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This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.
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EABY Francis, Yorkshire Grey P.H. 49 Whitechapel High street
Eade Charles, dining rooms, 40 Millbank street, Westminster
Eade George, chemist & druggist, 1 Old street, Goswell street, & 30 Featherstone
street, City road
Eade Mary Ann (Mrs.), tobacconist, 28 Red Lion street, Holborn
Eade William Aislabie, barrister, 24 Old square, Lincoln's inn
Eades Daniel, saw mills, Pump court, 66 Union street, Borough
Eades Henry, livery stables, Brompton place, Brompton road
Eades James, chemist, 65 Borough High street
Eades Mary (Mrs.), confectioner, 45 Great Queen street, Lincolns inn fields
Eadie Alex Hart, bookedge gilder &c. 11 Craven buildings, Drury lane
Eadon William, greengrocer, 7 Horseferry road, Westminster
Eadson Thomas, butcher, 64 Tothill street, Westminster
Eady & Brown, manufacturing goldsmiths, 26 Red Lion street, Clerkenwell
Eady Charles & Son, plate polishers, 5 Little Dean street, Soho
Eady Ephrain Childe, academy, l Little James street, Bedford row
Eady Mary (Mrs.), fruiterer, 75 St. John street, Smithfield
Eagland Edwin Henry, surgical mechanician, 20 Coventry street
Eagland William, brush manufacturer, 7 Chester place, Old Kent road
Eagle Life Assurance Company (Henry P. Smith, actuary), 3 Crescent, Bridge
street, Blackfriars
Eagle Steam Packet Co's. office, 6 Hungerford street, Strand
Eagle Francis, surgeon, &c. 19 Beauvoir terrace, Kingsland road
Eagle Richard, boot & shoemaker, 6 Castle court, Budge row
Eagle Robert, Cricketers P.H. 61 Grove street, Camden town
Eagle William, barrister, 3 Plowden buildings, Temple
Eagles Henry, brass & cock founder, 9 Buckingham row, Westminster
Eagles James, organ builder, 4 Hackney road crescent
Eagles Thomas, haberdasher, 9 Regent place, Horseferry road
Eagleton Edward & Co. wholesale teadealers & grocers, 83 Newgate street
Eagleton & Glover, tailors, woollendrapers, & trimming sellers, 42 Borough High
Eagley George, Rising Sun P.H. 129 Kent street, Borough
Eales & Cope, architects, see Cope & Eales
Eales Chris, architect & surveyor, 4 Chapel place, Cavendish square
Eales Wickham John, muffin baker, 2 West street, Seven dials
Eales William, surgeon, &c. 103 Union street, Borough
Eales William, timber merchant & saw mills, 25 Upper Lisson street
Ealing Hen. bricklayer & slater, 9 St. Chad's row, Gray's inn road
Eames William, carver & gilder, 23 Margaret street, Cavendish square
Eamonson James & Co. bedding manufacturers, upholsterers, auctioneers, &
undertakers, 393 Strand
Eardley Andrew, Rose & Crown P.H. 9 Ship tavern passage
Earee William, coffee rooms, 185 Whitechapel road
Earith Charles & Son, dyers, 82 Goswell street
Earl Daniel, woollen warehouseman, 27 Basinghall street
Earl Henry, school slatemaker, 17 William street, Lant street, Borough
Earl James, cattle salesman, 41 West Smithfield
Earl James, tailor, &c. 117 Goswell street
Earl John, builder, l Little George street, Westminster
Earle & Courtney, wine coopers &c. 10 Great St. Thomas Apostle
Earle Mary & Son, wine coopers & bottle merchants, their old established house,
3 Great St. Thomas Apostle
Earle George, boot & shoe maker, 9 Spring street, Portman square
Earle George, public library &c. 67 Castle street east, Oxford street
Earle Richard, plane maker, 7 West street, Soho
Earle William, funeral carriage master, 7 Castle street, Long acre
Earle William, Sun P.H. 57 Newman street, Oxford street
Earles Edward, haberdasher, 115 Shoreditch
Earles Edward, registrar of births, &c. 4 Worship square
Earles John Daniel, surgeon, 15 Alfred place, Bedford square
Early Thomas, wholesale slopseller, 12 & 13 Houndsditch
Earnshaw Hen. bridle bit & harness maker, 18 Poland street, Oxford street
Earnshaw Thomas jun. clock & watchmaker, 87 Fenchurch street
Earnshaw Thomas sen. clock & watchmaker, 119 High Holborn
Earnshaw William, bootmaker, 10 Market street, Oxford street
Earnshaw William, customhouse & commercial agent, 68 Lower Thames street
Earp James, Dolphin P.H. 11 Ludgate hill
Earp James, tailor & habit maker, 156 Fleet street
Earp Mary Ann (Mrs.), milliner, &c. 23 Newland street, Pimlico
Earratt John, saddler, officer's belt & sabretash manufacturer, 7 Leicester
street, Leicester square
Earthrowl William, baker, 55 King street, Borough
Easey James, cheesemonger, 1 Bread street hill
Easey William, carpenter, 31 St. Andrew's road, Borough
Easman James, leather striper, Wyld's rents, Long lane, Borough
Eason Henry & James, tanners, &c. Grange, Bermondsey
Eason Alexander, draper & haberdasher, 9 Pleasant row, Holborn
Eason Sarah Ann (Mrs), lacedealer & milliner, 14 Lowther arcade
Eason William, Welch Harp P.H. 1 Essex street, Bouverie street
East, East & Landon, man's mercers, 34 Sackville street, Piccadilly
East Cornwall Mining Association, 24 Birchin lane
East Country Dock Office (A. Shirreff, sec.), 16 Bishopsgate within
East India Army Agency, 16 Cornhill & 8 St. Martin's place, Charing cross
East India Chambers, 23 Leadenhall street
East Indias China Association Committee, Jerusalem coffee house
East India Company (J. C. Melvil, sec.), 11 to 21 Leadenhall street
East India Company's Recruiting Department, 28 Soho square
East India Military Store Warehouse, 108 Leadenhall street
East India Tea Company, 9 Great St. Helen's
East London General Pension Society (George Kirby, secretary), Tyssen street,
Bethnal green
East London Lying-in Institute, 5 Assembly row, Mile end
East London Pension Society (George Henderson, sec.), 5 Mitre street, Aldgate
East London Water Work (Joseph Cecil, sec.),16 St. Helen's place
East & West India Dock Co. (George Collin, sec.), 8 Billiter square ; East India
docks, East India road, Poplar; ## st India docks, Isle of Dogs; Warehouses, 70
to 78 Fenchurch street
East & West London Coal Co. 20 Crosby hall, Chambers
East Ann (Mrs.), Falcon P.H. 84 Upper Thames street
East Henry, coffee & eating house, 168 Ratcliff highway
East James, boot & shoe maker, 181 Shadwell High street
East James, poultry salesman, 59 Newgate market
East Jesse, cooper & hoop manufacturer, Waterloo terrace, Commercial road east
East John, fishmonger, 53 Chandos street, Covent garden
East Joseph, engraver & printer, see Blades & East
East Joseph, stock maker, 5 Hemming's row, St. Martin's lane
East Joshua, job master & horsedealer, 41 & 44 Cross street, Finsbury
East Philip, bookseller & auctioncer, 18 Holywell street, Strand
East Robert, oilman, 65 Crawford street
East Rowland Baldwin, surgeon, &c. 168 Fleet street
East Thomas, morocco leather dresser, 214 Bermondsey street
East Thomas, oil & colorman, 9 London terrace, Hackney road
East William, ironmonger, 16 Brewer street, Somers town
East William, Edmund, stationer& printer, &c. see Skipper & East
East William Frederick, architect & surveyor, 6 Corporation row, St. John street
East William, Matthew, butcher, 23 Brewer street, Somers town
Easter William, fur. undertaker, 11 Upper Dorset place, Clapham road
Easterbrook William, staymaker, 39 Duke street, Spitalfields
Easterling Thomas, brush, &c. maker, 62 Upper North place, Gray's inn road
Eastern Counties Railway Office, 40 High street, Shoreditch
Eastern Coast of Central America Emigration Commercial & Agricultural Co. (F. A.
Winsor, manager), 60 Moorgate street, Bank
Eastern Dispensary, 46 Great Alie street
Eastern Literary Institution, Commercial road east
Eastern Literary & Scientific Institution (James Murray, hon. sec.), 88 Hackney
Eastern Literary & Scientific Institution (E. D. Gearing, ##} Commercial road,
Eastgate Charles, coachsmith, 31 Long acre
Eastgate Michael,
Blue Boars Head P.H. 34 King street, Westminster
Easthope John & Son, stockbrokers, 39 Lothbury
Easthope Alfred, house decorator, see Boyle & Easthope
Eastland Company (Thomas Cope, secretary), 25 Birchin lane
Eastman & Hill, silk manufacturers, 30 Spital square
Eastman & Yeo, stationers, engravers & printers, 100 Cheapside
Eastman Elizabeth (Mrs.), leather cutter, 231 Bermondsey street
Eastman Henry, dairyman, 4 Great Sutton street, Clerkenwell
Eastman James, carpenter & builder, High street, Battersea
Easto Robert, grocer & teadealer, 8 Beer lane, Great Tower street
Easton, Amos & Beswick, millwrights, Grove, Great Guildford street
Easton Henry, grocer & teaman, see Charlton & Easton
Easton James, attorney, 6 New square, Lincoln's inn
Easton James, civil engineer, & patentee of the hydraulic ram, 80 Great Surrey
street, & Grove, Great Guildford st
Easton James, hay & straw salesman, 111 Edgware road, Paddington
Easton John, baker, 147 High Holborn, & Green street, near the Grove, Kentish
Easton Thomas, corn dealer, 31 White Hart place, Kennington lane
Easton Thomas, barrister, 1 Hare court, Temple
Easton Thomas, corn & coal merchant, 4 Grange road, Bermondsey
Elston Thomas, corn lighterman & agent, 11 Horselydown lane
Easton Thomas, plasterers' hair manufacturer, 2 Spa road, Bermondsey
Easton William, boot & shoemaker, 14 Old Dorset place, Clapham road
Eastty Nathaniel, custom house agent. &c. see Hare & Eastty
Eastty Nathaniel, London double stout establishment, 160 Upper Thames street
Eastway Elias, furniture ironmonger, 12 Old Dorset place, Clapham road
Eastwick John, barrister, 3 Elm court, Temple
Eastwood Jane (Mrs.), lime, cement & brick merchant, Canal bridge wharf, Old
Kent road; and Belvedere road, Lambeth
Eastwood's of ## (Miss), shawl border maker, 33 Fore street, Cripplegate
Eastwood William, copper & steelplate manufacturers,. 4 Harp alley, Shoe lane
Eastwood William, auctioneer & accountant, 33 Fore street, Cripplegate
Easum Elizabeth (Mrs.), fishmonger, 4 Constable row, Mile end road
Easum Robert Hayes, ropemaker, Commercial road east, Stepney
Eates Thomas, toymaker, 22 Upper Rosamon street, Clerkenwell
Eatly Benjamin, Globe P. H. Kings road west, Chelsea
Eaton John M. & James, tailors, 9 Lower street, Islington
Eaton & Warner, tin manufacturers, 32 Banner street, St. Luke's
Eaton Deodatus, wine merchant, 21 Southampton street, Bloomsbury
Eaton George, fishing rod, hook, & tackle maker, 6 & 7 Crooked lane
Eaton Henry, Solicitor, 35 Ebury street, Pimlico, & 10 Lancaster place, Strand
Eaton Henry W. silk broker, 9 New Broad street
Eaton James, plumber & glazier, 22 Lamb street, Spitalfields
Eaton James, stay haberdasher &c. 60 Berwick street, Soho
Eaton John, butcher, 6 Silver street, Golden square
Eaton John, cattle salesman, 17 West Smithfield
Eaton John, dairyman, 6 Brydges street, Covent garden
Eaton John, Lukes Head P.H.
25 Mercer street, Long acre
Eaton John, tailor, 9 Duke street, Adelphi
Eaton Joseph, Newcastle coffeehouse, 21 St. Mary at hill
Eaton Lucy ( Miss), school, 11 Bury street, St. James's
Eaton Martha (Mrs), Red Lion P.H. 145 Fenchurch street
Eaton Mary (Miss), milliner, 60 Berwick street, Soho
Eaton Sarah (Miss), professor of the harp, 4 Crescent place, Blackfriarss
Eaton Thomas, barrister, 22 Chancery lane
Eaton William, Elephant P.H. 119 Fenchurch street
Eaton William, silversmith, 16 Jewin crescent, Cripplegate
Eatwell Charles, Albemarles Head P.H. 12 St. John's square, Clerkenwell
Eavestaff William, pianoforte maker, 66 Great Russell street, Bloomsbury
Eayres Nathaniel, tailor, 23 New Church street, Lisson grove
Eayrs William, baker, 1 Essex street, King's cross
Ebben William, clockmaker, 37 Hedge row, High street, Islington
Ebbern William, & Co. canal carriers, White Horse, Cripplegate & 7 Wharf, south
side, Paddington basin
Ebbetts Daniel, wine merchant, 16 Mincing lane
Ebborn Francis, baker, 122 Grove street, Camden town
Ebbs Benjamin & Henry, linendrapers, 56 Bishopsgate within
Ebbs & Smith, stationers & printers, 5 foster row, Tower hill
Ebbs John, builder, &c. 29 Aberdeen place, Maida hill
Ebbs Thomas Barlow, laceman, 11 Upper Charles street, Northampton square
Ebenezer Samuel, tobacconist, 27 Marylebone lane, Oxford street
Ebers E, S. & Co booksellers & librarians, 27 Old Bond street
Ebert Henry, porkman, 28 Broad street, Bloomsbury
Eborall John, bricklayer, &c. 22 Smith street, King's road, Chelsea
Ebrey William, shawl maker, 28 Aldermanbury
Ebsworth & Coleman, cattle salesmen, 17 West Smithfield
Eccentric Society's Club, (Rt. Lloyd, treasurer), 20 King street, Covent garden
Eccles Ann (Mrs.), printer, engraver, &c. 101 Fenchurch street
Eccles William, grocer, &c. 9 Princess street, Portman market
Eccles William, surgeon, 5 Union court, Old Broad street
Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, 5 Whitehall place
Ecclesiastical Gazette Office, 14 Southampton street, Strand
Eckett Joseph, teadealer, 6 Ossulston street, Somers town
Eckford Chas. John, carver, gilder & picture dealer, 45 Fleet street
Eckford Henry George, picture dealer, Peters place, 10 Hemming's row
Eckford John, carver & gilder, 59 Greek street, Soho
Eckie Charles, solicitor, 29 Hertford street, Mayfair
Eckstein George F. patent range manufacturer & furnishing ironmonger, 13 High
Economic Life Assurance Office, (C.J. Downer, Secretary), 34 New Bridge street,
Ecroyd William, leather dresser, Tyer's gateway, 211 Bermondsey street
Edbury Joseph, organ builder, 67 Seymour street, Euston square
Eddels & Marshall, tailors, &c. 7 Piccadilly
Eddels.James Creed, hosier, 2 Coventry street & 34 Piccadilly
Eddels Mary (Mrs.), hosier & glover, 64 Cheapside
Eddels Nathaniel, furniture warehouse, 153 Whitechapel road
Edden Edwin, wholesale druggist, see Metcalfe & Edden
Edden Richard, tailor & draper, l Ely place, Holborn
Eddis Eden Upton, artist, 78 Newman street, Oxford street
Eddison William, Edward, wine & liqueur merchant, 2 Walbrook
Eddy Charles W. chemist & druggist, 30 Crown street, Finsbury square
Ede Francis, factor & merchant, 16 Bucklersbury
Ede Joseph, manchester warehouseman. 6 Dyer's court, Aldermanbury
Ede Joseph, robe maker, see Adams & Ede
Ede Thomas, cheesemonger, 1815, Maddox street, Regent street
Ede William, baker, 12 Chichester place, Wandsworth road
Ede William, harness maker, 100 St. George's road, Borough
Eden David Rt. ships' fire hearth manufacturers, 107 Upper East Smithfield
Eden William, printer, stationer & account book manufacturer, 11 Queen street,
Eden John, Old Rose P.H. Russell street, Bermondsey street
Eden Thomas, solicitor, 12 Villiers street, Strand
Eden Thomas, jun. surgeon dentist, 31 Tavistock place, Tavistock square
Eden Thomas Edward, surgeon dentist, 6 Langham place
Eden Thomas Edward, surgeon dentist, 45 Threadneedle street
Eden William, printer & stationer, 11 Queen street, City, & 10 Well court, Queen
Edenborough & Pearson, wine merchants, 3 Pancras lane, City
Edenborough William & Alfred, surgeons, 74 Coleman street
Edenborough George, boarding house, 28 Thavies inn
Edenborough John Jolland, surgeon, 41 Friday street, Cheapside
Edenborough Robert, grocer, 2 Green street, Paddington green
Edenborough Sam. Bolton, wool broker, see Marsh & Edenborough
Edersheim Mark J. importer of foreign goods, 3 Hawford building.
Edey James, shipping butcher, Limehouse hole
Edgar Edward, pianoforte & music seller, 63 Lamb's conduit street
Edgar James, tobacconist, 13 Wells street, Oxford street
Edgar John, gas fitter, 71 Marylebone lane
Edgar Thomas, merchant, 71 Cornhill
Edgar William, boot maker, 10 Leathersellers buildings. London wall
Edgar William, musician, 4 Bishop's walk, Lambeth
Edgar William, silk mercer, &c. see Swan & Edgar
Edgar William, tailor, see Perkins & Edgar
Edgcomb Joseph & Co. fringe & tassel makers, 24 Watling street
Edgcomb William & Co. wholesale stationers, 8 Budge row, City
Edgcomb Joseph, fringemaker, 17 Newington causeway
Edgcombe James, bootmaker, 31 Old Compton street, Soho
Edge Thomas, manufacturer of gas & oil chandeliers, lustres and every
description of gas apparatus for lighting towns, mansions, public buildings,
manufactories, &c. patentee & sole maker of the lever valve meters. Manufactory,
59 Great Peter street, Westminster; 6 Poultry; & 16 Old Bond street
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