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London Robsons Street Directory in 1832 - 271 to 320 Oxford street

Robsons 1832 directory index

This is the earliest street directory I have found so far which also includes pub history detail.

Oxford street
271 Wheeler Thomas
272 Riley & Williams
Way & How
273 Gadsden John
274 Russ James
275 Fittall John
276 White Hart, King Charles
277 Scott John
278 Soane James
279 Rendell H jun
280 Baker & Leach
281 Clarke John
282 Howe & Co
283 Davies & Hollis
284 Howard Howard
285 Stedman Thomas P
286 Wheeler Thomas
287 Strong Henry
288 Waters William
289 Waters Thomas
290 Green William
289 Wilcoxon Ralph
291 Gofton William
292 Donovan William
293 Carter William
293 Powles Thomas
294 Ireson Jemima
La Bourn Benjamin
Hog in the Pound, Robinson N
294 Gould M & E
Mills John
295 Steevens & Moore
296 Laurie John & R
Hoadly Samuel
Cartwright William
297 Skeen Joseph
398 Brant John Charles
299 Christmas William
300 Christmas W
301 Snewing William
302 Merrifield James
302 Simmons Thomas
302 Simpson shepperd
303 Spread Eagle, Mitchie William
Nosotte Joseph
Wilcoxon Ralph
304 Self M
Dann Stephen
Hempson Thomas
306 Plough, Webb William
Husking Nicholas
307 Shankster Charles
308 Howard George
Watkins George William
309 Atkinson Henry
310 Collins Elizabeth
311 Thimberlake, Salmon & Priestley
312 Boyd Joseph
313 Nightingale Joseph
Walters & Whitehurst
314 Duppa, Slodden & Collins
314 1/2 Jackson Henry
Theobald William
Purdey James
315 Mott J H R
Bowen Joseph
Scott John
Kinsey Matthew
Wimbush & Son
Marks Robert
316 Savage Edward

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 12:50:53 GMT
And in comparison from 1842, although with no links as it is an image. It does include much more detail about trade details rather than in 1832.

271 - 320 Oxford street 1842 Robsons street directory
271 - 320 Oxford street 1842 Robsons street directory
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