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Holdens directory in 1809 listing publicans, victuallers etc N & O.

Holdens directory in 1805 to 1811

F Naebe, Portland Arms, Great Marylebone street, Cavendish square
James Nailor, London Apprentice, 7 Margaret street, Cavendish square
Rich Napton, Robin Hood and Black Boy, Leather lane
John Nash, victualler, Garratt lane, Wandsworth
John Nash, Lamb and Flag, Homerton
Nassau Coffee house, Nassau street, Soho – J Baron
Navy Coffee house and Tavern, Newcastle street, Strand – G Maurice
Jon Neal, Waggon and Horses, Barnet
William Neal, Three Brewers, Kingston
Edw Neaves, Rose and Crown Inn, Wimbledon
William Neighbour, Rose and Crown, Old Brentford
William Nellsum, Ship and Gun, Sun yard, East Smithfield
Ann Nelson, Bull Inn, Aldgate without
_ Nelson, victualler, Great Surrey street, Blackfriars road
William Nerot, Nerots Hotel, Great King street, St James’s
Hen Nettleship, wine vaults, 29 Cable street, Wellclose square
William Nettleship, Swan Inn, Blackman street, Borough
Chris Nevill, Ship Torbay, Fisher lane, Greenwich
A New, Don Salteros Coffee house and Tavern, Cheyne walk, Chelsea
New England Coffee house, Threadneedle street – Clark
New Exchange Coffee house, 69 Strand – J Dutton Price
New Hotel and Bull Inn, Bishopsgate street within – S Waldegrave
New Hummums Hotel, Covent garden – Harrison
New Hummums Coffee house and Family Hotel, Covent garden – William Brown
New London Tavern, Cheapside – Lewis and Son
New Slaughters Coffee house, Hotel and Tavern, St Martins lane – Chris Roberson
New York Coffee house, Sweetings alley, Cornhill – Lewis
Sam Newbury, Black Lion, Croydon
Anth Newman, Antigallican Tavern, Limehouse hole
Chas Newman, the Red Lion, Islington road
Francis Newman, Kings Head, Edmonton
Hen Newman, Watermans Arms, Boss alley, Horselydown
James Newman, wine merchant & insurance broker, 18 St Mary axe
John Newman, victualler, Laystall street
Rachel Newson, Phoenix, Princes street, Cavendish square
_ Newton, Red Lion, Barnet
H & J Newton, wine merchants, 47 Aldgate High street – Hoop & Grapes
William Newton, wine and brandy merchant, 2 Great King street, St James’s
William Newton, Nags Head, James street, Covent garden
New York Coffee house, Sweetings alley, Cornhill, – Lewis
Josiah Nibbs, Barley Mow brewery, Tooting
Nicholas and Coxe, wine merchant, 40 Lime street
S Nicholls, the Camden Head, Camden town
N Nicholls, Admiral Carter, Great Bartholomew close
L Nicholls, Bell and Hare, Tottenham
Joseph Nicholson, innkeeper & carrier, Blossoms Inn, & 4 Paddington wharf
Mary Nicholson, Hambro Coffee house, Water lane, Tower street
T Nicholson, victualler, 17 Noble street, Foster lane, Cheapside
William Night, Rising Sun, Globe lane, Bethnal green
Joseph Nightingale, Noahs Ark, Oxford street
J Nikoll, White Swan, Paradise row, Chelsea
John Nilson, Bricklayers Arms, John street, Curtain road
William Cordy Nilson, Three Nuns Tavern, 2 Fetter lane
James Nisbett, wine merchant, 14 Tavistock street, Russell square
Noble, Perkins & Co, wine merchants, 67 Mark lane
Rich Noble, brandy merchant, Harleyford place, Kennington common
Noble and Sampson, brandy merchants, 40 St Marys hill
John Norbury, the Spaniards, Hampstead heath
Norfolk Hotel, Surrey street, Strand – Young
John Norman, the Cock, Wells row, Islington
John Norman, Bulls Head, Little Thames street, St Catherines
James Norris, wine merchant, 1 Market street, Bloomsbury
Sam Norris, wine merchant, 13 Holborn
Sam Norris, Flask Tavern, Flask walk, Hampstead
Thomas Norris, Crown and Anchor Tavern, Woolwich
William Norris, victualler, Grange road, Bermondsey
George North, Gun Tavern, Cold harbour, Blackwall
William North, Wheat Sheaf, Chapman street, St Georges East
Northumberland Coffee house, Charing cross, T Sherwin
Samuel Northwood, the Parrs Head, Cross steet, Islington
Edm Norton, victualler, Portland street, Soho
George Norton, brewer, White street, Borough
Samuel Norton, publican, 1 Goodmans yard – George
Thomas Norton, wine & brandy merchant, 4 Charlotte row, Long lane, Borough & 1 Harp lane, Tower street
Nourse and Webb, wine & brandy merchants, 37 Wigmore street, Cavendish square
Nunn and Hunter, brewers, Hackney road
William Nurse, Essex Serpent, 6 King street, Covent garden

George Oakley, Blue Anchor, Georges street, Foster lane
T P Oakley, brewer, Great Ealing
_ Oberg, victualler, Artichoke hill, Ratcliff
Richard Ockwell, publican, Owens row, Islington road – Empress of Russia
John Odell, Green Man, St Johns lane
George Ody, the Cricketers, Richmond green
W C Offley, Burton ale Rooms, 23 Henrietta street, Covent garden – Offleys Tavern
Benj Olbie, publican, Goodmans yard
Catherine Oldfield, Kings Arms, Hyde, near Edgware
J Oldfield, Bell Inn, Edmonton
Mary Oldfield, Old Kings Arms, Hyde, near Edgware
Old Hummums, Covent garden, Mrs Kennard
Old Slaughters Coffee house & hotel, St Martins lane, John Reid
T Oliphant, Orange Tree, Totteridge
J Oliver, victualler, William street, Blackfriars road
John Oliver, Bull and Last, Kentish town
Thomas Oliver, wine merchants, Queens Head passage, Pateroster row
Eliz Olley, Red Lion, Davies street, Berkeley square
William Ord, wine and brandy merchant, 1 Cowpers row, Crutchedfriars
Francis O’Rines, Two New Giants, Church street, Horselydown
Sam Orr, the Dog, Upton, Essex
Osbornes Hotel, Adelphi, Mrs Osborne
James Osborne, Red Cow, Marshgate, Richmond
Sam I Osborne, wine merchant, St James’s Coffee house, St James’s street
William Osbourne, publican, East lane, Walworth
George Osmond, Marlborough Head, St Catherine street, Tower hill
John Outram, Rose and Crown, Stoke Newington
Thomas Over, Crown and Cushion, Hounslow
George Owen, Crown and Sceptre, Brompton row
John Owen, Marquis of Granby, Irongate row
Sarah Owen, the York Minster, 17 Queen Ann street East
_ Owen, Rising Sun, Tooley street
Oxford Coffee house, Oxford street, Sanderson
Oxford Coffee house, Strand, Courtney

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