Search london history from Roman times to modern day
In 1826, a listing exists which covers Middlesex and its towns and villages within 12 miles of London. This actually includes parts of Essex, Surrey, Kent etc.
Index of London & Surrounds in 1826
Uxbridge, Cowley, Great & Little Hillingdon
Chequers (Commercial), Daniel May, High Street
Crown & Old Treaty House, (Posting House), Wm Langston
George (Commercial), Wrightson Ward Brownie, High Street
Grapes (Commercial), Drinkwater William, London Road
Kings Arms (Commercial & Coach Office), Richard S Green, High Street
Ram (Commercial), Mrs Hannah Talkes, opposite the Market House
Red Lion, Thos George Pigram, Hillingdon
Three Tuns (Commercial), Thomas Priddy, (Excise Office), High Street
Vine, Clement Crutchley, Hillingdon
White Horse (& Posting House), Stephen Trehern, High Street
Bell, Jno Mills, High Street
Castle, Geo Rutter, Windsor Street
Catherine Wheel, James Gowlett, Windsor Street
Crown, Jno Johnson, Cowley
Crown & Sceptre, Robert Howse, High Street
Dolphin, Jermh Packer, Uxbridge Moor
Eight Bells, Ts Biggs, Hillingdon End
Falcon, Peter Wright, High Street
Feathers, Thos Holden, High Street
Fox, Jno Mathews, Cowley
General Elliott, Richard Dunham, Uxbridge Moor
Green Dragon, Jn Norton, Hillingdon End
Isle of Man Arms, Valentine Davies, Windsor Street
Jolly Hostler, Jno Franklin, Windsor Street
New Inn, William Buckingham, Windsor Street
Paddington Boat, Geo Peek, Cowley
Red Lion, Nathl Nicholls, High Street
Rose & Crown, Jas James, London Street
Sun, Jno George, High Street
Swan & Bottle, Wm Wild, near the Coln
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