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Robsons 1832 directory index
This is the earliest street directory I have found so far which also includes pub history detail.
King street, Clerkenwell
1 Wyman Paul
2 Sulman Thomas
3 Arnold Thomas
Taylor George
Harrison Joseph
4 Parkes D
8 Francis John
Kempton William
11 Bain Robert
12 Moore Richard
13 Bower John
14 Blackwell & Fennell
15 Hogan & Smith Th
16 Barber Joseph
20 Bell Charles
20 Burrows Benjamin
23 Godfrey N
24 Gifford William
25 Steel G
26 Lee Joseph
25 Jefferies H
27 Robinson Richard
26 Collis Samuel
29 Stead & Bullwinkle
31 Gibbons John
30 Griffin Francis
33 Thompson H
35 Williams John
28 Wakefield John
39 Kember Charles
40 Melville Robert
41 Massey Thomas
43 Castell John