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Robsons 1832 directory index
This is the earliest street directory I have found so far which also includes pub history detail.
Kent street, Borough
1 Hume David
4 Upton Robert
6 Heath Thomas
7 Jefferries Thomas
9 Wooldridge M A
10 Tulley Richard
13 Brandon William
15 Thompson Rich
16 Parter Elizabeth
18 Bowling, Walker & Co
White Bear, Waterman T
24 Patten John
25 Maize John
27 Rigg Elizabeth
28 Carrol John
29 Potter Robert
32 Finch Edward
Harrison George
44 Timberlake James jun
Crown, Timberlake
50 Hill William
Peel George
58 Trapnell George
59 Burnett Andrew
63 Byrd James
64 Davey George
Artichoke, Green W
72 Payne Joseph
77 Ellis William
Body Samuel
80 Flowerday James
81 Cowley Charles
82 Payner John
90 Cracknell Henry
Castle, Roberts J
Francklow William
100 Seakins Joseph
101 Mandeville Robert
102 Oliver Samuel
110 Stanton Patrick
126 York Edward
Rising Sun, Fuller John
129 Baby George
131 Murray James
132 Hopkins Dorcas
133 Hawkins Joseph
134 Garnham George
136 Russ Thomas
137 Arnold Richard
Sir John Falstaff, Bennett James
Beckford Head, Fotheringham
162 Jarvis Elenor
171 Larter William
Black Horse, Trist James
176 Woodward J
177 Penman Thomas
Sheppick George
190 Boulter John
201 Law Har
202 Foster John
203 Gover John
206 Merryweather Ed
210 Hopkins Peter
212 Myers Robert
Kentish Waggoner, Mansfield J E
114 Milson James
115 Green John
224 Snead John
228 Mitchell W
229 Page James
230 Faucit Charles
231 George,
265 Burnett Andrew
Golden Lion, Austin John
277 Sullivan William
278 Archard John
285 Saggers George
287 Dowdell James
289 Bickner Joseph
290 Jones Hugh
Kings Arms, Davis George
295 Williams W & J
296 Roach Thomas
297 Hawes Sarah
Coopers Arms, Sheerman Jno
300 & 301 Jones E & Co
302 Coy James
303 Hodges James
Note : Kent street is renamed Tabard street in about 1878