Man Loaded with Mischielf

John Lockie, a descriptive London Street Directory in 1810 - P.

A Concise Local description of  and Accurate Direction to every Square, Street, Lane, Court, Dock, Wharf, Inn, Public Office, &c. in the Metropolis and its Environs.


John Lockie 1810 index & next

Packer buildings, Temple, the third on the Right in Mitre Court from 44, Fleet St towards Kings bench walk.
Packer Court. Still Alley, Houndsditch, the first on the Right a few yards from 104 Houndsditch.
Packer Court, Coleman Street, the first on the Right two or three doors from Lothbury or from the Old Jewry, Cheapside.
Packstons Alley, Rotherhithe Street at 312, the third on the Right below the church, and on the West side of Swan lane.
Paddington Buildings, Paddington, between the Edgware road and the Harrow road.
Paddington Green, Paddington, the open space on the Right in the Harrow road, from the Edgware road by Paddington church.
Paddington Street, High Street, Marylebone, at 70, the second on the Right about % of a m;le from the New road, or the fifth on the Right in Baker St from Portman square.
Pageants, Rotherhithe. near a mile below the church, and about 1/6 of a mile above Cuckolds Point, facing Dukes Shore, Limehouse.
Pages Walk, Grange Road, Bermondsey, the first coach turning on the Right about 1/8 of a mile from Bermondsey New road.
Pagets Court or Place, Blue Gate Fields, Shadwell, the third on the Right a few doors from 93 Ratcliffe highway,
Pagets Place, Blue Gate Fields, Shadwell, the first on the Right two or three doors from 95 Ratcliffe highway.
Painters Buildings, Norfolk Place, Curtain Road, on the North side, or a few yards on the Left from the Curtain road.
Painters Court, Bury Street, St James's, at 25, about five doors on the Right from Jermyn Street
Painters Hall, Little Trinity Lane, about nine doors on the Left from 199, Upper Thames Street near the South end of Bow lane.
Painters Rents, Broad Street, Ratcliffe, at 6S, about | of a mile on the Left east from Shadwell church.
Palace Row, Tottenham Court or New Road, forms part of the North side, extending from the Hampstead road towards the turnpike.
Palace Street, Westminster, the continuation of Charlotte Street from Pimlico, entering by the third on the Left from Buckingham gate.
Palace Wharf, Lambeth, opposite Ferry St on the South side of the church.
Palace Yard (New), Westminster, behind the houses which form the South side of Bridge St extending to Westminster hall.
Palace Yard (Old), Westminster, the open space on the South side of Westminster hall by the Abbey.
Palatine Place, Commercial Road, forms part of the North side, between Plumbers row and Greenfield Street near 1/4 of a mile on the Left from Whitechapel church.
Pall Mall, St James's, at the South end of the Hay market, near the Opera House, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 133, it extends to the Palace.
Pall Mall Court, Pall Mall, St James's, about the middle of the South side, nearly op. 30.
Palmers Rents, Snows Fields, Borough, the third on the Left near 1/8 of a mile from 238, Bermondsey street.
Palmers Village, Westminster, about 1/2 a mile from Buckinghamgate along James Street bearing to the Right entrance on the North side of Bridewell.
Palmers Yard, Bermondsey or Rotherhithe Wall, the second on the Right a few doors below East lane, by Palmers Rope walk.
Palsgrave or Palgrave Court, Strand, at 322, about twelve doors on the Left from Temple bar.
Pancras Female Charity School, Hampstead Road, on the South side the chapel, about 1/4 of a mile on the Right from Tottenham court road.
Pancras Lane, Queen Street, Cheapside, at 83, about eight doors on the Left from 70 Cheapside.
Pancras Place, Pancras Street, Tottenham Court Road, the first on the Left a few yards from the said road.
St Pancras Place, St Pancras, forms part of the row on the Right side of the road, from the Smallpox hospital towards the church.
Pancras Street, Tottenham Court Road, about 1/2 a mile on the Right from St Giles, and nearly opposite Howland Street
Pancras Walk, St Pancras, the North end of Vernons Buildings, near the church.
Pannier Alley, Newgate Street, at 50, eight doors on the Left from Cheapside, it leads to Paternoster row.
Panorama, Leicester Square, at the North East corner, by Cranbourn Street
Panorama, Strand, at 169, nearly opposite the New church.
Pans Head Yard or Court, Leicester Street, Swallow Street, three doors on the Left from 32, Swallow Street towards Warwick Street
Pantheon, Oxford Street, at 360, about six doors West from Poland Street near 1/3 of a mile on the Left from St Giles.
Panton Square, Coventry Street, Haymarket, at 13, about the middle of the North side.
Panton Street, Hay market, at 21, the first on the Left from Coventry street.
Paper Buildings, Temple, on the West side of Kings bench walk, by the Temple gardens, being the last row on the Right entering by Mitre court from 44 Fleet Street
Parade, St James's Park, the East end of it, by the Horse guards.
Parade (Old), North Audley Street, at 14, about seven doors on the Left from 263, Oxford St and nearly opposite Green Street
Paradise Buildings, Lambeth Upper Marsh, a few doors on the Left from the Marsh gate, nearly facing Stangate Street
Paradise Court, Paradise Street, Battle Bridge, St Pancras, the first on the Right from Britannia Street
Paradise Court, Castle Yard, Gravel Lane, Christ Church, at the South end, entering by the Falcon Glass manufactory.
Paradise Place, Paradise Street, Marylebone, six doors on the Right from 82 High Street
Paradise Place, Tabernacle Place, Finsbury Square, a few doors on the Right from Leonard Street towards Old street road.
Paradise Place or Row, Lambeth Upper Marsh, the continuation of it on the Left to Royal row.
Paradise Place, Paradise Row, Rotherhithe, at 10, being a few doors on the Left from Deptford Lower road.
Paradise Row, Chelsea, on the South West side the hospital, extending to the Thames, and towards Battersea bridge.
Paradise Row, Palmers Village, Westminster, is a few doors on the Left entering by the North side of Bridewell, from Brewers Green.
Paradise Row, St Pancras, on the North side the Small pox hospital, extending from Pancras place to Vernons Buildings.
Paradise Row, Bethnal Green, the West side of the Green, extending from Bethnal green road to Peacock court.
Paradise Row, Charles Street, Old Gravel Lane, the East continuation of it, entering by 44 Gravel lane.
Paradise Row, Ratcliffe Square, entrance by the South East corner, near Butcher row.
Paradise Row, High Street, Lambeth, the first on the Left a few doors from the church, it extends to Lambeth walk.
Paradise Row, Gravel Lane, Southwark, a few doors on the Right south from Charlotte Street and nearly opposite Lomans Pond.
Paradise Row, Rotherhithe, the first South parallel to Paradise Street extending from Lucas Street to Deptford Lower road.
Paradise Street, High Street, Marylebone, at 82, the third on the Left about 1/8 of a mile from Charles Street, Manchester square.
Paradise Street, Britannia Street, Battle Bridge, St Pancras, a few doors on the L. from Grays inn lane, it extends to Field Street
Paradise Street, Paul Street, Finsbury, the fourth on the Left from the North East corner of Finsbury square.
Paradise Street, Poplar High Street or Road, is nearly opposite the Black horse, about 1/3 of a mile on the Left from the Commercial road, leading into Noble Street
Paradise Street, Rotherhithe, the first South parallel to part of Rotherhithe Street extending from Mill Pond bridge, towards Deptford Lower road.
Paradise Walk, Paradise Row, Chelsea, is nearly opposite 18, leading towards the Thames.
Paragon, Kent Road, a few doors West from the turnpike, by the Bricklayers arms, and near 1/2 a mile on the Right from the Elephant and Castle.
Paragon Chapel, Webb Street, Bermondsey New Road, at the end from the said road.
Paragon Mews, Kent Road, at the back of the houses which form the West side of the Paragon.
Paragon Place, Kent Road, forms part of the South side, adjoining both ends of the Paragon.
Paragon Place, Locks Fields, Walworth, the continuation of Trafalgar place, entering by Rodney row, Kent road, towards East lane.
Paragon Row, Locks Fields, Walworth, about the middle of Paragon place.
Pardon Court, Pardon Passage, St John Street, Clerkenwell, a few yards on the Right from 163, St John Street
Pardon Passage, St John Street, Clerkenwell, at 163, about 1/4 of a mile on the R. from Smithfield, leading into Wilderness row.
Parietalia Place, Snows Fields, Borough. about 1/4 of a mile on the Right from 109 High Street, Borough, along King Street
Paris Place, Chapel Street, Paddington or Lisson Green, the first on the Left a few doors from the turnpike on the Edgeware road.
Parish Street, Tooley Street, the last on the Right near 1/2 a mile from London bridge.
Parks or Parkers Court, Whitechapel High Street, at 48, about sixteen doors East of Red lion Street
Park Lane, Piccadilly, the second on the Left about 1/6 of a mile from the turnpike Hyde park corner, it extends on the East side of Hyde park to Oxford St about 3/4 of a mile in length.
Park Lane, Baker Street North, Marylebone, the first West parallel to part of it, extending from New St to Park place.
Park Place, Baker Street North, Marylebone, the continuation of it on the Left about 1/8 of a mile from the New road.
Park Place, Knightsbridge, on the East side of the barracks, about 1/2 a mile on the Right from Hyde park corner.
Park Place, St James's Street, at 60, the second on the Right from 163, Piccadilly.
Park Place, Carlisle Lane, Lambeth, is opposite Canterbury place, being the last on the Right from near the Marsh gate.
Park Place, Kennington Cross, forms part of the West side the High road, opposite the White hart, being the continuation of Princes place.
Park Place, East Lane, Walworth, the fourth on the Right about 1/5 of a mile from the Kent road, leading to Salisbury place, Locks fields.
Park Prospect, Knightsbridge, a few doors West from the chapel, and about 1/3 of a mile on the Right from Hyde park corner.
Park Prospect, St James's Park, a few doors on the Left from Great George street, towards Queen square.
Park Row, Mills Buildings, Knightsbridge, at the North end from the High road, near the barracks.
Park Row, Limehouse Causeway, part of the North side, being a few doors on the Left from the entrance at Three Colt Street
Park Street, Oxford Street, at 218, the second on the Right from Tyburn turnpike, it extends to South Street where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 120.
Park Street, Westminster, at the North end of Cartwright Street from the Broadway, West end of Tothill street.
Park Street, Baker Street North, Marylebone, the second West parallel to part of it, extending from New Street to Park place.
Park Street, Limehouse Hole, is by Mitchells Rope walk, being a few doors on the L. from the Lime kilns.
Park Street, Kennington Cross, is nearly opposite the White hart and Kennington lane, about a mile on the Right from Westminster bridge.
Park Street, Borough Market, on the West side, leading to Redcross Street on the Left and to Maid lane and Bankside on the right.
Parkers Lane, Drury Lane, at 161, the first North parallel to Great Queen Street also the first on the Right in Little Queen Street from 122 High Holborn.
Parkers Place, Middlesex Street, Sommers Town, at 25, three doors on the Left from Phoenix Street
Parkers Row, Bermondsey, the first coach turning on the Right in Hickmans Folly from Dock head, extending to the Neckinger turnpike.
Parkers Yard, Little Bartholomew Close, West Smithfield, three doors South from New Street near Long lane.
Parliament Coart, Artillery Lane or Street, Bishopsgate Without, the second on the R, from opposite 160 Bishopsgate Street
Parliament Place, Old Palace Yard, Westminster at the corner of Abingdon Street it leads to the Thames.
Parliament Street, Westminster, the continuation of Whitehall on the Left about 1/4 of a mile from Charing cross, it extends to Bridge Street
Parliament Street, St Georges Fields, the South East side of St Georges Market, near London St London road.
Parlings Court, Lambeth Road, St Georges Fields, at 33, the second on the Right about of a mite from the Obelisk.
Parrot Alley, Playhouse Yard, Whitecross Street, St Lukes, a few yards on the Right from 188 Whitecross Street
Parrs Buildings, North Row, Grosvenor Square, at 20, about eight doors on the Left from North Audley Street
Parsons Court, Bride Lane, a few yards on the Left from 10, New Bridge Street, Blackfriars.
Parsons Stairs, Lower East Smithfield, by 82, about 1/4 of a mile below the Tower, and on the West side of Hermitage bridge.
Parsons Street, Upper East Smithfield, the continuation of it to Ratcliffe highway.
Parsons and Symes Waggon Office, at 69, Old Bailey, two or three doors on the Left from Ludgate hill.
Parsonage Row, Newington High, Road, part of the West side, opposite Cross street, extending from the church towards the Elephant and Castle.
Parsonage Walk, Newington High Road, the first on the Right from the Elephant and Castle, towards the church, leading to the Church yard.
Parsonage Yard, Shoreditch, three doors on the Left from the church towards Bishopsgate.
Partridge Court, Houndsditch, at 130, about the middle of the Left side, from opposite Bishopsgate church.
Pasfields Rents, Paradise Street, Rotherhithe, the second and the third on the L. from Mill pond bridge.
Passing Alley, St John Street, Clerkenwell, at 40, about 1/5 of a mile on the Left from Smithfield.
Patent Office, at 4, Lincolns Inn, Old Square, entering opposite 40, Chancery lane.
Paternoster Row, St Pauls Church Yard, the first on the Right in Ave Maria lane from 29, Ludgate Street extending to Cheapside.
Paternoster Row, Spitalfields, the East continuation of Union St entering by 69, Bishopsgate street without.
Paternoster Row (Little), Spitalfields, four doors on the Right in the last, from Union Street
Patience Street, Wheeler Street, Spitalfields, at the North end of it, three or four doors South from Anchor St near Webb square, entering by 47 Shoreditch High Street
Patriot Row, Bethnal Green, adjoining Patriot Square, and extending towards the Green.
Patriot Square, Bethnal Green, the first on the Right a few doors from the Green towards Hackney road.
Patriot Street, James Street, St Georges in the East, a few doors on the Right from Cannon street road towards Marman Street
Pattons Place, Locks Fields, Walworth, is opposite Paragon row, being the first on the Left from the Kent road along Rodney row and Garmouth Row.
Patys Court, Holywell Lane, Shoreditch, the second on the Left about fifteen doors from 194, Shoreditch High Street
Pauls Alley, Rcdcross Street, Cripplegate, at 13, about ten doors South from Barbican, it leads to Hare court and 62, Aldersgate Street
St Pauls Alley, St Pauls Church Yard, at 69, about the middle of the North side.
Pauls Bakehouse, Godalmin Street, Doclors Commons, about six doors on the Right from 15, on the South side, of St Pauls church yard.
St Pauls Chain, St Pauls Church Yard, at 15, being that number of houses on the R. from Ludgate Street
St Pauls Church Yard, the houses which surround and front St Pauls Cathedral, the numbers begin and end at Ludgate Street
St Pauls Church, Covent Garden, on the West side of Covent garden market.
St Pauls Church, Shadwell, on the South side of Shadwell High Street about 1/3 of a mile on the Right east of St Georges church.
St Pauls College, St Pauls Church Yard, about three doors on the Right from Ludgate Street
Pauls Court, Huggin Lane, Wood Street, Cheapside, three doors on the Left from 115, Wood Street
St Pauls Place, Walworth Common, on the West side of Westmoreland academy, about 1/6 of a mile on the Left from Surrey square.
St Pauls School, St Pauls Church Yard, between 41 and 42, six doors on the Left from Cheapside.
Paul Square, Paul Street, Finsbury Square, at 44, the first on the Right from Worship Street
Paul Street, Finsbury Square, the continuation of Wilson Street from the North side of Moorfields, it commences at Worship Street and leads to Old street road.
Pauls Wharf, Upper Thames Street entrance by 22, opposite Bennets hill, near 1/4 of a mile below Blackfriars bridge.
Pauls Head Court, Fenchurch Street at 154, nearly opposite Rood lane.
Paved Alley, Pall Mail, at 66, about six doors on the Left from St James's street.
Paved Alley, Paternoster Row, at 30, about six doors from Warwick lane, it leads to Newgate market.
Paved Alley, Leadenhall Market, on the North side by the Red lion, between the Butcher and Leather markets.
Pavement, Moorfields, the West side of Moorfields, extending from Moorgate to Finsbury place.
Peacock Alley, Morgans Lane, the second on the Left a few doors from 80, Tooley Street it leads into Mill lane.
Peacock Brewery, Whitecross Street, Cripplegate, a few doors on the Left from 116 Fore Street
Peacock Court, Bethnal Green, near the North West corner of the Green, about 1/8 of a mile on the Left from the Salmon and Ball.
Peacock Place, Minories, at 42, near the middle of the East side, two doors South from Haydon Street
Peacock Street, Newington High Street or Road, the third on the Left a few doors from the church towards Kennington.
Peal Alley, Shad well High Street, at 61, about six doors On the Right east from or below the church.
Pearl Row, Blackfriars Road, the last on the Left from the bridge and nearly opposite the Magdalen hospital.
Pearl Street (Great), Spitalfields, the continuation of Flower de Lis Street entering by 10, Shoreditch High Street it extends from 20, Wheeler Street to Grey eagle Street
Pearl Street (Little), Spitalfields, at 8, in the last described, being the continuation of Vine Street from 24 Lamb Street
Pearl Street, St Georges in the East, entrance either the first or second on the R. in King Street from 30 New Gravel lane, near Wapping.
Pearsons Alley, High Street, Lambeth, the first on the Left a few yards from opposite the church.
Pearsons Wharf, Upper Thames Street, on the East side of Puddle dock, about 1/8 of a mile below Blackfriars bridge.
Pearsons Wharf, Shad Thames, opposite Kings row or street, Horselydown.
Peartree Alley, Cinnamon Street, Wapping, is nearly opposite King Edward St entering by 272 Wapping Street
Peartree Court, Clerkenwell Close, at 20, being a few doors on the Left north from the church.
Peartree Court, Coppice Row 3 Clerkenwell, the first on the Right north from Clerkenwell green.
Peartree Court, Shoreditch High Street, at 130, nearly opposite the church.
Peartree Court, Lambeth Marsh, behind the Peartree public house, a few yards on the L, towards the Horn brewery.
Peartree Row, Lambeth Marsh, forms part of the North side the road, about midway between Blackfriars road and Westminster bridge road.
Peartree Street, Lambeth Marsh, is parallel to or behind Peartree Row. See the last article.
Pear Street or Peartree Street, Westminster, the West continuation of Old Pye Street extending from Duck lane to Strutton ground.
Peartree Street, Goswell Street, at 72, being the third on the Right north from Old Street it extends to 13 Brick lane.
Pecks Rents, Cherrytree Alley, Golden Lane, St Lukes, a few doors on the Left from Golden lane towards Hatfield Street
Pedlars Acre, Lambeth, a few yards on the Left from the foot of Westminster bridge, it extends to Narrow wall.
Peerless Place, City Road, forms part of the West side, between the turnpike and Peerless row.
Peerless Pool, City Road, is situate on the West side of Peerless place and on the S. side of Peerless row.
Peerless Row, City Road, the first on the Left about | of a mile North from Old Street it extends to Back Street, Ratcliffe Row.
Pelham Street, Brick Lane, Spitalfields, at 63, about the middle of the East side, near Hanburys brewery, leading into Pleasant row.
Pelican Court, Little Britain, two doors on the Left from Blue coat buildings, North end of Butcherhall lane.
Pelican Life insurance Office, at 70, Lombard Street, nearly opposite the General Post Office, and at Spring gardens, Charing cross.
Pelican Stairs, Wapping Wall, at 57, near Foxes lane from Shadwell charch, about 1 1/4 mile below London bridge, and op.the Kings mills, Rotherhithe.
Pell Place, Pell Street, Ratcliffe Highway, the first on the Right from 6, in the New road towards 194, Ratcliffe highway.
Pell Street, Ratcliffe Highway, at 194, about five doors on the Left from Ship alley, Wellclose square.
Pemberton Row, Fetter Lane, the continuation of Feathers court from 18, in the said lane.
Pennington Street, Ratcliffe Highway, is parallel to and between part of it and the London docks wall extending to Old Gravel lane.
Penny Fields, Poplar, on the North side the High Street or road, near the Commercial road.
Penson Place, Commercial Road, Limehouse, forms part of the South side, about |of a mile East from the church, it extends from Rich Street towards the West India docks.
Penton Grove, White Lion Street, Pentonville, at 44, about 1/6 of a mile on the L. from High street, Islington.
Penton Place, Pentonville, is nearly opposite the chapel in the High Street or road, about 1/3 of a mile from the Angel, Islington.
Penton Place, Newington or Walworth, at the West end of Manor place, leading to Canterbury row, Newington
Penton Row, Walworth High Street or Road, forms part of the West side, extending from Manor row to West lane, near 1/2 a mile from the Elephant and Castle.
Penton Street, Walworth, the West continuation of Amelia Street extending from Church Streett to Penton place.
Penton Street Pentonville High Street or Road, the second on the Right about 1/4 of a mile from the Angel inn, Islington.
Pentonville, a large district in the Parish of St James, Clerkenwell extending from Higher Islington to Battle bridge, near Sommers town.
Pepper Alley, High street, Borough, three or four doors on the Right from London bridge.
Pepper Alley Stain, on the side of London bridge. See last article.
Pepper Street, Duke Street, Borough, the first on the Left a few yards from the West end of Queen Street it extends to St Saviours workhouse.
PercevaI Street, Clerkenwell, at the North end of St John Street being the last on the R. about 1/2 a mile from Smithfield, it extends to Goswell Street
Percys Alley, King Johns Court, Holywell Lane, Shoreditch, a few yards on the Left from 13 Holywell lane.
Percy Mews, Rathbone Place, about three doors on the Left from Percy Street towards Oxford Street
Percy Street, Tottenham Court Road, at 37, nearly opposite Bedford St about 1/6 of a mile on the Left from Oxford Street
Periwinkle Court, Periwinkle Street, Ratcliffe, the first on the Right a few yards from Brook Street.
Periwinkle Street, Brook Street, Ratcliffe, is nearly opposite Butcher row from Ratcliffe cross, it leads to Ratcliffe square.
Perkinss Rents, Great Peter Street, Westminster, about the middle of the North side, extending to 48, Old Pye Street
Perrys Dock, Blackwall, on the East side of Blackwall causeway and the South side of the East India dock.
Perrys Place, Oxford Street, at 30, the third coach turning about thirty doors on the Right from St Giles.
Perrys Rents, Hackney Road, about 1/5 of a mile on the Left from Shoreditch church, near the Axe public house.
Perrys Rents, Old Gravel Lane, St Georges in the East, the continuation of Johns Rents, entering by 46 Old Gravel lane.
Pershore Place, Battle Bridge or Sommers Town, forms part of the Right side the New road, near the turnpike, Battle bridge, it is continued by Dyers Place and Judds Place.
Pesthouse Row, Old Street, at the West end of St Lukes Hospital, it leads to Ratcliffe Row.
St Peters Alley, Cornhill, at 55, the last on the Right from the Mansion house, leading to 2 Gracechurch Street
St Peters Church, Cornhill. See the last article.
St Peter Cheap Church, Wood St Cheapside, about twenty doors on the Left from 123 Cheapside.
St Peter le Poors Church, Old Broad Street, between 62 and 63, nearly opposite the Excise office.
Peters Court, St Martins Lane, Charing Cross, at 111, about six doors North of Hemmings Row.
Peters Court, Rosemary Lane, behind 28, about 1/6 of a mile on the Right from the Minories.
St Peters Hill, Upper Thames Street, at 216, about 1/4 of a mile on the Left from Blackfriars bridge, it extends to 5 Little Knight Rider Street
St Peters Lane, St John Street, West Smithfield, the third on the Left from 75, Smithfield, or the first on the Right in Cow cross.
St Peters Place, Walworth Common, is opposite the St Paul public house, about 1/3 of a mile on the Right from Surrey square towards the Camberwell road.
St Peter Street, Walworth Common, about 1/6 of a mile on the Right from Westmoreland academy towards the Camberwell road.
Peter Street, Redcross Street, Borough, at 45, near the Mint, extending to Little Guildford Street
Peter Street (Little), Westminster, the continuation of Wood St entering by 63 Millbank Street it extends to Marsham Street
Peter Street (Great), Westminster, the continuation of the last described, extending to the Grey coat school, Horseferry road.
Peter Mreet (New), Great Peter Street, Westminster, the first on the Right about eighteen doors East from Strutton ground.
Peter Street, Wardour Street, the fourth on the Right about 1/4 of a mile from 381, Oxford St seven doors North of Little Pulteney Street
Peter Street, Bloomsbury, the continuation of Bow Street from opposite Drury lane or from the West end of Holborn
Peter Street, Great Saffron Hill, at 29, near 1/5 of a mile on the Right from Holborn bridge along Field lane.
Peter Street, Sun Street, Bishopsgate Without, the first on the Left from 140 Bishopgate Street it leads towards Moorfields.
Peter Street, Mount Street, Bethnal Green, the first on the Right from 45, Church Street along Rose Street
Peterborough Court, Fleet Street, at 135, the filth on the Right about twenty four doors from Fleet market.
Petersburg Wharf, Narrow Wall, Lambeth, by the Lambeth water works, about 1/3 of a mile below Westminster bridge.
Petticoat Lane, Whitechapel or Spitalfields. at 41 Aldgate High Street about 1/5 of a mile on the Left from Aldgate pump, it extends to Widegate Street, Bishopsgate.
Petticoat Square, Petticoat Lane, about of a mile on the Left from 41 Aldgate High Street and nearly opposite Wentworth Street
Pettys Court, Hanway Street, Oxford Street, about six doors on the Left from 22, Oxford Street
Petty Bag Office, behind 14, Chancery lane, being the second gateway on the Right from 192, Fleet Street
Petty ford Court, Drury Lane, three or four doors on the Right from 325, in the Strand, near the New church.
Pewter Platter Coach Office, at 86 Gracechurch street, by the Spread Eagle inn.
Pewterers Hall, behind 15 Lime Street on the East side of Leadenhall market.
Pheasant Court, Angel Alley, Bishopsgate Without, at the back of 137, Bishopsgate Street near Sun street.
Phils Buildings, Houndsditch, at 106, nearly opposite St Mary Axe.
Philanthropic Annuity Office, at 89, Pall mall, about sixteen doors on the Right from the Palace.
Philanthropic Charity, Fort Place, Bermondiiey, about | of a mile on the Right from Star corner, or from Bermondsey New road towards Blue anchor road.
Philanthropic Reform, London Road, St Georges Fields, entrance by the first on the Right a few doors from the Obelisk towards the Elephant and Castle.
Phillipss Buildings, Willsted Street, Sommers Town, at 20, the first coach turning on the Right from the New road.
Phillipss Buildings, Walwof th Common, near Westmoreland academy, being the East continuation of Thurlow place, entering by 20, Apollo buildings, East lane.
Phillips Court, Brackley Street, Goldon Lane, Cripplegate, three doors on the Right from Golden lane, near Barbican.
Phillipss Gardens.Tottenham Place, Tottenham Court Road, the second on the Left in Tottenham Street from Tottenham court road.
Philip Lane, London Wall, at 8, between Wood Street and Aldermanbury, it extends to 22, Addle Street
Phillipss Row, Tottenham Court, forms part of the South side the New road, by Phillipss gardens.
Philips Street, Charles Street, St Georges in the East, the first on the Right north from Lower Cornwell Street or from opposite Bluegate fields, Back lane.
Philological Society, King Street, Edgware Road, the first door East of Brown Street about i of a mile on the Left from 54 Edgware road.
Philpot Lane, Fenchurch Street, the first on the Right twelve doors from Gracechurch Street, it extends to Little Eastcheap.
Philpot Terrace, Edgware Road, forms part of the West side, opposite Portman place, about 1/4 of a mile on the Left from Tyburn turnpike.
Phipps Gouft, Phipps Street, Holywell Mount. the first on the Left a few yards from Chnpel St
Phipps Street, Chapel Street, Holywell Mount, the first on the Right a few doors from the Curtain road.
Phoenix Alley, Long Acre, at 56, nearly opposite Hanover Street it extends to Hart street.
Phoenix Court, West street, West Smithfield, a few doors on the Left from 86, Smithfield.
Phoenix Court, Newgate Street, four doors on the Right from the Old Baiiey towards Cheapside.
Phoenix Court, Old Change, at 27, opposite Little Carter Lane.
Phoenix Court, Butcher Row, Upper East Smithfield, at 38, about fifteen doors on the Right from 80 Upper East Smithfield.
Phoenix Fire Office, on the South side of Lombard Street the corner of Abchurch lane, and opposite Change alley. Also, at Charing cross, opposite the Kings Mews.
Phoenix Newspaper Office, Strand, at 163, being the South West corner of Exeter change.
Phoenix Place, Ratcliffe, forms part of the North side the sr. by the Phoenix Tavem, nearly opposite Ratcliffe cross, about a mile on the Left below Shadwell church.
Phoenix Place, Phoenix Street, Sommers Town, is situate between Ossulston street and Middlesex street.
Phoenix Row, Blackfriars Road, forms part of the West side, near 1/2 a mile on the R. from Blackfriars bridge, it extends from Valentine place to Webber Street or row.
Phoenix Street, Crown Street, St Giles, the first on the Right four or five doors from New Compton street.
Phoenix street, Bloomsbury, or St Giles, the first on the Left in Plumbtree Street from 19 Broad Street it extends to Diot Street
Phoenix Street, Sommers Town, at the S, East corner of Clarendon sq. by the Polygon, it extends to the Crescent.
Phoenix Street, Wheeler Street, Spitalfields, at 40, the third on the Right from Lamb St it extends to 159, Brick lane.
Phoenix Street, East Lane, Walworth, the second on the Right in South Street and a few doors from Apollo buildings.
Phoenix Coal Wharf, Clink Street, Borough, on the West side St Mary Overys Dock, about 1/8 of a mile above London bridge.
Phoenix Wharf, Wapping, entrance by 215 Wapping Street on the West side of Execution dock.
Phoenix Stone Wharf, Fore Street, Lambeth, a few doors from Broad Street towards Vauxhall.
Phoenix Yard, Oxford Street, at 126, near | of a mile on the Right from St Giles, it leads to Princes St Cavendish square.
Piccadilly, at the North end of the Haymarket, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 142, it extends to Hyde park corner, about a mile in length.
Pichegrue Place, London Road, St Georges Fields, forms part of the West side, about an equal distance between the Obelisk and the Elephant and Castle.
Pickerings Place, St James's Street, is four doors on the Right from the Palace towards Piccadilly.
Pickerings Place, or Court, Union Street, St Georges Fields, the third on the Left from opposite West square towards the London road.
Pickett Street, Strand, forms a part of the Right side, commencing near Temple bar, and extends towards St Clements church.
Pickle Herring Stairs, Horselydown, the North end of Vine yard, entering by 110, Tooley St about 3/8 of a mile below London bridge.
Pidcocks Buildings, Borough Road, St Georges Fields, a few yards on the Left from Stones end towards the Obelisk, and nearly opposite the Kings Bench.
Pig Alley, Wheeler Street, Spitalfields, the first on the Right fifteen doors from 32 Lamb Street, Spital square.
Pigs Quay, West side of Blackfriars Bridge, the last on the Left in William Street from 20, New Bridge street.
Pigeon Court, Angel Alley, Long Alley, Moorfields, the first on the Left a few yards from Long alley,
Piigrim Street, Ludgate Street, at 3, the second on the Left a few doors from St Pauls Church yard.
Pillory Lane, lower East Smithfield, the second on the Left in St Catherines Street about 1/8 of a mile from Tower hill, it leads to Butcher Row.
Pilot Newspaper Office,104 Strand, a few doors on the Left from Exeter change, towards Charing cross.
Pimlico, commences at Buckingham gate, and extends to Chelsea, about 1/4 of a mile in length.
Pimlico, Hoxton, about | of a mile on the Left from Old Street road, & nearly opposite the White Hart.
Pimlico Gardens, Hoxton, on the South side of the last described, and a few yards from it, leading to Haberdashers walk.
Pimlico Wharf, Pimlico. about 1/3 of a mile on the Left from Buckingham gate, and nearly opposite Eaton street.
Pine Apple Court, Castle Lane, Westminster, the third on the Right a few dcors from York Street leading to 14 William Street
Pinks Row, Ratcliffe Row, City Road, near 5/8 of a mile on the Left from Finsbury square being the first on the right West from Bath street.
Pinner Couit, Grays Inn Lane, at 35, that number on the Right from Middle row, Holborn.
Pinner Court, Old Broad Street, at 55, nearly opposite the Excise office, and on the S. side of Great Winchester Street
Pipemakers Alley, Bedfordbury, at 35, about the middle of the East side.
Pipemakers Alley, Old Montague Street, Whitechapel, the first on the Left a few yards from Osborn Street
Pipemakers Alley, White Horse Street, Ratcliffe, the first on the Left a few yards from the Commercial road, towards Stepney.
Pipemakers Alley, Narrow Street, Limehouse, the third on the Left a few doors below Mr. Turners wharf.
Pipemakers Alley, Maze, Borough, the last on the Right from 195 Tooley Street
Pitchers Court, Whites Alley, Coleman Street, is the continuation of it, entering by 60, Coleman St it leads into Little Bell alley.
Pitfield Street, Hoxton, the first on the Left in Old Street road, from the City road, towards Shoreditch church, and opposite Paul Street
Pitts Court, Crispin street, Spitalfields, three doors South from 25, Union St Bishopsgate.
Pitts Place, Bankside, Southwark, at the North end of Williams court, Maid lane, entering nearly opposite Great Guildford Street
Pitts Place, Kent Road, forms part of the Right side, nearly opposite the Bricklayers arms.
Pitt Street, Kent Road, the first on the Right below the Bricklayers arms, leading to Locks fields, Walworth.
Pitt Street, Prospect Place, St Georges Fields, the second on the Left a few doors from the Elephant and Castle, towards West square.
Pitt Street, Blackfriars road, the first on the Right a few doors from Surrey Chapel towards the Bridge.
Pitt Street, Charlotte Street, Rathbone Place, at 25, a few doors North from Goodge Street it extends to John Street
Pitts Head Mews, May Fair, or Park Lane, the seventh on the Right about g of a mile from Piccadilly, it leads to 22, Curzon Street
Pittmans Buildings, Ironmongers Row, St Lukes, the continuation of it, entering by 97 Old street, on the East side of the church.
Pittmans Place, Bermondsey, at the back of Printers place near the West end of Jamaica row, leading to the Spa road.
Plands Buildings, Bell Alley, Goswell Street, a few yards on the Left from 12, Goswell street.
Plantation Place, Commercial Road, Stepney, a few yards on the Right from White Horse Street, Ratcliffe, towards Whitechapel.
Platform, Rotherhithe Street, nearly opposite Love lane, on the West side of Rotherhithe stairs, about 1/4 of a mile West from the church.
Platina Street, Tabernacle Walk, Finsbury Square, at 30, between Castle Street and Paradise Street
Plato Place, Bowling Green Lane, New Road, Marylebone, the second on the Right from the New road, near the Yorkshire stingo.
Playhouse Yard, Whitecross Street, St Lukes, at 189, about the middle of the West side, extending to Golden lane.
Playhouse Yard, Water Lane, Blackfriars, on the South side of Apothecaries hall, being the third on the Right from Earl street.
Pleasant Court, Broadwall, Lambeth, or Christ Church, about the middle of the W, side, nearly opposite Angel place.
Pleasant Passage, Mile End Road, the first on the left East a few doors from the Old Globe, about 1 1/2 mile on the Left from Aldgate.
Pleasant Place, Pentonville, forms part of the North side the High Street or road, opposite the Bell, near Battlebridge.
Pleasant Place, Kingsland Road, forms part of the Right side about 1/2 a mile from Shoreditch church, and opposite Pleasant row.
Pleasant Place, Bethnal Green Road. See Pollard Row.
Pleasant Place, Pleasant Retreat, St Georges Fields, behind 22, being the corner of Georges Row from Blackfriars road.
Pleasant Place, Lambeth, or St Georges Fields, at the South end of Gibraltar row, entering by the fourth on the left West from the Elephant and Castle.
Pleasant Place, Pleasant Row, Kennington Lane, a few doors on the Left from near Carlisle chapel, Kennington lane.
Pleasant Place, or Row, Walworth Common, the continuation of Portland row, about of a mile on the Left from the turnpike, towards Westmoreland academy.
Pleasant Retreat, Palmers Village, Westminster, at the further end of Paradise row, entering by Bridewell from Brewers green.
Pleasant Retreat, St Georges Fields, the continuation of Georges row from Blackfriars road towards Barons buildings. (Note, the N.W. side of the St is called Gray Street).
Pleasant Row, Pentonville, forms part of the North side the High St or road, nearly op. the Bell, extending from the turnpike to Southampton street.
Pleasant Row, Britannia Gardens, Hoxton, a few houses on the Left side, entering by Haberdashers walk.
Pleasant Row, Kingsland Road, forms part of the Left side, about 1/2 a mile from Shoreditch church, opposite the alms houses.
Pleasant Row, William Street, Shoreditch, the first on the Right a few doors from 137, Shoreditch High street.
Pleasant Row, Green Street, Bethnal Green, the first on the Right in Bonner St from Green St about 1/3 of a mile east from the Green.
Pleasant Row, Mile End New Town, the North parallel to part of Church St or the continuation of Pelham sr. entering by 60, Brick lane.
Pleasant Row, Globe Alley, Limehouse, the second on the Right from 54, Narrow Street (on the East side the draw bridge).
Pleasant Row, Mile End Road, the North end of Pleasant passage, on the East side the Old Globe.
Pleasant Row, Kennington Lane, the first on the Left about of a mile from the Plough and Harrow, Newington High road, it leads to 26 York row, in the said road.
Pleasant Row, WagstafFs Buildings, Maid Lane, Borough, three doors on the Right from Maid lane, or from the North end of Great Guildford street.
Pleasant Row, East street, or Lane, Walworth, the fourth on the Left about 1/8 of a mile from Walworth High Street or road.
Pleasant Row, East Street, or Lane, Walworth, is between King St and Camden St a few doors East of the last
Pleasant Row, South Street, East Lane, Walworth, the first on the Right a few yards from Apollo buildings.
Pleasant Row, Deptford Lower Road. See Black Horse Square.
Pieasant Row, Willow Walk, Bermondsey, about six houses on the Right over the ditch from Pages walk.
Plough Alley, Barbican, at 51, near the middle of the North side.
Plough Alley, Wapping Street, at 18, about that number of houses on the Left below Hermitage bridge.
Plough Court, Carey Street, Lincolns Inn Fields, at 21, about that number of houses on the Left from 99, Chancery lane.
Plough Court, Grays Inn Lane, at 24, about that number of doors on the Right from Middle row, Holborn.
Plough Court, Fetter Lane, at 48, about twenty three doors on the Left from 34, Holborn hill.
Plough Court, Holborn Hill, at 86, the second on the Right a few doors from Fleet market.
Plough Court, Lombard Street, at 37, about five doors on the Left from 21, Gracechurch Street
Plough Street, Whitechapel High Street, at 44, about fourteen doors on the right E. from Redlion street.
Plough Yard, Shoreditch High St is parallel to part of the West side, say from 223 to 243, extending from Rose yard, or court, to Kings head court.
Plough Yard, Seething Lane, Tower Street, at 16, the second on the Left about six doors from 56, Tower street.
Plough Yard, Bermondsey Street, at 79, about twelve doors North from Russell Street
Plough and Harrow Yard, Kent St Borough, at 84, near Bicknels Rents, about 1/3 of a mile on the Left from behind St Georges church.
Plumbers or Plummers Buildings, Wilmot Street, Bethnal Green Road, at the South end of it, behind the Lamb public house.
Plumbers or Plummers Court, High Holborn, at 111, five doors East of Kingsgate street, and 5/8 of a mile on the Right from Fleet market.
Plumbers Row, Mile End Old Town, entrance by 266, Whitechapel road, bearing to the Right it extends to the Commercial road.
Plumbers Row, City Road, forms part of the East side, by the turnpike, and opposite Peerless place, about of a mile on the Right from Finsbury square.
Plumbers Screet, City Road, nearly opposite Fountain place, about of a mile on the right North from Old street.
Plumb Tree Court, Holbom Hiil, at 75, three doors on the Left from Fleet market, extending to 51, Shoe lane.
Plumb Tree Street, Broad Street, Bloomsbury, or St Giles, at 19, about that number or doors on the Right from the West end of Holborn.
Poets Corner, Westminster, adjoining the South side of the Abbey, and the North side of Old Palace yard.
Pointers Buildings, Old Street Road, the first on the Left about five or six doors from Shoreditch church, towards the City road.
Pointers Buildings, Shoreditch, the continuation of French alley, entering by 150, Shoreditch High street.
Poland Street, Oxford Street, at 365, the sixth on the Left about 1/3 of a mile from St Giles, extending to 11 Broad street.
Polen, or Pollen Street, Hanover Street, Hanover Square, at 13, six doors on the R. from the South East corner of the square, extending to 9, Maddox street.
Police Office, Queen Square, Westminster, two or three doors on the Left from the Broad way, towards St James's Park.
Police Office, Great Marlborough Street, at 26, West end, the third door on the Left from Argyll street.
Police Office, Bow Street, Covent Garden, four doors on the Left from Great Russell street, Covent Garden.
Police Office, Hatton Garden, at 54, being that number of doors on the Right from Holborn hill.
Police Office, Worship Street, at 23, next door to the Duke of Northumberland public house, near the Curtain road.
Police Office, Lambeth Street, Goodmans Fields, the first door on the Right from Little Ayliffe Street
Police Office, High Street, Shadwell, at 157, about twenty doors on the 1 Left east of or below the church.
Poiice Office for the River Thames, by 200, Wapping Street on the East side of Wapping New stairs, and opposite Kings stairs, Rotherhithe.
Police Office, Union Hall, Borough, a few doors on the Left in Union Street from 218 High Street
Pollard Row, Bethnal Green Road, a few doors West of Wilmot square, about 2/3 of a mile on the Left from 65 Shoreditch.
Pollard Street, Bethnal Green Road, the first East parallel to part of Pollard row, say from 1 to 16.
Polygon, Sommers Town, See Clarendon Square.
Pomona Place, Little James Street, Lisson Green, the first on the Left a few doors N. from the East end of Bell Street
Pond Yard, Mosses Alley, Bankside, Southwark, a few doors on the Right from Maid lane, or from opposite Great Guildford Street
Ponders Court, Butlers Alley, Grub Street, Cripplegate, the second on the Right from Grub Street towards Ropemakers Street, Moorfields,
Pontipool Place, Webber Street, St Georges Fields, the second on the Right from the N. side the Magdalen hospital, Blackfriars road.
Pontipool Row or Court, Pontipool Place, St Georges Fields, a few yards on the R. from Webber Street
Pools Buildings, Mount Pleasant, Cold Bath Fields, the third on the Right from 72, Grays inn lane, along Little Grays inn lane.
Popes Head Alley, Cornhill, at 19, opposite the Royal Exchange, extending to 73 Lombard Street
Popes Head Court, Bell Yard, Temple Bar, at 20, about eighteen doors on the Right from 204, Fleet Street
Popes Head Court, Quaker Street, Spitalfields, about four doors on the Right from 29, Wheeler Street
Popes Hill, Shadwell High Street, at 75, the fourth on the right, East from the church, leading to Shadwell water works.
Poplar, commences at the Commercial road, by the West India docks, and extends to Blackwall.
Poplar Charity School, Poplar High Street or Road, by the Town hall, about 1/3 of a mile on the Right from the Commercial road.
Poplar Grove, Oval, Kennington Common, the termination of Clayton St on the Right from Kennington green.
Poplar Marsh. See Marsh Wall.
Poplar Row, Kent Road, the first on the Left a few doors from the Elephant and Castle, leading to Brandons row and Newington causeway.
Poplar Row, Locks Fields, Walworth, the second on the Left in Pitt St from nearly op. the Bricklayers arms, Kent road.
Poppings Court, Fleet Street, at 111, about seven doors on the Right from Fleet market.
Porridge Pot Alley, Old Street, St Lukes, at 106, about ten doors on the Right from the church toward Goswell Street
Portaville Passage, Lisle Street, Leicester Square, three or four doors on the L. from Little Newport Street leading into Ryders court.
Porters Court, Old Montague Street, Whitechapel, the second on the Left a few doors from Osborn Street
Porter Street, Leicester Square the North continuation of Castle Street extending from 14, Great Newport Street to Litchfield Street
Porters Quay, Lower Thames Street, entrance by 32, on the West side the Custom house.
Portland Chapel, Great Portland Street, Marylebone, about 1/4 of a mile on the left, North from 102, Oxford Street entering by John Street
Portland Mews, Portland Street, Wardour Street, at 20, about eight doors on the L. from 72, Berwick Street
Portland Place, Marylebone, is parallel to and between Charlotte Street and Harley St Cavendish square.
Portland Place, Walworth Common, part of the Left side the road, near | of a mile from the turnpike towards Westmoreland academy.
Portland Road, Great Portland Street, Marylebone, the continuation of it, entering by John St 102, Oxford Street extending to the New road.
Portland Row, New Road, Marylebone, forms part of the North side, opposite the last described, and about 1/4 of a mile on the Right from Tottenham court road.
Portland Street (Great), Marylebone, the continuation of John Street entering by 102, Oxford St leading into Portland road.
Portland Street (Little), Marylebone, intersecls Great Portland Street at 7, about 1/8 of a mile North from Oxford street, it extends from 109, Great Tichfield Street to 4, Edward street.
Portland Street, Wardour Street, Soho, at 1 12, the second on the Right from 382, Oxford Street
Portland Yard, Buckingham Place, Fitzroy Square, at 21, a few doors on the Right from the New road.
Portman Mews North, Portman Square, the first parallel to the North side, extending from Baker St to Gloucester Street
Portman Mews South, Portman Square, the first parallel to the South side, extending from 10, Portman St to 21, Orchard Street
Portman Place, Edgware Road, forms part of the East side, about 7/8 of a mile on the Right from Tyburn turnpike.
Portman Square, at the North end of Orchard St from 197, Oxford St or at the South end of Baker St from the New road.
Portman Street, Oxford Street, at 220, the third on the Left about 1/5 of a mile from Tyburn turnpike, extending to Portman square.
Portpool Lane, Grays Inn Lane, at 52, about i of a mile on the Right from Middle row, Holborn, it extends to 63, Leather lane.
Portsmouth Place, Lower Kennington Lane, forms part of the Left side a few doors from the Plough and Harrow public house, Newington.
Portsmouth Street, Lincolns Inn Fields, at the South West corner, leading to Clare market.
Portugal Row, Lincolns Inn Fields, the South side of the square. See Lincolns Inn Fields.
Portugal Street, Lincolns Inn Fields, the first parallel to the South side, commencing eight doors from the South E, corner.
Portugal Street, South Audley Street, is parallel to a part of the West side, say from 55 to 6l, extending from 80, Mount St to 3, Chapel Street
Post Office (General), Lombard Street, entrance by 11 , on the East side the church, also opposite 22 Abchurch lane.
Post Office (General Two penny Post), Gerrard Street, Soho, at 38, about ten doors on the Left from Little Newport Street
Postern Row, Tower Hill, facing the North side the Tower, say the middle of it, extending from Great Tower hill (or Trinity square) to Little Tower hill.
Potiers Place, Bermondsey New Road, a few doors on the Left from the Bricklayers arms, towards Bermondsey church.
Potters Fields, Pratt Street, Lambeth, between the South end of it and Paradise row.
Potters Fields, Horselydown, at the East end of Tooley St near 1/2 a mile on the L. from London bridge.
Poultry, the East continuation of Cheapside, extending from the Old Jewry to the Mansion house.
Poultry Compter. See Compter Court.
Pound Passage, Ratcliffe Row, St Lukes, a few doors oh the Left from Bath Street, City road, towards Pittmans Buildings.
Powells Alley, Kent Street, Borough, at 296, about twelve doors on the Right from behind St Georges church.
Powells Place, City Road, nearly opposite the Shepherd and Shepherdess walk, about 1/2 a mile on the Left from Finsbury square.
Powis Place, Great Ormond Street, Queen Square, at 50, about eight doors on the L. east from Queen square,
Pownal Terrace, Lambeth, is opposite Chester place, on the High road, near Kennington cross, about a mile on the Right from Westminster bridge.
Pratts Buildings, New Gravel Lane, Shadwell, at 76, a few doors on the Right from 22 High Street, Shadwell.
Pratt Street, Lambeth, the third on the Left about of a mile from the Three Stags public house towards the church.
Prerogative Office, at 6, Great Knight Rider Street, Doctors Commons, about six doors on the Right from Addie hill.
Prescot Street (Great), Goodmans Fields, is opposite Goodmans Yard, entering by 60, in the Minories, it extends from the South end of Mansel Street to Lemon Street
Prescot Street (Little), Goodmans Fields, the continuation of Mansel St through a narrow passage to Rosemary lane.
Prestons Dock, Shad Thames, Horselydown, on the West side of Horselydown New stairs.
Prestons Lane, Poplar High Street or Road, about | of a mile on the Right from the Commercial road, leading to the West India docks bason.
Prices Alley, Little Pulteney Street, Golden Square, at 13, about six doors on the Left from Great Windmill Street
Prices Buildings, Bowling Green, King Street, Borough, the last on the Left from 49, King St nearly opposite Mermaid court.
Prices Court, Old Street, St Lukes, opposite 77, the first on the Left a few doors from Bunhill row towards Goswell Street
Prices Court, Birdcage Alley, Borough, the first on the Left a few yards from Redcross Street or from the Mint.
Prices Court, Queen Street, Borough, at 90, four doors on the Left from Whitecross Street, towards Duke Street
Prices Court, Gravel Lane, Christ Church, a few doors on the Right south from Maid lane and nearly opposite Zoar Street
Prices Place, Gravel Lane, Christ Church, about the middle of the West side, leading into Bear court, Bear lane.
Prices Street, Gravel Lane, Christ Church, the last en the Left in Green walk from Holland St Blackfriars road.
Priest Alley, Great Tower Street, at 48, four doors on the Left from the West side of Tower hill.
Priest Court, Foster Lane, four doors on the Right from 147, Cheapside.
Primrose Alley, Church Street, Borough Market, the first on the Right from St Mary Overys Dock, nearly opposite St Saviours church.
Primrose Court, Long Alley, Moorfields, the first on the Right north from Primrose Street
Primrose Hill, Salisbury Square, Fleet Street, at the South West corner, entering by 82 Fleet Street it leads to Water lane.
Primrose Street, Bishopsgate Without, at 110, nearly opposite Spital square, it extends to Long alley, Moorfields.
Princes Alley, Princes Street, Rotherhithe, at 15, about the middle of the East side, leading into Elephant lane.
Princes Court, Princes Street, Westminster, at the corner of Great George Street and St James's Park.
Princes Court, Stafford Place, Pimlico, a few doors on the Left from Stafford row, near Buckinghamgate.
Princes Court, Princes Street, Pimlico, the first on the Right a few doors from Queens Row (late Nixons Yard).
Princes Court, Whitcomb Street, Charing Cross, about the middle of the West side, three or four doors S, from James St Haymarket.
Princes Court, Duke Street, St James's, the fourth on the Right entering by 182, Piccadilly.
Princes Court. Drury Lane, at 144, about twelve door. South from Great Queen Street
Princes Court, Porter Street, Leicester Square, about seven doors on the Left from Great Newport St leading into Newport market,
Princes Court, Coleman Street, about fifteen doors on the Right from London wall.
Princes Court, Banner Street, St Lukes, about five doors on the Right from 80 Bunhill row.
Princes Court, Old Gravel Lane, Ratcliffe Highway. at 27, about of a mile on the L. from 165 Ratcliffe highway.
Princes Court, Princes Street, Bethnal Green, the first on the Right a few yards from Virginia St behind Shoreditch church.
Princes Court, Princes Street, London Road, St Georges Fields, about the middle of the East side, leading to the said road.
Princes Court, Princes Street, Lambeth, the second on the Right a few doors from Vauxhall towards Andersons walk.
Princes Mews, Princes Street, Westminster, the first on the Left from Great George Street by St James's Park.
Princes Place, New Road, St Georges in the East, a few doors on the Left from Cable Street and nearly opposite the entrance to Princes square.
Princes Place, Princes Row, Mile End New Town, the second the Right along Chapel Street entering by Great Garden Street from 50 Whitechapel road.
Princes Place, Commercial Road, forms part of the South side, extending from near Cannon street road towards Whitechapel.
Princes Place, Pimlico, the East end of Princes St bearing to the R, entering by Queens Row.
Princes Place, Lambeth, is opposite Chester place, on the High road near Kennington cross, about a mile on the Right from Westminster bridge.
Princes Place, Newington High Road, opposite Newington place, near Kennington common, about 1/2 a mile on the Right from Newington church.
Princes Place, Surrey Square, Kent Road or Walworth, at the West side, near Monmouth place.
Princes Rents or Row, Lomans Pond, Borough, the second on the Right in Totterbourne alley from Duke Street
Princes Road, Princes Place, Kennington Cross, at 10, opposite Chester place, extending to the Black Prince public house.
Princes Row, King Street, Pimlico or Chelsea, at 5, leading into Clifford row and Queen Street near Ranelagh walk.
Princes Row, Pimlico. See Princes Street.
Princes Row, Newport Market, forms part of the East side of the said market by Princes court.
Princes Row, Mile End New Town, the continuation of Chapel St entering by the first on the Right in Great Garden Street from 50 Whitechapel road.
Princes Row, Walworth High Street, or Road, a few houses on the Left at the entrance to the Montpelier gardens from the said road, about 1/4 of a mile from the Elephant and Castle.
Princes Square, Princes Street, Lincolns lnn Fields, a small recess on the South side, nearly opposite New Turnstile.
Frinces Square, St Georges in the East, a few doors on the Left in Princes Street from 172, Ratcliffe highway.
Princes Square, Kennington, the termination of Cleaver St from the White hart, Kennington cross, leading to Princes place, Newington high road.
Princes Stairs, Rotherhithe Street, at 40, near 1 1/2 mile below London bridge towards the church and opposite Execution dock, Wapping
Princes Street, Pimlico, the third on the Left about 1/5 of a mile from Buckingham gate, opposite Arabella row.
Princes Street, Westminster, the first on the Right from the West end of the Abbey extending to Great George Street and St James's Park.
Princes Street, Oxford Street, at 119, about 1/2 a mile on the Right from St Giles, leading into Margaret St Cavendish square.
Princes Street, Drury Lane, at 123, about 1/6 of a mile on the Right from the New Church in the Strand and opposite Russell Street
Princes Street, Little Queen Street, Lincolns Inn Fields, about eight doors on the Left from 222, High Holborn, it extends to Gate Street
Princes Street, Hanover Square, about six doors on the Right in Swallow Street from 322 Oxford Street extending to the square.
Princes Street, Soho, the continuation of Wardour Street from 382 Oxford Street leading into Whitcomb Street, Charing cross.
Princes Street, Red Lion Square, about the middle of the East side, extending to 31, Bedford row.
Princes Street, Northampton Street, Clerkenwell, at 40, near the North end of St John Street leading to Queen Street and Perceval Street
Princes Street, Barbican, at 42, about ten doors on the Right from Redcross Street extending to Bridge water square.
Princes Street, Mansion House Street, on the West side the Bank of England, extending to Lothbury.
Princes Street, Wilson Street, Finsbury Square, the first on the Right from the North E. corner of the square towards Worship Street
Princes Street, Tyson Street, Bethnal Green, the second on the Right about sixteen doors from opposite Brick lane.
Princes Street, Virginia Street, Bethnal Green, the first on the Left a few doors from the Birdcage towards Shoreditch church.
Princes Street, Brick Lane, Spitalfields, opposite Booth Street or 50, in the said lane, it extends to Wood street.
Princes Street, Rosemary Lane or Sparrow Corner, the second on the Left about seventeen doors from the Minories.
Princes Street, Ratcliffe Highway, at 172, the second on the Left about 1/8 of a mile from Wellclose square, leading to Princes square.
Princes Street, Charles Street, Old Gravel Lane, the first on the Right a few doors from 10, Old Gravel lane.
Princes Street, Great Hermitage Street, Wapping, the last on the Left in the said street by the London dock wall.
Princes Street, Lambeth, the second East parallel to the Thames, extending from Broad street to Vauxhall.
Princes Street, London Road, St Georges Fields, the first on the Left from the Elephant and Castle towards the Obelisk.
Princes Street, Duke Street, Borough, about the middle of the South side, viz. between Queen Street and Charlotte Street it extends to Lomans Pond.
Princes Street, Locks Fields, Walworth, the first on the Left in Queen St from Atton place or from York Street it extends to Camden Street
Princes Street, Rotherhithe Street, at 350, the second West from the church.
Printers Court, Bury Street, St James's, at 26, about five doors on the Right from the West end of Jermyn Street
Printers Place, Bermondsey, on the North side of Bermondsey Spa, and on the South side of the road which leads from the Neckinger turnpike to Jamaica row.
Printers Row, Printers Place, Bermondsey, at the West end of the last
Printers Street, Shoe Lane, at the West end of Little New St entering by 88, about the middle of Shoe lane.
Printing House Lane, Water Lane, Blackfriars, the second on the Right a few doors from Earl St it leads to Printing house square.
Printing House Square, Blackfriars. See the last article.
Printing House Yard, Great Swan Alley, Coleman Street, the first on the Right a few doors from 66 Coleman Street
Prior Court, Chamber Street, Goodmans Fields, the second on the Left from 3 Lemon St towards Little Prescot Street
Prior Place, East Lane,Walworth, forms part of the North side, about 1/5 of a mile on the R, from the Kent road.
Prisoners of War Office, at the Transport office, Dorset square, Cannon row, Westminster.
Privy Gardens, Whitehall, about 1/5 of a mile on the Left from Charing cross, and nearly opposite the Horse guards, extending to the Thames.
Privy Seal Office, Somerset Place, the third door on the Left in the square, entering from the Strand.
Produce Court, Lower Turning, Shadwell, at 11, about four doors on the Right from Star Street, Wapping wall.
Property Tax Office, at 107, Fenchurch Street, about twenty doors on the Right from Aldgate.
Prospect Place, Stepney Green, the third on the Right about 1/6 of a mile from Mile end road, extending to Pleasant row.
Prospect Place, New Road, St Georges in the East, the first on the Right a few doors from Cannon street turnpike towards Bluegate fields.
Prospect Place, Poplar High Street or Road, the first on the Right a few yards from the Commercial road.
Prospect Place, White Hart Row, Kennington, the second on the Right from Clayton place, Newington High road, towards Kennington lane.
Prospect Place, St Georges Fields, on the West side the Elephant and Castle, extending to the Philanthropic reform.
Prospect Place, Bermondsey, the continuation of Parkers Row, Dockhead, extends from the Neckinger turnpike towards Jamaica row.
Prospect Place, Paradise Street, Rotherhithe, the first on the Right a few yards from Mill pond bridge.
Prospect Row, Henry Street, Pentonville, between Penton Street and Hermes Street being a few doors on the Left from White lion Street
Prospect Row, Cambridge Heath, Hackney Road, forms part of the North side the road which leads from the turnpike towards Bonners Hall.
Prospect Row, Mile End Road, forms part of the North side, opposite Ewings buildings, near two miles from Aldgate.
Prospect Row, Walworth High Street or Road, the second on the Left from the Elephant and Castle, it leads to Gloucester place.
Prospect Row, Biue Anchor Road, Bermondsey, forms part of the South side, commencing on the Right near the turnpike by Fort place.
Protestant Dissenters Charity School, Ball Court, Giltspur Street, entrance a few doors on the.R. from Newgate Street
Protestant Charity School, Moorfields. See London Society School .
Protestant Dissenters Charity School, Maze Pond, Borough, about six doors on the R. from Weston Street
Providence Buildings, Mill Street, Dock Head, Bermondsey, the first on the Right from Jacob St towards the Thames.
Providence Buildings, Kent Road, forms part of the Left side, opposite Dover place, about 3/8 of a mile from the Elephant and Castle.
Providence Chapel, (W. Huntingtons) Riding House Lane, Marylebone, on the South side, between 25 Great Portland Street and 96 Great Titchfield Street
Providence Court, Great Peter Street, Westminster, is opposite Great St Anns street, being the second on the Left from Marsham Street.
Providence Court, North Audley Street, the third on the Left about twelve doors from 263, Oxford street.
Providence Gardens, Hackney Road, the third on the Left a few doors from Shoreditch church towards Union Street
Providence Place, Providence Row, Palmers Village, Westminster, about the middle of the said row.
Providence Place, Bakers Row, Clerkenwell, the second on the Left from the Workhouse, Coppice row.
Providence Place, Bell Lane, Golden Lane, Barbican, between Ball yard and Wooden world court.
Providence Place, Petticoat Lane, opposite Horse shoe alley, about 1/8 of a mile on the Left from Aldgate High Street
Providence Place, Upper Kennington lane, forms part of the North side near Vauxhall gardens, opposite Kenington place.
Providence Place, Lambeth Marsh, a few small houses on the Right side, about 1/4 of a mile from the Marshgate towards Blackfriars road.
Providence Place, Webber Row, St Georges Fields, opposite 10, near the back of the Magdalen hospital.
Providence Place, Market Street, St Georges Fields, the second on the Left from the Borough road, extending to Bond Street
Providence Place, Crosby Row, Bermondsey, the last on the Right from Snows fields towards the Halfpenny hatch.
Providence Place, Whites Ground. See Deatons Buildings.
Providence Place, Walworth Common, a few doors on the R west from Westmoreland row, and opposite the Hour glass public house.
Providence Row, Palmers Village, Westminster, ithe first on the Left entering by the North side of Bridewell.
Providence Row, Pentonville or Battle Bridge, is opposite the Bell, a few doors on the Right from the turnpike towards Sommers Town.
Providence Row, Finsbury Square, the first parallel to the North side, extending from the City road to Paul street.
Providence Row, Duke Street, Bethnal Green, the second on the Right a few doors from the middle of Gibraltar row towards Turk Street
Providence Row, Lambeih Marsh, forms part of the South side the road adjoining Greens row, near 1/8 of a mile on the Right from the Marshgate towards Blackfrinrs road.
Providence Row, Bennets Row, St Georges Fields, the fifth on the Right about of a mile from Blackfriars road, extending to Higiers lane or Friar Street
Providence Street, City Road, the fourth on the Right about 1/8 of a mile from Old street road, extending from the City terrace to Westmoreland place.
Providence Street, Walworth Common, on the West side of Westmoreland academy near the south end of Thurlow place, entering by 21, Apollo buildings.
Provident Institution for Insurance on Lives. See County Fire Office.
Prujean Court or Square, Old Bailey, at 61, about seven doors on the Left from Ludgate hill.
Prussian Island, Wapping Street, at 188, about five doors W, from New Gravel lane.
Public Dispensary, Bishops Court, Chancery Lane, about four doors on the Right from 78, Chancery lane.
Public Ledger Newspaper Office, at 12, the South West corner of Warwick square, Warwick lane.
Pudding Lnne, Lower Thames Street, at 120, the first on the Left from Fish street hill, it extends to Little Eastcheap.
Puddle Dock, Earl Street, Blackfriars, opposite St Andrews hill, at the West end of Upper Thames Street
Pughs Court, Rotherhithe. S Cow Court.
Pulteney Court, Little Windmill Street, Haymarket, at 20, opposite Silver Street
Pulteney Street (Great), Brewer Street, Golden Square, about five doors on the R. from Little Windmill St extending to Silver street.
Pulteney Street (Little) , Great Windmill Street, Haymarket, the last on the Right from Coventry St extending to Princes Street, Soho.
Pump Alley, Whitecross Street, St Lukes, at the East end of Fosters Buildings, entering by 123, White cross Street
Pump Court, Perkinss Rents, Old Pye Street, Westminster, is two or three doors on the Right from 49, Old Pye Street
Pump Court, Temple, the first on the Left in Middle Temple lane from 6, Fleet St leading to Inner Temple lane and Lambs Buildings.
Pump Court, Moor Lane, Cripplegate, the third on the Right a few doors from 86 Fore Street
Pump Court, Bridgewater Gardens, behind the Catherine Wheel public house, on the N. East corner of the said gardens.
Pump Court, Frying Pan Alley, Petticoat Lane, the second on the Right from Petticoat lane towards Bell lane.
Pump Court, Dean Street, Upper East Smithfield, at 32, the first on the Left from 94 Upper East Smithfield.
Pump Court, Boddys Bridge, Upper Ground, Christs Church, about the middle of it, between Stamford Street & Upper Ground Street
Pump Court, Duke Street, Borough, the first on the Right a few doors from Queen Street towards Blackfriars road.
Pump Court, Tooleys Gateway, Tooley Street, at the North end, entering by 63 Tooley Street it leads to Robinhood court.
Pump Court, Long Lane, Bermondsey, about the middle of the North side, near Richardson Street
Pump Row, Old Street Road, forms part of the South side, nearly opposite the Vinegar ground, extending from the City road towards St Agnes le Clair.
Pump Yard, Queen Street,Ratcliffe, a part of the West end of the said street still retains that name.
Pundersons Gardens, Bethnal Green Road, the second on the Right a few doors from the Green towards Shoreditch.
Pundersons Place, Bethnal Green Road, forms part of the North side near the Green.
Punnets Ways, Rotherhithe, by Globe Stairs, about of a mile below Rotherhithe church.
Purim Place, Dog Row, Bethnal Green, part of the Right side, a few doors from Mile end turnpike towards the said Green.
Purse Court, Old Change, at 40, about ten doors on the Left from Cheapside.
Pye Corner, West Smithfield. See Giltspur Street
Pye Gardens, Willow Street, Bankside, at the East end near the Thames.
Pye Street (New), Orchard Street, Westminster, the second on the Right from Strutton ground, it extends to Old Pye Street.
Pye Street (Old), Great Peter Street, Westminster, is the first North parallel to part of it, and extends from Great St Anns street or lane to Duck lane.
Pyed Bull Yard, Little Russell Street, Bloomsbury, at the East end of it, on the R. four or five doors from Bury Street

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