London Robsons Street Directory in 1832 - New Broad street, Bishopsgate

Robsons 1832 directory index

This is the earliest street directory I have found so far which also includes pub history detail.

New Broad street, Bishopsgate
1 Kinloch J F & Sons
2 Brown, Danson, Willis & Co
3 British Iron Company
3 Scrivener H jun
4 Usborne, Benson & Co
6 Macmurdo E
Ronaldson I T
Hill C S
Brockwell Joseph
Murdoch Thomas
7 Macmurdo G W
8 Dalrymple J
9 Muspratt J P
Hodgkin Thomas Dr
10 Scott John
11 Cockburn J & Co
12 Newman, Hunt & Christopher
14 Ramsbotham F Dr
17 Bell Thomas
18 Pilcher W H
21 Phenes & Williamson
22 Terry Anthony
25 Pitt George
26 Harrison & Co
29 Frampton Dr Thomas
Davis Thomas Dr
32 Dickason T & Co
Nevett W H
33 Davison, Simpson & Davison
Brennand William
34 Petrie & Chapman
35 Hallett, Brothers & Co
Smith, Southwood Dr
Offley, Forrester & Webber
British Annuity Company
Mitchell James
37 Brutton & Clipperton

And Last updated on: Tuesday, 15-Nov-2022 15:26:59 GMT

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    And in comparison from 1842, although with no links as it is an image. It does include much more detail about trade details rather than in 1832.

    1 - 27 New Broad street, Bishopsgate 1842 Robsons street directory
    1 - 27 New Broad street, Bishopsgate 1842 Robsons street directory
    28 - 37 New Broad street, Bishopsgate 1842 Robsons street directory
    28 - 37 New Broad street, Bishopsgate 1842 Robsons street directory