Search london history from Roman times to modern day
A Concise Local description of and Accurate Direction to every Square,
Street, Lane, Court, Dock, Wharf, Inn, Public Office, &c. in the Metropolis and
its Environs.
Oakley row, Thomas Street, Bethnal Green, about six doors on the Left from 119,
Brick lane.
Oakley Street, Bridge Road, Lambeth, the third on the Left about 3/8 of a mile from
Westminster bridge, towards the Asylum.
Oat Lane, Noble Street, Foster Lane, at 11, the fourth Coach turning on the Right
from 147, Cheapside, it leads to 94, Wood street.
Oatmeal Yard, Dog and Bear Yard, Tooley Street, the last on the Right from 128, East
end of Tooley Street.
Obelisk, Fleet Market, at the South end of it, between Ludgate hill and Fleet
Obelisk, Blackfriars Road, St Georges Fields, at the South end of it, about 2/3 of a
mile from the bridge.
Obelisk, Locks Fields, Walworth, at the West end of Salisbury place and near
Neptune place.
Observer Newspaper Office, at 169, Strand, nearly opposite the New church, about of a
mile on the Left from Temple bar.
Ocean Row, Stepney, forms that part of Cow lane which is nearly opposite the Walnut
tree public house.
Ocean Street, Cow Lane, Stepney, the first on the Left a few doors from Stepney
Old square, it leads to Trafalgar square.
Octagon Place, Kennington Common, on the West side, forming the corner of the road
which leads to the Green opposite the Horns Tavern.
Off Alley, Villiers Street, Strand, four doors on the Left from 32, in the Strand,
it extends to George court.
Offertory or Offerty School, Little Vine Street, Piccadilly, two or three doors
on the Left from 5 Swallow Street
Ogle Court, Queen Ann Street East. See Upper Ogle Street
Ogle Mews, Upper Ogle Street, Marylebone, four doors on the Left from 14, Queen
Ann Street East
Ogle Square, Upper Ogle Street, Marylebone, a few small houses behind 10, three
doors on the Left from 9 Upper Marylebone Street
Ogle Street, Queen Ann Street East, Marylebone, at 19, six doors East from 28,
Great Titchfield Street
Ogle Street (Upper), Queen Ann Street East, at 14, about six doors East from the
last described.
St Olaves Church, Tooley Street, a few doors on the Left from London bridge.
St Olaves Stairs, Tooley Street, about six doors on the Left from London bridge.
Old Bailey, Ludgate Hill, at 28, the first street on the Left about twenty doors
from Fleet market, it extends to Newgate Street
Old Bethlem. See Bethlem.
Old Buildings or Square, Lincolns Inn. See Lincolns Inn.
Old Change, Cheapside, about six doors on the Right from St Pauls church yard,
extending to Old Fish Street
Old Jewry. See Jewry.
Old Pay Office, Old Broad Street, behind 54, in the said street, nearly opposite the
Excise Office.
Old Street, St Lukes, the second on the Left about of a mile from the North West corner
of Finsbury sq. it extends to Goswell St where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1
and 160.
Old Street Road, the East continuation of Old Street extending from the City road to
op. Shoreditch church, near 1/4 a mile in length.
Old Street Square, St Lukes, at the North end of Henry Street entering by 89 Old
Street a
few doors West from St Lukes hospital.
Old Swan Lane and Stairs. See Swan.
Oliver Court, Bowling Street, Westminster, at 23, about five doors on the Left
from the West end of Wood Street towards Deans yard.
One Swan Yard, Bishopsgate Without, behind 180, a few doors on the Left north from
the church.
One Tun Court, Strand, at 24, being that number of houses on the Right from Charing
Onslow Street, Clerkenwell, the first street on the Left in Vine Street from Mutton
lane, entering by the North West corner of Clerkenwell green.
Opera House, Haymarket, on the West side near Pall mall, about 1/6 of a mile on
the Left from Charing cross.
Orange Court, Swallow Street or King Street, Carnaby Market. See Orange Street.
Orange Court, Castle Street, Leicester Square, the first North from the Kings mews,
leading into Orange Street
Orange Court, Drury Lane, at 130, about the middle of the East side, five doors North
from Princes street.
Orange Court, Rose Street, Soho, at 10, three or four doors on the Right from Crown
Orange Court, Old Nicol Street, Bethnal Green, the first on the Left a few doors
E. from Cross Street
Orange Court, Wapping Street, at 23, being that number of houses on the Left below
Hermitage bridge.
Orange Court or Row, Fieldgate Street, Mile End Old Town or Whitechapel, the
first on the Left a few doors from 266, Whitechapel road.
Orange Row, Kennington Road, Newington, forms part of the West side, by the Plough
and Harrow the corner of Kennington lane, and extending towards the Common.
Orange Street, Swallow Street, at 55, 1/4 of a mile on the Right from 44,
Piccadilly, it leads to 88, King Street
Orange Street, Leicester Square, is parallel to part of the South side of it,
extending from St Martins street to Castle Street
Orange Street, Red Lion Square, at the North West corner, extending to 20, King St
near Bloomsbury square.
Orange Street, Lomans Pond, Borough, the first on the Left in Gravel lane, a few
doors from Charlotte St Blackfriars road towards the Kings Bench.
Orchard, New Street or Market Street, Shadwell, the first on the Left a few doors from
the South East corner of Shadwell market towards the Thames.
Orchard, Broad Street, Ratcliffe, on the N . side, or between it and Brook
entrance by 85 Broad street.
Orchard Street, Portman Square, the South East corner, extending to 197, Oxford
being the fourth on the Left in the said street from Tyburn turnpike.
Orchard Street, Westminster, the first on the Right in Dean Street from Tothill
Street West
end .of the Abbey, it extends to Great Chapel Street
Orchard Street, St Lukes, the North continuation of Ironmonger Row through a narrow
passage, entering by 97 Old Street it extends to Ratcliffe row.
Ordnance Office, Pall Mall, at 91, opposite George Street. late Cumberland house.
Ordnance Office, Tower, is opposite the bridge or first turning or entrance on the Right
from Iron gate, St Catherines.
Orford Row, Kent Road, forms part of the Right side, about 1/5 of a mile East from or
below the Bricklayers arms.
Orions Buildings, Castle Street, Borough. See Ortons Buildings.
Ormond House Academy, Paradise Row, Chelsea, the third house on the Right from the
hospital towards Battersea bridge.
Ormond Mews, Great Ormond Street, Queen Square, entrance at 12, in the said street,
and at 28, Devonshire Street three doors from the South East corner of Queen square.
Ormond Place, Great Ormond Street, Queen Square, entrance at 24, also at 54,
Lambs conduit Street
Ormond Row, Chelsea, on the West side the hospital, extending from Paradise row to
Durham place.
Ormond street (Great), Lambs Conduit Street, at 50, the fifth coach turning on
the Left from 71 High Holborn, along Red lion Street it extends to Queen square.
Ormond Street (Little), Queen Square, is opposite the last described, leading to
Southampton row.
Ormond Street (New), Lambs Conduit Street, at 31, the fifth Coach turning on the
R. from 71, High Holborn, along Red lion Street it extends to Millman Street
Ormond Yard. See Ormond Mews and Ormond Place.
Ormond Yard, York Street, St James's Square, about four doors on the Left from the
N. side, and near the same distance from the South .ide of St James's church.
Orphans School, City Road, nearly opposite Andersons Buildings, about 7/8 of a mile
on the Left from Finsbury square.
Ortons Buildings, Castle Street, Borough, the laston the Left from 13, Redcross
Osband Buildings , Bermondsey New Road, forms part of the East side, a few doors
on the Right from the Bricklayers arms.
Osborn Place, Whitechapel, the second coach turning on the Right about of a mile
from opposite Whitechapel church, along Osborn St it leads to Chicksand St Mile End
New Town.
Osborn Street, Whitechapel High Street, at 74, nearly opposite the church, it is
continued by Brick lane.
Osnaburgh Row, Kings Road, Pimlico, the first on the Right from Upper Eaton Street or
from Grosvenor place towards Chelsea.
Ossulstone Street, Sommers Town, the continuation of Willsted Street extending to
Phoenix Street near the Polygon or Clarendon square.
Oval, Kennington, at the South end of Bowling green row, entering opposite the Horns
Tavern, Kennington common.
Owens Alms Houses, Islington Road, on the East side, a few doors on the Left from
the City road towards Sadlers Wells.
Owens Court, Owens Place, Goswell Street Road, on the North side the Quakers
school, being the first on the Left from Rawstone street.
Owens PIace, Goswell Street Road, forms part of the West side, adjoining Owens
Row, it extends to Gwyns Buildings, City road.
Owens Row,Goswell Street Road, the first on the Right from the City road or from
Islington, extending to St Johns street road, nearly opposite Sadlers Wells.
Oxendon Chapel, Oxendon Street, Haymarket, four doors on the Right from Coventry
Oxendon Street, James Street, Haymarket, about six doors on the Left from 18, in
the Haymarket, it extends to 27 Coventry Street
Oxford Arms inn, Warwick Lane, is the third on the Right from 10, Newgate street.
or the second on the Left from 29 Ludgate Street along Ave Maria lane.
Oxford Arms Passage, Warwick Lane, between the Inn yard and Warwick lane.
Oxford Buildings, Oxford Street, at 299, between New Bond Street and South Molton
Street, leading into Woodstock Street
Oxford Chapel, Vere Street, eight doors on the Right from 151, Oxford St being the
corner of Henrietta Street
Oxford Court, Oxford Street, at 319, four doors West from Swallow street.
Oxford Court, Cannon Street, is the first on the Left in Salters hall passage,
from 82 Cannon Street
Oxford House Academy, Hackney Road. near the Nags head, about 1/4 of a mile on
the Right from Shoreditch church.
Oxford Market, Oxford Street, at 87, being that number of houses on the Right about
| of a mile from St Giles.
Oxford Place, Westminster Bridge Road, forms part of the Right side, a few doors
from the Obelisk, it extends from Duke Street to the Freemasons school.
Oxford Rhedarium, Oxford Street, at 29, about 1/7 of a mile on the Right from St
Giles, six doors West from Rathbone place.
Oxford Street, commences at St Giles, and the South end of Tottenham court road,
where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 440, extends W, to Tyburn. turnpike,
where there is 215, about 1 1/3 mile in length.
Oxley Court, Parkers Row, Bermondsey, a few doors an the Left from Hickmans Folly,
towards the Neckinger turnpike, it extends to John Street