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London Street Directory in 1843 - D9

This is the entirety of the 1843 London Post office directory, as it is added.

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Dowling & Gottlieb, stereotypefounders, 14 St. John's lane
Dowling Alfred Septimus, barrister, Tanfield chambers, Temple
Dowling Charlotte (Mrs.), lodging house, 115 Great Russell street, Bloomsbury
Dowling Edmund, grocer & teadealer, 30 King street, Tower hill
Dowling George William, working optician, 16 Mortimer street, Cavendish square
Dowling Henry, estate agent, 1 Duncannon street, Charing cross
Dowling Henry, Red Lion P.H. 68 Blackman street
Dowling James, Phoenix P.H. Phoenix place, Ratcliff cross
Dowling John, grocer, 186 Shadwell High street
Dowling Mary C. (Miss), newsvendor, 45 Mansell street, Goodmans fields
Dowling Richard Brinsley, barrister, 2 Brick court, Temple
Dowling Richard Hore, miller, Valentine place, 5 Blackfriars road
Dowling Samuel, bootmaker, 45 Nelson street, Long lane, Bermondsey
Dowling Thomas, engraver & printer, 32 Panton street, Haymarket
Dowling Thomas, stone mason, 23 Compton street, Clerkenwell
Down & Co. furnish, ironmongers, 1 Coburg place, Bayswater
Down George, chemist & druggist, Warwick street, Belgrave road
Down Henry, hatter, 306 Holborn, 50 Bread street, 359 Strand
Down Henry Sidney, hatter, 50 Bread street, Cheapside
Down Henry Sidney, hat manufacturer, 60 Long acre
Down Israel, plumber & glazier, 15 Featherstone buildings, Holborn
Down Jeremiah, tailor & draper, 179 Strand
Down John, chemist, 7 Cobourg place, Bayswater
Downe Daniel, sailcloth factor, 75 Queen street, Cheapside
Downer C. J. sec. to Economic Life Assurance Society, 34 New Bridge street
Downer John, bookseller, Hope town, Wandsworth road
Downer Samuel, ironplate worker, 11 Greenhill's rents, Smithfield bars
Downes Charles & Son, army & general agent, 14 Warwick street, Charing cross
Downes, Gamlen & Scott, attorney, 7 Furnival's inn, Holborn
Downes, Spilsbury & Downes, wholesale button warehouse, 1 & 2 Huggin lane
Downe's Wharf, Charles Robert Colman, between 31 & 95 Lower East Smithfield
Downes Edward, carver & gilder, 18 Chenies street, Bedford square
Downes George, foreign wine dealer, 1 Haberdashers' place, Hoxton
Downes John, bedstead maker, 20 Flower & Dean street, Spitalfields
Downes John, wholesale tea dealer, 24 Lawrence Pountney lane
Downes John jun. tea broker, see Clarence & Downés
Downes Mary (Mrs.), china warehouse, 28 Theobald's road, Red Lion square
Downes Robert, watch & clock maker, 96 Upper street, Islington
Downes Thomas William, jeweller, 40 Hedge row, High street, Islington
Downes William, stove & grate maker, 13 Bland terrace, Great Dover road
Downey Richard & Son, lightermen, Nine elms, Vauxhall & Commercial road, Lambeth
Downey Francis jun. plumber, 33 Silver street, Golden square
Downey Francis sen. plumber, 1 Duke street, St. James's
Downey John, lighterman, 2 Holywell street, Millbank, Westminster
Downey Richard, lighterman, 21 Commercial road, Lambeth
Downham George, livery stables, 24 Chester street, Kennington cross
Downie James, baker, 73 Gray's inn lane
Downie John, stablekeeper, 12 Johnson street, Holywell street, Westminster
Downie John, stationer & librarian, 64 King street, Soho
Downing George & John Henry, floorcloth manufacturers, 6 & 7 Lowndes' terrace, Knightsbridge, & King's road, Chelsea
Downing Edward, brushmaker, 19 Brown street, Bryanston square
Downing George, jeweller, 16 New street, Covent garden
Downing James W. carpet warehouseman, see Muckalt & Downing
Downing Joseph, Marquis of Granby P.H. St. Katherine's
Downing Richard, Kings Arms P.H. 115 Great Suffolk street, Borough
Downing Thomas, Cadogan Hotel, 74 & 75 Sloane street
Downing Toogood, surgeon, 29 Carey street, Lincoln's inn
Downing William, bargebuilder, 8 Abdy street, Horselydown & 2 Bermondsey wall
Downing William, Bridge Hotel Tap P.H. Montague close, Borough
Downing William, sailmaker & coalmerchant, 24 Gainsford street, Horselydown
Downman Hugh H. tinplate merchant & agent, 29 Nicholas lane, Lombard street
Downs Edwin, brewer, see Gaskell & Downs
Downs Henry, linendraper, 22A, Upper Marylebone street
Downs John Henry, maltster & cornfactor, see Gosling & Downs
Downs Rd. baker, 205 Blackfriars road, & 111 Great Suffolk street, Borough
Downs Robert, baker, 50 Great Guildford street, Borough
Downs Thomas, cheesemonger, 7 Lower Porchester street, Edgware road
Downs William, undertaker, 52 Great Guildford street, Borough
Downton Jonathan, patent pump maker, Commercial road, Limehouse
Dowse Henry & George & Co. merchants, 17 Broad street buildings
Dowse George, merchant, N. & S. American coffeehouse
Dowse James, machine ruler, 106 Great Guildford street, Borough
Dowse Thomas, artist, 39 Charlotte street, Fitzroy square
Dowse William Heatrell, barrister, 77 Chancery lane
Dowsee Sarah (Miss), straw hat maker, 28 Crawford street
Dowsell John, wheelwright, Whitecross street, Borough
Dowsett James Finch, plumber & glazier, 20 Little Chapel street, Soho & 8 Smith street, King's road, Chelsea
Dowsett Richard, coffeerooms, 27 Thomas street, Grosvenor square
Dowsett Thomas, Windmill P.H. 35 New Park street, Borough
Dowsett William, Bailey, gold & silver engraver, 23 Wilderness row
Dowson Chris. & Son, shipbuilders, Limehouse bridge dock
Dowson Joseph & Co. mahogany, timber & stave merchants, Prince's wharf, (late Lett's wharf), Commercial road, Lambeth
Dowson Joseph, coppersounder, 12 Church row, Linehouse
Dowson Joseph, stovegrate maker & ironmonger, 69 Welbeck street
Doxat & Co. merchants, 13 Bishopsgate without
Doy John, carpenter, 20 Charterhouse street & 20 Cloth fair
Doyle & Godden, solicitors, 16 Great James street, Bedford row
Doyle Henry, oil & colorman, 4 Parkside, Knightsbridge
Doyle James, cabinet maker, 32 Tabernacle row, City road
Doyle James, grocer, 25 Commercial road, Lambeth
Doyle John, Marquis of Granby P.H. 51 Chandos street, Strand
Doyle John, scalemaker, 26 King street, Borough
Doyle Peter sen. sailmaker & canvass merchant, 27 & 28 Shadwell High street, & 74 Wapping wall
Doyle Peter jun. shipchandler, 27 & 28 Shadwell High street & 74 Wapping wall
Doyle Sir Francis Hastings, barrister, 17 Serjeant's inn
Doyley John sen. surveyor, 33 Liverpool street, King's cross
Doyley's Warehouse (A. Walker & Co.), 346 Strand
Doyly Robert, solicitor, Clement's inn chambers, Foregate
Drabble Joseph & Co. engineers & patent axletree makers, Phoenix foundry, 236 Kent street & 6 Alsop buildings, Great Dover street
Drabble Samuel, working cutler, 1 High street, Marylebone
Drach Rebecca (Mrs), merchant, 10 Castle street, Houndsditch
Dracott Charles, cattle salesman, 17 West Smithfield
Draeger George, tailor, 36 Leicester square
Drage John, fruiterer, 23 Cleveland street, Fitzroy square
Drake C. & L. (Misses), milliners, 13 Old Cavendish street ##
Drake & Cox, tanners, Russell street, Bermondse
Drake & Westall, fancy & manchester warehousemen, 26 Cateaton street
Drake Caroline (Mrs), Ship P.H. 12 Arcade street, Hungerford market
Drake Elizabeth (Mrs.), copperplate printer, 60 Dean street, Soho
Drake Francis, solicitor, 34 Bouverie street, Fleet street
Drake George, silversmith &c. 1 Commerce row, Upper street, Islingtn
Drake James, featherbed nanufactory, 13 Oxford street
Drake John, colonial broker, 9 Mincing lane
Drake John grocer, 169 Kingsland road
Drake J. Collard, manufactory of patent mounted scales for surveyors, engineers &c. 19 Elm tree road, St. John's wood
Drake Joseph, feather merchant, 39 Baldwin's gardens, Leather lane
Drake Joseph, fruiterer, 17 Oxford market
Drake Joseph, glass & lead merchant, see Bromley & Drake
Drake Joseph, lath render, 16 Quicksetrow, New road. Fitzroy square
Drake Joseph, umbrella manufacturer, 3 St. John's lane, Smithfield
Drake Marmaduke, oil & colorman, 36 Broad street, Bloomsbury
Drake Philip, notary public, 42 Leicester square
Drake Richard, glass cutter & glazier, 25 Frith street, Soho.
Drake Robert, furrier, to her Majesty and the royal family, hatter & army capmaker, 25 Piccadilly
Drake Thomas, Coopers Arms P.H. 6 Strutton ground, Westminster
Drake Thos. surgeon, 8 Nassau place, Commercial road east
Drake William, Carpenters Arms P.H. 171 Brick lane, Spitalfields
Drake William, fruiterer, 2 Old Fish street
Drakeford David, silkbroker, 34 Great Winchester street
Dramatic Authors' Society, 1 Trinity place, Charing cross
Drane Jn. & Co. ivory& tortoiseshell & hardwood dealers, 122 Minories
Drane & Sherwin, comb manufacturers, 122 Minories
Drane Thomas, merchant, 98 Gracechurch street
Drant Mary (Mrs.), tobacconist, 63 Chandos street, Covent garden
Drant William, grocer, 5 Stockbridge terrace, Pimlico
Draper Child & Co. brewers, 11 Oxford street
Draper Thomas & Co. comb maker, St. Andrew's terrace, Commercial road east
Draper William & Thomas, leather dressers, &c. 107 High Holborn
Drapers' Almhouses, Cooper's row, Crutched friars
Drapers' Hall, Edward Lawford, clerk, 27 Throgmorton street
Draper Abrm. herbalist, 3 Halfmoon passage, Leadenhall market
Draper Carter, attorney, 45 Vincent square, Westminster
Draper Charles, stationer, 68 St. John street, West Smithfield
Draper George, russia merchant, 65 Old Broad street & Baltic coffee house
Draper Henry, chronometer maker, 17 Great Percy street, Amwell street
Draper John, Globe Tavern, 91 Hatton garden
Draper John, wholesale & export stationer, &c. 50 Lombard street
Draper John, wholesale & retail basket maker, 4 Philpot lane
Draper John William, fruit salesman, &c. Centre row, Covent garden
Draper Joseph, smith & bellhanger, 88 Great Titchfield street, Oxford street
Draper Moses, tailor, 7 Taunton place, Brunswick street, Dover road
Draper Richard, currier, 7 Church lane, Whitechapel
Draper Richard, seal engraver, 3 Sugar loaf court, Leadenhall street
Draper Robert, jeweller, 22 Ossulston street, Somers town
Draper Robert, Ship P.H. 1 Wormwood street, Bishopsgate
Draper Samuel, tailor, 20 Frances street, Tottenham court road
Draper William, appraiser, 24 Wellclose square
Drawater George, baker & confectioner, 4 Albion place, King's cross
Drawbridge Joseph, tobacconist, see Gale & Drawbridge
Dray William, stove & range manufacturer, see Deane, Dray & Deane
Draycott Frederick, carver & gilder, 27 Duke street, Bloomsbury
Draycott Henry, carver & gilder, Newland street, Kensington
Druysey Mary (Mrs.), copper plate printer, 14 Primrose street, Bishopsgate
Drayton Thomas, dressing casemaker, 32 Upper Rosamon street, Clerkenwell
Dredge & Ross, smiths' & coopers' toolmaker, 24 Great Alie street
Dredge John, printer & stationer, 67 Whitechapel High street
Dredge Joseph, bootmaker, 25 St. Swithin's lane
Dresden Edward Zodiac, merchant, 1 Lime street square
Dresser Clement, wool merchant, 19 Basinghall street
Dresser Joseph, provision agent, Hay's wharf, Tooley street
Dressler Gustav. merchant, 27 Mincing lane
Drew, Heyward & Co. wholesale druggists of Bush lane, Cannon street
Drew, May & Co. hosiers & glovers, 80 King William street, City
Drew Walter & Henry, surgeons, 79 Gower street, Bedford square
Drew Ann (Mrs.), stationer, 16 & 17 Portugal street, Lincoln's inn fields
Drew Barry, envelope maker, &c.3 Newcastle court, College hill
Drew Berish, superintendent registrar of births, &c. 185 Bermondsey street
Drew Daml. cabinet maker & upholsterer, 36 Compton street, Clerkenwell
Drew David, carpenter, 34 Great Titchfield street, Oxford street
Drew Edward, stationer, & toy warehouse, New Chapel place, Kentish town
Drew Elizabeth (Mrs.), milliner &c. 27 Upper Albany street, Regents park
Drew George, solicitor, 185 Bermondsey street
Drew Henry, horse dealer, 79 & 80 Blackman street, Borough
Drew Henry, surgeon, 33 Torrington square
Drew Henry, wholesale ironmonger, &c. see Rownson & Drew
Drew James, haberdasher, &c. 19 Bridge street, Westminster
Drew James Paul, artist, 19 Charles street, Middlesex hospital
Drew Jeffrey, currier, 13 Cambridge road, Mile end road
Drew John, law stationer, 8 Took's court, Chancery lame
Drew John, lighterman, 146 Upper Thames street
Drew John, plumber, 17 Newcastle street, Strand, & 96 Drury lane
Drew John, ready made linen warehouse, 70 Burlington arcade
Drew Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 14 Villiers street, Strand
Drew Thomas, boot & shoe manufacturer, 11 Newington causeway, & 5 Brighton place, Brixton
Drew Thomas, greengrocer, 71 Great Guildford street, Borough
Drew Thomas, oil & leather warehouse, 89 Bermondsey street
Drew Thos. Robt. surveyor, 20Mid. Queen's buildings, Knightsbridge
Drew William, poulterer & fishmonger, 19 Finsbury pavement
Drew William George, butcher, 6 Shadwell High street
Drewe & Riley, oil & colormen, 118 Great Titchfield street
Drewe Aurelius John, bath & bristol barge owner, Steel yard, 86 Upper Thames street
Dreweatt John, Mansion house dining rooms, 25 Bucklersbury
Drewell Samuel, artist in fireworks, 6 Hatfield place, Westinster road
Drewett & Fowler, bankers, 4 Princes street, Bank
Drewett & Mercer, carpenters, 59 ##o street, Borough
Drewett Ambrose, carpenter, 4 Red Lion street, Borough
Drewett Ann (Mrs.), sexton, 4 Three Crown square, Borough
Drewett Anne (Mrs), book & printseller, 62 Quadrant, Regent street
Drewett James, booking office, Spur inn yard, 97 Borough High street
Drewett James, Kings Head P.H. Belvedere road, Lambeth
Drewett Thomas, sack & bag dealer, 60 Snow's fields, Bermondsey
Drewry Charles Stewart, barrister, 77 Chancery lane
Drewry Edward, wine & spirit merchant, 33 Crosby row, Walworth
Drewry James, White Hart P.H. 12 Black Prince row, Walwrth road
Dreyer & Genetat, tailors, 30 Gerrard street, Soho
Dring & Fage, hydrometer makers, 10 Duke street, Tooley street
Drinkald Joshua, ship owner, 19 Beer lane, Tower street
Drinkwater Joseph, Coach & Horses P.H. 7 Notting hill High street
Drinkwater William Leece, barrister, 3 Paper buildings. Temple
Driscoll Margaret & Samuel, bootmakers, 14 New street, Cloth fair
Driscoll Mary (Mrs.), baker, 4 Victoria place, Hoxton Old town
Driver Edward & George N., surveyors & land agents, 8 Richmond terrace, Whitehall
Driver Charles, fishmonger, 190 Shadwell High street
Driver George, oil & colorman, 74 Snow hill
Driver Henry A. coal merchant, Milford wharf, Strand
Driver Henry Austen, wholesale stationer, 28 King street, Cheapside
Driver John Samuel, scale maker, see Bastick & Driver
Driver Thomas, George & Dragon P.H. 17 Paradise row, Chelsea
Driver Thomas, grocer, High street, Stoke Newington
Droitwich Salt Company; 35 Bridge wharf, City road basin, 338 High street, Wapping & 86 Lower Thames street
Drolenvaux & Stahlschmidt, ships custom house agents, 2 Mincing lane
Dromgole & Linton, window glass dealers, 20 Barbican, & 16 Bath place, New road
Dromgole Peter, coach, &c. springmaker, Stratford
Dron John, silk dyer, 25 Oakley street, Lambeth
Droop John Abraham, merchant, 9 Love lane, Eastcheap
Drouet Michael, butcher, 7 Kennington row
Drouhet, Gardner & Co. merchants, 8 Lime street
Drownsfield Joseph, walking stick dresser, 3 New street, City road
Droy Thomas, timber merchant, see Knight & Droy

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