchants, 81 Borough High street
Ellis John Walker & William, woollen manufacturers. 15 Lawrence lane
Ellis, Langton & Co. wholesale druggists,225 & 226 Upper Thames street
Ellis Rd. & Son, auctioneers & estate agents, 36 Fenchurch street
Elis Richard & Son, merchants, 33 Wormwood street, Bishopsgate
Ellis & Spaull, tailors, 25 New Ormond street, Queen square
Ellis & Wales, auctioneers & surveyors, 150 Minories
Ellis Alexander, wholesale clothes warehouse, 74 Minories
Ellis Arthur, solicitor, see Wetten & Ellis
Ellis Benjamin, glaziers' diamond manufacturer. 35 Goswell road
Ellis Benj. upholder & undertaker, 67 Upper Ebury street, Pimlico
Ellis Charles, barrister, 2 Stone buildings, Lincoln's inn
Ellis Charles, cabinet maker, &c. 21 Bedford street, Covent garden
Ellis Charles, carpenter, 27 King street, Golden square
Ellis Charles, painter & paper hanger, see Hunt & Ellis
Ellis Charles, potato salesman, South row, Covent garden
Ellis Charles, ship & customhouse agent, 20 Harp lane, Lower Thames street
Ellis Charles, wholesale teadealer 20 Harp lane, Lower Thames street
Ellis Charles James, ship & commission agent, 33 Gracechurch street
Ellis Charles James, muslin warehouseman, see Woolrich & Ellis
Ellis Cydwelyn, surgeon, 31 Howland street, Fitzroy square
Ellis David, goldsmith & jeweller, 2 John street, Oxford street
Ellis Davis, fur cap maker, 27 Cutler street, Houndsditch

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