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Beacon, Oxlow Lane, Dagenham

Dagenham pub history index

This is a Tescos Express by 2018.

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Essex.

The Beacon, Oxlow lane, Dagenham

The Beacon, Oxlow lane, Dagenham

Kindly provided by Rob Haysom

The Ex Beacon, Oxlow lane, Dagenham - in 2019

The Ex Beacon, Oxlow lane, Dagenham - in 2019

History of Dagenham

Residents at this address

1933/Leonard George Coppen/beer retailer (off)/../../Kelly's Directory *

1937/Leonard George Coppen/../../../Kelly's

* Provided by Ewan

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  • And Last updated on: Thursday, 25-Jan-2024 15:44:09 GMT