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London Street Directory in 1843 - E4

This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.

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Ellis Edinund, corn & coal merchant. 149 St. John street road
Ellis Edward, milliner, see Bishop & Ellis
Ellis Edward, solicitor, 14 Henry street, Pentonville
Ellis Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer, 6 New Church street west, Edgware road
Ellis Ellis, underwriter, 51 Old Broad street, & Lloyds
Ellis Ellis, wine merchant, 1 Botolph lane, Thames street
Ellis George, baker, near the bridge, Battersea
Ellis George, butcher, 12 Munster street, Regent's park
Ellis George, corn meter, 15 Powell street east, King's square
Ellis George, oil & color warehouse, 14 Union street, Borough
Ellis George Henry, solicitor, see Lyon, Barnes & Ellis
Ellis Henry, baker, 7 Ebury square, Pimlico
Eilis Henry, human hair merchant, 11 Cambridge street, Golden square
Ellis Horatio Thomas William, silversmith, 11 King street, Covent garden
Ellis James, brass founder, 144 Houndsditch
Ellis John, bootmaker, 16 Marylebone street, Golden square
Ellis John, cheese & butterman, 11 Wardour street, Soho
Ellis John, cook & confectioner, see Brown & Ellis
Ellis John, painter & glazier, 7 Tavistock row, Covent gard
Ellis John Robert, brushimaker, 43 Banner street, St. Luke's
Ellis John Thomas, Constitution P.H. 26 White street, Borough
Ellis Joseph, house, &c. painter, 76 John street, Fitzroy square
Hollis Michael, watchmaker, 18 Bevis marks
Ellis Peter, merchant, Lloyd's & Jamaica coffee house
Ellis Richard, baker, 40 Mount street, Berkeley square
Ellis Richard, carpenter, 2 & 3 Richmond street, Leicester square
Ellis Richard, provision broker, 33 Wormwood street, Bishopsgte
Ellis Richard, jun. wine merchant, see Windeler & Ellis
Ellis Robert, carpenter, 40 St. Andrew's hill, Blackfriars
Ellis Robert, solicitor, see Wood & Ellis
Ellis Sam, drug, drysaltery & ivory broker, 131 Fenchurch street
Ellis Samuel, fruit salesman, Square market, Covent garden
Ellis Sainuel, tailor, 32 Gracechurch street
Ellis Samuel, tailor & draper, 40 Aldermanbury
Ellis Samuel, wholesale furrier, 48 Skinner street, Snowhill
Ellis Sarah (Mrs.), grocer, Northumberland terrace, Bagnige wells road
Ellis Thomas, bootmaker, 20 Wilson street, Finsbury square
Ellis Thomas, coachmaker, 60 Whitechapel High street
Ellis Thomas, Ellis's Family Hotel, 50 St. James's street
Ellis Thomas, hide & leather seller, see Bouts & Ellis
Ellis Thomas, Suffolk Arms P.H. Boston street, Hackney road
Ellis Thomas, lampmaker & brassfounder, 51 Wych street, Strand
Ellis Thomas Flower, barrister, 3 Elm court, Temple
Ellis Thomas Henry, engraver, 2 Jewin street, Cripploate
Ellis William, boot & Shoemaker, 1 Flower's buildings, Holloway
Ellis William, butcher, 16 Great Suffolk street, Borough
Ellis William, manufacturer of fancy goods in ivory, and sole inventor, patentee & manufacturer of glass cylinder anatomical syringes, 3 Thanet place, Temple bar
Eilis William, potato merchant, 74 London road, Southwark
Ellis William, tailor, 22 Northumberland street, New road
Ellis William James, engraver, 5 Great Dover street, Borough
Ellis William Robert, barrister, 24 Chancery lane
Ellison James & Co. bonnet maker, 13 Cranbourn street, Leicester square
Ellison George Thomas, solicitor, see Bloxam & Ellison
Ellison John, tinplate worker, 27 Milton street, Cripplegate
Ellison Joseph, bookbinder, 48 1/2 Paternoster row
Ellison Nathaniel, barrister, 23 Old square, Lincoln's inn
Ellison Thomas, bookbinder, 17 Ave Maria lane
Ellison Thomas J. jun. bookbinder, 17 Ave Maria lane
Ellmers Hem. fur & skin dresser, 8 Shepherd street, Spitalfields
Ells Dagmall, Five Bells P.H. 105 Chancery lane
Ellston Thomas, timber merchant, Snow's fields, Bermondsey
Ellwaud William, merchant, 19 Crosby hall chamber.
Ellwood John & Sons, hatmanufacturer, 24 Great Charlotte street, Blackfriars road
Ellwood George, wholesale furrier, 23 Noble street, Cheapside
Elmenhorst Theodore H. merchant, 20 Mark lane
Elmer & Firmin, meat salesmen, 24 New Newgate market
Elmer Barnabas, meat salesman, see Dixon & Elmer
Elmes Mary & Sarah, drapers, 247 Bethnal Green road
Elmes Harvey L. architect & surveyor, 11 Park street, Westminster
Elmes Henry John, bricklayer & builder, 19 Cloak lane
Elmes James, architect, civil engineer, &c. Austin friars
Elmes Jane (Mrs.), wigmaker & perfumer, 62 High Holborn
Elmes Robert, Fox P.H. 33 Kingsland crescent, Kingsland road
Elmore John & Co. coal merchants, 65 Bankside, Southwark
Elmore Alfred Walter, artist, 9 New Cavendish st
Elmore John, carpenter, 36 Duke street, St. James's
Elmore John Richard, M.D. surgeon, 9 New Cavendish street
Elmore Robert, patent salting meat process, see Paynes.
Elmore Elms Daniel Fenwick, appraiser, &c. 16 Grafton street, Soho
Elms Nathaniel, Geneva Arms P.H. Hayes court, Soho
Elms William, fruiterer, &c. 4 Bell yard, Temple bar
Elmsley William, barrister, 13 Old square, Lincoln's inn
Elmslie & Simpson [late Foster & Co..] tinfoil & pewter manufacturers & importers of quicksilver, 9 Union buildings, Leather lane, & 36A, Leather lane, Holborn
Elmslie (James) & Stooks (Thomas) merchants, 2 Abchurch lane
Elmslie Edmd. Wallace, architect & surveyor, 12 Regent street
Elmslie John Foster, solicitor, 3 Copthall buildings
Elnor Ann (Miss), rope & twinemaker, 20 Star corner, Bermonds
Elphee Caleb, dining rooms, 29 Bath place, New road
Elphee John, ham & beef dealer, 23 Middle row, Holborn
Elphick Edward, plumber, &c. 33 Cleveland street, Fitzroy square
Elphick Henry, Intrepid Fox P.H. 75 Wardour street, Soho
Elphick John, plumber, &c. 28 Castle street east, Oxford street
Elphick John George, hop merchant, Kentish buildings, 94 Borough
Elphinstone George, baker, 17 King street, Holborn
Elphinstone Howard, D.C.L. advocate, 1 College, Doctors commons
Elphinstone James, tailor, 40 Rupert street, Haymarket
Elrington & Dundee, merchants & agents, 1 Argyll place, Regent street
Elsam Richard, furn. ironmonger, 10 Hungerford street, Strand
Elsden John, bricklayer, 18 Great Bush lane, Cannon street
Elsden John, grocer, corner of the New road, Deptford
Elsden William, Butler, linendraper, 4 Brunswick place, Old Kent road
Else & Glasspoole, surgeons, 42 Welbeck street, Cavendish square
Else John Qale, surgeon, 78 Albany road, Camberwell
Else William S. goldsmith & jeweller, 35 & 36 Burlington arcade
Essegood Charles, surgeon, &c. 91 Park street, Grosvenor square
Elsegood Henry Charles, surgeon, 14 Upper Brook street
Elsey Robert, upholsterer, 8 Queen street, Solio
Elsmore John, baker, 11 Broadway, Westminster
Elsom Frederic, chemist, 6 Salmon lane, Limehouse
Elson Richard, oil & colorman, 11 William street, Whitechapel
Elster Derrick John, merchant, 41 Threadneedle street
Elston Henry, Globe Tavern P.H. 57 South Molton street
Elston Richard, chinaman, 67 New Church street west, Lisson grove
Elston William, Blue Anchor P.H. 11 Wormwood street, Bishopsgate
Elston William, bricklayer & plasterer, 12 Wormwood street, Bshopsgate
Elt Charles Henry, bookseller & stationer, 18 Hedge row, Islington
Elt Thomas R. White Swan P.H. 138 Salisbury court, Fleet street
Elteen Ann (Mrs.), grocer & cheesemonger, 54 High street, Kensington ##
Elton Cath. (Mrs.),wholesale ironmonger, 122 Whitechapel High street
Elton Edmund Lucas, fruiterer, 325 Oxford street
Elton Edward, dyer & scourer, 53 Sloane street, Knightsbridge, and 5 Holland place, Kensington
Elton James, butcher, Wandsworth road
Elton William, clothfactor, 33 Basinghall street
Elverd John, baker, 31 Marshall street, Golden square
Elverston Charles, hosier, haberdasher, &c. 188 Tooley street
Elvery Ann (Mrs.), Cape of Good Hope P.H. 3 St Anns place, Limehouse
Elves Nehemiah, cheesemonger, 113 Brick lane, Spitalfields
Elvidge George, baker, 14 Goldsmith's place, Hackney road
Elvin George & Co. booksellers, 40 Goodge street, Fitzroy square
Elvin Sophia (Mrs.), bookseller, 13 Tabernacle square, Finsbury
Elvy John R. sugar broker, Commercial coffee house, Mincing lane
Elwall Edward Gibbons, carriers' agent, 4 St. John's court, Snow hill
Elwall George, merchant, Lloyd's
Elwell Joseph, grocer, 225 Tottenham court road
Elwell Thomas, ironmonger, 24 Hedge row, Islington
Elwick George, thread lace manufacturer, 16 Henry street, Pentonville
Elwin Jeken, surgeon, 20 Broad street buildings
Elwin Marsham, barrister, 22 Chancery lane
Elworthy Alfred, cowkeeper, 68 Tothill street, Westminster
Elworthy James, boot & shoemaker, 10 St. Martin's place, Trafalgar square
Elworthy Thomas, bootmaker, 18 Green street, Leicester square, & 4 Hemming's row, St. Martin's lane
Elwyn & Robertson, surgeons, 30 Albemarle street, Piccadilly
Ely Charles James, engraver & printer in general, 16 Queen's buildings, Knightsbridge, & 8 Soho square
Ely George, grocer, 32 St. George's row, Pimlico
Ely George Frederic, engraver & copper plate printer, 8 Soho square
Ely James, gold & silversmith & jeweller, 8 Soho square
Ely John, Eagle Tavern P. H. 14 Wentworth place, Mile end road
Ely Lydia (Mrs.), milliner, 8 Soho square
Ely Richard, bricklayer, &c. 40 Rathbone place
Ely Thomas, woollen factor, see Nash & Ely
Emans Peter, Edinburgh Castle Tavern, 322 Strand
Emans William, publisher, 12 Warwick square
Emanuel Brothers, wholesale jewellers to the queen & royal family, 1 Bevis marks, & 5 Hanover square
Emanuel & Debarsald, cap manufacturers, 149 Houndsditch
Emanuel Lewis & Son, watch manufacturers, 36 Minories
Emanuel Abraham, bottle warehouse, 26 Great Titchfield street
Emanuel Abraham, tobacconist, 44 Gilbert street, Grosvenor square
Emanuel Emanuel, furniture importer, see Town & Emanuel
Emanuel Ezekiel, foreign china warehouse, 116 Great Portland street
Emanuel Joel, merchant, 25 Bury street, St. Mary axe
Emanuel Moses, glass dealer, 16 Great Prescot street, Goodman's fields
Emberick James, cheesemonger, 194 Kingsland road
Emberick William, cotton dyer, 7 Worship street, Finsbury
Emberley Joseph William, mathematical casemaker, Broad street, London docks
Emberson John, teadealer, 10 Curtain road, Shoreditch
Emberson Thomas, working jeweller, 31 Fore street, City
Embleton Luke, smith & engineer, 40 New Park sstreet, Borough
Embleton Richard, printer, 21 Cannon street road
Embleton Robert, ship owner, 3 George yard, Lombard street, Cheapside
Emblin John, tripedresser, 67 Leather lane, Holborn
Embling Thomas, surgeon, 31 Brompton row
Embroiderers' Hall, (James Burra, clerk), 36 Gutter lane
Embury Francis, cheesemonger, 51 Goswell street
Embden & Hurford, patent taraxacum or dandelion coffee manufacturers, & wholesale teadealers, 9 Three King court, Lombard street, & 6 Nag's Head court, Gracechurch street
Emerson Thomas & Co. carpet warehouse &c. 305 High Holborn
Emerson William & Co. furniture warehouse, 11 Palace row, St. Pancras
Emerson James, surgeon, 3 Blenheim terrace, Bond street, Chelsea
Emerson John, George P. H. Blackwall
Emerson Robert, chemist, &c. 49 High street, Kensington
Emerson Thomas, upholsterer & cabinet maker, 91 Newgate street
Emerson William, silk manufacturer, 28 Spital square
Emerton John William, boot & shoemaker, 117 Great Suffolk street, Borough
Emery Aaron, Hope P. H. 15 Gravel lane, Southwark
Emery Ann(Mrs.), lodging house, 3 Carthusian street, Charterhouse square
Emery Edward, plate glass factor, 7 Kirby street, Hatton garden
Emery Frederic Arthur, chemist, &c. Notting hill High street
Emery George, carpenter, &c. 21 Swallow street, Piccadilly
Emery James, boot & shoe maker, 23 Hedge row, Islington
Emery John, grocer, 13 Elizabeth street, Han's place, Sloane street
Emery Richard, cooper, 6 Brunswick street, Blackwall
Emery Susannah (Miss), milliner, 23 Hanway street, Oxford street
Emery William, coal & potatoe dealer, 16 Chandos street, Covent garden
Emery William, tailor, 29 Little Bell alley, Coleman street
Emes John, trunk & platecasemaker, 108 Little Russell street, Bloomsbury
Emes Thomas, ironmonger, 13 Marylebone lane, Oxford street
Emger James, grocer, 21 Little Alie street, Goodman's fields
Emigration Gazette & Colonial Adv. Office, 75 King William street, City
Eminton John, Two Brewers P. H. 15 New Park street, Borough
Emley Rich. druggist & drysalt broker, 27 Martin's lane, Cannon street
Emly Henry, barrister, 3 New square, Lincoln's inn
Emmens James, stationer, 8 Grosvenor street west
Emmens John, corn merchant, 33 Elizabeth street, Eaton square
Emmens Samuel, ironmonger, 15 King street, Tower hill
Eminens William, secretary to Church of England Assurance Institution, 6 King William street, City
Emmerson William, Albion coffee rooms, 3 Little Moorfields
Emmerton Francis, builder & bricklayer, 57 Bartholomew close, and 40 King street, Snow hill
Emmerton James, tailor, 1 Sudeley street, Islington
Emmet & Allen, attornies, 14 Bloomsbury square
Emmett & Dyer, merchants & hemp cloth maker, see Dyer & Emmett
Emmett Elizabeth (Mrs.), cutler & general hardwareman, 27 Holborn hill
Eminett William, wine cooler maker, 5 Broad street, Golden square
Emmins John, bookseller, 7 High Holborn
Emmitt George, teadealer, 54 Whitechapel road
Emmott John & Robert, livery stables, Barlow's mews, Bruton street, & 30 Old Bond street
Emmott Chris, fish sauce maker, 21 Grange walk, Bermondsey
Emmott Robert, chemist, 80 Albany street, Regent's park
Emms James, coachmaker, 17 Richmond street, Bartholomew square, St. Lukes
Emms Joseph, King Alfred P.H. 11 Lisson grove north
Emney Thomas, lodging house, 17 St. Alban's place, St. James's
Empson Henry, solicitor, 27 Bucklersbury
Emsden John, coffee rooms, 11 Bedford court, Covent garden
Emsley Samuel, wholesale stay & shoe manufacturer, Octagon warehouse, Norfolk street, near North street, Whitechapel
Emson Charles, cowkeeper &c. 11 Old Montague street, Whitechapel
End Rd. wireweaver, sieve & blind maker, 92 Long lane, Bermondsey
Enderby Charles, Henry & George, merchants. 13 Little St. Helen's
Endersbee William, & Son, mathematical instrument maker, & ship chandler,  28 Wapping
Enever Thomas, plumber, &c. 20 Sutton street, Yord road, Lambeth
Enfield Henry, solicitor,19 Southampton buildings, Chancery lane
Engall John & Son, boot & shoe maker, 4 Green street, Kentish town
Engeham Thomas, coach & harness maker, 5 Swan street, Dover road
Engel Jones, umbrella maker, see Samuels & Engel
Engelhardt Frederick, merchant, 1 Fen court, Femchurch st
Engelhart John, porkman, 23 St. Martin's le grand
Engham John, fruiterer, 4 Gerrard street, Soho
Engineers' Office (London district) 11 James street, Buckingham gate
England Thomas & Son, dining rooms, 203 Shoreditch High street
England Alfred, coffee rooms, 22 New street square
England George, painter & glazier, 218 Hoxton Old town
England John, plumber, see Stannard & England
England Joseph, builder, l Wilmot street, Russell square
England Thomas, merchant, 7 George yard, Lombard street
England Thomas, shipbroker, see Domett & England
Engle James, umbrella manufacturer, 18 Little Alie street
Engleback Thomas, glass bender, 10 Thrawl street, Spitalfields
Engleheart Nathaniel B. & Son, proctors, 19 Great Knightrider street
Engleheart William Hayley, solicitor, 19 Gt. Knightrider st
Englefield Richard, confectioner, 11 Lower Eaton street, Pimlico
Engley Thomas Frederick, linendraper, see Simpson & Engley

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