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A Concise Local description of and Accurate Direction to every Square,
Street, Lane, Court, Dock, Wharf, Inn, Public Office, &c. in the Metropolis and
its Environs.
Eagle court, St Johns Lane, Clerkenwell, at 5, the first on the Left and five
doors from St John Street West Smithfield, leading into Red lion Street
Eagle Court, Eagle Street, Red Lion Square, at 7 Dean Street about six doors on
the Right from 92 High Holborn, leading into Eagle Street
Eagle Court, White Hart Yard, Drury Lane, the second on the Left from 83 Drury
lane, leading into Angel court and to 335, Strand.
Eagle & Child Alley, Fleet Market, at 61, the first on the Right about fifteen
doors from Holborn hill, extending to 39 Shoe lane.
Eagle and Child Court, Princes Street, Lambeth, the first on the Right about three
or four doors from Broad Street leading to Fore Street and the side of the Thames.
Eagle Insurance Office, at 83, Cornhill, about the middle of the North side, five
or six doors East from the Royal Exchange.
Eagle Place, Mile End Road, on the North side, about 1/4 of a mile on the Left below the
Turnpike, opposite 30, Assembly row, it leads to Fullers alms houses.
Eagle Street, Piccadilly, at 212, the first on the Left about of a mile from the
Hay market, extending to 28, Jermyn Street
Eagle Street, Red Lion Square, at 65, Red lion Street the first on the Left about
fourteen doors from 72 High Holborn, extending to Kingsgate Street
Earls Court, Little Newport Street, Long Acre, is about five doors on the Left
from Castle Street leading to 19, Cranbourne Street Leicester square.
Earls Court, Great Earl Street, Seven Dials, the second on the Right about ten
doors from the Seven dials, leading to Castle Street opposite Langley Street, Long acre.
Earl Street (Great), Seven Dials, St Giless, extends from the East side of the
Seven dials to Castle Street by Gyffords brewery, or is opposite Cross lane from 106
Long acre.
Earl Street (Little), Seven Dials, is opposite Great Ditto, extending to the West end
of Monmouth Street and is continued by Moor Street to 22, Greek
Earl Street, Blackfriars, the first on the Right north from the bridge, extending
to St Andrews hill, is continued East by Upper Thames Street to London bridge.
Earl Street, London Road, St Georges Fields, the first on the Left about sixteen
doors from the Obelisk, towards the Elephant and Castle, it extends to Market
and is continued by Amelia row towards the Kings Bench.
Easleys Mews, Wigmore Street, Marylebone, at 24, facing Marylebone lane from
158, Oxford Street
East Court, East Street or Lane, Walworth, the first on the Right about three or
four doors from Walworth high Street or road.
Eastcheap (Great), the East continuation of Cannon Street extending from Crooked lane
to Gracechurch Street or the third on the Left in Fish Street hill, North from London
Eastcheap( Little) , is opposite Great Ditto, or the second on the Right in Fish Street
hill, North from London bridge, extending from 47, Gracechurch Street to Little Tower
Eastern Dispensary, Great Ayliffe Street, Goodmans Fields, at 46, about six
doors West from Red lion Street, Whitechapel.
East India Alms Houses, Poplar, is about I of a mile on the Left in the High
or road, from the Commercial road, nearly opposite Queen Street and the Spotted
East India Chambers, Leadenhall Street, at 23, three doors on the Right east from
Lime Street or the India house, and opposite St Mary Axe.
East India Dock, Blackwall, at the East end of Poplar high Street or road, and on the
N. side of Perrys dock, about a mile East from Limehouse church and 3f miles from
the Royal Exchange.
East India Dock Road, Limehouse, branches off to the Left from the Commercial
road, opposite Gill Street a few doors East from Limehouse church, and extends to the
Dockgate, is near a mile in length.
East India Dock Company s House, Lime Street Square, is number 3, facing the
entrance from Lime street.
East India House, Leadenhall Street, the large stone building on the South side,
thirteen doors on the Right from Gracechurch Street or from Cornhill, forming the
corner of Lime Street
East India Military Fund Office, at 4, Lime street square.
East India Tavern, Blackwall, on the North side the Dock gate, and North end of Robin
hood lane, from Poplar high street or road.
East Lane, Kent Road, is the sixth on the Right about 1/3 of a mile below the
Bricklayers arms, it leads into the Walworth high St or road, at the distance
of 1/2 a mile in that on the Left from the Elephant and Castle, it is nearly 1/4
of a mile in length.
East Lane, Bermondsey, opposite East lane stairs, about 1/6 of a mile below St Saviours dock, it leads to the Neckinger turnpike, Parkers row, &cc.
East Lane Stairs, Bermondsey, opposite East Lane, about a mile below London bridge
and| of a mile West from Rotherhithe church, nearly facing Union stairs, Wapping.
East London Water Works Office, at 14, St Helens Place, a few doors on the Left
from 46, Bishopsgate within.
Eastmans Court, Wentworth street, Spitalfields, a few doors on the Left from Bell
lane, nearly facing Old Castle St from 120, Whitechapel high Street
East Mews, East Street, Lambeth, the first on the Right from East place, Walcot place,
towards Lambeth walk.
East Passage, Long Lane, Smithfield, the first South parallel to part of it,
extending from King street towards Aldersgate St
East Place, Lambeth, a part of the West side of the Surrey road from Westminster
bridge, extending from Walnut tree walk to Pownall terrace, about 3/4 of a mile
on the Right from Westminster bridge.
East Place, East Street, West Square, St Georges Fields, three or four doors
on the Left from the South East corner of the square.
East Place, Poplar High Street or Road, is about \ a mile on the Right from the
Commercial road, and the first East from the Harrow Public house, or the Kings
East Row, Winkworths Buildings, City Road, the North continuation of it on the Left
extending to Clacks buildings, and is about 1/3 of a mile North from Finsbury
East Smithfield. See Smithfield.
East Street, Manchester Square, the first parallel to part of Baker street,
extending from 4 Blandford Street to David St leading to York place and the New
road, it is about 1/4 ot a mile in length.
East Street, Red Lion bquare, Holborn, the sixth on the Left near of a mile from
71 , High Holborn, along Red lion St extending to New North Street
East Street, Spitalfields Market, extends from the middle of the East side of it,
to 35, Red lion Street
East Street, West Square, St Georges Fields, at the South East corner, or the
continuation of the East side of the said square, from West Street, Prospect place.
East Street, Walworth, that part of East lane which is next to Walworth High
street or road. See East lane.
East Street, Lambeth, is about 7/8 of a mile on the Right from Westminster bridge
towards Kennington cross, is nearly opposite Chester Street and Market street, it
extends to William Street and leads to Grays walk and Lambeth walk.
Eaton Lane, Pimlico High Street or Road. See Little Eaton Street.
Eaton Place, Little Eaton Street, Pimlico High Street or Road, about the middle
of the North side, the first on the Right from Pimlico towards Ranelagh Street
Eaton Street, Pimlico, the third on the Right and near 1/3 of a mile from
Buckingham gate towards Chelsea, it extends to Ranelagh Street
Eaton Street (Upper), Pimlico, is opposite the last, or the continuation of Grosvenor
place from Hyde park corner, extending from the Kings road to Ranelagh Street
Eaton Street (Little), Pimlico High Street or Road, the second on the Right near \
of a mile from Buckingham gate towards Chelsea, it extends to Ranelagh Street
Ebden Court, Pearl Row, St Georges Fields, is opposite 19, by the corner of New
on the Left from the North East fide the Obelisk.
Ebenezer Chapel, Brill Place, Sommers Town, is on the North side of it, also behind
15, Chapel path.
Ebenezer Chapel, Shadwell High Street, at 240, about ten doors West from Union
Ebenezer Chapel, Albion Street, Rotherhithe, is a few doors on the Right in it from
Neptune Street about 1/8 of a mile East from the Lower road to Deptford.
Ebenezer Court, Ebenezer Street, London Road, St Georges Fields, is about six
doors on the Right from 15, in the London road by the Philanthropic reform.
Ebenezer Place, Commercial Road, Limehouse, is part of the South side, about 1/5 of
a mile on the Right below Limehouse church, extending from Penson place to Gun lane.
Ebenezer Place, London Road, at 19, the first on the Right fom the Obelisk, towards
the Elephant and Castle, it is situate on the North side the Philanthropic reform
and leads towards Lambeth.
Ebenezer Place, Cherry Tree Alley, St Lukes, the second on the Right from 118, Bunhill row, or the second on the Left from 86, Whitecross
Street in the opposite
Ebenezer Place, Kennington Lane, part of the North side, about of 1/8 mile on the
R. from the Plough and Harrow or from Church row, Newington, towards Kennington
Ebenezer. Row, Kennington Lane, the first on the Right from the Plough and Harrow,
extending from the East end of Ebenezer place to the fields.
Ebenezer Square, Gravel Lane, Houndaditch, is nearly facing Fireball court, from
131, Houndsditch, and leads into Stoney lane and Petticoat lane.
Ebenezer Street, London Road, St Georges Fields, at 19, the first on the Right
from the Obelisk by the Philanthropic reform, being that end of Ebenezer place
which adjoins the London road.
Ebenezer Street, Plumbers Street, City Road, the first on the Left from Caroline
place, extending to Trafalgar Street, it is near 1/2 a mile North from Finsbury square.
Ebury House, Ebury Street, Fire Fields, Chelsea, at the South end of the said
street, between Grosvenor row and Queen St
Ebury Place or New Ranelagh Street, Five Fields, Chelsea, is about the middle of
the East side of Five fields row, adjoining Ecclestone Street, Belgrave place.
Ebury Place, Kemps Row, Chelsea, or Pimlico, nearly opposite Ranelagh walk, about 2/3
of a mile from Buckingham gate, it leads to Avery farm row or Flask row.
Ebury Street, Five Fields, Chelsea, the continuation of Five fields row,
extending from the path which leads to Five fields chapel, to Grosvenor row, and
Queen Street
Ecclestone Street, Lower Belgrave Place, Pimlico, the fourth on the Right 1/2 a
mile from Buckingham gate towards Chelsea, leading to the Five fields.
Eden Street, Hampstead Road, the first on the Left a few doors from Tottenham
court road, and the first South from Henry Street
Edes Yard, Brompton High Street or Road, the second on the Right about 1/8 of a
mile from Knightsbridge, nearly opposite New Street
Edgware Road, Tyburn Turnpike, at the West end of Ox ford St where the numbers
begin and are continued in succession to Chapel St Paddington, at the corner of
which is 101, this extent is nearly 1/4 of a mile.
Edinburgh Castle Coach Office, Strand, at 322, on the West side the New church,
nearly opposite Somerset place.
Edith place, Bird Cage Walk, Hackney Road, the first on the Left a few doors from
the Nags head towards Shoreditch church.
Edmonds Court, Princes Street, Soho, at 27, three doors on the Right south from
Compton St leading into Rupert St Coventry Street and the Haymarket.
Edmonds Place, Union Street, St Georges Fields, the first on the Right from the
London road towards West square.
Edmond Street, Battle Bridge, St Pancras, is situate on the North side the
Smallpox hospital, entrance by the Maiden head public house.
St Edmond the Kings Church, Lombard Street, by 60, two doors East of Birchin
lane and nearly opposite Clements lane.
Edward Court, Edward Street, Cavendish square, at 14, about four doors South from
Queen Ann street East
Edwards Court, Oxendon Street, Haymarket, at 29, about five doors on the Left from
Coventry Street
Edwards Court, New Round Court, Strand, about three doors on the Left from 447,
Edwards Mews, Duke Street, Manchester Square, at 35, the third on the Left about
fifteen doors from 175, Oxford Street
Edward Place, Old Street Road, is a few yards on the Right from the Curtain Road
towards Shoreditch church.
Edward Place, Hackney Road, forms part of the South side adjoining Brighton place,
a few doors on the Right east from Allports nursery, and about 1/3 of a mile from
Shoreditch church.
Edward Place, Westminster Bridge Road, St Georges Fields. See Asylum
Edward Street, Cavendish Square, the North continuation of Bolsover street, from
113, Oxford street, extending from Margaret Street to Queen Ann Street East
Edward Street, Manchester Square, the first parallel to the South side of it, or
the third which intersects Duke St from 174, Oxford St it extends from Seymour
street to Wigmore Street
Edward Street, Wardour Street, Soho, at 95, the third on the Right from 381, Oxford
St it extends to 86, Berwick Street and is continued by Broad Street to Carnaby
Edward Street, Church Street, Bethnal Green, at 116, about 1/3 of a mile on the
R. from 65 Shoreditch, being the second below Brick lane.
Edward Street, Mile End, New Town. See King Edward Street
Edward Street, Blackfriars Road, the third on the Left about 1/5 of a mile from
Blackfriars bridge towards the Obelisk, leading to Union Street and Bear lane.
Edward Street, Kennington Lane, the North parallel to a part of it, behind White
hart place, extending from Market Street to Golden place.
Edward Yard, Edward Street, Cavendish Square, at 14j about four doors South from
Queen Ann Street East, leading to Swan passage and 99, Great Portland Street
Egletons Buildings, Paradise Place, Paradise Street, Marylebone, the first on
the Left from 6, Paradise Street
Egletons Place, Twisters Alley, Bunhill Row, St Lukes, the first on the Right
six doors from 102, Bunhill row, towards Whitecross street.
Eight Houses Lower Road, Deptford, a row near the three mile, stone from London
bridge, between China hall and the half way house, about of a mile from either.
Elbow Lane, Upper Thames Street, the first M. parallel to part of it, near of a
mile West from London bridge, extending from Dowgate hill to College hill, or the
third on the Right from the Manfion house, continuing down Walbrook.
Elbow Lane (Little) , Upper Thames Street, at 175, leading into the last above
Elbow Lane, Shadwell High Street, the first South parallel to part of it, say from
23 to 38, extending from New Gravel lane (four doors from High Street) to Farmer
Elbow Row, City Gardens, City Road, the first on the Left a few doors from the
turnpike by Andersons Buildings.
Elder Street, White Lion Street, Spitalfields, the second on the Left about
fourteen doors from 13, Shoreditch, being the first East parallel to Blossom
Eldon Buildings, Bagnige Wells, is the first row on the Left from the Wells
towards Pentonville.
Eleazer Place, Lambeth Walk, is part of the West side, facing Chapmans Gardens or
Union Street from Walcot place.
Elephant and Castle Court, Kent Street, Borough, at 218, about 1/5 of a mile on
the Right from St Georges church.
Elephant and Castle, Newington, about one mile nearly South from London bridge,
continuing High St Blackmore St and the Causeway, and a little above of a mile
S. East from the Obelisk, St Georges fields, along the London road.
Elephant Lane, Rotherhithe, at 344, Rotherhithe St the first West from the
church, leading to Neptune St and the Lower Road to Deptford.
Elephant Stairs, Rotherhithe, opposite Elephant Lane, is near 1 1/2 of a mile below
London bridge, and opposite Execution dock, Wapping.
Elgers Place, Essex Street, Whitechapel, the North end of Elgers square.
Elgers Square, Essex Street, Whitechapel, the fourth on the Left from 105,
Whitechapel High Street near Wentworth Street, Spitalfields.
Elizabeth Court, Whitecross Street. St Lukes, at 146, the second on the Left about
fifteen doors from opposite the church, Old Street also four doors North from Banner
Elizabeth Court, Phoenix Street, Spitalfields, the second on the Right about
fourteen doors from 162, Brick lane, or the second on the Left from 38, Wheeler
Street leading into King Street
Elizabeth Court, Hickmans Folly, Dock Head, is near the East end of it, and the
last on the Right towards Rotherhithe.
Elizabeth Place, Great Peter Street, Westminster, is about six doors East from New
Peter St and the fourth on the Right from Strutton ground, nearly opposite Leg court.
Elizabeth Place, George Street, Bethnal Green, is on the North West side of Patriot
square, near the Green.
Elizabeth Place, Brook Street, Ratcliffe, about six doors on the Left from Sun
tavern fields, nearly opposite Love lane.
Elizabeth Place, Black Prince Road, Lambeth, part of the North side, a few doors on
the Right from Princes place, Kennington cross, leading to Workhouse lane and
Lambeth butts.
Elizabeth Place, Westminster Bridge Road, St, Georges Fields, a few houses on
the North side, near the Obelisk, extending from the Free masons school to Melina
Elizabeth Place, Webber Row, St Georges Fields, is about the middle of the North
side, between Anns place and Duke Street
Elizabeth Place, Prospeft Row, Neckinger Roadj Bermondsey, is two or three
houses adjoining Richmond hall on the East side the Marine crescent, nearly opposite
Printers place, and about of a mile on the Left from the turnpike towards Jamaica
Elizabeth Street, Hans Place, Sloane Street, at 46, the North West corner, extending
to North St and leading to Queen Street and the High road, Brompton.
Elizabeth Street, Hackney Road, is about 3/4 of a mile on the Right from Shoreditch
church, situate between Durham place West, and James's Place.
Elliotts Court, Old Bailey, the fourth on the Right about ten or twelve doors from
Snow hill, or six doors North from Fleet lane in
the opposite direction.
Elliotts Court, Elliotts Row, St Georges Fields, the first on the Right about
five or six doors from Prospect place towards Pleasant row.
Elliotts Row, Prospect Place, St Georges Fields, the third on the Left from the
Elephant and Castle towards West square, extending to Pleasant row.
Elliotts Row, Bethnal Green Road, the first South parallel to a part of it, about
2/3 of a mile from Shoreditch, extending from White Street to Thomas Street and
is behind the Admiral Cornwallis Public house.
Ellis Square, Penton Street, Walworth, the second on the Left along Amelia St
from Walworth High Street or road, or a few doors on the Right from Penton place in
the opposite direction.
Ellison Street^ Petticoat Lane, the third on the Left from 41 Aldgate High Street
a few doors North from Little Middlesex Street
Elm Court, Middle Temple Lane, Temple Bar, the second on the Left from 6, Fleet
leading into Fig tree court and Kings bench walk.
Elm Court, Elm Street, Grays Inn Lane, about three doors on the Left from 86,
Grays inn lane and near the same distance from Mount Pleasant, Coldbath fields.
Elm Court, Elm Place, Fetter Lane, about the middle of it, a few doors from 108,
Fetter lane.
Elm Place, Fetter Lane, Fleet Street, at 108, about the middle of the West side,
leading into Cursitor Street & to 40, Chancery lane.
Elm Place, Walworth High Street or Road, about 1/3 of a mile on the Left from the
Elephant and Castle, nearly opposite the Terrace.
Elm Street, Grays Inn Lane, at 85, near 1/3 of a mile on the Right from Middle
row, Holborn, leading into Mount Pleasant and Baynes row, Coldbath fields.
Elsworth Place, Golden Lane, Barbican. See Colliers Court.
Ely Chapel, Ely Place, Holborn Hill. at 14, and is that number of doors on the
L. from 102, Holborn hill.
Ely Court, Holborn Hill, at 117, about seven doors on the Right west from Hatton
Ely Place, Holborn Hill, at 101, the third on the Right about twenty five doors
from Fleet market, nearly opposite St Andrews church.
Ely Place, West Square, St Georges Fields, at the North West corner of it, leading
to Prospett place, or the sixth on the Left along Prospect place, about 1/4 of a
mile from the Elephant and Castle towards Lambeth.
Emanuels Hospital, James Street, Westminster, is about 1/4 of a mile on the Right
from Buckingham gate, also near the West end of York St from Tothill St and the
Abbey in the opposite direction (called also Lady Dacres Almshouses).
Embroiderers Hall, Gutter Lane, at 36, about ten or twelve doors on the Left from
132, Cheapside.
Emery Hills Alms Houses, Rochester Row,Tothill Fields, Westminster, is a part
of the said row, near the middle, about 1/4 of a mile South East from James Street bearing to the Right and nearly facing the West end of the Grey coat school.
Emigrant Office, at 10, Queen street, Bloomsbury, five or six doors on the Right
from the West end of Hart Street
Engine Street, Piccadilly, the fourth on the Left about 1/4 of a mile from Hyde
park corner, and nearly of a mile in the opposite direction from the Haymarket, it
leads into Sneads court and Brick Street
England Row, Poplar High Street or Road, about j of a mile on the Left below the
Commercial road, nearly opposite the Harrow Public house or the Kings road.
English Copper Companys Wharf, Upper Thames Street, is between numbers 12 and
15, about 1/6 of a mile on the Right from Blackfriars bridge, adjoining Horseshoe
English Wharf, Strand, on the East side of Arundel stairs, entrance by Water St
behind the Crown and Anchor, 192, in the Strand.
Englishman Newspaper Office, at 6, Hind court, four doors on the Left from 147,
Fleet Street
Enoch Court, Goodmans Yard, Goodmans fields, the second on the Left from 60, in
the Minories, or the third on the Right from 1 Mansel Street in the opposite direction.
Epping Place, Mile End Road, on the South side, about a mile on the Right from Aldgate
pump, extending from the turnpike to Mile end grove and leading towards Stepney
Equitable Assurance Office, Bridge Street, Blackfriars, the eighth house on the
R. from the bridge, or the second on the Left from Earl Street
St Ermins Hill, Little Chapel Street, Westminster, about the middle of it, opposite
St Margarets burying ground, leading to Snows* Rents and the Broadway, opposite
Queen square.
Essex Alley, Essex Street, Whitechapel, the last on the Left from 105, Whitechapel
High Street leading into Wentworth Street opposite Rose lane.
Essex Court, Essex Street, Whitechapel, the fourth on the Left from 105,
Whitechapel High Street or the second on the Right from Wentworth Street in the opposite
Essex Court, Middle Temple Lane, Temple Bar, the western side of Brick court,
being the first on the Right from 4, Fleet Street leading to Devereux court and
Essex Street
Essex Place, Rotherhithe Street, at 170, about twelve doors on the Left above the
Horseferry and twenty seven doors below Globe stairs in the opposite direction.
Essex Place, Workhouse Lane, Lambeth, is part of the South side, adjoining the
Workhouse, and the first row on the Right from Lambeth butts towards Kennington
Essex Street, Strand, at 210, the first on the Left about twenty four doors from
Temple bar, extending to Essex wharf and the Thames.
Essex Street (Little), Strand, the first on the Right in the last mentioned street,
and about nine doors from 210, in the Strand, extending to Milford lane.
Essex Street, Bouverie Street, Fleet Street, the second on the Right from 62, Fleet
St ox at the South end of Lombard St from 56, Fleet street, leading into Temple
Essex Street, Kingsland Road, is opposite the Ironmongers alms houses, and about J of
a mile on the Left from Shoreditch church, extending to Hoxton town nearly
opposite Gloucester Street
Essex Street (Little), Kingsland Road, the first on the Right about six doors in
the last mentioned street from Kingsland road,leading to Savannah place.
Essex Street, Whitechapel High Street, at 105, about 1/41/3 of a mile on the Left
below Aldgate church, nearly opposite Red lion street, it leads to Wentworth
nearly opposite Rose lane, (late Catherine wheel alley).
Essex Street, Mile End Old Town, the first West parallel to part of Cannon St New
road, extending from 38, Charlotte Street (four or five doors on the Left from the
said road) to the Commercial road.
Essex Wharf, Essex Street, Strand, at the bottom of the street from 210, in the
St Ethelburgas Church, Bishopsgate Without, behind 54, on the East side of St
Helens Place.
Europe Place, St Johns Row, Ratcliffe Row, St Lukes, is about the middle of
the South side, about fifteen doors on the Right from 41, Brick lane.
Evangelist Court, Little Bridge Street, Blackfriars, the first on the Left a few
yards West from Cock court, 18, Ludgate hill.
Evans Court, Basinghall Street, at 45, about six doors on the Left front London
wall, or the last on the Right from 29 Cateaton Street in the opposite direction.
Evans Place, Star Comer, Bermondsey, about ^ of a mile on the Right from
Bermondsey church towards the Bricklayers arms, facing the Grange road.
Evans Rents, Turners Square, Hoxton, the North West corner of the said square,
leading towards Ivy Lane.
Evans Row, Middlesex Street, Sommers Town, is part of the East side, about the
middle, say between Chapel path and Phoenix street.
Evans Yard, Poplar High Street, or Road, near 1/3 of a mile on the Left from the
Commercial road, leading to Paradise street, Noble street, and the East India.
dock road.
Eves Place, Adam Street, Rotherhithe, at f)5, the second on the Left from Neptune
Evelyns Court or Place, Oxford Street, at 27, being that number of doors on the
R. from St Giless, three or four doors West from Rathbone place.
Evening Mall Newspaper Office, Printing House Square, Blackfriars, at the North East
corner, facing Printing house lane from Water lane.
Evening Post Newspaper Office, at 28, Paternoster row, and 5, Hind court, five
doors on the Left from 147, Fleet Street
Everards Buildings, Church Lane, Whitechapel, part of the West side of it,
adjoining 66, Cable Street, Wellclose square.
Everards Place, Church Lane,Whitechapel, the first on the Left about twelve doors
from 66, Cable Street behind the aforesaid buildings.
Everett Street, Bernard Street, Brunswick Square, at 48, the middle of the North
side, or the second on the Right from the square, extending to Great Coram Street
Evesham Buildings, Sommers Town, the North continuation of Chalton Street, extending
from Chapel path to Clarendon square.
Evesham Buildings (Upper). See Union Street.
Ewers Buildings, White Hart Row, Kennington Lane, is part of the South West side,
about the middle of it.
Ewer Street, Duke Street, Borough, the first on the Right a few doors from Queen
street, extending to Gravel lane.
Ewings Buildings, Mile End Road, is part of the South side, about of a mile on the
R. east from Bencrofts alms houses, near two miles from Aldgate.
Examiner Newspaper Office, at 15, Beaufort buildings, Strand, three doors on the
R. from 95, in the Strand.
Exchange Alley. See Change, Exchange (for Clothes), Rosemary Lane. See Clothes.
Exchange (Coal), Thames Street. See Coal.
Exchange (Corn), Mark Lane. See Corn.
Exchange (Royal). See Royal.
Exchange (Stock). See Stock.
Exchequer, New Palace Yard, Westminster, at the South East corner, between
Westminster hall and the Thames.
Exchequer Office, Lincolns Inn Old Buildings, at 9, the first door on the Left
from opposite 56, Chancery lane.
Exchequer Office, Somerset Place, the first door on the Left in the square, from
under the archway which leads from the Strand.
Exchequer Office, Kings Bench Walk, Temple, at the bottom of Mitre conrt, from
44, Fleet St on the Right by Tanfield court.
Excise Office, Old Broad Street, the large stone building on the East side,
occupying the space between numbers 22 and 33, there is another entrance at 103,
Bishopsgate within.
Execution Dock, at 243,Wapping street , about a mile and a half below London
bridge, nearly facing Princes stairs and Elephant stairs, Rotherhithe.
Exeter Change, Strand, at 355, near the middle of the North side, about 3/5 of a
mile on the Right from Temple bar, extending under the archway to Burleigh Street
Exeter Court, Exeter Change, Strand, at 355, in the Strand, adjoining the
E. side of Exeter change.
Exeter Street, Catherine Street, Strand, ten doors on the Left from 343, in the
Strand, extending to Burleigh St about nine doors North of Exeter change.
Exeter Street, Hans Town, at 32, Sloane St the second on the Right and about 1/6
of a mile from Knightsbridge, it leads to New St and 28, Queens buildings, Brompton High road.
Eye and Ear Infirmary. See London Infirmary.
Eyre Court, Eyre Street, Leather Lane, Holborn, at 22, about eighteen doors on
the Left from the North end of Leather lane and eight or ten doors on the Right in the
op. direction from Great Warner Street, Coldbath fields.
Eyre Place, Eyre Street, Leather Lane, Holborn, at 10, and is that number of
doors on the Right from the North end of Leather lane.
Eyre Street, Leather Lane, Holborn, is the North continuation of it, extending from
Back hill to Warner St leading to Great Bath Street and Coldbath fields.