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London Robsons Street Directory in 1832 - Red Lion street, Whitechapel

Robsons 1832 directory index

This is the earliest street directory I have found so far which also includes pub history detail.

Red Lion street, Whitechapel
4 Mackay John
5 Ordway Ester
8 Craven & Lucas
10 Wills Mark
11 Simpson William
Baker & Basket, Rudd John
15 Webb John
16 Gingell & Son
19 Brook Jane
Red Lion, King - probably correct ??
22 Coleman Edward
24 Johnson Thomas
22 Alling James
30 Schmitt Casper
31 Daniel Samuel
32 Wardill Cornelius
Dover Castle, Lamson Louisa
35 Debney & Co
King Harry, Lake James
38 Pattison James

And Last updated on: Thursday, 25-Jan-2024 14:25:37 GMT

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    And in comparison from 1842, although with no links as it is an image. It does include much more detail about trade details rather than in 1832.

    Red Lion street, Whitechapel 1842 Robsons street directory
    Red Lion street, Whitechapel 1842 Robsons street directory