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History of Dagenham in 1848 Whites Directory
1, are in Hallbut Street; 2, Becontree Heath; 3, Chadwell Heath; 4 east Brook
End; 5, Rippleside; 6, Whalebone; 7, at Forest Side; and the rest in the
Village, or where specified.
Office is at Bull Inn, and letters are despatched at 2 ½ afternoon and 6 ¼
evening, via Romford
Chase Samuel, saddler Cholmondeley John Jph Geary Esq, Valence House Day Sarah, dress maker etc Fanshawe Rev Thos L, BA, vicar (and John Esq), Parsloes Greenwood James, Gulf House Harding Wm, hurdle maker Hillier Mr Edw, South Hall Holgate Benj, parish clerk etc 3 Holmes Mr John Shaw (plumber etc, in London) Key Geo, glover and hair dresser 7 Laver Thos, forest keeper, Hog-hill Lewis James, police sergeant 3 Miller John, gent Mull Hy, gent More Capt Alexander, Vicarage Mulley Rev John (Independent), Marksgate Sage Edward Esq, Furze House Seabrook Mrs Mary, Whalebone House 2 Smitherman Isaac, tanner Stafford James, brick layer Tyler John, gent 4 Stone Mrs Sarah Twyford Jas, brick layer & Mrs My Vial Jas & Rd, yarn and mop mfrs Wade Mrs Charlotte Watts Wm, brick layer West Edward, saddler Inns and Taverns Bull, Geo kittle (post office) Chequers, Jas Cox, Rippleside Cross Keys, Thomas Shutt 7 Crooked Billet, Jonathan Rose Marksgate, Jonathan Fenn, Marksgate Rose and Crown, John Key 5 Ship and Shovel, Samuel Key 2 Three Travellers, John Seabrook 3 White Horse, Eliz Westcoate Schools Free School, Alex Marshall & Ann Bridge 3 Infant School, Thos & Ann Darley National Schools, Thomas & Mrs Freshwater Bakers 3 Bird Mary Flower George Goddard Wm Limeburner Chas Wm 2 Jeffery Thos Beer Houses 3 Bird Mary 2 Cope Caroline 7 Colegate Geo 6 Pavett James 5 Turrell John Twyford Samuel 2 Waller Thos Blacksmiths 2 Brown Edward T Gann Wm Hastin John 3 Higgs Samuel Boot & shoe Makers Chase Thomas Dowsett Wm Farrow James Kittle George 3 Spooner Samuel |
Butchers Cozens Thomas Ennever J Corn Millers Drake Wm, Markgate 3 Moss Archer 2 Seabrook Ephraim Thompson Hy Farmers Anderson Alex Biggs Joseph Boulton Wm Warren 6 Brandon Daniel 4 Brittain Thos Waters (owner) Choat Jph & Pp Coe Job Collier Jas P 2 Coppen Thos Cowling Thos 3 Glenny Thos 1 Hunsdon Rt Kittle Catherine 3 Lamb Wm Lamming James, Padnall Marsh Wm Mihill Wm Reeve 5 Mudd Wm 2 page Ralph 5 Palmer Thos Palmer Wm 5 Ramsden Wm, American farm 2 Seabrook Ephraim 6 Seabrook Samuel Seabrook Wm B 2 Sockett & Roberts, Polet’s Thorowgood Ann & S, Fox lane 5 Tuck Sarah 1 Twyford Jas Tyler Fredk Waite John Wiseman Edw, Furze Grocers etc (dr - drapers) 2 Brewster Rd Child Henry 3 Kendall Theophilus dr -Limeburner Cs Mills Charles Palmer George dr -Smith Thomas 3 Wall John 3 Wenn Robert Wheelwrights and Carpenters 3 Dicken Joshua 3 Fenn Jonathan 2 Godsalve jas Hastin John Holgate Benj, and parish clerk Omnibus From Rainham to London calls at the Bull 9 morning Also van from Aveley on Thursday Post to Romford, daily |
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