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Robsons 1832 directory index
This is the earliest street directory I have found so far which also includes pub history detail.
Great St Helens, Bishopsgate street
Elliott John
Allen Grant
Renny George & Co
Aurry John & Henry
Hudson Joseph
Hutton James sen
Campbell William
Frisby & Gatfield
Cowie John Auty
Cowie George & Son
Fiddes James
Etheridge Joseph
Green Philip James
Elkin Benjamin
Gibbons T & Co
Benvolio P C & Co
Rucker William
7 Pulsford R & W
8 Banfield William
9 Elyard Samuel
Doull William
10 Arnold William
Harvey Philip
Sweetinburgh Ch
Cohen J & E
12 Birnie Alex & Sons
13 White & Borrett
14 Backhouse John
15 Stein George
Enderby Cs H & G
Baker T & J
15 Hancock Robert
Paton William
15 Da Costa S G
Da Costa M G
Levy R
16 Payne John & C & Co
17 Tottie Charles
18 Stephen John
18 & 28 Staines William
19 Thompson Laurence
20 Cooper Charles
Cooper & Green
Braven Thomas
Sugar Loaf, Wilson J
24 Valley S
26 Falck
29 Smith T W & Co
30 Leader H
Houston Samuel
33 Alston & Co
Pickering Samuel
Sampaye F T
33 Edward William jun
Wilks James
Humpleby I T
Sarmento Souza T F
Williams James
Pelerin & Smith
Baumer Charles
Baker Thomas
Gibson James
33 1/2 Branelt E H
34 Hobson Alfrey & Co
Moule Thomas
35 Millward James
36 Little Walter
Smith T C
Myles C J
37 Skinners Alms Houses