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A Concise Local description of and Accurate Direction to every Square, Street, Lane, Court, Dock, Wharf, Inn, Public Office, &c. in the Metropolis and its Environs.
Sabbs quay, Lower Thames Street, opposite 75, on the West side of Bear quay, near the Custom house.
Sackville Street, Piccadilly, at 48, nearly opposite St James's church, 1/5 of a mile on the Right from the Haymarket, extending to Vigo lane.
Sadlers Hall, Cheapside, at 143, near Newgate Street
Sadlers Wells, about 1/3 of a mile on the Left from the North end of St John Street towards Islington.
Saffron Court, Great Saffron Hill, at 67, about eight doors on the Left from Hatton wall.
Saffron Hill (Great), Holborn Bridge, the continuation of Field lane, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 150, extending to Vine Street and Hatton wall.
Saffron Hill (Little), the continuation of the last described to Ray Street, Clerkenwell.
Saffron Place, Great Saffron Hill, at 57, four doors South from Castle street.
Saffron Street, Great Saffron Hill, is East parallel to part of it, say from 30 to 40, extending from Peter Street to Lilly Street
Salem Chapel, Leading Street, Shad well, between Foxes lane and Griffin Street
Salishury Arms Canal Warehouse, behind 36, Cow lane, twelve doors on the Left from Snow hill.
Salisbury Court, Fleet Street, at 81, the second coach turning on the Left from Fleet market, extending to Salisbury square.
Salisbury Crescent, Locks Fields, Walworth, on the North side of Salisbury place or the continuation of Pitt Street, Kent road.
Salisbury Lane, Bermondsey or Rotherhithe wall, the second on the Right about 1/8 of a mile below St Saviours dock.
Salisbury Mews, Great Quebec Street, New Road, Marylebone, at 17, the first on the Left from the New road.
Salisbury Place, New Road, Marylebone, forms part of the South side, about of a mile on the Right from the Yorkshire stingo, towards Upper Baker Street
Salisbury Place Locks Fields, Walworth, forms part of the Left side the road from Rodney row, Kent road, towards Park place, East lane.
Salisbury Place, Salisbury Street, Bermondsey or Rotherhithe Wall, the second on the Left a few doors from Jamaica Row.
Salisbury Square, Fleet Street, a few doors South from behind 81, Fleet St entering by Salisbury court.
Salisbury Street, Strand, at 77, five doors East of Adam St Adelphi, and about # a mile on the Left from Temple bar.
Salisbury Street, Bermondsey or Rotherhithe Wall, opposite Fountain stairs, about # of a mile below St Saviours dock, extending to Jamaica row.
Sallys Alley, London Street, Ratcliffe, at 44, the first on the Right from Queen Street towards Rose lane.
Salmons Lane, Ratcliffe, at the North end of White horse Street on the Right near Stepney church yard, extending to the Commercial road, Limehouse.
Salmons Place, Salmons Lane, Limehouse, nearly opposite Farmers Row, about 1/8 of a mile on the Left from the Commercial road.
Salmons Row, Salmons Lane, Limehouse, at the back of Salmons Place. See the last article.
Salmon and Ball Court, Bunhill Row, at 94, opposite the Burying ground, leading to Chequer alley.
Salters Alms Houses, Monkwell Street, about twelve houses on the East side, adjoining Hart street.
Salters Court, Bow Lane, at 14, being that number of houses on the Right from Bow church, Cheapside.
Salters Court, Hackney Road, the first on the Left a few doors from Shoreditch church.
Salters Hall Court, Cannon Street, at 82, by the church, leading to the said hall, and to 12, St Swithins lane.
Salters Hall. See the last article.
Salters Rents, Hackney Road, the second on the Left a few doors from Shoreditch church.
Saltpetre Bank, Rosemary Lane. See Dock Street.
Salutation Court, Broad Street, St Giles, at 42, a few doors on the Right from Monmouth Street towards Drury lane.
Salutation Court, Lower Thames Street, at 101, nearly opposite Billingsgate.
Salvadore House, Bishopsgate Without, behind 200, two doors North of the church.
Samaritan Society, held at the London hospital, Whitechapel road.
Sambrook Court, Basinghall Street, at 25, nearly opposite the church.
Sampsons Gardens, Wapping, the continuation of Globe Street entering by 60 Wapping Street
Sampsons Place, Mile End Road, nearly opposite the Old Globe, and about 1 1/2 mile on the Right, from Aldgate.
Samuel Street, Church Street, Bethnal Green, at 74, about 1/3 of a mile on the L. from 60 Shoreditch, leading into Gibraltar walk
Samuel Street, Booth Street, Spitalfields, the continuation of it, entering by 50 Brick lane, and extending to Well Street
Samuel Street, St Georges in the East, the second West parallel to part of Cannon street road, extending from John Street to James street.
Sand Court or Yard, Turnmill St Clerkenwell, the first on the Right a few yards from the Sessions house.
Sanders Buildings, Horse Shoe Alley, Moorfields, the third on the Left from Wilson Street towards Mulberry court and Long alley.
Sanders Court, Great Peter Street, Westminster, on the West side of Perkins Rents, near the Elephant and Castle.
Sanders Court, St John Street, Clerkenwell, at the North end, on the Right nearly opposite Bensons Japan manufactory.
Sanders Gardens, Kingsland Road, a tew doors on the L,. from Shoreditch church, leading to Hoxton.
Sandford Row, East Lane, Walworth, the third on the Right in South Street from Apollo buildings, towards Walworth common.
Sandys Row or Street, Widegate Street, Bishopsgate Without, about six doors on the Right from Bishopsgate street, leading to Windsor Street
Sans Pareil Theatre, Strand, behind 410, nearly opposite Adam Street, Adelphi.
Saracens Head Inn, Snow Hill, on the West side, St Sepulchres church, near the Old Bailey.
Saracens Head Inn, Kriday Street, about six doors on the Right from 36, Cheapside.
Saracens Head Inn, Aldgate, two or three doors on the Right from the pump near Fenchurch Street
Saracens Head Yard, Camomile Street, at 7, the second on the Right from nearly opposite the church, Bishopsgate.
Sarah Court or Street, New Gravel Lane, St Georges in the East, at 145, about twelve doors on the Right from Wapping wall.
Sarah Street, Bethnal Green, the continuation of Nicols row, entering by 30 Church Street
Sardinian Chapel, Duke Street, Lincolns Inn Fields, a few yards on the Left from 52 Lincolns inn fields.
Sarns Alley, Rotherhithe Street, at 376, near Rotherhithe stairs, and about 1/4 of a mile West of the church.
Sash Court, Wilson Street, Moorfields, the first on the Right six doors from the North side of Moorfields.
Satchwells Rents, Church Street, Bethnal Green, at 82, on the West side of Thorold square, about 1/3 of a mile on the Left from 65 Shoreditch.
Savage Court, Widegate Street, Bishopsgate, at 30, about seven doors on the Left from Bishopsgate without.
Savage Gardens, Crutched Friars, at 21, about 1/8 of a mile on the Right from 64 Mark lane, leading to Tower hill.
Savannah Place, Essex Street, Kingsland Road, a few doors on the Right from the said road, entering opposite the Ironmongers alms houses.
Saville Buildings, Aldgate, at 17, ten doors East from the church (late White Bear Court).
Saville Buildings, Stepney, the continuation of Pleasant row and Redmans Row to the Green.
Saville Passage, Saville Street, Burlington Gardens, the North continuation of it under the archway to Mill St and Conduit Street
Saville Place, Lambeth, the West continuation of Canterbury place, about 1/8 of a mile on the Left from Lambeth chapel towards the church.
Saville Place, Mile Knd Road, forms part of the South side near the Plough, about 2 1/2 miles on the Right from Aldgate.
Saville Row, Mile End Road, forms part of the South side, opposite the Bell and Mackerel public house, near the last described.
Saville Row, Walworth High Street or Road, forms part of the Left side, about a of a mile from the Elephant and Castle.
Saville Street or Row, Burlington Gardens, the first West parallel to part of Swallow Street extending from Vigo lane to New Burlington Street
St Saviours Church Yard, High Street, Borough, entrance at 206 near of a mile on the Right from London bridge, leading by the church to the Borough market.
St Saviours Dock, Horselydown, about 1/4 of a mile below London bridge and nearly opposite Hermitage dock.
St Saviours Workhouse, Pepper Street, Borough, at the South end of it, entering by the West end of Queen street.
Savorys Wharf, Millbank Street, Westminster, about 1/4 of a mile above the bridge, entrance opposite Wood street.
Savoy, Strand, entrance by 121, about the middle of the South side, nearly opposite Exeter change.
Savoy Steps, Strand, at 107, near the last described.
Sawyers Court, Clements Lane, Strand, about five doors on the Right from Clare market.
Sawyers or Sayers Buildings, Phoenix Street, Spitalfields, is between Hope street and Grey Eagle street, being a few doors on the Left from 160 Brick lane.
Sayers Buildings, Park Street, Limehouse Hole, the first on the Right from Limehouse hole towards Limehouse causeway.
Says Craftsman Newspaper Office, at 10, Ave Maria lane, opposite Paternoster row.
Scallop Court, Great Carter Lane, Doctors Commons, two doors on the Left from Creed lane, entering by 14 Ludgate street.
School for Female Orphans of the Clergy, next door to the chapel in Chapel street, Lisson green or Paddington.
School for the Indigent Blind, St Georges Fields, about 1/6 of a mile on the Left from West square, towards Lambeth.
School for Licenced Victuallers Friendly Society, Upper Kennington Lane, a few doors West of the Windmill tavern.
School for Debtors Children, Newington Road, two or three doors on the Right from the Kings Bench.
School House Court, Nightingale Lane, East Smithfield, at 22, the first on the Right from Burr Street towards Upper East Smithfield.
School House Lane, Cock Hill, Ratcliffe, the first on the Left from Shadwell High street, leading to Brook street.
School House Passage, Upper Thames Street, at 184, three doors West of Queen Street, Cheapside.
School House Yard, Aylesbury Street, Clerkenwell, about fourteen doors on the Right from St John Street leading to the Church yard.
School House Yard, Ironmonger Row, St Lukes, opposite the East side of the church, seven doors on the Right from 97 Old Street
Sclater Street, Brick Lane, Bethnal Green or Spitalfields, at 154, the third on the Right from Church Street
Scooners Alley, Wapping Wall, at 28, two or three doors East of Star street.
Scotch Court, Cross Lane, Parkers Lane, Lincolns Inn Fields, the first on the Right towards Holborn, and opposite King Street, Drury lane.
Scotland Yard (Great), Charing Cross or Whitehall, is opposite the Admiralty, and about thirty five doors on the Left from the Strand, towards Westminster bridge.
Scotland Yard (Middle), Whitehall two doors South from the last described, leading on the Right to Little Scotland yard.
Scotland Yard (Little). See the last article.
Scotts Wharf, Mill Street, Dock Head, a few doors on the Left from Dock head, towards the Thames.
Scotts Yard, Bu h Lane, Cannon Street, about eight doors on the Right from 22, Cannon Street
Scotts Yard, Whitecross Street, St Lukes, at 176, about the middle of the West side, leading to Bear and Ragged staff court.
Scottens Gardens, Duke Street, St Georges Fields, about the middle of the East side, between Webber Street and Westminster bridge road.
Seabrook Place, White Lion Street, Pentonville, the second on the Left a few doors from High Street, Islington.
Sea Coal Company s Office, at 29, New Bridge St Blackfriars, three doors from Earl Street
Sea Coal Lane, Fleet Lane, about twelve doors on the Left from Fleet market, leading to Snow hill.
Seal Office, Somerset Place, the third door on the Left from the archway, entering between 151 and 152, Strand.
Seal Office, Middle Temple Lane, Fleet Street, a few yards on the Right from 5, Fleet Street, near Temple bar.
Secondaries Office, at 28 Coleman St about sixteen doors on the Left from Lothbury.
Secretary of Bankrupts Office, at the bottom of Quality court, from 47, Chancery lane,
Secretary of States Office, Home Department, the first door on the Left in the small square at the West end of Downing street, from Whitehall.
Secretary of States Office, Foreign Department, Whitehall, the third house on the Right from the Horse Guards, towards Westminster.
Secretary of States Office, War Department, the door facing the West end of Downing Street
Seething Lane, Great Tower Street, at 56, being the first East parallel to part of Mark lane, it extends to 33 Crutched friars.
Selbys Mews, Berkeley Street, Portman Square, a few yards on the Right from the North West corner of the said square.
Selector Newspaper Office, at 10, Ave Maria lane, opposite Paternoster row.
St Sepulchres Charity Schcol, Ball Court, Giltspur Street, entrance by 14. nearly opposite the church.
St Sepulchres Church, Snow Hill, on the North side, at the corner of Giltspur street.
St Sepulchres Workhouse, West Street, a few yards on the Right from 88 West Smithfield.
Serjeant Inn, Fleet Street, at 50, being that number of houses on the Right from Temple bar.
Serjeants Inn, Chancery Lane, four doors on the R, from 192, Fleet Street near Temple bar.
Serle Street, Lincolns Inn Fields, at the South East corner, extending to 50 Carey Street, Chancery lane.
Sermon Lane, Doctors Commons, the first on the Right in Little Carter lane, East from Pauls chain, St Pauls churchyard.
Sessions House, Old Bailey, opposite 52, about the middle of the E side.
Sessions House, Clerkenwell Green, the large building in the centre of the West side.
Sessions House, Borough, at the Town Hall, St Margarets hill.
Sessions House, Horsemonger Lane, on the West side the County Gaol.
Seven Dials, St Giles, the point where seven streets all meet, viz. at the South end of Great St Andrew Street from Broad Street and the North end of Little Street,
St Andrews Street from St Martins lane.
Seven Houses, Deptford Lower Road, forms part of the Right side, about of a mile from China hall, towards the Half way house.
Seven Islands, Mill Pond, Bermondsey or Rotherhithe, a number of small houses on the East side, from Mill pond bridge towards the Blue anchor.
Seven Star Alley, Ratcliffe Highway, at 81 , sixteen doors on the Right below Old Gravel lane.
Seven Star Court, Whitecross Street, St Lukes, at 192, three doors South of Playhouse yard.
Seven Star Court, Nightingale Lane, East Smithfield, at 30, the third on the Left from Burr street, towards Upper East Smithfield.
Seven Star Court, Rosemary Lane, at 22, about 1/8 of a mile on the Right from the Minories.
Seven Steps Alley. Rotherhithe Street, at 360, about 1/8 of a mile West of the church, leading to Paradise street.
Seward Street, Goswell Street. See Steward street.
Seymour Court, Church Way, Sommers Town, a few yards behind 1 Sommers place West, new road ; entrance under the gateway.
Seymour Court, Chandos Street, Covent Garden, at 27, about nine doors on the Right from 27, St Martins lane.
Seymour Mews, Seymour Street, Portman Square, two or three doors on the Left from the South East corner of the square, extending to Berkeley Street
Seymour Place. Curzon Street, Mayfair, at the West end, nearly opposite South Audley Street
Seymour Place, Locks Fields, Walworth, about 1/8 of a mile on the Left from Walworth High Street or road, along York Street and opposite the Rev. Geo. Claytons chapel.
Seymour Street, Portman Square, at the South East corner, leading into Edward Street and Wigmore Street, Cavendish square.
Seymour Street (Upper), Portman Square, at the South West corner, opposite the last, extending to 12, in the Edgware road.
Shacklewell Street, Tyson Street, Bethnal Green, about ten doors on the Right from 54, Church Street or from opposite Crick lane.
Shad Thames, Horselydown, the last on the Right in Potters fields, from the East end of Tooley Street extending to Dock head.
Shadwell Dock. See the next article.
Shadwell Dock Stairs, Lower Shadwell, near the East end of Wapping wall and opposite Griffin Street from Shadweli market.
Shadwell High Street, the East continuation of Ratcliffe highway, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 215, extending from Blue gate fields to Cock hill.
Shadwell Market, on the South side of Shadwell High St entering by 66, about ten doors on the Right below the church.
Shadwell (Middle), the first South parallel to part of Shadwell High Street, say from 76 to 87, extending from Popes hill to Broad bridge.
Shadwell (Little), the East continuation of Lower Shadwell to Bell wharf.
Shadwell (Lower), the continuation of Wapping wall by the side of the Thames, extending from Shadwell dock to the last described,
Shadwell (Upper). See Shadwell High Street.
Shadwell Water Works, at the South end of Popes hill on the Left entering by 75 Shadwell High street.
Shadwell Workhouse, about the middle of the West side of Union St entering by 227 Shadwell High Street
Shafts or Shaftsbury Square or Court, York Street, Westminster, between Horseshoe alley and Smiths Rents.
Shaftsbury Place, Aldersgate Street at 31, fifteen doors from Falcon Street towards Jewin Street
Shaftsbury Chapel, Aldersgate Street See the last article.
Shakespears Walk, Shadwell, at 48, Shadwell High Street under the archway, leading to Star Street and 21, Wapping wall.
Shards Row, New Road, St, Georges in the East See St Georges Place.
Sharps Alley, West Street, West Smithfield, a few doors on the Right from the North West corner of Smhhfield market.
Sharps Buildings, Ro emary Lane, forms part of the South side, near Little Tower hill.
Sharps Court, Leadenhall Street, at 132, nearly opposite the India house.
Sharps Court, Little Trinity Lane, at 14, three doors on the Left from 199 Upper Thames Street
Shaws Court, Charles Street, Drury Lane, the first on the Left ten doors from 171 Drury lane.
Shaws Court, New Court or Alley, Borough, at the South end of it, entering by 155, Borough High Street near St Georges church.
Shearwood Place, Turville Street, Bethnal Green, the second on the Right from 38, Church Street leading from Christopher Street to Mount street.
Sheens Court, Holborn Hill, at 90, about twelve doors on the Right from Fleet market.
Sheffield Street, Clare Market, the North West side of the said market, extending from Vere Street to Portsmouth Street
Shepherds Alley, Upper Thames Street, at 64, about 1/3 of a mile on the Left from London bridge, and nearly opposite Garlick hill.
Shepherds Court, Kings Head Court, Shoe Lane, three doors on the Left from 98, Shoe lane.
Shepherds Court, Lpper Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, eight doors on the Right from the North West corner of the said square.
Shepherds Court, Old Nicol Street, Bethnal Green, the first on the Left from Cock lane near Shoreditch.
Shepherds Market, Mayfair, at the North end of White horse St from Piccadilly, and behind 38, Curzon Street
Shepherds Row, Bethnal Green Road, forms part of the South side opposite Wilmot square, about 2/3 of a mile on the Right from 65 Shoreditch.
Shepherds Square, Curzon Street, Mayfair, at 38, about seven doors West from Haifmoon Street
Shepherd Street, Shepherds Market, extends from the South side of it to Hertford Street
Shepherd Street, Oxford Street, at 310, three doors East of New Bond Street and near 1/4 of a mile on the L from St Giles.
Shepherd and Flock Court, Whites Alley, Coleman Street, the fourth on the Left from 61, Coleman Street
Shepherd and Shepherdess Walk, City Road, on the East side St Lukes workhouse, about 1/2 a mile on the Right from Finsbury square.
Sherborne Lane, Lombard Street, behind St Mary Woolnoths church, entering by 10 Lombard Street and leading to Abchurch yard and Cannon Street
Sheriffs Court, Guildhall, entrance by the first door on the Right in the hall from King Street
Sheriff of Middlesex Office, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane, the third house on the L. from 14, Castle Street, Holborn.
Sheriff of Middlesex Commissioners Office, Bedford Street, at 15, opposite Bedford row.
Sheriffs Office, Giltspur Street Compter, a few yards on the Right from Newgate Street
Sherrard Court, Tooley Street, at 223, in the corner between Glean alley and Joiner Street
Sherrard Street, Golden Square, the first on the Right in Titchborn Street from the Haymarket, leading to the said square.
Ship Alley, Wellclose Square, at the South East corner, extending to Ratcliffe highway.
Ship Court, York Street, Westminster, the first on the Left about twenty doors from James Street, towards Queen square.
Ship Court, Old Bailey, at 66, four or five doors on the Left from Ludgate hill.
Ship Court, Green Bank, Tooley Street, entrance by the first on the Right from 81, Tooley Street
Ship Coach Office, Charing Cross, at 461 a few doors on the Right towards the Horse guards.
Ship Inn, High Street, Borough, at 30, that number of houses on the Left from London bridge.
Ship Street, Prussian Island, Wapping, the second on the Right from 188 Wapping street, near New Crane.
Ship Yard, Strand or Pickett Street, about six doors on the Right west from Temple bar, leading to New court and Carey Street
Ship Yard, Wardour Street, Soho, at 37, about that number of houses on the Left from 382 Oxford Street
Ship Yard, Redcross Street, Cripplegate, .at 38, nearly opposite Jewin Street
Ship Yard, Bishopsgate Street Without, at 118, on the North side of Skinner Street about of a mile on the Left from the church.
Ship Yard, Minories, at 32, being that number of houses on the Left from Aldgate.
Ship Yard., Green Bank, Tooley Street, a few yards on the Right from 81 Tooley Street
Ship Yard, High Street, Borough, at 33, being that number of houses on the Left from London bridge.
Ship and Mermaid Row, Snows Fields, Bermondsey, the fifth on the Left from 237 Bermondsey Street
Ship and Sun Court, East Street or Lane, Walworth, a few yards on the Left from Walworth High Street or road.
Ship Tavern Passage, Gracechurch Street, at 76, about eight doors on the Right from Fenchurch street, leading to Leadenhall market.
Ship Tavern Wharf, Broad Street, Ratcliffe, on the West side of Ratcliffe cross stairs, about 2 miles below London bridge.
Shire Lane (Great), Fleet Street or Temple Bar, on the East side of Temple bar, extending to 5 Carey Street, Chancery lane.
Shire Lane (Little), Temple Bar, about fifteen doors on the Left in the last, from Fleet Street leading to Old Boswell court.
Shire Lane, Chelsea, extends from behind the Bun house towards Sloane Street
Shirleys Court or Yard, Old Montague Street, Whitechapel, the second on the Right from Osborn street.
Shoe Lane, Fleet Street, at 130, about twenty four doors on the Right from Fleet market, extending to Holborn hill by St Andrews church.
Shoemakers Row, Blackfriars, about ten doors on the Right in Creed lane from 15 Ludgate Street near St Pauls church yard.
Shoreditch High Street, the North continuation of Bishopsgate Street extending from Norton falgate (where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 249) to the church.
Shorts Buildings, St James's Place, Clerkenwell, the second on the Left from Aylesbury Street leading to Clerkenwell close.
Shorts Court, Wentworth Street, Spitalfields, a few doors on the Left from Petticoat lane, leading into Cox square.
Short Cut, Hickmans Folly, Dock Head, the second on the Right from Dock head, leading by the Halfpenny hatch towards the Neckinger.
Shorts Gardens, Drury Lane, at 10, being that number of houses on the Right from Broad Street, St Giles, it leads to Queen Street and the Seven dials.
Short Street, Cumberland Street, Shoreditch, the first on the Left a few yards from the Curtain road.
Short Street, Pavement, Moorfields, at 15, about the middle of the West side, leading into Little Moorfields.
Short Street, Tower Street, St Georges Fields, at 5, the first on the Left, from nearly opposite the Asylum.
Shorts Yard, Broad Street, Lambeth, a few doors on the Right from the Thames, and opposite High street.
Shorters Court, Throgmorton Street, a few yards on the Right from the North East corner of the Bank of England.
Shorters Rents, Whites Yard, Rosemary Lane, the third on the Left a few doors from 48, Rosemary lane.
Shorter Street, Wellclose Square, about the middle of the North side, leading to 20, Cable Street
Shoulder of Mutton Alley, Fore Street, Limehouse, at 52, a few doors on the Left, below the Drawbridge.
Shouldham Street, Queen Street, Edgware Road, the fourth on the Left from 61, Edgware Road, extending to John Street
Shovel Alley, Great Garden Street, St Catherines, about the middle of the North side, viz. between St. Catherines lane and Butcher row.
Shovel Court, Wood Street, Cheapside, at 120, about twelve doors on the Left from 123, Cheapside.
Shrewsbury Court, Whitecross Street, St Lukes, at 192, about thirty doors on the Left north from Chiswell Street
Shropshire Court, Pancras Street, Tottenham Court Road, at the East end of it, adjoining Upper Thornhaugh Street
Shuter Court, Basinghall Strcct, at 42, about ten doors on the Left from London wall.
Sick and Wounded Office, at the Transport office, Dorset square, Cannon row, Westminster.
Sidmouth Place, Grays Inn Lane, forms part of the West side, nearly opposite Acton Street 1/4 of a mile on the Left from Middle row, Holborn.
Sidmouth Street, Grays Inn Lane, at the South end of the last described.
Sidneys Alley, Leicester Square, at the North West corner, leading in to Coventry Street
Sidneys Place, Sidney Street, City Road, a few doors on the Left from the City road.
Sidney Street, City Road. the first on the Right from the Angel Inn, Islington, it extends to Goswell street road, nearly opposite Rawstone street.
Signet Office, Somerset Place, the third door on the Left from the archway, entering between 151 and 152 Strand.
Silk Street, Grub Street, Cripplegate, about the middle of the West side by the City chapel.
Siber Court, Silver Street, Mile End New Town, about the middle of the West side, viz. between Pleasant row and Well Street
Silver Court, Silver Street, Golden Square, at 3, opposite Great Pulteney street,
Silver Street, Golden Square, the continuation of Beak Street (entering by 45 Swallow Street, to Little Windmill Street
Silver Street, Bloomsbury, at 19, Southampton St about six doors on the Left from 127 High Holborn.
Silver Street Mews, Bloomsbury, about the middle of the South side of Silver street.
Silver Street, Fleet Street, behind 62, bearing to the Right and leading into Lombard Street
Silver Street, Wood Street, Cheapside, 7 at 82, about 1/5 of a mile on the Left from 122, Cheapside leading to Falcon square.
Silver Street, Bridgewater Square, Barbican, the first on the Right in Charles Street entering by the South East corner of the square.
Silver Street, Mile End New Town, the second on the Right from 62 Brick lane, along Pelham Street and Pleasant row.
Silver Street, King Street, St Georges in the East, the first on the Left from 18, Old Gravel lane, near Wapping.
Silver Street, Lomans Pond, Borough, the second on the Left from Gravel lane, extending to Orange Street
Silver Street, Canterbury Square, Tooley Street, at the back of the West side of it, and near the bottom of Glean alley, from 218 Tooley Street
Silver Street, Rotherhithe, the first on the Right in Lower Queen Street below Cuckolds Point.
Silver Street, Clerkenwell, the North end of Turnmill Street near the Sessions house.
Simpsons Buildings, Birdcage Walk, Bethnal Green, a few small houses on the South side, near the Nags head, Hackney road.
Simons Buildings, Old Pye Street, Westminster, at 5o, the fust on the Right from Duck lane.
Simonds Street. See Symonds Street.
Sion Chapel. See Sion Square.
Sions Court, Bermondsey Street, at 120, three doors on the Right from the church towards Tooley street.
Sion College Gardens, Aldermanbury, at 44, four doors on the Right from London wall.
Sion Place, East Lane. Walworth, forms part of the North side, about 1/8 of a mile on the Right from the Kent road.
Sion Square, Mile End Old Town, entrance about ten doors on the Left in Union Street from 281 Whitecbapel road.
Sisters Close, Green Church Yard,
St Catherines, the houses immediately behind St Catherines Street and on the South side the Church yard.
Six Clerks Office, Chancery Lane, at 52, about six doors on the Right from 310, Holborn.
Six Garden Court, Pauls Alley, Redcross Street, Crippiegate, a few doors on the Left from 62 Aldersgate Street entering by Hare court.
Size Lane, Pancras Lane, Cheapside, eight doors on the Left from 83 Queen Street extending to Budge row and Watling Street
Size Yard, Whitechapel Road, at 22, nearly opposite the church.
Skinners Alms Houses, Mile End Road, eight or ten doors on the Left below the turnpike.
Skinners Hall, Dowgate Hill, opposite 31, about six doors on the Right from Walbrook.
Skinners Place, Weston Street, Sommers Town, the first on the Left from behind 17, Weston place, opposite the Small pox hospital, it leads to Skinner Street
Skinners Place, Leadenhall Market, forms part of the Right side, facing the passage from 81 Gracechurch street.
Skinners Row, Skinner Street, Sommers Town, entrance by the first on theR. from the New road.
Skinner Street, Sommers Town, the first on the Right in the New road, about of a mile from the turnpike, Battle bridge, it extends from Judds Place to near the
Skinner Street, Snow Hill, the continuation of Holborn from Fleet market to St Sepulchres church and the Old Bailey.
Skinner Street, Bishopsgate Street Without, at 120, about twenty four doors North from Sun Street extending to Long alley.
Slades Buildings, Bishopsgate Without, on the North side of Smiths Buildings and Lamb court, entering by 68 Sun Street
Slades Court, Red Cross Street, Borough, at 54, the second on the Left about twelve doors from Union Street towards the Mint.
Slater Court, Blue Anchor Yard, Rosemary Lane, the fourth on the Left from 48, Rosemary lane.
Slater or Slaughter Street, Bethnal Green. See Sclater Street
Sleeps Alley, St John Street, Clerkenwell, at 106, by Bensons japan manufactory, near a mile on the Left from Smithfield.
Sloane Square, Chelsea, the space between Sloane Street and Lower Sloane Street through which passes the Kings road.
Sloane Street, Chelsea, or Knightsbridge, the first on the Left about 3/8 of a mile from Hyde park corner, here the numbers begin and end, it extends to Sloane
square, (where there is 145) about 5/8 of a mile in length.
Sloane Street (Lower), Chelsea, is opposite the last, extending from Sloane square, to Turks Row.
Sloane Strcet (Little), Chelsea, the continuation of the last, extending from Turks Row to Royal Hospital row.
Sloane Terrace, Sloane Square, Chelsea, is parallel to part of the North side, extending from opposite 134 Sloane Street to George Street
Sly Corner, Charlotte Mews, Charlotte Street, Portland Place, behind the Left corner, entering by 71 Charlotte Street
Small Pox Hospital, Battle Bridge, Sommers Town, is facing the North end of Grays inn lane, about a mile from Middle row. Holborn.
Smarts Buildings, High Holborn, at 181, about seventeen door, on the Right from Drury lane.
Smarts Court, Cartwright Street, Rosemary Lane, two doors on the Left from 32, in the said lane.
Smarts Gardens, Bethnal Green, a group of small houses at the South end of Wilmot Street extending to wards Dog row.
Smarts Quay, Lower Thames Street, entrance by 21, on the E, side of Billingsgate.
Smiths Alley, Ropemakers Fields, Limehouse, at 60, about the middle of the North side.
Smiths Buildings, Grays Inn Lane, forms part of the East side, between Constitution row and White hart row, near Battle bridge.
Smiths Buildings, Chequer Alley, Bunhill Row, about the middle of the North side, between 99 Bunhill row, and 109, Whitecross Street
Smiths Buildings, Lamb Alley, Bishopsgate Without, on the North side of Lamb court, entering by 68 Sun Street
Smiths Buildings, Leadenhall Street, behind 74, by Aldgate pump.
Smiths Buildings, Long Lane, Bermondsey, on the East side of Miles Rents, entrance a few doors on the Left from Bermondsey church yard.
Smiths Court, Great Windmill Street, Haymarket, at 31, five doors South of 52 Brewer Street
Smiths Court, Holborn Hill, at 93, opposite St Andrews church.
Smiths Court, Brackley Street, Cripplegate, the second on the Right from Golden lane, towards Bridgewater gardens.
Smiths Court, Whitechapel Road, at 65, about of a mile on the Left east of the church.
Smiths Court, Lower Chapman Street, St Georges in the East, the fifth on the Left from Cannon Street road, near Mary St and Ann street.
Smiths Place, Skinner Street, Sommers Town, the first on the Right from Judds Place.
Smiths Place, Grays Inn Lane, Battle Bridge, hehind Smiths buildings, leading to Fields buildings.
Smiths Place, Wapping Street, at 65, between Globe Street and the entrance to the London docks.
Smiths Place, Salmon Lane, Limehouse, about of a mile on the Left from the Commercial road, and nearly opposite Farmers Row.
Smiths Place, Gibraltar Row, St Georges Fields, opposite 12, the second on the Right from Prospect place, near the Elephant and Castle.
Smiths Rents, York Street, Westminster, the fourth on the Left from Queen square, and nearly opposite Ship court.
Smiths Rents, St John Street, Clerkenwell, at 1 40, three doors South of Mitre court, and about of a mile on the Right from West Smithfield.
Smiths Rents, Angel Square, Bishopsgate Without, the first on the Left from 137 Bishopsgate Street
Smiths Rents, Bankside, Southwark, the third on the Left from Bank end, about four doors West of Horse shoe alley.
Smiths Rents, Union Street, St Georges Fields, the last on the Right from the London road, towards West square.
Smiths Rents, Bermondsey Street, at 158, nearly opposite the Church.
Smith Square, Westminster, the houses which surround St Johns church, entrance by 52, Mill bank street.
Smith Street (Great), Kings Rond, Chelsea, about 1/3 of a mile on the Left from Sloane square, or is the continuation of Durham place, from the West side the Hospital.
Smith Street (Little), Chelsea, the first on the Left in the last from the Kings Road.
Smith Street (Great\ Westminster, the South continuation of Dean Street near the Abbey, to Great Peter Street
Smith Street (Little,) Westminster, the first on the Left from Dean St extending to Bowling Street
Smith Street, Northampton Square, Clerkenwell, at the South corner, intersecting Perceval Street and extending to King Street
Smith Street (Upper), Northampton Square, Clerkenwell, opposite the last,
intersecting Spencer St and extending to Wynyatt Street
Smiths Ways, Rotherhithe or Bermondsey Wall, on the East side of Mill stairs and St Saviours dock.
Smiths Ways, Wapping, on the East side the Dundee wharf, about 1/8 of a mile below Hermitage bridge.
Smiths Wharf, Rotherhithe Wall, between East Lane stairs and Fountain stairs, nearly opposite Palmers Rope walk.
Smithfield Bars, West Smithfield, at 76, North side, being the entrance to St John Street
Smithfield Market, or West Smithfield, at the North end of Giltspur Street from Newgate street, or from Snow hill, the numbers begin and end at Cow lane, viz. 1 and 93.
Smith field (Upper East), Little Tower Hill, extends from the East side of Tower hill, to Parsons street, Ratcliffe highway.
Smithfield (Lower East) , the continuation of Butcher row to the Hermitage bridge.
Smock Alley, Spitalfields. See Artillery Place.
Sneads Court, Engine Street, Piccadilly, the North end of it, leading to Brick Street and Park lane.
Snows Fields, Bermondsey, the continuation of King Street entering by 109 High Street, Borough, extending to 238 Bermondsey Street
Snow Hill, Holborn Bridge, on the North side of Skinner Street extending from Fleet market to St Sepulchres church, near Newgate.
Snows Rents, York Street, Westminster, is nearly opposite Queen square.
Society for the Encouragement of Arts, John Street, Adelphi, at 12, three doors on the Right from Adam street, entering by 73, in the Strand.
Society for the Suppression of Vice, at 31 Essex Street about twenty doors on the Left from 210 Strand.
Society for the Relief of Persons imprisoned for Small Debt, seven doors on the Right in Craven Street from 10, in the Strand.
Society for the Encouragement of Servants, at 10, Pall Mall, a few yards on the Right from the Haymarket.
Socrates Place, New Inn Street, Shoredirch, about eight doors on the Right from 20, New inn yard.
Solls Row, Hampstead Road, forms part of the West side, extending from Charles Street
near Tottenham court road to Fredericks place.
Somerset Buildings, Hackney Road, the first on the Left in Crabtree row, from the said road, near Shoreditch church.
Somerset Court, Little Somerset Street, Aldgate, a few yards on the Right from 22, Somerset street, near Mansel1 Street
Somerset House or Place, Strand, entrance between 151 and 152, about 1/4 of a mile on the Left from Temple bar.
Somerset Place, Providence Row, Finsbury Square, the second on the Right from the City road, towards Paul street.
Somerset Place, Kennington Common, a few yards on the Right from the Horns tavern, towards Clapham.
Somerset Street, Duke Street, Manchester Square, at 42, five doors on the Left from 174, Oxford Street extending to Orchard Street
Somerset Street, Aldgate or Whitechapel, the first on the Right east from the Minories, extending to Mansel Street
Somerset Street Little, Aldgate, at 22, in the last described, about six doors on the Left from Mansel street.
Sommers Place East, Sommers Town, on the Right side the New road, about 1/4 of a mile from Rattle bridge, extending from Willsted Street to Chalton Street
Sommers Place West, Sommers Town, the West continuation of the last described.
Sommers Stairs, Lower Thames Street, a few doors on the Right below London bridge, on the West side Billingsgate.
Sope Yard, Park Street, Borough, about four doors on the Left from the Borough market.
Sophia Place, Duke Street, St Georges Fields, the first on the Left from Webber row, towards the Obelisk.
Sots Hole, Archer Street, Great Windmill Street, Haymarket, a dark narrow passage at the East end of it, leading into Rupert Street
South Crescent, Tottenham court road. See Crescent.
South Lambeth, on the South side of Vauxhall turnpike, on the Left extending towards Stockwell common.
South London Water Works. See Lambeth.
South Mews, South Street, Manchester Square, at 17, three doors on the Left from 8 Manchester street.
South Molton Lane, Oxford Street, is parallel to or behind the West side of South Molton Street
South Molton Street, Oxford Street, at 194, near 1/4 mile on the Right from Tyburn turnpike, extending to 6 Brook Street
South Place, Moorfields, forms part of the North side, adjoining South street.
South Place, Kenntngton Cross, forms part of the Right side of Upper Kennington lane, nearly opposite the Windmill tavern.
South Place, or Row, Kennington Common, the houses which form the North side of the said Common.
South Row, New Road, Sommers Town, is opposite Sommers place West, near the road which leads to Tavistock square.
South Sea Chambers, Threadneedle Street, at 41, three doors on the Right from the South Sea House.
South Sea Court, Lombard Street, Mint, Borough, on the West side of it, or on the East side of Little Guildford street, entering by 75 Queen street.
South Sea Court, Maze, Borough, at 14, about that number of doors on the Left from 95, Tooley street.
South Sea House, Threadneedle Street, is opposite the church, and adjoins 115, Bishopsgate Street ; there is another entrance at 18 Old Broad street.
South Sea House (Old) at 19, Old Broad Street nearly opposite the church.
South Street, Kings Road, Chelsea, the first on the Right a few doors from Sloane square towards Battersea bridge.
South Street, Manchester Square, the second on the Right in Manchester Street from the North side the square, extending to High Street opposite Marylebone lane.
South Street, South Audley Street, Grosvenor square, intersects it at 17, about 1/8 of a mile from Curzon Street and leads into Park lane.
South Street, Finsbury, or Moorfields, on the North side of Moorfields, being parallel to and between part of Finsbury. place and Wilson street.
South Street, Spitalfields Market, the first on the Right in Paternoster row from the church.
South Street, Lambeth, is nearly opposite the Three Stags, about 1/2 a mile on the Right from Westminster bridge.
South Street, West Square, St Georges Fields, about the middle of the South side, extending to Brook street.
South Street, East Lane, Walworth, about the middle of the South side, extending from 1 Apollo buildings, to Walworth common.
Southampton Buildings. Holborn, at 318, on the West side of Middle row, it leads to 53, Chancery lane.
Southampton Court, Southampton Buildings, Holborn, three doors on the Right in the last from Holborn.
Southampton Court, Southampton Row, Bloomsbury, ten doors on the Right from Upper King street, Holborn, leading into Queen square.
Southampton Court, or Row, Tottenham Court Road, at 140, nearly opposite Warren Street and three or four doors from the New road.
Southampton Mews, Southampton Place, New Road, Tottenham Court, is on the North side of the said place.
Southampton Mews, Southampton Row, Bloomsbury, is opposite 10, being a few doors on the Left from Upper King Street, Holborn.
Southampton Place, New Road, Tottenham Court, forms part of the North side, by the turnpike, about 1/8 of a mile East of Tottenham court road.
Southampton Row, Edgware Road, at 83, opposite Winchester row, near 1/2 a mile on the R. from Tyburn turnpike.
Southampton Row, Bloomsbury, the continuation of Upper King Street (entering by 120 High Holborn) to Russell square.
Southampton Street, Strand, at 387, near the middle of the North side, extending to Covent Garden.
Southampton St High Holborn, at 120, about of a mile on the Right from Fleet market, extending to Bloomsbury square.
Southampton Street, Pentonville High Street or Road, the second on the Right from the chapel towards Battle bridge.
Spa Fields, Clerkenwell, about 1/4 of a mile North of Clerkenwell green, lying between St John street road and Cold bath fields.
Spa Fields Chapel, Braynes Row, Clerkenwell, about twelve doors East from the turnpike by the House of Correction towards St John street road.
Spa Place, Spa Fields, Clerkenwell, part of Braynes Row. say from the turnpike to Wood Street
Spa Road, Bermondsey. See Grange Road.
Spa Road Passage, Bermondsey, the first on the left East from the Spa, leading to Pittmans place and 13 Printers place.
Spans Buildings, St Pancras, near Red Lion passage, being the continuation of Vernons Buildings towards the church.
Spans Place, Brill Place, Sommers Town, part of the said place, entrance on the West side the Brill public house.
Spanish Place, Manchester Squarc, at the North K. corner, extending to Charles street.
Sparks Place,Dukcs Place, Aldgate, at the South East corner of Great Dukes Place.
Sparricks or Spurricks Row, Maze Pond, Borough, a few doors on the Left in Weston Street from 35, Snows fields.
Sparrows Buildings, Potters Fields, Horselvdown, the first on the Left a few yards from the bottom of Tcoley street.
Sparrow Corner, Rosemary Lane, part of the North side of it adjoining the Minories.
Sparrows Rents, Portpool Lane, at 47, about the middle of the North side, leading to Liquorpond Street by Meuxs brewery.
Spedings Gardens, North Street, Poplar, about the middle of the East side, between Poplar High Street and the East India. dock road.
Spencer Place, Kennington Common, a few houses on the Right by the White Swan, at the commencement of the Croydon road.
Spencer Row, Goswell Street Road, forms part of the West side near the turnpike, extending from Upper Ashby Street to Spencer Street
Spencer Street, Northampton Square on the North side, extending from near the turnpike, Goswell street road, to St John street road.
Spencer Street, New Inn Yard, Shoreditch, the first on the Right a few yards from 176, Shoreditch High street.
Spencer Street, St Georges in the East the third on the Right in Charles Street from Lower Cornwall Street (op. Blue gate fields) towards the Commercial road.
Spicer Court, Spicer Street, Bethnal Green, or Spitalfields, the first on the Right a few yards from 82 Brick lane.
Spicer Street, Brick Lane, Bethnal Green, or Spitalfields, at 82, opposite Hanburys brewery.
Spikemans Court, Little Portland Street, Marylebone, about six doors on the Right from 108, Great Titchfield street.
Spillers ourt, Webber Row, St Georges Fields, the second on the Left from Blackfriars road, by the Magdalen. hospital.
Spital Court, Epical btreet, Mile End New Town, the first on the right North from Pelham Street
Spital square, Bishopsgate Without, at 104, near 1/3 of a mile on the right North from the church, it leads to White Lion Street, on the Left and to Lamb Street on the Right.
Spital btreet, Mile End New Town, or Spitalfields, the second on the Right in Spicer street from 82, Brick lane, extending to Pelham Street and Well street.
Spitalfields Market, Spitalfields, entrance, at 10, Lamb Street or at 23, Paternoster row, on the West side the church.
Spitalfields Work House, on the East side of Charles Street, Mile end New Town, near the North end of Bakers Row, from 94, Whitechapel road.
Spotted Dog Coach Office, Strand, at 298, four doors East from the New Church.
Spotted Horse Court, Shoreditch High Street, at 197, five doors South of Holywell lane.
Spread Eagle Court, Grays Inn Lane at 27, being that number of doors on the Right, from Middle row, Holborn.
Spread Eagle Court, Finch Lane, at 21, three doors on the Left from 81 Cornhill.
Spread Eagle Court, Kingsland Road, the first on the Left a few doors from Shoreditch church.
Spread Eagle Court, Limehouse Causeway, the first on the Left a few yards from Fore Street or from Three Colt street.
Spread Eagle Court, Rotherhithe, on the South side the church, near Cow court.
Spread Eagle Inn, Gracechurch Street, behind 84, twelve doors on the Left from Leadenhall Street
Spring Garden, Charing Cross, the street behind the West side of it, entrance by 66, or at 51, opposite the Equestrian statue.
Spring Garden (New) Pimlico, on the East side of Avery farm row, and between Upper Belgrave place and Five fields.
Spring Garden, Mile End New Town, a group of small houses between Princes row and Church Street entrance by 14, King Edward street.
Spring Garden Court, Mile End Road, about 1/3 of a mile on the Left below the turnpike, and the first East of Stepney green.
Spring Garden Mews, Charing Cross, en the South side of New St and nearly opposite Buckingham court, from 37 Charing cross.
Spring Garden Place, Stepney, a few houses on the Right extending from the West ride the church towards the fields.
Spring Street, Dorset Street, Portman Square, five doors on the right, West from Baker Street extending to Durweston Street
Spring Street (Upper), the North continuation of the last to York Street
Spring street (Great), Shadwell, extends from the South side the church yard to Lower turning.
Spring Street (Little), Foxes Lane, Shadwell, four doors on the Right from the East end of the church yard, leading into the last described.
Spur Inn, High Street, Borough,, at 98, about of a mile on the Left from London bridge.
Stable Yard, St James's, the last on the Left in Cleveland row, from the Palace, leading into St James's Park.
Stacys Repository, Great Portland Street, at 108, nearly opposite Little Titchfield street.
Stacey Street, St Giles. See Stracey Street.
Stafford Place, Pimlico, about ten doors from Buckingham gate.
Stafford Place, Hill Street, Finsbury Square, the first on the Right from Paul street.
Stafford Row, Pimlico, commences on the Left by Buckingham gate, and extends to Wards Row.
Stafford Street, Lisson Grove, Lisson Green, is nearly opposite the Yorkshire stingo.
Stafford Street, Old Bond Street, the first on the Left from 58, Piccadilly, extending to 15, Dover street.
Staining Lane, Wood Street, Cheapside, opposite the North end of Gutter lane, entering by 132 Cheapside.
Stamford Street, Blackfriars Road, the second on the Right about twenty doors from the bridge.
Stamford Street (Upper), the continuation of the last described to Broad wall.
Stamp Office, Somerset Place, at the South East corner of the square, entrance between 151 and 152 Strand.
Standiges Buildings, Stoney Lane, Tooley Street, the second on the Left from 95, Tooley Street
Stanford Place, East Lane, Walworth, the first on the Right a few yards from the Kent road.
Stangages Buildings, Bermondsey New Road, the first on the Right a few yards from the Bricklayers arms, Kent road.
Stangate Court, Piccadilly, at 53, on the West side of Burlington house, about of a mile on the Right from the Haymarket.
Stangate, Lambeth, the first on the Right about seven doors from Westminster bridge.
Stangate Street, Lambeth, the continuation of the last, bearing to the Left it extends to Lambeth Upper Marsh.
Stangate Place, Stangate St Lambeth, at 36, under the archway, near Felix street.
Stangate Wharf, Lambeth, the first above Westminster bridge.
Stanhope Street, May Fair, the first on the Left in South Audley street, from Curzon street, extending to Park lane.
Stanhope Street (Little), May Fair, the first on the Right in Hertford Street from Shepherds Market, or the first on the Left from Park lane.
Stanhope Street, Clare Market, the continuation of Newcastle Street bearing to the L. from the East side the New Church in the Strand.
Stantons Wharf, Tooley Street, at the North end of Stoney lane, entering by 95, Tooley Street
Staple Court, Bermondsey Street, at 166, five doors on the Left from the church towards Tooley street.
Staples Inn, Hoi born, three doors on the Right from Middle row towards Fleet market.
Staples Inn Buildings, Middle Row, Holborn, at 10, leading into Staples Inn.
Staples Rents, Paradise Street, Rotherhithe, at 85, a few doors on the Right from Mill pond bridge.
Stapletons Coal Wharf, White, friars, on the West side of Whitefriars dock.
Stapletons Court, Ropemakers Street, Moorfields, on the North side, between Finsbury Street and Type Street
Star Alley, Upper East Smithfield, a few doors on the Left east of Butcher row, leading to Cartwright square.
Star Alley, Fenchurch Street, at 52, being that number en the Right from Gracechurch Street leading to Mark lane.
Star Corner, Bermondsey Street, the continuation of it, from Long lane to the Grange road.
Star Court, Strand, a few doors on the Right from Temple bar and nearly opposite Essex Street
Star Court, Chancery Lane, at 114, about eighteen doors on the Left from 191 Fleet Street
Star Court, Cross Lane, Parkers Lane, Lincolns Inn Fields, three doors on the Left from Newton Street entering by 206 High Holborn.
Star Court, Little Compton Street, Soho, at 12, on the North side, between Greek Street and Crown Street
Star Court, Grub Street, Cripplegate, about the middle of the West side, opposite Angel court.
Star Court, Bread Street, Cheapside, at 53, about nine doors on the Left from 16 Cheapside.
Star Court, Bread Street Hill, at 25, five doors on the Left from Bread Street leading to Hugging lane.
Star Court, Mint Street, Borough, is facing Duke Street and about a of a mile on the Left from opposite St Georges church.
Star Court, Bermondsey Street, at 250, about thirty five doors on the Right from Tooley Street
Star Court, Great Eastcheap. six doors on the Left from Fish street hill towards Cannon Street
Star Newspaper Office, on the North side of Fleet Street by Temple bar.
Star Place, Lower Chapman Street, St Georges in the East, the last on the Left from Cannon street road and opposite Albion place.
Star Street, Shadwell, the continuation of Shakespears walk (entering by 48,High Street) to 24, Wapping wall.
Star Yard, Carey Street, Lincolns Inn Fields, .the first on the Right from 99, Chancery lane, leading into Chichester rents.
Star Yard, Old Gravel Lane, at 103, three doors on the Left from 65 Ratcliffe highway.
Star and Garden Yard, Ratcliffe Highway, at 60, the second on the Right a few doors E. from Old Gravel lane.
Starch Alley, Goswell Street, at 30, on the South side of Old Street
Starch Yard, Old Gravel Lane. See Star Yard.
Statchells or Statch wells Court, Church Lane, Whitechapel or Commercial Road, about of a mile on the Right from the church and opposite Union Street
Statesman Newspaper Office, at 87 Fleet Street a few doors on the Left from Fleet market.
Stationers Alley, Ludgate Street, at 35, the second on the Right from St Pauls church yard, leading into Stationers court and Ave Maria lane.
Stationers Court. See the last article.
Stationers Hall, on the North side of Stationers court, bearing to the Left from Ludgate Street
Stave Yard, Wapping Street, at 332, about 1/8 of a mile on the Right below Hermitage bridge.
Staverton Row, Newington Butts or Walworth, part of the Right side, commencing by the Elephant and Castle.
Steel Yard, Upper Thames Street, at 87, opposite Bush Lane, near 1/4 of a mile on the Left from London bridge.
Steels Yard, Great Tower Hill, at 33, on the East side, about eight doors from Coopers row.
Steels Yard, New Street, Maze Pond, Borough, entrance by 6, on the East side Guys Hospital.
Steelhouse Lane, Stepney, is opposite the Causeway, extending from Brook Street across the fields towards Stepney church.
Steers Place, Barbican, at 10, being that number of doors on the Right from Aldersgate Street
St Stephens Church, Ccleman Street, about seven or eight doors on the Left from Lothbury.
St Stephens Church, Walbrook, at the South West corner of the Mansion House.
St Stephens Court, New Palace Yard, Westminster, on the East side by the River Thames.
Stephen Mews, Gresse Street, Tottenham Court Road, at 31, about five doors on the Left from 23 Rathbone place.
Stephen Street, Tottenham Court Road, at 29, the second street on the Left from Oxford Street leading to Gresse Street and 23, Rathbone place.
Stepney Causeway, Brook Street, Ratcliffe, about the middle of the North side, extending to the Commercial road.
Stepney Gap, Stepney Causeway, the first on the Left from the Commercial road towards Brook street.
Stepney Green, Stepney, about 1/4 of a mile on the Right in Mile end road, East from the turnpike, extending to near the church.
Stepney Green Terrace, forms part of the Right side of Stepney green, entering by Mile end road, it extends from Prospect place to Cross row.
Stepney Meeting House Charity school, at the North end of Whitehorse St from the Commercial road.
Stepney New Square. See Trafalgar Square.
Stepney Old Square, Stepney Green, about 1/3 of a mile on the Left from Mile End road, and near the North side the Church yard.
Stepneys Rents, Hackney Road, about seven or eight houses on the Right side, between Shoreditch church and Crabtree row.
Stevens Buildings, Bell Street, Paddington, at 15, about twelve doors on the Left from Lisson Green.
Stewards or Stewarts Court, Clerkenwell Green, at 33, North side, nearly opposite the Sessions house.
Stewards Office, Grays Inn, by the chapel, at the North East corner of Holborn court.
Stewards Rents, Drury Lane, at 128, five door, on the Right north of Princes Street leading to Wild Street
Steward Street, Goswell Street, at 80, the fourth en the Right north from Old Street extending to 29 Brick lane.
Steward Street, Spitalfields, the second on both the Right and the Left in Union Street from 69, Bishopsgate street without.
Still Alley, Bishopsgate Without, at 190, six doors North of the church.
Still Alley, Houndsditch, at 104, nearly opposite St Mary Axe.
Still Alley, Blue Gate Fields, Shadwell, the second on the Right about eight doors from 215 High street, Shadwell.
Still Stairs, Horselydown, at the North end of Potters fields from the bottom of Tooley Street about 1/2 a mile below London bridge.
Stillwell Court, Maze, Borough, at 25, the fifth on the Left from 195, Tooley Street
Stock Kxchange, Capel Court, Bartholomew Lane, at the East end, entering nearly op. the East entrance to the Bank of England.
Stock Weavers Alms Houses, Kingsland Road, about 1/3 of a mile on the Right from Shoreditch church.
Stone Buildings, Lincolns lnn, the first on the Right from opposite 55 Chancery lane, near Holborn.
Stone Court, Laundry. Yard, Great Peter Street, Westminster, the first on the Right from the said street, entering near Marsham Street
Stones End, Borough, at the South end of Blackman street by the Kings Bench, about 1/4 of a mile from London bridge.
Stones Row, New Road, Sommers Town, nearly opposite Chalton St about 1/3 of a mile on the Left from Battle bridge.
Stone Stairs, Broad Street, Ratcliffe, at 94, on the West side the India Companys warehouse, and nearly facing Globe stairs, Rotherhithe.
Stone Stairs Court, Broad Street, Ratcliffe, at 94, opposite the said stairs.
Stone Yard.Queen Street, Borough , at 20, about that number of houses on the Right from Union Street
Stonecutters Alley, Blackfriars, the South end of Cock court, entering by 18 Ludgate hill.
Stonecutters Buildings, Little Queen Street, Lincolns Inn Fields, at 5, seventeen doors on the Left from 223 High Holborn.
Stonecutters Court, Little St Martins Lane, at 13, being that number of doors on the Right from the West end of Long acre.
Stonecutters Street, Fleet Market, at 75, about the middle of the West side, extending to 22, Shoe lane.
Stonecutters Yard, Kent Street, Borough, at 22, being that number of houses on the Left from behind St Georges church.
Stoney Lane, Gravel Lane, Houndsditch, the third on the Right from 148, Houndsditch leading to Petticoat lane.
Stoney Lane, Tooley Street, at 95, about 1/3 of a mile on the Left from London bridge.
Stoney Street, Borough Market, forms part of the West side, extending to Clink Street
Store Street (Great), Tottenham Court Road, at 35, the fourth on the Right from Oxford Street extending to 79, Gower Street
Store Street (Little), a few doors on the Right in the last described, from 79, Gower Street
Storys Gate, St James's Park, at Great George Street, Westminster.
Stracey Street, Monmouth Street, St Giles, the second on the Right from Broad Street leading to Lloyds court by the Church yard.
Strand, the North parallel to the Thames, extending from Charing cross, where the numbers begin and end. viz. 1 and 487, to Temple bar, where there is 236, about 3/4 of a mile in length.
Strand Lane, Strand, at 168, nearly opposite the New Church, leading to Surrey stairs.
Stratford Mews, Mary bone Lane, at 67, the first on the Left from 152 Oxford Street
Stratford Place, Oxford Street, at 159, opposite South Molton Street near 1/3 a mile on the Left from Tyburn turnpike.
Streatham Street, Charlotte Street, Bloomsbury, at 20, six doors South from 31, Great Russell Street it leads into Bainbridge Street and Oxford street.
Streatham Mews, Streatham street, Bloomsbury, on the North side, a few yard, from Diot street.
Streets Buildings, Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, at 75, about six doors East from 16, Park Street
Strettcn Strcet, Piccadilly, about the middle of the North side, and the first West of Berkeley Street
Stringers Row, Deptford Lower Road, Rotherhithe, the first On the Left from the East end of Paradise row.
Stroud Waggon Office, at 18 Grub Street six doors on the Right from 97 Fore Street
Strutton Ground, Westminster, the continuation of Great Chapel Street from Broadway to Great Peter Street and the Horseferry road.
Suffolk Court, Harrow Street, Mint, Borough, about seven doors on the Right from Mint Street
Suffolk Lane, Upper Thames Street at 152, the fifth on the Right from London bridge, leading to Bush lane and 22, Cannon Street
Suffolk Mews, Suffolk Street Middlesex Hospital, on the West side, of the hospital, and on the East side of Suffolk Street
Suffolk Place, Batemans Row, Shoreditch, the first on the Left three doors from the Curtain road.
Suffolk Street, Middlesex Hospital, three doors West of it, extending from 9, Charles St to 44, Union street.
Suffolk Street (Little), Haymarket, seven doors on the Right from Cockspur Street extending to Whitcomb street.
Suffolk Street (Great), Haymarket, the first on both the Right and the Left in the last from the Haymarket, extending to Cockspur Street
Suffolk Street, Cannon Street Road, St Georges in the East, opposite William Street being a few doors on the Right from the Commercial road towards Whitechapel road.
Suffolk Street (Great), Blackman Street, Borough, at 80, about sixteen doors on the Left from the Kings Bench, leading to Gravel lane.
Suffolk Street (Little), Borough, the third on the Right in the last described, from 80 Blackman Street
Sugar Rakers Yard, Dukes Place, the third on the Right along Creechurch lane, from 87 Leadenhall street.
Sugar Loaf Court, Dorset Street, Salisbury Square, at 100, the fifth on the Left from 82 Fleet Street
Sugar Loaf Court, Upper Thames Street, at 196, nearly opposite Queenhithe.
Sugar Loaf Court, Long Alley, Moorfields, the fifth on the Left from Moorfields towards Crown street.
Sugar Loaf Court, Bishopsgate Without, at 130, about twelve doors on the Left north from Sun street.
Sugar Loaf Court, Angel Alley, Bishopsgate Without, the third on the Left from 138, Bishopsgate street.
Sugar Loaf Court, Holywell Lane, Shoreditch, at 52, the third on the Left from 194, Shoreditch High street.
Sugar Loaf Court, Leadenhall St at 50, opposite Creechurch lane, leading to 108, Fenchurch Street
Sugar Loaf Court, Bermondsey Street, at 46, being that number on the Left from Tooley Street
Sugar Loaf Court, Essex Street, Whitechapel, the first on the Right from 105, Whitechapel High street.
Sugar Loaf Court, Swan Street, Goodmans Fields, the second on the Right from 48, in the Minories.
Summer Place, Stepney, the first East parallel to Ocean St on the North side the Church yard.
Summer Street, Eyre Street, Leather Lane, twelve doors on the Right from the North end of the said lane, near Meuxs brewery.
Sumners Buildings, Bishopsgate Without, at 22, a few doors on the Right north from the church.
Sun Alley, Golden Lane, Cripplegate, the third on the Right a few doors North from Barbican.
Sun Alley, Upper East Smithfield, at 20, neatly opposite Butcher row.
Sun Court, Sun Alley, Golden Lane, a few yards from Golden lane towards Red lion market.
Sun Court, Grub Street, Cripplegate, about twelve doors on the Left from 15 Chiswell Street
Sun Court, Cloth Fair, the third on the Left a few doors from 60 West Srnithfield
Sun Court, Thread needle Street, at 62, nearly opposite the North East corner of the Royal Exchange.
Sun Court, Little Bell Alley, Moorfields, the last on the Left in Swan alley, from 67 Coleman street.
Sun Court, Aldgate High. Street, at 20, about twelve doors East of the church.
Sun Court, Curzon Street, May Fair, at 13, three doors West of Half moon Street it leads to Shepherds market.
Sun Court, Mile End Road, two doors East of the Vintners alms houses, about 1/8 of a mile on the Left below the turnpike.
Sun Fire Office, Cornhill, the second door on the Right from the Royal Exchange towards the Mansion house, also in Craigscourt, Charing cross.
Sun Newspaper Office, Strand, at 112, opposite Exeter Change.
Sun Square, Sun Street, Bishopsgate, at 18, about that number of doors on the Left from 149 Bishopsgate without.
Sun Street, Bishopsgate Without, at 149, about of a mile on the Left north from the church, leading to Crown Street, Finsbury square.
Sun Street, East Lane, Walworth, the fourth on the Left near 1/3 of a mile from Walworth High Street or road.
Sun Yard, Nightingale Lane, East Smithfield, at 28, about the middle of the West side.
Sun Tavern Court, Sun Tavern Fields, Shadwell, on the South side the Rope walk, entering by the first on the Right in King David lane, from 198, Shadwell High Street
Sun Tavern Fields, Shadwell, on the North side Shadwell High Street say from 117 to 193, or from King David lane to Love lane.
Sunday Advertiser Newspaper Office, eleven doors on the Right in Catherine Street from 312, Strand.
Surgeon College or Hall, Portugal Street, Lincolns Inn Fields, about the middle of the North side, nearly opposite Carey street.
Surrey Buildings, East Lane, Walworth, the first on tfie Left from Surrey Place, Kent road.
Surrey Canal Dock, Rotherhithe, about 1/4 of a mile below the church and nearly opposite Shadwell dock.
Surrey Chapel (Rev. Right Hills), Blackfriars Road, about of 1/4 a mile on the Left from the bridge.
Surrey Dispensary, Union Street, Borough, by Union Hall, a few doors on the Left from 218 High street.
Surrey Institution, Blackfriars Road, about six doors on the Right from the bridge.
Surrey Mills, Rotherhithe, near the Platform, about of a mile West of the church.
Surrey Place, Surrey Street, Strand, at 30, about eight doors on the Right from 170, in the Strand.
Surrey Place, Lower Queen Street, Rotherhithe, is parallel to part of the West side, extending from Cow lane to Silver Street
Surrey Place, Kent Road, forms part of the Right side, about 1/3 of a mile below the Bricklayers arms and near Surrey square.
Surrey Road. See Blackfriars Road.
Surrey Row, BIackfriars Road, the second on the Left from Surrey chapel towards the Obelisk.
Surrey Square, Kent Road, the first on the Right below East lane, about 1/3 of a mile from the Bricklayers arms.
Surrey Stairs, Surrey Street, Strand, at the South end of it, being the first East of Somerset house.
Surrey Street, Strand, at 173, the fourth on the Left from Temple bar and the first East of Somerset house.
Surrey Street (Great), Blackfriars Road, forms part of the East side, say from Holland Street to Surrey chapel, also part of the opposite side, say from Cross Street to Christ church.
Surrey Street (New), Blackfriars Road, forms part of the West side, say from Stamford Street to Christ church.
Susannah Place, Curtain Road, Shoreditch, forms part of the West side, near Old street road.
Susannah Row, Curtain Road, Shoreditch, the fifth on the Left from Worship Street extending towards Leonard Street
Sussex Place, Kent Road, forms part of the Right side, about of a mile below the Bricklayers arms.
Suters Buildings, Chapel Path, Sommers Town, at 29, between Ossulston street and Middlesex street.
Suttons Court, Bishopsgate Within, at 77, about twelve doors South from the church.
Sutton Place, Lisson Green, the first on the Right in Mitcham Street from nearly opposite 18 Lisson Street
Sutton Street, Soho Square, at 21, on the East side, extending to Crown street.
Sutton Street (Little), the first on the Left in the last, from 21, in the square, leading to Falcon bridge court.
Sutton Street (Great), Clerkenwell, at 128 Goswell Street nearly opposite Old street, it extends to 172 St John Street
Sutton Street (Little), Goswell Street, about six doors North of the last described.
Sutton Street, Maze Pond, Borough, on the West side, extending from the South end of Guys hospital towards Snows fields.
Swallow Gardens, Rosemary Lane, at 128, the sixth on the Left from 84, in the Minories.
Swallow Street, Piccadilly, at 45, opposite St James's church, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 160, it extends to 323, Oxford St about 1/2 a mile in length.
Swan Alley, St Anns Court, Wardour Street, at 12, a few yards on the Right from 31 Wardour Street
Swan Alley, St John Street, Clerkenwell, at 72, the fourth on the Left from West Smithfield towards St Johns lane.
Swan Alley (Great), Coleman Street, at 66, the fifth on the Right from Lothbury and about fourteen doors on the Left from London wall.
Swan Alley (Little), the East continuation of the last to Little Bell alley.
Swan Alley, Nightingale Lane. See Swan Street.
Swan Alley, Rotherhithe Street, at 311, about 1/8 of a mile on the Right below the church.
Swan Court, Breams Buildings, Chancery Lane, at the East end, entering by 37 Chancery lane.
Swan Court, Golden Lane, St Lukes behind 75, or the first on the Right in Cow heel alley.
Swan Court, Swan Street, Bethnal Green, four doors on the Right from 151 Church Street, near Brick lane.
Swan Court, Petticoat Lane, at 118, the fifth on the Right from 41, Aldgate High Street
Swan Court, Mansel Street, Goodmans Fields, at 9, two doors North of Swan Street
Swan Court, Rosemary Lane, at 57, on the West side of Whites yard.
Swan Court, Narrow Wall, Lambeth, a few doors West of Cupers Bridge, extending towards the Thames.
Swan Court, William Street, Blackfriars Road, at 17, nearly opposite Pitt Street leading to Gravel lane.
Swan Inn, Holborn Bridge, opposite the North end of Fleet market.
Swan and Two Necks Inn, Lad Lane, at 10, opposite the North end of Milk St Cheapside.
Swan Inn,(One), Bishopsgate Without, at 180, about twenty doors North of the church.
Swans Inn (Two), Bishopsgate Without, at 186, about fifteen doors North of the church.
Swans Inn (Four), Bishopsgate Within, at 82, about eighteen doors South of the church.
Swan Coach Office, Charing Cross, two or three doors on the Right towards the Horse guards.
Swan Inn , Whitechapel High Street at 20, ten doors West of Red lion street.
Swan Inn, Blackman Street, Borough, on the South side of St Georges church.
Swan Lane, Swan Yard, Blackman Street, Borough, the continuation of it, entering by St Georges church.
Swan Lane (Old), Upper Thames Street, at 102, about sixteen doors on the Left from London bridge.
Swan Lane, Rotherhithe, about 1/8 of a mile below the church, and on the West side of Clarence Street
Swan Mead, Bermondsey New Road, at the East end of Brandon Street near the Bricklayers arms.
Swan Place, Kent Road, the fourth on the Right below the Bricklayers arms, leading towards Locks fields.
Swan Place, Mile End Green, opposite Epping place, being a few doors South from Mile end turnpike.
Swan Stairs (Old), Upper Thames Street, at the bottom of Old swan lane, and the first stairs above London bridge.
Swan Street, Church Street, Bethnal Green, at 151, ten doors West of Brick lane, extending to Sclater Street.
Swan Street, Minories, at 47, about the middle of the East side, extending to 8, Mansel Street
Swan Street, Upper East Smithfield, at 102, leading to Butcher row on the Right and to Nightingale lane on the Left
Swan Street, Kent Road, the fourth on the Left below the Bricklayers arms, and opposite Swan place.
Swan Walk, Paradise Row, Chelsea, opposite 31, leading by the side of the Botanic garden to the Thames.
Swan Yard, Strand, at 331, opposite Somerset house, leading to Whitehart yard.
Swan Yard, Tothill Street, Westminster, the first on the Right from the West end of the Abbey.
Swan Yard, Shoreditch High Street, at 54, nearly opposite Holy well lane, about 1/4 of a mile, South of the church.
Swan Yard, Whitechapel High Street, at 20, about ten doors West of Red Lion Street
Swan Yard, Mile End Road, the third on the left East from the Old Globe, about 1/2 a mile below the Turnpike.
Swan Yard, Black man Street, Borough, on the South side of St Georges church.
Swan Yard, Church Street, Lambeth, a few doors on the Right from the Thames, and opposite the church.
Swan Yard, Bermondsey Street. See Black Swan.
Swan and Hoop Passage, Cornhill, eleven doors on the Right from the Mansion house, leading to 78 Lombard Street
Swedish Church, Princes Square, St Georges in the East, the building in the centre of the square.
Sweeds Court, Trinity Lane, at 8, six doors on the Left from Bow lane, towards Old Fish Street
Sweeds Court, Moor Lane, Cripplegate, at the North end of it, on the Left leading to Butlers alley and Grub street.
Sweedland Court, Bishopsgate Without, about 1/8 of a mile on the Right from the church, and four doors South from Widegate Street
Sweedland Court, Victualling Office Square, Tower Hill, a few doors on the Left towards the New Mint.
Sweetapple Court, Bishopgate Without, at 157, about eight doors South from Sun Street
Sweetapple Court, Castle Street, Bethnal Green, two or three doors East of Austin Street behind Shoreditch church .
Sweetings Alley, Cornhill, at 87, on the East side the Royal Exchange.
Sweetings Rents, Cornhill, on the East side the last described.
Swinton Street, Gray s Inn Lane, about 1/4 of a mile on the Right from Middle row, Holborn.
Swiss Chapel, Moor Street, Seven Dials, entrance two or three doors on the Right from Monmouth Street towards Crown Street
St Swithins Church, St Swithins Lane, the corner of Cannon Street
St Swithins Lane, Lombard Street, at 10, the first on the Right from the Mansion house, extending to 81 Cannon Street
Symonds Inn, Chancery Lane, at 32, being that number of doors on the Right from 194, Fleet Street
Symonds Street, Sloane Square, at the North West corner, leading into South street and the Kings Road
Symonds Wharf, Tooley Street, on the West side of Stantons wharf, entering by Stoney lane, from 95 Tooley Street
Synagogue (Great), Dukes Place, on the South side, or a few doors on the Left in Duke Street from 19 Aldgate.
Synagogue (for Dutch Jews), Leadenhall Street, behind 53, about twenty doors on the Left from Aldgate.
Synagogue (for Dutch Jews), Church Court, Fenchurch Street, on the South side of the church, being a few yards on the Left from behind 60, Fenchurch Street
Synagogue (for Portuguese Jews), Bevis Marks, behind 10, or a few yards on the Right in Heneage lane.
Synagogue (for German Jews), Denmark Court, Strand, the first door on the Right from 382 Strand.