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Robsons 1832 directory index
This is the earliest street directory I have found so far which also includes pub history detail.
Great Saffron hill, Hatton garden
4 Kendall Charles
6 Rivolta Joseph
6 Short Robert
8 Munday John
Distillers Arms, David Samuel
16 Hodgson & Co
17 Sully John
18 Doherty James
Horse Shoe & Magpie, Crick James
20 Carthy Edward
21 Seeger George
22 Freeman William
23 Wood B
24 Green James
26 Jones Thomas
30 Paul Mary
31 Stradling J E
32 Solomon Moses
41 Hog
in Armour, Hargreaves R
42 Nichols John
White Horse, Rouse M A
58 Heeley Joseph
Golden Anchor, Kitchener Samuel
70 Hume Hugh
72 Redhouse Thomas
73 Webb J
76 Gunby John
77 Solomon A
81 Flack John
82 Kegele William
83 Dickinson Thomas
90 Harding William
91 Burge John
92 Ship,
Norris George
93 Jacobs Moses
98 Wild Joseph
100 Collis M A
101 Phillips Alexander
106 Fitzgerald James
110 Loscombe Thomas
111 Fox Charles James
121 Burgess Charles
122 Mackie Thomas
123 Burge William
124 Hudson George
127 Tun,
Dixie William
128 Bullocke John
129 Paul George
136 Spurrell James
137 Solomon John
144 Swift C