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Robsons 1832 directory index
This is the earliest street directory I have found so far which also includes pub history detail.
George yard, Lombard street
3 Ferguson & Barton
5 Eschalaz & Co
Bayo G
Bamsard William
Sherriff W D
McNeill Forbes
Dallas William
Taylor J & Co
4 Spooner, Leggatt & Co
5 Reynolds V Stuckey
Lean, Paul & Co
Surflen Thomas
Young John
George & Vulture, Warriner William
6 Henning Aw
6 Bremyer G W
7 Deacon John Thomas
Dumett, Young & England
Goodwin, Curling & Co
8 Oxley & Taylor
9 Shipman James
10 Courthorpe J B & Jno
Bartlett William
Isaacke Matthew (Executor of)
Oldfield T B
Akin William
Joad & Curling
11 Rickman & Levi
Carter & Bous
British Gas Light Company
Rowlatt S T
12 Richards John
12 Webb G G