London Robsons Street Directory in 1832 - Symonds inn, Chancery lane

Robsons 1832 directory index

This is the earliest street directory I have found so far which also includes pub history detail.

Symonds inn, Chancery lane
1 Abbott J and Arney
3 Gordon Patrick
4 Adams William
Clerk of the Papers Office
Walter John
Blakeston Ralph
5 Hooper Stephen
Torkington P Thomas
6 Rule Office
Western Thomas George
Freame H G
Loveland Thomas M
7 Shebbeane C John
Dangan James
8 Fothergill
Fraser Michael
Lonsdale Rich
Dawson John James
Baynes George Henry
9 Bright W O
Simmons Alfred
Rushworth G A
10 Alderson Edw
Constable and Kirk
Chancery Affidavit Office
Berry William
Dex Rich

And Last updated on: Tuesday, 15-Nov-2022 15:29:22 GMT
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And in comparison from 1842, although with no links as it is an image. It does include much more detail about trade details rather than in 1832.

Symonds inn, Chancery lane 1842 Robsons street directory
Symonds inn, Chancery lane 1842 Robsons street directory