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Robsons 1832 directory index
This is the earliest street directory I have found so far which also includes pub history detail.
James street, Covent garden
Colcock William
Kings Head, Watkins John
3 Hood A
5 Chapman J & J
6 Rodwell Godfrey
7 Robottom John
Morgan John
9 King Samuel
13 Nags
Head, Mancur John
11 Cover James
13 Robinson & Co
15 Morgan John
16 Baker William
19 Henderson A
20 Dawson F & J
21 Grapes,
Lawrence W
22 Juggins William
White Lion, Staples
25 Ruffy John
26 Lewis Edward
28 Hewson & Beaman
29 Holland James
30 Ship, Mills James
31 Smith James
32 Smith W L & Co
Britannia, Belshaw George