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Robsons 1832 directory index
This is the earliest street directory I have found so far which also includes pub history detail.
Rosemary lane
Tidmarsh & Carter
Duke of Sussex, Hawkins Martin
9 Corbell John
9 Foulkes G
9 Taylor Mary
Seven Stars, Husband Abraham
Tripp Charles
Williams Francis
& Seven Stars, Herbert Thomas
Anchor, Parker Js
2 Peallin William
Phelp R
57 Atkin Charles
White Swan, Wighton F
City of Carlisle, Cox Edmund
Langston Michael
Stevens Thomas
Smith Joseph
May James
Roberts Robert
Taylor William
Opperman L
Carter John
Taylor Charles Benj
Jones Mary
Cannon Daniel
Durbin James
100 Ryder George
Jones Albert
103 Baker Nathaniel
104 Pennycard William
108 Roberts John
110 Shorsbery Thomas
121 Ruffle Harrison G
Fountain, Graham William
147 Garrett Mulvey
149 Hart Elizabeth
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