Search london history from Roman times to modern day
A Concise Local description of and Accurate Direction to every Square,
Street, Lane, Court, Dock, Wharf, Inn, Public Office, &c. in the Metropolis and
its Environs.
Tabernacle, Moorfields, a few doors on the Left in Tabernacle row, from 36 City road.
Tabernacle Alley, Fenchurch Street, at 128, opposite Mincing lane.
Tabernacle Place, Tabernacie Walk, City Road, at the North end of it, facing the Tabernacle.
Tabernacle Row ,City Road, at 36, the third on the Right about | of a mile from the N. West corner of Finsbury square.
Tabernacle Square, Old Street Road, the North end of Paul street from Finsbury square.
Tabernacle Walk, Finsbury Square, the continuation of Windmill street to the Tabernacle.
Talbot Court, Gracechurch Street, at 55, leading to 46, Little Eastcheap.
Talbot Inn.High Street, Borough, behind 74, near | of a mile on the Left from London bridge.
Talbot Inn, Whitechapel High Street, at 25, five doors West of Red Lion street
Tallow Chandlers Hill, Dowgate Hill, five doors on the Right from Cannon street
Tanfield Court, Temple, on the East side of Lambs Buildings, being the second on the Left in Inner Temple lane from 15, Fleet street
Tash Court, Tash Street, Grays Inn Lane, the first on the Left from 43, in the said lane.
Tash Street, Grays Inn Lane, at 43, being that number of houses on the Right from Middle row, Holborn.
Tattle Court, Bermondsey Street, at 246, about six doors North from Snows fields.
Tatums Place, Locks Fields, Walworth, the first North parallel to part of East lane, extending from John St to Park place.
Tavistock Court, Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, at 32, about eight doors on the Left from Southampton street
Tavistock Mews, Tavistock Street, Bedford Square, three doors on ( the Left from 10, Tottenham court road,
Tavistock Mews, Little Coram Street, Russell square, the first on the Left from 54, Great Coram street.
Tavistock Place,Tavistock Square, at the South East corner, being the second on the right North from Russell square.
Tavisteck Row, Covent Garden, forms part of the South side, extending East from Southampton street
Tavistock Square, on the North side of Russell square, towards the New road, Sommers town.
Tavistock Street, Bedford Square, by the South West corner, extending to 10, Tottenham court road,, near Oxford street
Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, the first on the Right in Southampton St from 387, in the Strand.
Tax Office, Somerset Place, entrance by the second door at the back of the building, which forms the East side of the square.
Taylers Buildings, Kingsland Road. See Tylers Buildings.
Taylors Court, Bow Lane, Cheapside, at 30, three doers from Great St Thomas Apostles.
Taylors Court, St John Street Road, a few yards on the Right in Taylors Row, from the said road.
Taylors Court, Hare Walk, Hoxton, the first on the Left from opposite the Ironmongers alms houses, Kingsland road.
Taylors Court, Farmer Street, Shadwell, at 58, the third on the Left from 38, Shadwell high street
Taylors Passage, St Martins Lane, Charing Cross, at 31, about fourteen doors on the right North of the church, leading to Bedfordbury.
Taylors Row, St John Street Road, the first North of Ashby St leading to Northampton square.
Tears Alley, High Street, Lambeth, the third on the Left from the church, towards Vauxhall.
Temple, a number of buildings, law offices, &c. situate between the West end of Fleet street and the Thames.
Temple Bar, the gate which divides the West end of Fieet street from the Strand.
Temple Court, Inner Temple Lane, a few yards on the Left from 6, Fleet street
Temple Gardens, Temple, upon the bank of the Thames, on the South side the Temple.
Temple Lane, Temple Street, the first on the left E, from Kings Bench Walk, leading to Lombard St and 56, Fleet street
Temple Lane (Inner), Fleet Street, at 16, being that number of houses on the Right from Temple bar,
Temple Lane (Middle), Fleet Street, four doors on the Right from Temple bar, leading to the Temple,
Temple Place, Blackfriars Road, forms part of the Left side, about a mile from the Bridge, extending to the Obelisk.
Temple Street, Whitefriars Dock, the last on the Right in Water lane, from 67, Fieet street leading to the Temple.
Temple Street, Prospett Place, St Georges Fields, the first on the Left from the Elephant and Castle, towards West square.
Temple Stairs, Middle Temple Lane, at the South end, entrance by 5, Fleet street on the East side of Temple bar.
Temple Stairs (New), Lower Thames Street, by 22, on the East side of Billingsgate.
Tenbury Place, Commercial Road, Limehouse, a few doors on the Right in Jamaica place, towards Gun lane.
Tench Street, Bird Street, Wapping, the first on the Right from the church, by the wall of the London docks.
Tenfoot Courr, Nightingale Lane, Upper East Smithfield, by the wall of the London docks, entrance nearly opposite Burr street
Tennis Court, Middle Row, Holborn, at 8, leading to Northumberland court and Southampton buildings.
Tennis Court, Church Entry, Blackfriars, the first on the Left from Shoemakers row.
Tennis Court, King St Borough, at 60, the first on the Right from 109, Borough High street
Tennis Place, near the last described.
Tents Yard, Silver Street, Golden Square, at b, nearly opposite Great Pulteney street
Tenter Alley, Little Moorfields, at 31, die sixth on the Left from 61, Fore street
Tenter Ground, Goodmans Fields, entrance by 39, Prescot street about six doors on the Left from Mansel street.
Tenter Row, Shepherd and Shepherdess Walk, City Road, the first on the Right from the City road, about a mile from Finsbury square.
Tenterdon Street. Hanover Square, at 16, the North West corner, extending to Shepherd street
Tenths Office, Garden Court, Temple, the fourth door on the Right from Middle Temple lane.
Terling Street, Albion Street, St Georges in the East, the last on the Left from the Commercial road, and near the East end of Lower Chapman street
Terrace Temple, the North side between Fig tree court and Kings Bench Walk.
Terrace, High Street, Marylebone, forms part of the West side, a few doors on the R. from the New road.
Terrace, Tottenham Court Road, part of the Right side, opposite Whitfields chapel, about y of a mile from Oxford street.
Terrace, Grays Inn Lane, part of the West side, opposite 69 to 80, extending from, the Kings Road to James street
Terrace, Walworth High Street, or Road, forms part of the Right side, about 1/4 of a mile from the Elephant and Castle, between Hanover St and Amelia street
Terrace, Cannon Street Road. See Clarks Terrace
Terrace, Kent Road, forms part of the Left side, about 1/4 of a mile below the Bricklayers arms.
Terrace, Grange Walk, Bermondsey. See Andersons Buildings.
Terrace, Broad Wall, Christ Church or Lambeth, a few small houses on the East side near Stamford street
Terrace, Vauxhall. See Vauxhall.
Terrace, Poplar, opposite the India coffee house, and near J. of a mile on the Right from the Commercial road.
Terrace Place, Stepney, the South end of Stepney green terrace, about 1/5 of a mile on the Right from Mile end road.
Tewksbury Court, Whiteehapel High Street, at 100, nearly opposite Red Lion street
Thacket Court, Vine Street, St Martins Lane, Charing Cross, near the North end of Church lane, entering by 456, in the Strand.
Thames Street (Lower), the first North parallel to the Thames, extending from London bridge, where there are Nos. 1 and 127, Tower hill.
Thames Street (Upper), the continuation of the last from London bridge to Earl street, Blackfriars, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 2 10, about 2/3 of a mile in length.
Thames Street (Little), St Catherines, the continuation of St Catherines street to 80, Lower East Smithfield, near Burr street
Thames Street, Bankside, Southwark, the first street on the Left about 1/6 of a mile from Clink street towards Blackfriars bridge.
Thames Street, Rotherhithe, is parallel to and between Russell street and the Thames, on the North side of Greenland dock.
Thanet Place, Strand, at 230, six doors on the Left from Temple bar.
Thatched House Court, Little St James's Street, i three doors on the Left from St James's St nesr the Palace.
Thatched House Conrt, Strand, at 418, nearly opposite Adam St Adelphi.
Thavies lnn, Holborn Hill, at 56, six doors West of St Andrews church yard.
Thayer Street, Manchester Square, four doors on the Left in Hinde St from the West side of the square, leading into High street.
Theobalds Road, Red Lion Square, the third coach turning on both the Right and the L. in Red lion street from 71 , High Holborn.
St Thomas Apostles (Great), Bow Lane, at 27, the third St on the Left from Cheapside, leading to Cloak lane.
St Thomas Apostles (Little), Bow Lane, at 35, the second street on the Left from Cheapdde.
St Thomas Apostles Court, Great St Thomas Apostles, at 22, a few yards East of Queen street
St Thomass Church Yard, St Thomass Street, Borough, the second on the Right from 43, Borough High street
Thomas Court, Ball Court, Golden Lane, St Lukes the third on the Left from Golden lane.
Thomas Court or Place, Old Nicols Street, Bethnal Green, the first on the Right from Nicols Row.
St Thoma/s Hospital, High Street, Borough, at 36, being that number of houses on the Left from London bridge.
Thomas Passage, Bethnal Green Road, the first on the Right in Charles St from opposite Wilmot square.
Thomas Place, Bethnal Green Road, a few doors on the Left in Abbey street, from the said road.
Thomas Place, Hampstead Road, part of the Left side, about 1/8 of a mile from Tottenham court road.
Thomas Place, Crabtree Row, Bethnal Green, part of the Right side, a few doors from the Hackney road.
Thomas Place, 1 Pell Street, Ratcliffe, about the middle of the West side, entering by 194, Ratcliffe highway.
Thomas Piace, arkersRow, Dock Head, Bermondsey, a few yards on the Right north from the Neckinger tumpike, leading to John street.
Thomas Place, Deptford Lower Road, Rotherhithe, by Bedford place, near the East end of Paradise row.
Thomas Row, Bethnal Green Road, the second on the Right in Charles street from opposite Wilmot square.
Thomas Street, Bethnal Green Road, at 55, the third on the Right near 1/4 of a mile East from the turnpike.
Thomas Street, Mile End New Town, the second on the Right from 94, Whitechapel road, along Bakers Row and Charles street
Thomas Street, Ducking Pond Row, Whitechapel Road, opposite Greyhound Lane, entering by 105, in the said road, leading into the last
Thomas Street, Brick Lane, Bethnal Green or Spitalfields, at 120. about fourteen doors on the Left from 114, Church street
Thomas Street, Curtain Road, Shoreditch, the fourth on the Left from Worship street nearly opposite New inn yard.
Thomas. Street, Commercial Road, Mile End Old Town, the fourth on the Right from Cannon street road towards Whitechapel.
Thomas Street, Mary Street, Stepney, the first on the Left from Ocean street Cow lane.
Thomas Street, St Georges in the East, about eight doors on the Right in Church lane, from 65 Cable street extending to Princes place.
Thomas Street, Kent Road, a few doors on the Left below the Bricklayers arms.
Thomas Street, Mead Row, Kent Road, the first on the Left from the said road.
Thomas Street, Locks Fields, Walworth, the second on the Left from Garmouth row, Kent road, towards Salisbury piace and East lane.
Thomas Street, Horelydown, at 114, Shad Thaine , opposite George stairs, leading to Three Oak lane.
St Thomas's Street, High Street, Borough, at 43, the second on the Left from London bridge.
St Thomas's Tents, Borough, the East continuation of the last
Thompsons Place, Wilmot Street, Bethnal Green, near the South end towards Dog row.
Thompsons Rents, Half Moon Street, Bishopsgate Without, the second on the Left from 170, Bishopsgate street
Thorney Street, Bloomsbury, the West continuation of Hart street and Castle street, or the first on the Right in Plumbtree street from 18 Broad street
Thornhaugh Street, Bedford Sq. the first on the Right in Francis St from opposite Whitfields chapel, Tottenham court road.
Thornhaugh Street (Upper), the West continuation of the last from Francis St
Thorold Square, Church Street, Bethnal Green, at 92, nearly opposite the church.
Thrawl Street, Brick Lane, Spitalfields, at 208, the second on the Left from opposite the church, Whitechapel.
Threadneedle Street, Bishopsgate Within, at 116, leading to the North side the Royal Exchange.
Three Arrow Court, Chancery Lane, at 97, three doors North of Carey street
Three Colts Alley, King Street, St Georges in the East, the first on the Right from Old Gravel lane, near Wapping.
Three Colts Court, Worship Street, Holywell Mount, at 7, the first on the Left from Paul street
Three Colts Court, Angel Alley, Bishopsgate Without, the continuation of Slades Buildings.
Three Colts Court, Three Colts Street, Limehouse, at 15. Also called New Court.
Three Colts Lane, Hare Street, Bethnal Green, at 80, the first on the Right from 109, Brick lane.
Three Colts Street, Limehouse, on the East side the church, extending from the Commercial road to the Lime kilns dock.
Three Colts Yard, Mile End Road, the second on the Left below the Old Globe, about 1/2 a mile East from the turnpike.
Three Crane Court, Castle Lane, Westminster, about the middle of the Left side from James street, towards Elliotts brewery.
Three Crane Lane, Upper Thames Street, at 75, opposite College Hill, about 1/4 of a
mile on the Left from London bridge.
Three Crane Stairs, on the West side the last, and at the bottom of Queen street from Cheapside.
Three Crane Wharf, Upper Thames Street , at the South end of the last
Three Crane Yard, High Street, Borough, at 66, being that number on the Left from, London bridge.
Three Crown Court, Whites Alley, Chancery Lane, the first on the Right from opposite 77, Chancery lane.
Three Crown Court, Garlick Hill, two doors on the Left from 190, Upper Thames street
Three Crown Court, Foster Lane, about twenty doors on the Left from 148, Cheapside.
Three Crown Court, Jewry Street, Aldgate, the third on the Right twelve doors from Aldgate.
Three Crown Court, High Street, Borough, at 269, about of a mile on the Right from London bridge.
Three Cups Alley, Shoreditch High Street, at 220, about twenty four doors South of Holywell lane, leading into George street
Three Cups Alley, Lower Shadwell, opposite 51, being the corner of Broad bridge.
Three Cups Court, Lower Shadwell, the first on the Right in the last from opposite 51.
Three Cups Inn, Aldersgate Street, about twelve doors on the right, North of Barbican.
Three Cups Yard, Bedford Street, Bedford Row, about six doors West of Bedford row, extending to 4, Princes street
Three Dagger Court, Fore Street, Cripplegate, at 110, nearly opposite Wood St
Three Falcon Court, Fleet Street, at 144, about | of a mile on the Right from Fleet market.
Three Falcon Court, Fishmongers Alley, High Street, Borough, the first on the Right from 230, near St Margarets Hill.
Three Fox Court, Long Lane, West Smithfield, abcut twelve doors on the Left from 67, West Smithfield.
Three Hammer Alley, Glean Alley, Tooley Street, at the South end, on the Left entering by 218, Tooley street.
Three Herrings Court, Redcross Street, Cripplegate, at 57, the first on the Left from Barbican.
Three Herrings Court, Cree Chnrch lane, the first on the Right from 87, Leadenhall street
Three Kings Court, Whitecross Street, St Lukes, at 90, about eighteen doors North from Chiswell street
Three Kings Court, Lombard St at 33, four doors East from Clements lane.
Three Kings Court, Minories, ten doors on the Left from Aldgate.
Three Kings Yard, Davies Street, Berkeley Square. at ?, being that number on the Right from 292 Oxford street
Three Legs Court, Whitecross Street, St Lukes, at 207, fourteen doors on the left North from Chiswell street
Three Mariners Court, Fore Street, Cripplegate, at 104, five doors West of Grub street
Three Nuns Inn, Aldgate High Street, at 12, a few doors East of the church.
Three Oak Lane, Horselydown, the East continuation of Free school street, bearing to the left.
Three Pigeons Court, Angel Alley, Long Alley, Moorfields, the first on the Left from Long alley, near Skinner street
Three Pigeons Court, Ray Street, Clerkenwell. thc second on the Left from the North W. corner of Clerkenwell gren.
Three Tuns Alley, Bunhill Row, St Lukes, at 100, about the middle of the West side, two doors South of Chequer alley.
Three Tuns Alley, Wentworth street, Spitalfields or Whitechapel, the first South parallel to part of it, extending from Petticoat lane to Old Castle street
Three Tuns.Court, Redcross Street, Cripplegate, at 53, nine doors on the L., from Barbican.
Three Tuns Court, Miles's Lane, Cannon Street, at 24, three doors on the Right from 130, Upper Thames street
Three Tuns Court, Upper Thames Street, at 123, three doors on the Right from London bridge.
Three Tuns Court, White Street, Borough, at 18, being that number on the Left from St Georges church.
Three Tuns Inn, High Street, Borough, at 93, near St Margarets Hill.
Three Tuns Passage, Ivy Lane, Newgate Street, a few yards on the Right from 29, Newgate street
Three Tuns Yard, High Street, Borough, at 88, by St Margarets Hill.
Throgmorton Street, at the North East corner of the Bank of England, extending to Broad street
Thurlow Place, Hackey Road, forms part of the Left side, about 3/4 of a mile from Shoreditch church.
Thurlow Place, Bethnal Green, on the East side the green, towards Globe St near the Rising Sun.
Thurlow Place, Apollo Buildings, East Lane, Walworth, at 21, about 1/3 of a mile on the Left from the Kent road.
Thurlow Street, Pitt Street, Blackfriars road, the first on the Right from 52, Great Surrey street near Surrey Chapel.
Tidewaiters Court, Church Street, Minories, a few doors on the Left from 20, in the Minories.
Tiger Court. See Tyger.
Tigs Court, Castle Street, Borough, a few yards on the Left from 14, Redcross street
Tilney Court, Old street, St Lukes, opposite 81, about eighteen doors West of Bunhill. row.
Tilney Street, South Audley Street, the second on the Left from Curzon street, leading to Park lane.
Times Newspaper Office, on the East side of Printing house square, Water lane, Blackfriars.
Titchborne Court, High Holborn, at 280, three doors. VV. of Great Turnstile, near ^ a mile on the Left from Fleet market.
Titchborne Strcet, Haymarket, opposite the North end of it, extending from Piccadilly to Sherrard St
Titchfield Chapel, Westmoreland Street, Marylebone, seven doors on the Right from 12, Great Marylebone street.
Titchfield Street (Great), Marylebone, the continuation of Market street entering by 87, Oxford street being that number on the Right from St Giles.
Titchfield Street (Little), Marylebone, at 100, in the last described, the sixth on the Left from Oxford street
Titchfield Street, Dean St Soho, at 72, six doors on the Right from 400, Oxford street
Tites Alley, Narrow Street, Limehouse, the first on the Left below Mr. Turners house, leading to Risbys rope walk.
Titmouse Alley, Farmer Street, Shadwell, at 54, about the middle of the K. side.
Tobits Dog Coach Office, St Pauls Church Yard, a door or two on the Right from Ludgate street
Tokenhouse Yard, Lothbury, at 41, on the North side the Bank of England.
Toms Court, Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, at 5, the second on the Left from 277, Oxford street
Tongue Yard, Whitechapel Road, at 247, the third on the Right about thirty six doors East of the church.
Tongue Yard (Little), Whitechapel Road, at 257, ten doors West. of the last described.
Tooley Street, Borough, the first on the Left from London bridge, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 252, near 1/2 a mile in length.
Tooleys Gateway, Tooley Street, at 63, nearly opposite Bermondsey street.
Tooks Court, Cursitor Street, Chancery Lane, eight doors on the Left from 40, in the said lane.
Toppings Court, St Dunstans Hill, four doors on the Left from 10, Great Tower Street
Toppings Rents, Ewer Street, Borough, at the East end of it, a few doors from Duke Street
Toppings Wharf, Tooley Strcet, between Chamberlains wharf and the shot manufactory, by London bridge.
Torrington Street, Keppel Street, Russel Square, at 22, the first on the Right from 30, Russell square.
Tothill Court, Tothill Street, Westminster, the third on the Right about twenty doors West from the Abbey.
Tothill Fields, Westminster, on the West side Millbank walk, by the Thames, extending to Rochester row and the Grey Coat School.
Tothill Street, Westminster, on the West side the Abbey, extending towards Queen square
Tothill Street ( New) , Westminster, the first street on the Left in the last from the Abbey, extending to 22 Orchard street
Tothill Street, Little Grays Inn Lane, the first on the Right from 72, Grays Inn lane, Holborn.
Tottenham Court, New Road, part of the South side, extending from Tottenham Court Road, towards Sommers Town.
Tottenham Court Road, the continuation of High street, St Giles, extending from Oxford St to the New road, about 2/3 of a mile in length.
Tottenham Mews, Tottenham Street, at 26, about of a mile on the Right from Tottenham court road entering by Chapel street
Tottenham Place, Tottenham Court Road, at 144, the second on the Left from the New road.
Tottenham Street, Tottenham Court Road, the continuation of Chapel street (on the East side of Whitfields Chapel) to Norfolk street
Totterburn Alley, Duke Street, Borough, the second on the Left from Queen street, leading to Lomans Pond.
Tower, on the North side the River Thames, near 1/3 of a mile below London bridge.
Tower Dock, Tower Hill, on the West side the Tower, also about ten houses between Tower street and Lower Thames street
Tower Hill (Great), the open space on the North West side, of the Tower.
Tower Hill (Little), the space on the East side of the Tower.
Tower Royal, Watling Street, at 50, about ten doors on the Right east from Queen street leading to College hill.
Tower Street, Seven Dials, the continuation of Little St Martins lane, bearing to the Left extending to Little Earl street
Tower Street (Little), Little Eastcheap, the continuation of it, extending from Rood lane to Great Tower street
Tower Street (Great), the East continuation of the last to Tower hill, being the first North parallel to Lower Thames street
Tower Street, St Georges Fields, the fourth on the K. from the Obeliik towards the Asylum.
Town Hall, Poplar High Street, near the Black horse, about 1/2 a mile on the Right from the Commercial road.
Town Hall, St Margarets Hill, Borough, about 1/5 of a mile on the Right from London bridge.
Townsend Court, Queen Street, Borough, at 71, three doors from Little Guildford street towards Duke street.
Trafalgar Buildings or Place, Ebenezer Street, City Road, four doors on the Right from Trafalgar street towards Plumbers street
Trafalgar Plaee, New Road, Marylebone the E, continuation of Union buildings and Alsops Buildings.
Trafalgar Place, Pleasant Row, Stepney, a few small houses behind 16, the first on the Left from Redmans Row.
Trafalgar Place, Gibraltar Row, St Georges Fields, entrance by the last on the L. from Prospeft place.
Trafalgar Place, Locks Fields, Walworth, the continuation of Garmouth row, entering by Rodney row, Kent road.
Trafalgar Row, Walworth Common, is opposite Providence place, near Westmoreland academy.
Trafalgar Square, Stepney, entrance about J of a mile on the Left along Stepney green from Mile end road.
Trafalgar Street, City Road, nearly opposite Fountain place, being the fourth on the R. north from Oid street.
Trafalgar Street Turville Street, Bethral Green, the third on the Left from 37, Church street near Shoreditch.
Trafalgar Street, Walworth High Street or Road, the first South parallel to part of East lane, extending from 25, Beckford row, to. South St
Trafalgar Terrace, Stepney, part f the North side of Cow lane, by Ocean street near the church.
Transport Office, Dorset Square, Cannon Row, Westminster, entrance by the third on the Right in the said row from Bridge street
Traveller Newspaper Office, at 151, Fleet St by Bolt court.
Treasury, Whitehall, a few yards on the Right from the Horse guards towards the Abbey.
Trig Lane, Upper Thames Street, at 33, opposite Lambeth hill, about 1/4 of a mile on the Right from Blackfriars bridge.
Trig Stairs and Trig Wharf, Upper Thames Street. See the last article.
Trinity Aims Houses, Mile End Road, on the East side the Skinners alms houses, being a few doors, on the Left below the turnpike.
Trinity Court, Aldersgate Street, at 171, opposite Falcon square.
Trinity Court, Little Trinity Lane, at 28, ten doors on the Right from 199 Upper Thames street
Trinity House, Trinity Square, Great Tower Hill, on the North side, between Savage Gardens and Coopers Row.
Trinity Lane (Great), Bread Street, Cheapside, at 31, the last on the Left from 16, Cheapside, extending to Bow lane.
Trinity Lane (Little), at 7, in the last, being the second on the Right in it from Bread street it extends to 199, Upper Thames street
Trinity Square, Tower Hill, part of the North side of Great Tower hill, adjoining the Trinity house.
Trinity Street, Rotherhithe, the continuation of Lower Queen street being parallel to the Thames, it leads to Russell street and Greenland dock,
Tripe Yard, Petticoat Lane, a few doors on theR. from 11, Aldgate High street
Tripe Yard, Petticoat Lane, on the North side of Coxs square near Wentworth street
Trotters Ways, Rotherhithe, on the East side of Cherry garden stairs, about 1/4 of a mile above the church.
Trump Court, Whitechapel Road, at 43, a few doors on the Left east from the church.
Trump Street, King Street, Cheapside, six doors on the Left from 93, Cheapside, extending to Honey lane market.
Trundleys Lane, Deptford Lower Road, by Midway place, South side the Halfway house.
Truss Society, at 10, Grocers hall court, Poultry.
Tudor Street, New Bridge Street, Blackfriars, at 15, the second on the Left from the bridge towards Fleet market.
Tuerenas Rents, Upper East Smithsfield, a few houses behind 89.
Tufton Buildings, Poplar High St or Road, nearly opposite North St about 1/8 of a mile on the Right from the Commercial road.
Tufton Street, Wood Street, Westminster, the third street on the Left from 64, Millbank street extending to the Horsererry road.
Turks Head Court, Turnmill Street, Clerkenwell, about the middle of the East side, opposite Roebuck court.
Turks Head Court, Gohlen 1ane, St Lukes, the continuation of Bell alley from 13, Goswell street.
Turks Row, Chelsea, the first North parallel to Royal Hospital Row, extending from Lower Sloane street to the Hospital.
Turk Street, Bethnal Grcen, the continuation of Tyson St opposite Brick lane to Virginia Street, behind Shoreditch church.
Turnagain Lane, Fleet Market, at 36, North end leading to Snow hill.
Turners Buildings, Poplar, about 1/8 of a mile on the Left from the Commercial road and on the West side the Silver Lion.
Turners Court, St Martins Lane, Charing. cross, at 37, about eight doors North of Chandos street
Turners Court, Church Lane, Whitechapel, the first on the Right from the Commercial road towards Wellclose square.
Turners Rents, Gravel Lane, Borough, opposite George street from Blackfriars road.
Turner Square, Whitechapel Road, at 219, about seven houses which stand back from the line of the pavement, near 5 of a mile East of the church.
Turner Square, Hoxton, nearly opposite the Hare, about I of a mile on the Left from Old Street road.
Turner Street, Cartwright Street, Rosemary Lane, about ten doors on the Left from 32, in the said lane.
Turners Wharf, Millbank Street, Westminster, entrance nearly opposite Vine street about 1/3 of a mile above Westminster bridge.
Turners Wharf, Narrow Street, Limehouse, about of a mile below Ratcliffe cross.
Turnham Place, Curtain Road, Shoredirch, forms part of the Right side, near 1/8 of a mile from Old street road.
Tummill Street, Clerkenwell, the continuation of Cow cross, St John street to Clerkenwell green.
Turnstile [Great), High Holborn, at 282, near 1/2 a mile on the Left from Fleet market, leading to Lincolns Inn Fields.
Turnstile (Little), High Holborn, 240, about 1/4 of a mile on the Right from Broad Street, St Giles, leading to Gate street
Turnstile (New), High Holborn, at 252, eight doors West of the last
Turnstile, Great Saffron Hill, at 130, a few doors on the Left from Field lane, leading to Charles street, Hatton garden.
Turnwheel Lane, Cannon Street, at 6, leading to Dowgate hill.
Turpentine lane, Neat Houses, Chelsea, the first on the Right from the bridge at Pimlico, leading to the Thames.
Turville Street, Church Street, Bethnai Green, at 37, the fourth on the Left from 65, Shoreditch.
Tusons Buildings, Castle Lane, Whitechapel, the continuation of Barns buildings, being the first on the Left from 124, Whitechapel.
Tweezers Alley, Water Street, Strand, a few doors on the Left from Arundel St leading to Milford lane.
Twisdens Buildings, Temple, at the bottom of Inner Temple lane, entering by 16 Fleet Street.
Twisters Alley, Bunhill Row, St, Lukes, at 102, about the middle of the West side.
Tyburn Turnpike, at the West end of Oxford street by Edgware road.
Tyers Gateway, Bermondsey St at 210, about ten doors on the Left from Russell street towards Tooley street.
Tyger Court, Whitecross Street, Cripplegate, about seven doors on the Right from Beech lane towards Wood street
Tylers Buildings, Kingsland Road, part of the Left side, about 1/5 of a mile from Shoreditch church.
Tylers Court, Lambeth Hill, Upper Thames Street, three doors on the Left from Old Fish street
Tylers Court, Wardour Street, Soho, at 82, six doors North of Peter street
Tylers Court, Carnaby Market, at the North West corner, leading to 27, Carnaby street
Tylers Passage, King Street, Carnaby Market, five doors on the Left from 323, Oxford street
Tylers Street, King Street, Carnaby Market, at M, the third street on the Left from 323, Oxford street.
Type Street, Chiswell Street, Finsbury Square, at 24, the second on the Left from the South West corner of the rquare.
Type Court, Type Street, Finsbury Square, the second on the Right from 24, Chiswell street
Tyrell Street, Bethnal Green Road, at the North East corner of Thorold square.
Tyson Place, Kingsland Road, part of the Left side, about 1/3 of a mile from Shoreditch church, and opposite the alms houses.
Tyson Street, Church Street, Bethnal Green, at 52, opposite Brick lane, about 1/4 of a mile on the Left from 65 Shoreditch.
Tysons Yard, Tooley Street, at 181, opposite Mill lane,