London Robsons Street Directory in 1832 - Spital square

Robsons 1832 directory index

This is the earliest street directory I have found so far which also includes pub history detail.

Spital square
2 Newington T W
3 Churck, King & Meakin
4 Wilkes J and R
5 Brown C
6 Chubb Thomas and Son
7 Lewis William G
8 Lemon Lionel
10 Bennett H and R
11 Wallen, Son & Beatson
12 Jennings G
14 Jourdan J A
17 Goulden Benjamin
Slim James
18 Cowing James
20 Duff, Brookes, Emerson & Co
22 Church Edw
23 Brandon William
24 Bloom John
25 Vernall James
26 Stone and Brooks
27 Le Mare and Son
28 Parsons John
29 Warton Matthew
30 Eastman and Hills
31 Graham Rt and Son
32 Appleing and Son
33 Collins James
35 Gibson J F and Co
45 Warmsham E
46 Franklyn George

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And in comparison from 1842, although with no links as it is an image. It does include much more detail about trade details rather than in 1832.

Spital square 1842 Robsons street directory
Spital square 1842 Robsons street directory