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A Concise Local description of and Accurate Direction to every Square,
Street, Lane, Court, Dock, Wharf, Inn, Public Office, &c. in the Metropolis and
its Environs.
Fair street, Horselydown, the eastern continuation of Tooley street on the Right
extending from Parish street to New St Dock head.
Faircloth Court, High Street, Lambeth, the first on the Left about six doors from
Broad St towards Lambeth charch, and opposite Stonard and Watsons Starch
Falcon Brewery, Portpool Lane, at 10, being that number of doors on the Right from
52, Grays inn lane.
Falcon Coal Wharf, Bankside, is near 1/8 of a mile below Blackfriars bridge,
opposite Gravel lane, Southwark.
Falcon Court, Fleet Street. at 32, opposite St Dunstans church, being that number
of doors on the Right from Temple bar.
Falcon Court, Shoe Lane, at 84, about 1/8 of a mile on the Left from 129, Fleet
street and near the same distance in the opposite direction from 65 Holborn hill.
Falcon Court, High Street, Borough, at 178, on the West side, near St Georges
church, about 3/8 of a mile on the Right from London bridge.
Falcon Court (Little), High Street, Borough, the West continuation of the first
described from 178, High street to 15, Red cross street near the Mint.
Falcon Court, White Street, Borough, at 10, the third on the Right from St
Georges church towards Long lane, Bermondsey.
Falcon Court, Fishmongers Alley, High Street, Borough, the first on the Right a few
yards from 231, High street by St Margarets hill.
Falcon Place, Coppice Row, Clerkenwell, the first on the Left from Ray street at
the North West corner of the Green, leading into Ray street again.
Falcon Foundry, Bankside, on the East side Falcon Coal wharf, opposite Gravel lane.
Falcon Square, Noble Street, Foster Lane, the termination of Noble street and
Foster lane, entering by 147,Cheapside, leading to Falcon street and 16,
Aldersgate street.
Falcon Street, Aldersgate Street, at 16, about of a mile on the Right from 66,
Newgate street leading into Falcon square.
Falcon Yard, Portpool Lane, at 15, being that number of houses from 53, Grays
inn lane, and is on the South side of Meuxs brewery.
Falconbridge Court, Crown Street, Soho, three doors on the Right from the East end of
Oxford street or from High street, St Gile.s, leading into Little Sutton
street and Soho square.
Fan Alley, Fan Street, Goswell Street, St Lukes, at the East end from 11. Goswell street and North West corner of Bridgewater gardens.
Fan Alley, W 7 ebb Square, Shoreditch, at the North East corner, entering at 47,
Shoreditch, it leads to Cock hill and to 47, Wheeler street, Spitalfields.
Fan Court, Goswell Street, St Lukes at 12, the third on the Right north from
Barbican, leading into Bridgewater gardens.
Fan Court, Miless Lane, Cannon Street, at 17, two doors on the Left from 131,
Upper Thames street near London bridge.
Fan Court, Bakers Row, Whitechapel Read, the second on the Left from 93, in the
said road, towards Mile end Old town.
Fan Street, Goswell Street, St Lukes, between 106, Aldersgate street and I,
Goswell street a few doors on the Right north from Barbican, leading into
Bridgewater gardens and Golden lane.
Farm Mews, Hill Street, Berkeley Square, is the first on the Right a few yards from
the middle of the West side of the said square, leading into Farm street.
Farm. street, Berkeley Square, the first N parallel to part of Hill street
extending from Farm Mews to Union street.
Farmers Alms Houses, Little Chapel street, Westminster, adjoins the West side of
St Margarets burying gruund, about 1/3 of a mile from Buckingham gate.
Farmers Journal Newspaper Office, at 49, Watling street eight doors on the Right
east from 75 Queen street. Cheapside.
Farmers Rents, Crown Street, Soho, or St Giless, the first on the Left a few
yards from the East end of Oxford street nearly opposite Sutton street.
Farmers Row, Salmon Lane, Limehouse, forms a part of the East side, about i of a
mile on the Right from the Commercial road towards Stepney.
Farmer Street, High Street, Shadwell, at 38, under the archway, about seventeen
or eighteen doors West from Shadwell church, extending towards Shadwell dock.
Farrers Rents, Bishopsgate Street Without, at 163, about 1/8 of a mile on the
L. north from the church, opposite Widegate street.
Farrier Buildings, Inner Temple Lane, Fleet Street, is a few doors on the Right
from 15, Fleet street near Temple bar.
Farringdon Within Charity School, Bull and Mouth Street, at the West end, nearly
facing Butcherhall lane, from 82, Newgate street.
Farthing Alley, Upper East Smithfield, is opposite 97, about fourteen doors on the Left
east from Butcher row and 1/7 of a mile from Tower hill.
Farthing Alley, Jacob Street, Dock Head, about the middle of the South side, being
the third on the Right from Mill St leading into Water lane.
Farthing Fields, New Gravel Lane, Shadwell, at 40, about the middle of the West
side, leading towards Old Gravel lane.
Farthing Hill, Farthing Street, Spitalfields, is the N continuation of it, to
Sclater street and is nearly opposite Club row.
Farthing Street, Phoenix Street, Spitalfields, the first on the Left about sixteen
doors from 39, Wheeler street or the third on the Right from 163, Brick lane.
Fashion Street, Brick Lane, Spitalfields, at 194, the fourth on the Left about 1/5
of a mile from Whitechapel, it leads into Whites Row, Widegate street, and
Bishopsgate without.
Faulkners Court, Cow Cross, West Smithfield, the third on the Right from St John
street and two or three doors East from Turnmill street leading into Benjamin
Faulkners Place, George Passage, St Georges Market, St Georges Fields,
about four doors on the Right from the North East corner of the market.
Feathers Court, Drury Lane, at 86, on the West side, being the second on the Left
and about eighteen or twenty doors from the New church, or from 226, in the
Feathers Court, High Holborn, at 264, nearly opposite Red lion street leading into Whetstons park and Lincolns inn fields.
Feathers Court, Fox Court, Grays Inn Lane, is about four or five doors on the
L. from 10, Grays inn lane, near Holborn.
Feathers Court, Castle Street, Bethnal Green, the first on the Right from the back
of Shoreditch church, about three or four doors from the North end of Cock lane.
Feathers Mews, Old Millman Street, James Street, Bedford Row, is the North
continuation of it, on the Left leading into Longs yard and to 38, Lambs conduit
Featherbed Lane, Fetter Lane, at 18, and is that number of doors on the Right from
180, Fleet street it is continued by Pemberton row, leading into Gough square.
Featherstone Buildings, High Holborn, at 62, on the North side, eight or nine doors
E. from Red lion street, leading into Bedford street.
Featherstone Buildings, Salmon Lane, Limehouse, the first East parallel to a part
of it, the entrance is a few doors on the Right from the Barge river or from the
Commercial road.
Featherstone Street, City Road, the first on the Left about 1/5 of a mile North from Finsbury square, extending to 60, Bunhill row, twelve or fourteen doors South from
Old street.
Felix Street, Bridge Road, Lambeth, at 20, the second on the Right about twenty
eight doors from Westminster bridge, it extends to Stangate street.
Fell Street, Wood Street, Cheapside, at 71, the sixth on the Left from 122,
Cheapside, and seven or eight doors on the Right from London wall in the opposite
Fen Court, Fenchurch Street, at 125, ten doors East from Cullum street and nearly
opposite Mincing lane.
Fen Office, Tanfield Court, Temple, at 3, on the South side, two doors on the Right
from Lambs Buildings.
Fenchurch Buildings, Fenchurch Street, between 107 and 108, the second on the Right
about twenty one doors from Aldgate, it leads to Sugar loaf court and 50,
Leadenhall street.
Fenchurch Chambers, Fenchurch Street, at 66, about six or seven doors on the Right
east from London street.
Fenchurch Street, Gracechurch Street, the third on the Right about 1/5 of a mile
from London bridge, extending from opposite Lombard street to Aldgate.
Fendal Street, Grange Road, Bermondsey, the second on the Left about 1/6 of a mile
from Star corner, or from Bermondsey New road ? opposite Alscot place, and leads to
the Grange walk.
Fenwick Court, High Holborn, at 291, about seventeen or eighteen doors on the Left
west from Chancery lane.
Fergusons Rents, Snows Fields, Bermondsey, the first on the Left from
238,Bermondsey St towards the Borough, about three doors East from Palmers
Ferry Street, Lambeth, the first South parallel to the church and church yard, a
few doors distance, extending from High street to Fore street by the Thames.
Fetter Lane, Fleet Street, at 180, five or six doors East from St Dunstans
church, where the numbers being and end, viz. 1 and 144, it extends to 34, Holborn hill.
Field Buildings, Battle Bridge, St Pancras, the East end of Fifteen foot lane,
also behind the Bell Public house, by the Turnpike, Pentonville.
Field Court, Grays Inn Square, at the South West corner, leading towards Bedford
row, also the North end of Full woods rents from 34, High Holborn.
Field Court, Field Lane, Holhorn, the first on the Right a few doors from 83,
Holborn Hill, or a few doors South from Saffron hill or from Chick lane.
Field Court, Ducking Pond Row, Whitechapel Road, the fourth on the Right from Court
St 110, Whitechapel road, or the third on the Left from North St in the opposite
Field Lane, Holborn Hill, at 83, about six doors on the Right from Fleet market,
extending to Chick lane and Saffron hill.
Field Place, Battle Bridge, Pentonville, forms part of the West side the road to
Clerkenwell by Field street.
Field Street, Battle Bridge, Pentonville, the first on the Right from the Turnpike,
by the Bell Public house, towards Clerkenwell.
Field Street, Poplar High Street or Road, is about 1/2 a mile on the Left from the
Commercial road, and the second below the East India alms houses, leading to
Fowlers Rents and the East India Dock road.
Fieldgate Street,Whitechapel Road, the second on the Right about seventeen doors
from the church, it leads to Charlotte street and Cannon street road.
Fifes Court, Fleet Street, Spitalfields, near the middle of the South side,
between Black bird alley and Ram alley, about ten doors on the Right from George
Fifes Gardens, Granby Place, Lambeth Lower Marsh, extends from Granby place to
Vine street, Narrow wall.
Fifteen Foot Lane, White Hart Row, Grays Inn Lane, the first on the Left from the
Turnpike, Battle bridge by Chads wells.
Fig Tree Court, Temple, the third on the Left in Temple lane from 6 Fleet St by
Temple bar, leading to Kings bench walk and Temple street.
Fig Tree Court, Barbican, at 15, on the South side, being that number of doors on
the Left from 77 Aldersgate street.
Filacer, Court of, at 4, Elm Court, Temple, the second door on the Right from opposite
Fountain court. Middle Temple lane, Fleet street.
Finch Buildings, Ewer Street, Borough, at the East end of it, about three or four
doors on the Left from Duke street or from the West end of Queen street.
Finch Court, Poplar High Street or Road, the first on the Left east from the
terrace, or below the East India alms houses, about | a mile from the Commercial
Finch Lane, Cornhill, at 80, the North side, about ten doors on the Left east from
the Royal Exchange, leading to Threadneedle street.
Finch Yard, Poplar High Street or Road, the second on the Left below North street
op. the Town hall.
Findall Street, Grange Road, Bermondsey. See Fendal.
Finmore Court, Blue Anchor Yard, Rosemary Lane, the second on the Right from 48,
Rosemary lane, towards Upper East Smithfield.
Finnemore Court or Rents, Artillery Street, Borough, about of a mile on the Right
from 50, Bermondsey street along Crucifix lane, and is nearly opposite the South side of
St Johns church.
Finnemore Place or Gardens, Russell Street, Bermondsey, near 1/8 of a mile on
the Left from 90, Bermondsey street or the first on the Right a few doors West from
Church street.
Finsbury Court, Providence Row, Finsbury Square, at 28, the first on the Left four
doors from Wilson street or from Worship street.
Finsbury Dispensary, at 210, St John street, by New court, near 1/2 a mile on
the Left from Smithfield, and about fourteen doors on the R, from Corporation Row.
Finsbury Dispensary (New), Giltspur Street, at 15, a few doors on the Right from
Newgate street or from the Old Bailey towards Smithfield.
Finsbury Market, at the West end of Skinner St from 119, Bibhopsgate without, the
E. side of Clifton street from Worship street and of Christopher street from the
N. East corner of Finsbury square.
Finsbury Passage, Wilson Street, Moorfields, at 62, opposite Princes street about
four doors on the Left from the North East corner of Finsbury square.
Finsbury Place, Moorfields, at the North West corner, extending from Moorfields to
Finsbury square and Chiswell street.
Finsbury Repository, at 45, Chiswell St about three doors on the Right west from Finsbury square.
Finsbury Square, on the North side of Moorfields, about 1/4 of a mile West from 148,
Bishopsgate along Sun street and Crown St 1/2 a mile East from 77 Aldersgate
street along Barbican, Beech St and Chiswell street.
Finsbury Street, Chiswell Street, Finsbury Square, at 36, the first on the Left
about fourteen doors from the South West corner of the said square, extending to
Ropemakers street.
Finsbury Terrace, City Road, part of the East side of it, commencing about 1/5 of
a mile on the Right from the North West corner of Finsbury square it extends from
Tabernacle row to Old street.
Fire Ball Court, Houndsditch, at 131, about the middle of the North side, extending
to Gravel lane and leading to Harrow alley and Petticoat lane.
First Fruits Office, Inner Temple Lane, at 10, on the West side, eight doors on
the Right from 15 Fleet street.
Fish Srreet (Old), Upper Thames Street, is the first North parallel to part of it,
say from numbers 201 to 212, extending from Bread street hill to Lambeth hill,
or is at the South end of the Old change from 10, Cheapside.
Fish Street Hill (Old), Upper Thames Street, late Labour in vain hill, at 204,
about 3/4 of a mile on the Left from Blackfriars bridge, it extends to 6, Old Fish
street by the church.
Fish Street Hill, Gracechurch Street, the South continuation of it on the West side
the Monument, it extends from Eastcheap to London bridge.
Fishers Alms Houses, Dog Row, Mile End, two or three doors on the Left from the
Turnpike towards Bethnal green.
Fishers Alley, Dorset Street, Salisbury Square, Fleet Street, at 62, the second
on the Right from 82, Fleet street passing Salisbury square on the Right it extends to Whitefriars dock and Water lane.
Fishers Alley, Petticoat Lane, Spitalfields, the third on the Right a few doors North
from Wentworth. street, leading into Coxs square.
Fishers Court, Eagle Street, Red Lion Square, is nearly opposite 27, about seven
doors on the L, from 65, Red lion St Holborn.
Fisher Street, Red Lion Square, at the South West corner, extending to Kingsgate St
and is about ten doors on the Right in the said street from 116, High Holborn.
Fishmongers Alley, High Street, Borough, is about nine doors on the Right south
from St Margarets hill, and 4 of a mile from London bridge, extending to 76,
Red cross street.
Fishmongers Alms Houses, Newington, on the West side the High road, about a mile
on the Right from London bridge, opposite the Elephant and Castle.
Fishmongers Hall, Upper Thames Street, at 112, about ten doors on the Left west
from London bridge.
Fishmongers Passage, Fenchurch Street, at 118, about 1/5 of a mile on the Left
from Gracechurch street, nearly opposite Mark lane, it leads to Billiter square.
Fitzroy Market, Hertford Street, Fitzroy Square, occupies part of the East side of
it, between Grafton Street and Warren street it communicates with Tottenham
court road at 126, by Holebrook buildings near the New road.
Fitzroy Mews, Hertford Street, Fitzroy Square, on the West side, three doors on
the Left from London street towards Grafton street.
Fitzroy Place, New Road, Fitzroy Square, on the North side, about 1/8 of a mile on
the Right from Hampstead road, and opposite Fitzroy street from the square.
Fitzroy Place (Upper), the North continuation of the last from Henry street.
Fitzroy Row, Fitzroy Place, New Road, the first on the Left a few yards from the
New road.
Fitzroy Square, is about a mile North from 24, East end of Oxford street along
Rathbone place, Charlotte St &c. or about seventeen doors from 119, Tottenham
court road along Grafton street.
Fitzroy Street, Fitzroy Square, the second on the Right about seventeen doors in
London street from 108, Tottenham court road, leading to the South East corner of the
Fitzroy Street (Upper), Fitzroy Square, is opposite the last, extending from the North
E. corner of the square to the New road.
Fives Court, St Martins Street Leicester Square, behind 26, four doors on the
R. from Whitcomb street, the wall of the Upper Kings Mews, is the eastern
boundary of it.
Fives Court, Mansel Street, Goodmans Fields, at 13, about the middle of the West
side, two or three doors North from Swan street.
Five Bell Court, Wheeler Street, Spitalfields, at 43, nearly facing Webb square
from Shoreditch, about five doors North from Phoenix street, it extends to Farthing
Five Bell Place, 3,Colt Street, Limehouse, is opposite the East side, of the church by
the Five Bells Public house.
Five Constable Row, Mile End, is part of the North side, commencing by Dog row, a
few yards on the Left east from the Turnpike, about
a mile from Aldgate pump.
Five Fields, Chelsea, situate between Grosvenor place at the back of the Queens
Gardens, and Sloane street through which passes
the Kings Road.
Five Field Row, Pimlico. See Ebury street.
Five Foot Lane, Upper Thames Street, at 203, about 3/8 of a mile on the Left from
Blackfriars bridge, nearly opposite Broken wharf, leading to 7, Old Fish street.
Five Foot Lane, Bermondsey. See Russell street.
Five Garden Row, Artillery Street, St Johns, Borough. See Finnemore Court.
Five Houses Corner, Tyson Street, Bethnal Green, at 10, the first on the Left ten
doors from 62, Church street opposite Brick lane.
Five Inkhorn Court, Whitechapel, at 91 , about 1/4 of a mile on the Left below
Aldgate church, or eighteen doors on the Right from Osborn street.
Flask Row or Lane, Five Field Row, Chelsea, extends from the Old Red lion, or North
end of Ebury street to Avery row.
Fleet Gardens, Marsham Street, Westminster, at the back of 37, on the West side,
near the Horseferry road.
Fleet Lane, Fleet Market, at 16, the first on the Right from Ludgate hill, on the
N. side the Fleet prison, extending to 46, Old bailey, opposite Newgate.
Fleet Market, situate between Ludgate hill and Fleet St where the numbers begin
and end, viz. 1 and 98, it extends to Holborn bridge, Snow hill.
Fleet Prison, Fleet Market, about four doors on the Right from Ludgate hill,
occupying the space between numbers 3 and 16, it extends back to the Bell Savage
Fleet Row, Eyre Street, Leather lane, Holborn, is opposite 21, two or three doors North
from Summer street and about ten doors on the Left from Warner street, Clerkenwell.
Fleet Street, Temple Ear, commences on the East side, where the numbers begin and
end, viz. I and 206, it extends to Bridge street, Blackfriars, and Fleet market.
Fleet Street, Spitalfields. or Bethnal Green, the first South parallel to part of
St John street, Brick lane, extending from George street to Fleet street hill.
Fleet Street Hill, St John Street, Spitalfields or Bethnal Green, the fourth on
the Right about 1/8 of a mile from 105, Brick lane, it leads to Fleet street and
extends to Weavers street
Flemings or Flemish Church Yard, Tower Hill. See the following.
Flemish Street, Tower Hill, on the East side, and the second on the Right about ten
doors from Irongate, it extends to St Catherines lane.
Fletcher Row, Vineyard Gardens, Clerkenwell, the second on the Right from Bowling
green lane, towards Spa fields.
Fletchers Ways, Shadwell, about 1 3/4 of a mile below London bridge, by the
line of the river, the first East of Shadwell dock, and nearly opposite the Surrey
canal, Rotherhithe.
Flint Street, Higlers Street, St Georges Fields, the fourth on the Right from Blackfriars. road, extending to King street, Belvedere place, by the Kings
Flint Street, London Road, St Georges. Fields, the first on the Left in Gay wood
street, from the middle of the West side the London road, or the first on the Right
from Prospect place.
Flint Street, East Lane, Walworth, the fourth on the Right about of a mile from the
Kent road, and near 1/2 a mile on the Left from Walworth High street it extends to
Park place, Locks fields.
Floating Dock, Rotherhithe, is about l 1/3 of a mile below London bridge, by the
line of the river, and of a mile East of Rotherhithe church, opposite King Edward
stairs, Wapping.
Flower and Dean Street, Spitalfields, at 200, Brick Lane, the third on the Left
from 74, Whitechapel High street it extends to Rose lane.
Flower de Luce Court, Grays Inn Lane, at 85, about 1/3 of a mile on the Right from
Middle row, Holborn, it leads to Mount pleasant and Coldbath fields.
Flower de Luce Court, Fleet Street, at 179, behind the houses on the East side
Fetter lane, from numbers l to l6.
Flower de Lis Court, Shoemakers Row, Blackfriars, is two doors on the Right from
Broadway or from Water lane, and the third on the Left from Creed lane, Ludgate
Flower de Lis Court, Turnmill Street, Clerkenwell, the second on the Left a few
doors from Cow cross, West Smithfield, towards Clerkenwell green.
Flower de Lis Court, Shoreditch, at 10, about eighteen doors on the Right north
from White lion street 5/6 of a mile from Cornhill, it leads to Blossom St and
Flower de Lis street
Flower de Lis Street, Spitaltields, the East continuation of the last, from 10,
Shoreditch, extending to 72,Wheeler street opposite Great Pearl street
Flower Pot, Coach Office, at 115, Bishopsgate within, the corner of Threadneedle
Fludyer Street , Westminster, the third on the Right about 1/3 of a mile from
Charing cross towards the Abbey, or the third on the Left from Great George street it
leads to St James's Park.
Flushing Court, St Catherines Street, about f of a mile on the Left below Tower
hill, a few doors West from Hermitage bridge and nearly opposite Hawleys wharf.
Flying Horse Court, Maiden Lane, Wood Street, Cheapside, about four doors on the
R. from 110, Wood street and the same distance East of Haberdashers hall.
Flying Horse Court, Grub. Street, Cripplei^ate, the third on the Right about
thirteen doors from 97, Fore street, three doors North from Honeysuckle court.
Flying Horse Yard, Rose & Crown Court, Moorfields, the second on the Right from the
N. East corner of Moorfields, it is also called Half moon street
Flying Horse Yard, Crown Street, Finsbury, the first on the Left a few doors from
Wilson St the South E corner of Finsbury square.
Flying Horse Yard, Half Moon Street, Bishopsgate Without, the first on the Left a
few doors from 170, Bishopsgate street
Flying Horse Yard, Camomile St Bishopsgate, at 25, the first on the Left five
doors from 1 Bishopsgate street without, nearly opposite the church.
Flying Horse Yard, Brick Lane, Spitalfields at 31, about 1/5 of a mile on the Right
from 74 Whitechapel and 10 or 12 doors on the Left from Church street, Spitalfields.
Foley House, Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, about the middle of the East side,
a few yards on the Right from the North East corner of the square.
Foley Place, Queen Ann Street East, Marylebone, a part of the West end of it by
Portland chapel, or the sixth on the Left about of a mile from 102, Oxford street,
along John street and Great Portland street
Fore Street, Cripplegate, the last on both the Right and the L, from 122,
Cheapside, along Wood street it extends from the South West corner of Moorfields to Red
cross street, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 123.
Fore Street, Limehouse, the East continuation of Narrow St and first parallel to
the Thames, extending from the second Drawbridge to Three colt street
Fore Street, Lambeth, commences by the South side of the church, and extends along
the side of the Thames to New St near Vauxhall, about 3/8 of a mile in length.
Fore and Aft Dock, Rotherhithe or Bermondsey Wall, is about a mile below London
bridge, by the line of the river, on the East side of East lane stairs and nearly
opposite Union stairs, Wapping.
Fort Place, South Street, West Square, St Georges Fields, the corner formed by
Bird street and South street facing the square.
Fort Place, Grange Road, Bermondsey, a part of the South side, about f of a mile on
the Right from Bermondsey New road, near the Turnpike and Blue anchor road.
Fort Street, Spitalfields or Old Artillery ground, the North end of Duke St from
38, Union street, leading to Spital square.
Fosters Buildings, Whitecross Street, St Lukes at 123, about six doors on the Left
south from Banner street and near 1/6 of a mile on the Right north from Chiswell
Fosters Buildings, Shoreditch, at 183, by the Turnpike, about 1/2 a mile on the
left. North from Bishopsgate church, it leads into King Johns court.
Foster Lane, Cheapside, at 148, the first on the Left about eight doors from
Newgate St it extends to St Anns lane.
Foster Street, Peter Street, Sun Street, Bishopsgate, the first West parallel to a
part of Peter street extending from Merrits buildings to Half moon street
Foulks Buildings, Bethnal Green Road, behind the George on the North side of Wilmot
sq. near 3/4 of a mile on the Left from 65 Shoreditch.
Founders Court, Lothbury, ls about 10 doors on the Left east from Coleman St
facing the North front of the Bank of England.
Founders Hall Chapel , Lothbury , at the North end of Founders court, the building
which was formerly Founders hall.
Foundry Row, Bowling Green Row, Hoxton, the second on the Left from opposite
Haberdashers alms houses, extending to Royal oak walk.
Foundling Hospital , Guilford Street, Grays Inn Lane, on the Right from the said
lane, and on the Left from Russell sq. facing Lambs conduit street
Fountain Court, Strand, at 104, about 3/8 of a mile on the Right from Charing
cross, four doors West from the Savoy, the entrance is by a flight of steps.
Fountain Court, Middle Temple Lane, the second on the Right from 4, Fleet St by
Temple bar, leading into Garden court on the Left and to New court and Essex St
on the Right
Fountain Court, Cheapside, at 30, the third on the Right being that number of
houses from bt. Pauls church yard, nearly opposite Gutter lane.
Fountain Court, Aldermanbury, two doors on the Right from Cateaton St or from Milk
St Cheapside, it leads to the Baptist Head Coffee house.
Fountain Court, Old Bethlem, at 36, the first on the Left about fifteen doors
from 199, Bishopsgate without, or six doors on the Right from New Broad street
Fountain Court, Virginia Street, Bethnal Green, about the middle of the North side,
at the back of the Fountain Public hoase, leading to Crabtree row, Hackney road.
Fountain Court, Minories, at 20, the third on the Left being that number of houses
from Aldgate.
Fountain Court, New Street, Dock Head, near the middle of the North side, about
fourteen doors on the Left from the bottom of Fair street and Tooley street
Fountain Place, City Road, part of the South West side, about 3/8 of a mile on the Left
from Finsbury square extending from Peerless row to Upper Fountain place.
Fountain Place (Upper), City Road , the continuation of the last, extending to
New street and Union row.
Fountain Stairs, Rotherhithe or Bermondsey Wall, at the North end of Salisbury St
from Jamaica row, and the first West from Cherry gardens, is near 1 1/4 of a mile
below London bridge, facing Bell dock, Wappiug.
Four Swans Inn, Bishopsgate Within, at 83, near 1/5 of a mile on the Left from
Fowks Biildings, Great Tower Street, at 25, nearly opposite Mark lane, two doors West
from Water lane.
Fowlers Rents, Poplar, is about 1/2 a mile on the Left from the Commercial road,
the second row below the East India alms houses, it extends from Field street to
the East India dock road.
Fox Alley, Princes Street, Lambeth, about the middle of the West side nearly opposite
Messrs. Randall and Suters manufactory, it leads to the Fox public house, Fore
street, by the Thames.
Fox Buildings, Kent Street, Borough, at 37, the second on the Left about 1/8 of a
mile from St Georges church, and is thirty seven doors from White street
Fox Court, St James's Street, at 30, the fourth on the Left being that number of
houses from 164 Piccadilly.
Fox Court, Grays Tnn Lane, the first on the Right ten doors from Middle row,
Holborn, leading to 28, Brook street
Fox Court, Ray Street, Clerkenwell, about ten doors on the Left from the North West
corner of Clerkenwell green towards Coldbath fields.
Fox Court, Long Lane, We^t Smithfield, the first on the Left about eleven doors
from GC, East side of Smithfield market, towards Aldersgate street
Fox Court, Petticoat Lane, on the East side, about nine doors South from Wentworth St
nearly opposite Stoney lane, of a mile on the Right from 41, Aldgate High street
Fox Court, Gun Alley, Wapping, the first on the Right a few doors from Green hank,
at the back of Wapping church.
Foxs Lane, Shadwell High Street, at 55, on the East side Shadwell church,
extending to the New road, to Shadwell dock, and to Wapping wall.
Fox and Goose Yard, Coleman Street, Shadwell, is about three doors on the Right
from behind 23, Wapping wall, the corner of Star street
Fox and Hounds Yard, Bishopsgate Street Without, three doors South from Union St
near 1/6 of a mile on the Right north from Bishopsgate church.
Fox and Knot Court, Cow Lane, West Smithfield, at 42, opposite the end of Hosier
lane, about ten doors on the Left from Snow hill.
Fox and Knot Yard, Cow Lane, West Smithfield, at the bottom of the last
.described, towards Chick lane or West street
Fox Ordinary Court, Nicholas Lane, at 12, that number of houses on the Right from
24, Lombard St or six doors on the Left from 60, Cannon street
Frame Work Knitters Alms Houses, Kingsland Road. on the East side, about 3/8 of a
mile on the Right from Shoreditch church.
Frances or Francis Court, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, at 33, about the middle of
the North side, and opposite Bullen court from 407 in the Strand.
Frances Court, Lambeth Walk, Lambeth, is about the middle of the East side, viz.
between King street and Union street, Walcot
Francis Place, Francis Street, Tottenham Court Road, at 11, about nine doors on
the Right from Tottenham court road.
Francis Place, Princes Row, Mile End New Town, the second on the Left a few doors
W. from Bakers row, entering at 94, Whitechapel road .
Francis Street, Tottenham Court Road, the sixth on the Right about 3/8 of a mile
from Oxford street or St Giles, is nearly opposite Whitfields Chapel and leads to
Upper Gower street.
Francis Street, Golden Square, the North continuation of Air St entering by 27,
Piccadilly, it extends from Marylebone street to 28, Brewer street.
Francis Street, Berkeley Street, Clerkenwell, four doors on the Left from St Johns
lane, or the second on the Right from 19, Red lion street
Francis Street, High Street, Newington, about 1/5 of a mile on the Left from the
Elephant and Castle, and a few doors South from the church, it leads to Church
and Manor place, Walworth.
Francis Stone Yard, Princes Street, Lambeth, the third on the Right from Broad
leading to Fore street and the Thames.
Franklins Row, Chelsea, on the East side the Hospital, extending from Royal
Hospital row to Turks row by the Hospital wall.
Frazers Court, Green walk, Blackfriars Road, the first on the Right a few yards
from the said road, on the South side of Christchurch.
Frederick Place, Hampstead Road, is part of the West side, about 1/5 of a mile on
the Left from Tottenham court road, extending from Frederick street towards the chapel.
Frederick Place, Goswell Street Road, a part of the East side, opposite Owens place,
near the City road, extending from the New road towards Sidney street
Frederick Place, Old Jewry, the first on the Left about, four doors from 81,
Cheapside or from the commencement of the Poultry.
Fredenck Place, Newington High Street or Road, about 1/4 of a mile on the Left
from the Elephant and Castle, and the second South from the church, it leads to
Hodgsons Buildings and Francis street
Frederick Place, Walworth Common, a few houses between the Pauls head and the
Hour glass, opposite the chapel, and about 1/4 of a mile on the Right from Surrey
Frederick Street, Hampstead Road, the fifth on the L about 1/5 of a mile from
Tottenham court road at the North end of Solls row.
Free Court, Princes Street, Lambeth, the fifth on the Right a few doors from Broad
street towards Vauxhall, it extends to Fore street by the Thames.
Free Passage Alley, Cock Hill, Ratcliffe, the first on the Right from High street,
Shadwell, nearly opposite School house lane.
Freemans Court, Cheapside, at 102, North side, nearly opposite Bow church, leading into
Honey lane market.
Freemans Court, Cornhill, at 83, North side, about fix doors on the L from the
Royal Exchange towards Leadenhall street
Freemans Lane, Back Street, Horselydown, the second on the Left from the East end of
Tooley street about 1/2 a mile from London bridge, leading to Websters and
Hartleys wharf.
Freemans Row, Walworth Common, nearly opposite Villa place and the Pauls head,
about 1/8 of a mile on the Right from Westmoreland
academy towards the Camberwell road.
Freemans Wharf, Horselydown, is about 3/8 of a miie below London bridge, on the
W. side of Still stairs, entrance by Potters fields, East end of Tooley street
Freemans Wharf, Millbank Street, Westminster, between Fairbrothers and
Hadleys wharfs, about 3/8 of a mile above Westminster bridge, entrance opposite Vine
Freemasons Charity Sohool, Westminster Bridge Road, St Georges Fields, between
Duke St and Charles St a few doors on the Right from the Obelisk towards
Westminster bridge.
Freemasons Tavern and Hall, at 62, Great Queen st, Lincolns inn fields, about
sixteen doors on the Left from the North West corner of Lincolns inn fields.
Free School Street, Horselydown, the East continuation of Tooley St keeping the
centre, viz. between Back street and Fair St and extends to New St Dock head.
French Alley, Goswell Street, at 21, about fifteen doors South from Old St leading
into Bembers Rents and Golden lane.
French Alley, Pesthouse Row, St Lukes, the third on the Left a few doors from
the West side St Lukes hospital, extending from opposite Peerless pool to Ironmonger
French Alley, Shoreditch, at 150, nearly opposite the Jane Shore, it leads to Norfolk
Place and the Curtain road.
French Chapel, Threadneedle St between numbers 51 and 53, near Broad street and
facing Finch lane.
French Chapel, St John Street, Spitalfields, at 14, on the North side, that number
of houses on the Left from 105, Brick lane.
French Chapel, Brick Lane, Spitalfields, on the West side, the corner of Church St
about 1/4 of a mile o the Left from Whitechapel.
French Court, Threadneedle Street, is between 51, Threadneedle street and 84,
Old Broad street about seven or eight doors on the Left from the Royal Exchange.
French Court, Great Hermitage Street, Wapping, at 47, about the middle of the North
French Hospital, Pesthouse Row, Old Street, St Lukes, a few doors on the Left
from the West end of St Lukes hospita, and opposite Peerless pool.
French Row, Bethnal Green, the second North parallel to part of Green St about 1/3
of a mile East from the Green, it extends from Bonner St to Cross street
French Row, City Road. See Bath Street and Ratcliffe Row.
French Yard, Bowling Green Lane, Clerkenwell, the second on the Right from opposite the
workhouse, Coppice row, towards Corporation row, St John street
French Horn Yard, Crutched Friars, at 26, a few doors on the Right from 64, Mark
lane, or about six doors West from Savage gardens.
Fresh Wharf, Lower Thames St two doors on the Right from the church, at the end of
London bridge.
Friars Alley, Upper Thames Street, at 82, nearly op, Dowgate hill, about 1/4 of a
mile on the Left from London bridge, leading to Dowgate wharf and the Thames.
Friars Street and Courts, See Fryer.
Friars Street, Blackfriars Road. See Higglers Lane.
Friary, St James's Palace, the East end, being a few yards on the Right from Pall
mall towards St James's Park.
Friday Street, Cheapside, at 37, the second on the Right from St Pauls church yard,
it extends to Old Fish street two doors from Bread street hill.
Friday Street (Little), at 42 in the last, the second on the Left from Cheapside,
it extends to 22, Bread street
Friends Place, Kings Bench Walk, Bennetts Row, Blackfriars Road, a few houses
on the West side adjoining Bennetts Row.
Friendly Institution, for the cure of Cancers, &c. Kent Road, about 1/4 of a
mile on the Left from the Elephant and Castle, nearly opposite Rodneys Buildings.
Friendly Place, Castle Street, Finsbury Square, is two doors on the Right from Paul
St towards the City road, extending to Paradise street.
Friendly Place, Vine Street, Narrow Wall, Lambeth, about 1/10 of a mile on the
R. from Belvedere brewery, towards Neptune place, Cartiss halfpenny hatch, and
the New cut, Lambeth marsh.
Friendly Place, Kent Road, forms apart of the South side, about 1/8 of a mile on
the Right below the Bricklayers arms.
Friendly PI ace, Chapel Street, St Georges in the East, is near the East end of
it, between Mary street and Duke street
Friendly Row, Old Gravel Lane, St Georges in the East, at 101, the second on
the Right a few doors from 66, Ratcliffe highway.
Frith Street, Soho, at the South West corner of Soho square, it intersects Old
Compton street at 48, and extends to 52, King street
Frog Island, Nightingale lane, Limehouse, is at the North end, near the New cut on
the North side Pools ropewalk.
Frogwell Court, Charterhouse Lane, the first on the Right a few doors from 100, St
John street, West Smithfield, it leads to 3, Fox court, and Long Lane.
Frosts Alley, Old Montague Street, Whitechapel, is a few doors on the Left east
from Osborn street late Pipemakers alley.
Fryers Alley, Upper Thames Street. See Friar.
Frys Alley, Middle Turning, Shadwell, the first on the Right about seven doors
from 67, Shakespears walk, or a few yards on the Left from 10, Spring street
Fryers Court, Fryers Hill, Great Hermitage. Street, Wapping, is a few doors on
the Right from 41, Great Hermitage street or two doors from Redmaid lane.
Fryers Court, Great Tower Hill, or Trinity Square, at 48, the East side, two or
three doors South from Coopers row.
Fryers Hill, Great Hermitage Street, Wapping, at 41, about the middle of the North
side, it leads to Red maid lane, by the London dock.
Fryers Street, Shoemakers Row, Blackfriars, the first pn the Left about seven
doors from Creed lane, Ludgate street extending to Ireland yard.
Frying Pan Alley, Turnmill Street, Clerkenwell, the second on the Left a few doors
from ClerkenwelL green towards Cow cross.
Frying Pan Alley, Petticoat Lane, the first on the Left from Widegate St Bishop igate, or about six doors South from Artillery place, (Smock alley) extending to
Bell lane.
Frying Pan Alley, Princes Street, Lambeth, the second on the Right about twelve
doors from Broad St towards Vauxhall, it extends to Fore street.
Frying Pan Alley, Maze, Borough, the third on the Left about ten doors from 195,
Tooley St leading into Kings head yard.
Frying Pan Alley, High Street, Borough at 287, the third on the Right a few doors
fromLondon bridge, it leads to Green dragon yard.
Fullbrooks Buildings, North Street, Pentonville, is about ten doors on the Right
from the Turnpike, at the bottom of the hill towards the fields.
Fullers Alms Houses, Mile End Road, on the North side, about eighteen doors below
Red cow lane, or 1/4 of a mile on the Left east from the Turnpike, nearly opposite Stepney green.
Fullers Alms Houses, Hoxton Town, on the West side, about 1/8 of a mile on the Left from Old street road.
Fullers Alms Houses, Gloucester Street, Hoxton, about the middle of the South side of the said street.
Fullers Court, Upper East Smithfield, at 35, about twenty one doors on the Left from the New Mint, East side of Tower hill.
Fullers Rents, Princes Street, Westminster, is five doors on the Left from Tothill St by the Abbey towards St James's Park.
Fullers Rents, Poplar. See Fowler.
FulIer Street, Church Street Bethnal Green, at 115, about 3/8 of a mile on the R. from 65, Shoreditch.
Fuller Street, Hare Street, Bethnal Green, at 37, the third on the Left about 1/7 of a mile from 110, Brick lane.
Fullwoods Rents, High Holborn, at 33, nearly opposite Chancery lane, leading into Field court and Gray s inn square.
Furnivals Inn, Holborn, at 135, North side, about six doors West from Leather lane
and near y of a mile on the Right from Fleet market.
Furnivals Inn Court, Holborn, at 137, on the West side Furnivals inn, two doors from Brook street
Furnivals Inn Gardens, Holborn, on the North side of Furnivals inn.
Fye Foot Lane, Upper Thames Street. See Five Foot.