Man Loaded with Mischielf

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Public Houses, Inns & Taverns of London in 1826 - S2

In 1826, a listing exists which covers Middlesex and its towns and villages within 12 miles of London. This actually includes parts of Essex, Surrey, Kent etc.

Index of London & Surrounds in 1826

Stoke Newington

Black Bull, Matt Stanton, High Street
Coach & Horses, Leonard Willan, High Street
Falcon, Mayfield Holmes, Church Street
Hare & Hounds, Elizabeth Britten & Co, Newington Road
Jolly Butchers, Wm Henry Barker, High Street
Red Lion, Jas Flack, Church Street
Rochester Castle, J West, High Street
Rose & Crown, Geo Broadbridge, Church Street
Three Crowns, John Betts, High Street
White Hart, Saml Kingston, High Street

Stratford & Neighbourhood

Angel, Joseph Gregory
Bird in Hand, John Kaye
Black Bull, Susannah Carter
Blue Boar, Edmund May
Cart & Horses, Thomas Bigg
Coach & Horses, James Wheeler
Fox & Hounds, James Davis
George, Julius Dangerfield
Green Man, John Clay
Harrow, Robert Martin
King of Prussia, Wm Beck
Kings Head, Jno Reeve (& Livery Stables)
Swan, John Reader
Three Pigeons, John White, Stratford Point
Two Brewers, Samuel Barker
Yorkshire Grey and Spread Eagle, Elizabeth Cowland
Yorkshire Grey, Edward card, Maryland Point


Bull, Peter Dowden
Crown & Sceptre, Jas Arnold
Greyhound, Michl Keatley
Horse & Groom, Thomas Watts
White Lion, Joseph Southern


Castle, William Parkhurst
Flower Pot, John Long
George, William Keates
Goat, Jos Sawyer, Upper Halliford
Magpie, William Tillier
Three Fishes, John Bennett
White Horse, George Thackham

Sutton & Cheam

Cock (& Posting), Jno Sured
Greyhound (& Posting), Jno Grace
Harrow, Robert Tribe, Cheam
Lord Nelson, Jno Jones, Lower Cheam
Red Lion, Jno Rutley, Cheam
Red Lion, William White

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 12:50:25 GMT

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