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London Street Directory in 1843 - D8

This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.

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Doggett & Harryman, hop & seed factors, 230 Borough
Doggett Henry, counting house &c. stoolmaker, 15 Somerset street, Aldgate
Doggett John, ironmonger, 36 Shoreditch
Doggett Joseph, bootmaker, see Taylor, Doggett & Taylor
Doggett Martin, oilman, 46 Upper Marylebone street, Portland place
Doggett Thomas, upholder, 25 High street, Marylebone
Doggett William, tailor, 15 South Molton street
Doggrell Henry, upholsterer & undertaker, 3 London road, Southwark
Doherty, Scrivens & Co. skinners, &c. 8 Holland street, Blackfriars
Doig John, baker, 50 Lower Queen street, Rotherhithe
Dolamore Ben. Cheshire Cheese P. H. 16 Wine office court, Fleet street
Dolamore Henry, tea dealer, 32 Bridge road, Lambeth
Dolan Peter, grocer & cheesemonger, 2 New Gravel lane
Dolans, Sunderland & Co. army clothiers, 97 St. Martin's lane
Dolbell Lawrence Daniel, french & swiss agent, 140 Cheapside
Dolby Charlotte (Mrs.), tobacconist, 95 Wardour street, Solo
Dolby Charlotte (Mrs.), york chophouse, 95 Wardour street
Dolby John, baker, High street, Stoke Newington
Dolby Joseph, linen draper, King's road west, Chelsea
Dole Lewis, carpenter, 19 Upper Marylebone street, Portland place
Dolling William, Bruce, bookseller & stationer, 47 North street, Maida hill
Dollman Edward, merchant, 5 Church court, Clement's lane
Dollman Edward Francis, bootmaker, 33 New Bond street
Dollman Francis T. architect, 78 George street, Euston square
Dollond George, optician, 59 St. Paul's church yard
Dolman Charles, bookseller & publisher 61 New Bond street
Dolman Fredk. carver & gilder, 37 Upper Berkeley street
Dolman Frederick William, solicitor, 27 Carey street, Lincoln's inn
Dolman James, attorney, 14 Clifford's inn, Fleet street
Dolman Robert, coal dealer, l Berwick street, Soho
Dolphin Thomas, law stationer, 5A Tooks court, Chancery lane
Dolwin Richard jun. lighterman, 4 Market street, Westminster
Donald ## & Co. tailors, 46 Regent circus, Piccadilly
Domett & England, shipbrokers, 7 George yard, Lombard street
Dominey & Attre, childbed linen warehouse, 24 Hatton garden
Dommett Emanuel, surgeon, Rosamon buildings, Islington green
Domvile Henry Barry, barrister, 7 King's Bench walk, Temple
Domville James Graham, barrister, 23 Old square, Lincolns inn
Don James, tailor, 9 Lower James street, Golden square
Donagan Mary (Mrs.), hair dresser, 58 Edgware road, Marylebone
Donald Joseph, surgeon, 6 College terrace, Islington
Donald Peter, Black Bull P.H. 151 New Gravel lane
Donald Sarah (Mrs.), cornchandler, 17 Whitecross street, Cripplegate
Donald Thomas Fran, grocer, &c. 49 Cumberland street, Hackney road
Donald William, tinplate worker & the original manufacturer of patent imperial raised dish covers, 35 Britannia street, City road
Donalds William & James. ornamental painters, 29 Artillery place west
Donaldson & Dixon, merchants, § Mark lane
Donaldson, Lambert & Co. merchants, 8 Broad street buildings
Donaldson Thomas & Rt. brewers, see Courage & Donaldsons
Donaldson Charles, hatter, &c. 33 Warwick street, Golden square
Donaldson Charles, wine merchant, 123 Fenchurch street
Donaldson George, watch & clock maker, &c. 121 Pall mall
Donaldson George H. merchant, 8 Broad street buildings
Donaldson Harriet (Mrs.), hatter & umbrella maker, 132A 0xford street
Donaldson John, coachmaker, 49 & 50 Margaret street, Cavendish square
Donaldson John S. clerical & school agent, 10 Salisbury street, Strand
Donaldson Samuel, house & estate agent,40 Curson street, Mayfair
Donaldson Stuart, merchant, 8 Broad street buildings
Donaldson Thomas, baker, 78 Church street, Mile end new town
Donaldson Thomas, baker, 8 Little Sussex place, Hyde park gardens
Donaldson Thomas, confectioner & corn dealer, 10 kij road ##
Donaldson Thoms, cornchandler, 153 Brick lane, Spitalfields
Donaldson Thomas Leverton, architect & surveyor, 7 Hart street, Bloomsbury
Donaldson William, baker, 1 Cross street, Islington
Donaldson William, tailor, 12 Northumberland street, Marylebone
Donaldson William Leverton, solicitor, 7 Hart street, Bloomsbury
Doncaster John, blind maker, 18 Young street, Kensington
Donelly John, tailor, 16 Queen, street, Soho
Donhue John, tobacconist, 3 Park street, Dorset square
Donia James, baths, 23 Sherrard street, Golden square
Donkin (Bryan) & Co. millwrights, engineers, & machinists, Blue Anchor road, near Grange road, Bermondsey
Donnahoe Thomas, fruit salesman, Covent garden fruit market
Donne Edward, barrister, 50 Upper Harley street
Donne Francis Thomas, attorney, 183 Blackfriars road
Donne George, looking glass maker, 9 Eldon street, Finsbury
Donne John, wine merchant, 1 New court, Throgmorton street
Donue Samuel Edward, solicitor, 28 New Broad street
Donne William, appraiser, undertaker, & builder, 6 Church lane, Whitechapel
Donne William, engraver & printer, 6 Warwick street, Charing cross, & 11 Warwick square, Newgate street
Donnison John, notary, 71 Cornhill
Donnison John, stationer & printer, 21 Liverpool street, Bishopsgate
Donovan John, Son & Adlam, warehouse for the sale of Irish linen in any quantity, 4 Bloomsbury square
Donovan Cornel, phrenological institution, 7 King William street, Strand
Donovan Cornelius James, fruiterer, 1 Howard's place, Hackney road
Donovan Jeremiah, tailor, 9 Grafton street, Soho
Donovan Joseph sen. fishmonger, 72 Tottenham court road
Donovan Joseph jun, fishmonger & poulterer, 292 Oxford street
Donthorm John William, architect & surveyor, 18 Hanover street, Hanover square
Doody Peter, tailor, 16 Mercer street Long acre
Dooley John, Bell P. H. 61 Old Bailey
Doorman Alexander, merchant, 15 St. Mary axe
Doors John Purvis, iron plate worker, 14 Holland street, Blackfriars road
Doran George, glass & china dealer, 120 Edgware road. Marylebone
Doran Richard, baker, 23 St. George's row, Pimlico road
Dordoy & Goodwin, chemists, 38 Blackman's street, Borough
Dore Hezekiah, butcher, 28 Brown street, Bryanstone square
Dore James Drayton, surgeon &c. 39 Great Coram street, Brunswick square
Dore John, plumber & zinc worker, 17 Exmouth street, Spafields
Dore John, tobacco & snuff manufacturer, 6 Eastcheap
Dore Joseph, pianoforte maker, 10 Polygon, Clarendon square
Dore Robert, hatter, &c. 3 Spread eagle court, Finch lane
Dore William, Grapes P.H. 9 Gray street, Manchester square
Dore William Henry, butcher, 18 James street, Covent garden
Doren Bartholomew, skinner & furrier, 19 Lant street, Borough
Doria Adair Andrew, barrister, 4 Old square, Lincoln's inn
Dorleans Pierre, egg & poultry importer, see Audelin & Dorleans
Dorley William, gasfitter, 9 Exmouth street, Spitalfields
Dorling William & Briggs, livery stables, 9 Brompton road
Dorman Henry, Antelope P. H. 1 Eaton terrace, Eaton square
Dorman Stephen, tailor, 4 Terrace, Davies street, Berkeley square
Dormar R. Betty's chophouse, 315 Strand
Dormer James, undertaker, 29 Church street, Shoreditch
Dormer Joshua, undertaker, 279 Bethnal green road
Dorn Philip, baker to the duchess of kent, 172 Oxford street
Dornford Thomas William, wine & spirit merchant, 1 Suffolk lane, Cannon street
Dorrell Edmund, artist, 43 Warren street, Fitzroy square
Dorrell John, market coffee house, 9 West Smithfield
Dorrell Joseph Henry, tailor, 37 Old street road
Dorrington, Hayward & Ellicombe, parliamentary agents, 16 Parliament street, Westminster
Dorrington Jane (Mrs), Union P.H. 30 Union street, Hackney road
Dorset John & Son, tallow chandlers, &c. 52 King street, Westminster
Dorsett Elizabeth (Mrs.), carwoman, 16 Tower Royal, Watling street
Dorward Andrew, baker, 84 Shadwell High street
Dosscher Hemreick Gerd, Rose & Crown P.H. 64 Parson street, Ratcliff highway
Dossetor & Peart, hosiers & glovers, 12 & 13 Poultry
Dossetor Daniel, butcher, 5 Great Russell street, Covent garden
Dossetter John, furng. ironmonger, &c. 29 Theobald's road
Dosson George, cheesemonger, 66 Marsham street, Westminster
Dosson John, grocer & cheesemonger, 38 Union street, Middlesex hospital
Dottridge Samuel, furnishing undertaker, 138 Hoxton Old town
Doubble Thomas, linen draper & haberdasher,38 Leather lane
Doubell George Henry, oil & colorman, 81 Park street, Kennigton cross
Doubell William, linendraper, 2 Pullam terrace, King's road, Chelsea
Double William, Bulls Head P.H. St. Katherine's
Doubleday Edward, surgeon, 219 Blackfriars road
Doubleday Thomas, coal merchant, Eaton wharf, 83 Lower Belgrave place
Doubleden James, fruiterer, 12 Crown row, Mile end road
Doublet Thomas & Henry, spectacle makers, 74 Paul street, Finsbury
Doudney Brothers, tailors, 17 Old Bond street
Doudney Edward P. & Son, tailors, 49 Lombard street
Doudney David Alfred, printer, 1 Long lane, West Smithfield
Doudney George David, metropolitan, british & foreign clothing establishment, 97 Fleet street
Doudney John, tailor, 42 Moorgate street
Dougan James, solicitor, New Chambers, Foregate, Clement's inn
Doughty Benjamin & Co. button makers, 103 St. Martin's lane
Doughty Edward D. chemist, 4 William street, Knightsbridge
Doughty James, Sir John Barleycorn P.H. East street, Manchester square
Doughty James, stationer, 22 Young street, Kensington
Doughty Mary (Miss), boarding house, 10 Arundel street, Strand
Roughty Thomas, coffee rooms, 2 Clifton street, Finsbury
Doughty Thomas, surgeon, 37 Fore street, Cripplegate
Doughty William, baker, 86 Blackman street, Borough
Doughty William P. cutler & dressing casemaker, 431 Strand
Douglas & Attenbrow, teadealers & grocers, 189 Oxford street
Douglas Charles & Son, corn & seed factors, 12 America sq
Douglas & Hamer, wax & composition dollmaker, 58 Shoe lane
Douglas Robert & Co. ship & insurance brokers, 23 Billiter street
Douglas Frances(Mrs.), goldsmith, 13 St. James's street, Clerkenwell
Douglas James, baker, 14 John street, Holland street, Blackfriars
Douglas James, baker, Providence place, Kentish town
Douglas James, surgeon, Whitecross street, Cripplegate
Douglas John, baker, 3 Whitehall place, Kentish town
Douglas John, grocer & cheesemonger, 75 Harrow road
Douglas John, tobacconist, 171 Drury lane
Douglas John, umbrella maker, 21 Belton street, Long acre
Douglas Joseph, barrister, 4 Garden court, Temple
Douglas Joseph, surgeon, &c. 3 Trevor terrace, Knightsbridge
Douglas Mary Elizabeth (Mrs), bookseller, 16 Little Knightrider street
Douglas Samuel, machine ruler, 6 Little Knightrider street
Douglas Sholto J. barrister, 10 Crown Office row, Temple
Douglas William, staymaker, 63 Great Portland street, Oxford street
Douglas William, upholsterer, &c. 21 Lowndes street, Belgrave square
Douglas William, Henry Alfred, surgeon, 14 North Audley street
Douglass James Alex, solicitor, l l Queen square, Bloomsbury
Douglass Joseph, stationer, 2 Great Distaff lane, Friday street
Douglass Matthew, stockbroker, Stock exchange, Bank
Douglass Robert, lamp manufacturer, 184 Piccadilly
Douglass Robert, shawl & fringe manufacturer, 37 Gutter lane, Cheapside
Douglass Sam. tin plate worker, 80 Vauxhall walk, Lambeth
Doull Alex, surveyor, auctioneer & land agent, 212 Piccadilly
Doulton & Watts, stone potters, chemical apparatus & water filter manufacturers, 28 High street, Lambeth
Dousbery Thomas, wholesale shoe warehouse, 5 Brooke street, Holborn
Douse William, bricklayer, 27 Cumberland street, Middlesex Hospital
Douthwaite & Griffiths, saddlers, &c. 31 Little Moorfields
Douthwaite Robert, boot & shoe maker, 21 Tothill street, Westminster
Douthwaite William, currier, &c. 16 Star corner, Bermondsey
Dovaston Edward, builder, 9 Stuckley terrace, Camden town
Dove Edwin, hairdresser, 3 Clifford street, Bond street
Dove Henry, grocer, &c. 4 Britannia place, Wandsworth road
Dove Henry, linen draper, 102 Newgate street
Dove Henry, spice merchant, see Mayor & Dove
Dove Joseph, attorney, 9 New Millman street
Dove Rachel (Mrs.), ham & beefdealer, 8 Upper King street, Bloomsbury
Dove William Richard, butcher, 2 Bloomsbury market
Dovell & Amelang, sealing wax maker, 54 Red lion street, Clerkenwell
Dovell William, carpenter & undertaker, 1 Buckingham street, Strand
Dover Richard & Co. wine merchants, 28 New street, S. gardens ##
Dover Frederick, surgeon, 54 Great Coram street, Brunswick square
Dover Henry John, solicitor, 12 South square, Gray's inn
Dover John, tailor, 33 Northumberland, street, Marylebone
Dover John William, wine merchant, 124 Fenchurch street
Dover William, blindmaker, 70 Wells street, Oxford street
Dovey Charles, turnery warehouse, 16 Seymour place, Camden town
Dovey John, fruiterer, 63 Lisson grove north
Dovey John Sam. toymaker, 48 Freeschool street, Horselydown
Dovey Samuel, wire worker, 25 Crown street, Soho
Dovey Thomas, plumber, &c. 13 Rose & Crown court, Finsbury
Dow James, watchcase manufacturer, 54 Perceval street, Clerkenwell
Dow Thomas William, bootmaker, 16 York street, Covent garden
Dow William Alexander, special pleader, 9 King's bench walk, Temple
Dowbiggin Thomas & Co. cabinet makers & upholsterers, 23 Mount street, Grosvenor square
Dowdall James, glasscutter, 11 Neville's court, Fetter lane
Dowdell James, bootmaker, 287 Kent street, Borough
Dowden George, teadealer, 57 Edgware road, Marylebone
Dowden Joseph, linendraper, see Baker & Dowden
Dowdeswell Benjamin, carriage lamp maker, 14 Old Cavendish street
Dowdeswell George Morley, barrister, 5 Crown office row, & 1 Figtree court, Temple
Dowding William John & Samuel, mop, yarn, hearth rug & flock manufacturer, 2 Peter street, Southwark bridge road; & Calne, Wiltshire
Dowding Benjamin, meat salesman, see Titmuss & Dowding
Dowding John, bookseller, 82 Newgate street
Dowding Richard, cooper, wine & beer merchant, ##8 Wapping wall
Dowding Walter Scott, bookseller, 18 Cannon street, St. Georges east
Dowell Joseph, Bay Tree Tavern, 33 & 35, St. Swithin's lane
Dowell Richard, carpenter, 23 Hyde street, Bloomsbury
Dowell Thomas, carpenter, 23 Pitt street, Fitzroy square
Dowell William, shipping butcher, 25 Wapping wall
Dowens Richard, shell fishmonger, 23 Plumtree street, Bloomsbury
Dower John, map engraver &  printer, 6 Cumming place, Pentonville
Dowers Henry, merchant & agent, 135 Temple place, Blackfriars road
Dowers Thomas William T. law stationer, 16 Took's court, Chancery lane
Dowgate Wharf, Anthony Nichol & Son, between 83 & 84 Upper Thames street
Dowie James, inventor, patentee, & maker of ladies' & gents' elastic boots & shoes, 455 Strand, & 57 Frederick street, Edinbro'
Dowing John, stereotype founder, 3 Smith's place, 82 Snowhill
Dowing Thomas, Cadogan Tap P.H. 75 New road, Sloane street, Chelsea
Dowker Thomas Stockton, picture cleaner, 29 East lane, Dockhead
Dowle John, dairyman, 38 Poland street, Oxford street
Dowle Richard, dairyman, 25 Great Titchfield street, Oxford street
Dowle William, butcher, 9 Park terrace, Regent's park road
Dowlen John Walter, grocer, 7 Seymour street, Euston square
Dowler Frederick, calenderer, &c. 6 Foster street, Bishopsgate
Dowler James, cheesemonger. 4 Perseverance terrace, Bethnal green
Dowler Joseph, hairdresser, 6 Piazza, Covent garden
Dowler Joseph, Rainbow P.H. Queen street, Ratcliff
Dowler Mathew, blind, &c. manufacturer, 99 Fetter lane, Holborn
Dowley James Henry, shoemaker, 3 Melton terrace, Southwark bridge road
Dowley John, surveyor, 35 Howland street, Fitzroy square
Dowley Thomas, Southampton Arms P.H. 141 Tottenham court road

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