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Robsons 1832 directory index
This is the earliest street directory I have found so far which also includes pub history detail.
Golden lane, St Lukes
43 Kirkby Mary
44 Pledger Henry
45 Crispin, Crowder C
49 Vickress William -
Duke of
52 Scott George
55 Gilbert J & J
56 Rogers George Joseph
57 Teager Samuel
62 London James
70 Wicks Henry
71 Wilson Robert
76 Coopers
Arms, Brown George
80 Moss Matt Heath
83 Timewell W T
88 Thorpe James
91 Mitchener James
92 Bower William
93 Hopkins Thomas
99 Stewart Charles
99 Ward James
100 Fallshaw George
102 Poulston J M
103 Goat,
Rolls William
104 Taverner Joseph
105 Baddeley John
Admiral Benbow, Bell W T
130 Newman William
110 McMicking James
111 Sowter Thomas & son
112 Hill Thomas
115 Edwards C
119 Coe Lydia
120 Davis John
122 Savage John
123 Ball Edward
127 Garlick William
129 Crown,
Williams J O
133 Clark William
138 Burke John
Golden Anchor, Avey Charles
140 Pateman William
141 Plummer Mary Ann