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Robsons 1832 directory index
This is the earliest street directory I have found so far which also includes pub history detail.
King street, Portman square
2 Scott David
3 Hall L
Higgins Richard
Young G
Barclay E T
6 Lashford James
6 Headland William & S
7 Cross Francis
8 Ray David
9 Belton Samuel
10 Jameson James
11 Jones Thomas
12 St Quinton J
12 Hooper H H
13 Bromwich Owen
22 Cuddon Ambrose
23 Ennever R
24 Dobie John
25 Brown Jacob
City of Hereford, Capper Thomas
30 Hutchins Samuel
30 Cleaver W J
31 Rawlins Thomas
32 Berry Adam
London Union Assurance Office