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This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.
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Edgcumbe George, basket maker & turner, 99 Poplar High street
Edgeler William, bookbinder, 6 Apollo court, Fleet street
Edgeley Thomas, tailor & hosier, 45 Burlington arcade
Edgell Alexander, solicitor, 4 Verulam buildings, Gray's inn
Edgell Harry, barrister, 21 Cadogan place, Knightsbridge
Edgeller Thomas, upholsterer, 32 Newland street, Eaton square
Edgerley Henry, Golden Anchor P.H. 105 Leadenhall street
Edghill Henry, pigeon & rabbit dealer, 1 Anderson's buildings, City road
Edghill Jeremiah, horsehair manufacturer, 40 Old street, St Luke's
Edghill William G. tailor & draper, 401 Oxford street
Edgington Benjamin, rick cloth, tent, marquee, flag, & imroved tarpaulin
manufacturer, 2 Duke street, Borough (opposite the Greenwich railway), & 208
Edgington Thomas & Co. marquee, tent, flag, rich cloth, tarpauling, tilt, sack &
rope manufacturers; marquees, tents, tarpaulings, &c. lent on hire; 17
Smithfield bars & Orford row, Old Kent road
Edgington Edward, laceman, 20 High street, Islington
Edgington William, silkmercer & haberdasher, 37 Piccadilly
Edgworth Thomas, academy, 107 Upper street, Islington
Edie & Leatherdale, bottled malt liquor & whiskey merchants, Beaufort buildings,
Edinburgh & Glasgow Railway Agency, 57 Moorgate street
Edinburgh Life Assurance Company (C. Staniforth, resident director), 11 King
William street, City
Edinburgh & London Steampacket Company, 35 Leadenhall street
Edington & Freeman, coal merchants, Blackfriars wharf, 22 Earl street
Edington John & James, jewellers, 10 Portland street, Wardour street
Edington John Charles, working silversmith, 23 Leicester square
Edington Johnston, Artichoke P.H. Church street, Camberwell
Edington William, jeweller & silversmith, 219 Oxford street
Edis John, cattle salesman, 8 West Smithfleld
Edis Joseph, butcher, see Garratt & Edis
Edis Robert, carpenter & builder, 5 Providence row, Finsbury
Edison John Sibbald, barrister, 3 Plowden builings, Temple
Edkius & Mayo, hosiers & outfitters, 12 Moorgate street, Bank
Edkins James, watchmaker, 2 Terrace, High street, Kensington
Edkins Sam. S. silversmith & globemaker, 16 Salisbury square, Fleet street
Edlin Edward, dentist, 9 Queen's row, New road, Pentonville
Edlin Edward, turner & toy manufacturer, 37 New Bond street
Edlin George, tobacconist & snuffmaker, 6 Aldgate
Edlin John, butcher, 118 Shadwell High street
Edlin John, florist, 3 Queen's row, New road, Pentonville
Edlin Joseph, lace manufacturer, 12 Bath street, Newgate street
Edlin Samuel, saddler & harness maker, 2 Green street, Grosvenor square
Edlin William, Matthew, florist, 14 Queen's road, Bayswater
Edlimann Joseph, merchant, 9 Liverpool street, Belvedere road, Lambeth
Edmand James, straw hatmaker, 11 Frederick's place, Old Kent road ###
Edmead William & Co. patent grand & cabinet pianoforte, 1A Bishopsgate street
Edmead William, baker, 49 Gower place, Euston square
Edmeston & Wilden, flour factors, 6 Mark lane
Edmeston Jas. archt. & surveyor, Salvador house, Bishopsgate
Edmeston James, architect & surveyor, 6 Thavies inn, Holborn
Edmiston Abraham, gun case maker, 12 Macclesfield street, Soho
Edmiston Charles, tailor & outfitter, 91 & 93 Gracechurch street
Edmond Alexr, sec. to North of Scotland Life Assurance Co. 1 Moorgate street
Edmondes Henry, barrister, 5 Verulam buildings, Gray's inn
Edmonds Henry & George & Co. druggists, & perfumers, 27 Great Bush lane
Edmonds Henry & Son, saddlers & harness makers, 100 Leadenhall street
Edmonds John & Co. wholesale button, trimming, & manchester warehousemen, 4 & 5
Maiden lane, Wood street, City
Edmonds Richard & Co. corah printers & silk manufacturers, 12 Trump street,
Edmonds Sarah & E. law stationers, 12 Serle's place, Lincolns inn
Edmonds Charles, share & stockbroker, 9 Change alley, Cornhill
Edmonds Charles J, Feathers P.H. 42 Brown street, Bryanstone square
Edmonds Christopherr. architect & surveyor, 2 Bridge street, Southwark
Edmonds Frances (Mrs.), Grapes P.H. 18 St. Thomas's street, Borough
Edmonds Jacob, bookbinder, &c. see Remnant & Edmonds
Edmonds James, baker, 108 Brick lane, Spitalfields
Edmonds James, bootmaker, 15 Salmon lane, Limehouse
Edmonds James, butcher, 4 Sussex street, Tottenham court road
Edmonds James, cheesemonger, 6 Brewer street, Somers town
Edmonds James, grocer, 16 Salmon lane, Limehouse
Edmonds James, shell fishmonger, 83 Snow hill
Edmonds John, cowkeeper, 23 Edgware road
Edmonds John, dairyman, 23 Charing cross
Edmonds John, dentist, 58 Conduit street, Regent street
Edmonds John, poulterer, 7 Halfmoon passage, Leadenhall mkt
Edmonds John, wine & spirit merchant, Steam Ship P.H. Poplar
Edmonds John, tailor, 2 Crown court, Pall Mall
Edmonds John, workbox & dressing casemaker, 3 Meredith street, Clerkenwell
Edmonds John, wine merchant, 19 Charles street, Hatton garden
Edmonds John Thomas, dentist, 27 George street, Hanover square
Edmonds Joseph, baker, 11 Hoxton Old town
Edmonds Mary (Mrs.), guilford dairy, 83 Guilford street, Rusell square
Edmonds Richard, picture frame maker &c. 1 St Ann's court, Soho
Edmonds Robert, painter & glazier, 8 Gower street north
Edmonds Samuel, plumber, Meadow place, South Lambeth
Edmonds Simeon, fruiterer, 8 Upper Southwick street, Cambridge terrace
Edmonds Thomas, bank reading room, 2 Little Bell alley
Edmonds Thomas, bootmaker, 7. Bruton street, Bond street
Edmonds Thomas, chemist, 24 Cross street, Blackfriars
Edmonds Thomas, dairyman, 16 Marchmont street, Brunswick square
Edmonds Thomas, hardwood turner, teapot handle maker & dealer in hard woods, 1
Monkwell street, Cripplegate
Edmonds Thomas R. actuary of Legal & General Life Assurance Society, 10 Fleet
Edmonds William,
Royal Standard P.H. 10 White street, Borough
Edmonds William, umbrella & fishing rod maker, 15 East road, City road
Edmonds William, wine merchant, see Hogg & Edmonds
Edmondson George, tailor, 4 Wapping
Edmunds Alfred Sayers, solicitor, 12 South square, Gray's inn
Edmunds Edward, baker, 146 Poplar High street
Edmunds Edward teadealer, 29 Great Russell street, Bloomsbury
Edmunds John, silk manufacturer, 5 Fort street, Spitalfields
Edmunds John, stationer & rag merchant, 5 & 9 Little St. Thomas Apostle
Edmunds (Mrs), dining rooms, 6 Dover place west, Kent road
Edmunds Thomas, grocer, 5 Crawford street, Portman square
Edmunds Thomas, wax & tallow chandler, 233 Hoxton Old town
Edmunds William, painter & glazier, 2 Wilson street, Finsbury
Edney Ann (Mrs.), stationer & bookseller, 2 St. John street, Clerkenwell
Edney James, greengrocer, 52 Goodge street, Fitzroy square
Edney John, auctioneer, appraiser, accountant, estate & house agent, &c. 2 St.
John street, Clerkenwell
Edney John professor of singing, 7 & 8 Pleasant row, Pentonville
Edney William, upholsterer &c. 9 Chapel street, Tottenham court road
Edridge Freeman, tallow & oilman, 20 Red lion street, Holborn
Edridge Richard, grocer, &c. 13 Judd street, Brunswick square
Edridge Sarah (Mrs.), rag & bottle warehouse, 8 Bloomsbury market
Edridge Thomas, tallow chandler & oilman, 1 Oxford street
Edridge Thomas Rd. ship & insurance broker, see Marshall & Edridge
Edridge W.m. coppersmith & brazier, 43 Princes street, Rotherhithe
Education Board, Privy Council office, Downing street
Edward James, Somerset Arms P.H. Little Chelsea
Edward Peter, tailor, 72 Cheapside
Edward Thomas, tailor, 32 Aldermansbury
Edwards & Aubert, ship & insurance brokers, 5 Trinity square, Tower hill
Edwards & Bennett, hay salesmen, 30 West Smithfield, & Belvedere road, Lambeth
Edwards, Brothers & Co. patentees of the preserved potato, manufacturers, 32
Edwards & Chamberlayne, coachmakers, 21 Newman street, Oxford street, & 61 Pall
Edwards Charles & Robert, haberdashers, 17 Piccadilly
Edwards Chas.S. Son, music string maker, 20 Sharp's alley, Cow cross
Edwards Henry Lees & Charles & Co. woollen manufacturers, 9 Gracechurch
Edwards & Hopkins, ink dye & chemical manufacturer, 22 Harrow road
Edwards John & Co. coal merchants. Salisbury street wharf, Strand
Edwards Joel & Sons, tailors, &c. 9 Hanover street, Hanover square
Edwards & Peake, solicitors, 11 New palace yard, Westminster
Edwards & Scott, tailors, 52 Conduit street, Regent street
Edwards & Short, wholesale teadealers, 14 Abchurch lane, City
Edwards William & Son, tailors, 48 Basinghall street
Edwards William, & Co. linendrapers, 28 & 29 Middle row, Holborn
Edwards William, & Son, watchmakers, 4 Theberton street, Islington
Edwards Ann (Miss), hosier, 35 City road, Finsbury
Edwards Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 13 Oxenden street
Edwards Ann (Mrs.), milliner, 52 Mortimer street, Cavendish square
Edwards Anthony Turner, builder & bricklayer, 12 Idol lane
Edwards Benjamin, watch & clock maker, 17 Shoreditch
Edwards Benjamin, wholesale millinery, child bed linen, stay & shoe warehse. 141
## Whitecross st. St. Luke's
Edwards Charles, cheesemonger, 44 Marchmont street, Brunswick square
Edwards Charles, chemist, 68 Great Russell street, Bloomsbury
Edwards Charles, linendraper, &c., see Dawo Edwards
Edwards Charles, ship & insurance broker, see Batten & Edwards
Edwards Charles, tailor, 4 Upper Rupert street, Soho
Edwards Charles, veterinary surgeon, 41 Little Moorfields
Edwards Charles John, leather pipe & mill band maker, 30 Northampton street,
Edwards Charlotte (Mrs.), furrier, 6 Great Pulteney street, Golden square
Edwards Daniel, dyer, 154 Hoxton Old Town
Edwards Daniel, surgeon, 13 Queen street, Cheapside
Edwards David, butcher, 101 Wapping
Edwards David, cowkeeper, &c. 57 East street, Manchester square
Edwards David, dairyman,8 King's Head court, St. Martin's le grand
Edwards David, glass & china warehouse, 7 Peerless place, City road
Edwards David, Queens Head P.H. 154 Whitechapel road
Edwards David, window glass cutter, 8 Widegate street, Bishopsgate
Edwards David Owen, surgeon, 15 Cheyne walk, Chelsea
Edwards Edward, boot & shoemaker, 164 Oxford street
Edwards Edward, bricklayer, 18 Somerset street, Aldgate
Edwards Edw. brushmaker & turner, 6 & 7 Spread Eagle court, Cornhill
Edwards Edward, official assignee, 7 Fredericks place, Old Jewry
Edwards Edward, silversmith, 52 Red Lion street, Clerkenwell
Edwards Edward, watch & clock maker, 29 Finsbury place North
Edwards Eliz. (Mrs.), fruiterer, 22 Liverpool street, Bishopsgate
Edwards Enoch, corn dealer, 59 Belvidere place, Borough road
Edwards Evan, ironmonger, hardwareman, &c. 61 Barbican
Edwards Evan, patent medicine warehouse, 67 St. Paul's churchyard
Edwards Fran (Miss) dressmaker, 6 Haberdashers place west, Hoxton
Edwards Francis, architect & surveyor, 17 Hart street, Bloomsbury
Edwards Francis, tailor & draper, 122 Newgate street
Edwards Frederic, barrister, 4 Harcourt buildings, Temple
Edwards Frederick, pawnbroker, 102 Hoxton Old town
Edwards Fred, stovemaker & bellhanger, 20 Poland street, Oxford street
Edwards Fred. wine, ale & bottled stout merchant, 3 Bond court, Walbrook
Edwards George, brushmaker, 197 Brick lane, Spitalfields
Edwards George, butcher, 5 Victoria place, Hoxton Old town
Edwards George, carpenter &c. 6 Barrett street Princes road, Lambeth
Edwards George, clothworker, 13&14 Peter's hill, Doctors' commons
Edwards George, law stationer, 15 Carey street, Lincoln's inn
Edwards George, Ship P.H. 11 Little Tower street
Edwards George, surveyor, 22 Duncan terrace, Islington
Edwards George Beeching, corn & coalmerchant, 99 Blackfriars road
Edwards George William, sworn broker, see Long & Edwards
Edwards Hannah (Miss), milliner, &c. 19 Great Carter lane
Edwards Harrison, undertaker, 27 King street, Clerkenwell
Edwards Henry, birmingham ware, see Trudell & Edwards
Edwards Henry, carpenter & undertaker, 42 East street, Manchester square
Edwards Henry, chandler & oilman, 10 Cambridge street, Golden square
Edwards Henry, draper & upholsterer, see Davies & Edwards
Edwards Henry, surgeon, 67 Edgware road, Marylebone
Edwards Hen. surgical instrument casemaker, 31 Bartlett's buildings, Holborn
Edwards Henry, tobacconist, 42 Cannon street, City
Edwards Henry Barnes, grocer, 150 Edgware road
Edwards Henry James, Bull P.H. 190 Kingsland road
Edwards Jeffery John, solicitor, see Froude & Edwards
Edwards James, Black Bull P. H. Old Montague street, Whitechapel
Edwards James, bookseller, 76 Bunhill row
Edwards James, chronometer maker, see Hunter & Edwards
Edwards James, foreign bird dealer, 23. Addle hill, Doctors commons
Edwards James, dealer in secondhand plate, 6 Jewin street
Edwards James, livery stables, Kinnerton street, Belgrave square
Edwards James, staymaker, 25 King street, Holborn
Edwards James, tailor, 86 York street, Westminster
Edwards James Hurd, hosier & shirt maker, 80 Oxford street ##
Edwards Jane (Mrs.), cheesemonger,121 High street, Camden town
Edwards Jane (Mrs.), lodging house, 4 & 5 Charlotte street, Pimlico
Edwards Jeremiah, butcher, 24 Everett street, Brunswick square
Edwards John, agent for Allsop & Son's ale, Commercial wharf, Upper Thames
Edwards John, baker, 31 Great Quebec street, New road
Edwards John, baker, 50 North street, Edgware road
Edwards John, bootmaker, 11 Upper North place, Gray's inn road
Edwards John, furniture printer, see Miles & Edwards
Edwards John, grocer, 11 Crooked lane, Cannon street
Edwards John, grocer, 39 Holborn hill
Edwards John, ham & tongue dealer, 87 Leadenhall street
Edwards John, lath render & furniture broker, 10 Lower street, Islington
Edwards John, nail ironmonger & general commercial agent, 3 Nag's head court
Edwards John, Sun P. H. 2 Gate street, Lincoln's inn fields
Edwards John, wheelwright, Pleasant row, Canal, Old Kent road
Edwards John William, cheesemonger, 11 Marchmont street, Burton crescent
Edwards John William, surgeon, 66 Wardour street, Soho
Edwards Joseph, chemist & druggist, 12 New Cavendish street
Edwards Joseph, lodging house, 105 Park street, Grosvenor square
Edwards Joseph; tobacconist, 2 Church street, Chelsea
Edwards Lewis, bootmaker, 26 Park place, Kennington cross
Edwards Lydia (Mrs.), tobacconist, 10 Carlton street
Edwards Mary Ann (Mrs.), ladies' seminary, 53 Great Marlborough street
Edwards Peter, timber merchant, 56 Milner terrace, Lambeth Lt. marsh
Edwards Philemon, furnish ironmonger, Lower street, Islingtm
Edwards Reuben, carpenter & joiner, 49 Liverpool street, Bishopsgate
Edwards Richard, carver & gilder, 12 Ossulston street, Somers town
Edwards Richard, Merlins Cave P. H. 64 South Audley street
Edwards Richard, patent emery cloth maker, 12 Fairfield place, Bow
Edwards Richard, printer & stationer, 3 Basing place, Waterloo road
Edwards Richard Frederick, grocer, &c. 35 Chapel street, Grosvenor square ##
Edwards Richard Griffin, solicitor, 11 King's road, Bedford row
Edwards Robert, baker, 70 London road, Southwark
Edwards Robert, bootmaker, 47 Chapel street, Pentonville
Edwards Robert, engraver & library, 26 Lisle street
Edwards Robert, surgeon, 90 Oxford terrace, Edgware road
Edwards Samuel, Angel P. H. Back road,
Edwards Samuel, cabinet maker, 24 Wood street, Spitalfields
Edwards Samuel Rt. writer & grainer, 7 Hyde street, Bloomsbury
Edwards Tenison, barrister, 77 Chancery lane
Edwards Thomas, army contractor, 107 Upper Stamford street, Blackfriars
Edwards Thomas, bootmaker, 109 New Bond street
Edwards Thomas, Bulls Head P.H. 6 Jewin crescent
Edwards Thomas, coal merchant. White Lion wharf, 18 Upper Thames street
Edwards Thomas, dressing case maker, 21 King street, Holborn
Edwards Thomas, Golden Cross Hotel, 452 West Strand
Edwards Thomas, grocer, &c. 20 Little Queen street, Westminster
Edwards Thomas, haberdasher, 9 Soho square, Oxford street
Edwards Thomas, lighterman, Galley quay, Lower Thames street
Edwards Thomas, lighterman & coalmerchant. 11 Beer lane, Tower street
Edwards Thomas, mahogany broker, 2 Circus place, London wall
Edwards Thomas, stockbroker, 76 Old Broad street
Edwards Thomas Solomon, Black Horse P.H. 19 Tottenham court road
Edwards William, bookseller & publisher, 12 Ave Maria lane
Edwards William, carpenter & builder, 6 St. Mary at hill
Edwards William, carpenter & cabinet maker, 40 High street, Camden town
Edwards William, carpenter, 36 Windmill street, Tottenham court road
Edwards William, chemist, 30 Addington place, Camberwell road
Edwards William, chemist, 29 King William street, City
Edwards William, cornchandler, 48 Charlotte terrace, New cut, Lambeth
Edwards William, druggist, 14 Goodge street, Tottenham court road
Edwards William, fruiterer, 37 Goodge street, Fitzroy square
Edwards William, George P.H. 1 Portland street, Wardour street
Edwards William, haberdasher, &c. 20 High street, Marylebone
Edwards William, hatter, 18 Parker's row, Dockhead
Edwards William, livery stables, 15 Wilmot street, Russell square
Edwards William, size & whitingmaker, Collier's rents, White street, Borough
Edwards William, warehouseman, 9 Aldermanbury
Edwards William Henry, pianoforte maker, 17 Bridge road, Lambeth
Edwards William Staples, chemist, &c. 14 Etham place, Kent street road
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