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Robsons 1832 directory index
This is the earliest street directory I have found so far which also includes pub history detail.
Great Dover street, Borough
Astell William
2 Boor John
Gumbleton E
4 Elisha Edmund
5 Hooper John
Bowley James
Swan Inn,
Smith David
Avery Thomas
Williams John
Shenton Samuel
10 Cooper J H
Corner Richard
Liverside George
St Thomas's place
Finnis W
Gregory Reb
64 Ahern Thomas
Allsops buildings
Hall William
Jackson William
4 Scott James
Moody Alexander
Roebuck place
Mister William
4 Watts Hannah
Gover William
Tayler Benjamin
Austin Robert
Roebuck terrace
2 Morton Robert
5 Dicker John
Charlton place
Chapmans place
4 Davis S
Sharp Edward
1 Barnes Francis
Devonshire buildings
1 Davis Thomas
Mark A
4 Foord George William
12 Richmond Barnabas
15 Smallridge W J
Potter Joseph
Cook Edmund
James E & M
Sanders George
Devonshire buildings
3 Barton George
1 Davies William
Jones C I
The Bull, Wood R - still listed in 1862
Exeter place
2 Warner S C
1 Burman Samuel
4 Holbrook Thomas
4 1/2 Paul & Jones
Easton George
6 Hearn F S
8 Angell Jagn
Bland terrace
18 Parsons William
17 Harris Charles
Thomas W
15 Hulks John
14 Myers M
13 Baker Robert
Virginia terrace
The Virginia Plant, Tullett Henry William
19 South London Water Works
Ireland J D
Mulloch Thomas R
Virginia place
1 Philpott John
2 Rosseter Thomas
3 Duckrell William
Main Robert
The Roebuck,
Carpenter Rd
28 Davies William
Humpleby W H
Illidge John
33 Ward Joseph
32 Hughes Benjamin
Metcalfe James
27 Globe,
Knoles James
Taylor Daniel
Stovold James
22 Wood John
21 Moakes C J
19 Silvester Henry R
Mailard R
Sagger George
15 Hales Henry
14 Mann Catherine
13 Southall John sen
12 Boulton George
11 1/2 Kempster Thomas
11 Dunn William
8 Davies & Co
6 Hopkins James
5 Brett William
5 Hughes James
6 Wodland Joshua
5 Davis Mark