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Robsons 1832 directory index
This is the earliest street directory I have found so far which also includes pub history detail.
Vauxhall bridge road
5 Middleton James
Ship, Crow John
Brameld & Co
Manuell George
Monk Absalom
Hemberrow John C
Mann And
Lord High Admiral, Dennison Jos
25 Goulden Thomas
Belvoir terrace
Duchess of Clarence, James James
6 Gabriel R
12 Hewett William
13 Harris John
Howick place
Royal Pavilion, Ingram Peter
Windsor terrace
3 Francis J W
Leeshman Thomas
Bedford place
9 Becks William
7 Sharp William
6 Taylerson David
York terrace
Young William S
Pembroke place
13 Shillinglaw James
17 Brunskill Henry
Selane Fred
Gloster terrace
11 Thomas Henry
2 Douglas Alex
Bloomburgh terrace
39 Hastings John
6 Lincoln Thomas
2 Clark Rd
Providence place
1 Allen William
St Albans terrace
2 Emery William
George the Fourth, Hathersley George
Adams William
12 Hill Rd
11 Shaw James
Tigou Michael
White Swan, Whitley E
Rochester terrace
7 Hunt William
16 Deacon John
Rochester row
Gloster Arms, Colbourne
Plough, Mason E
Higgins George
9 Alsept John
4 Vincent George
Jolly Gardener, Hopkins I F
Fountain yard
Fell Rd