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Robsons 1832 directory index
This is the earliest street directory I have found so far which also includes pub history detail.
Fish Street hill, London bridge
18 Scarlett Thomas
20 Reid James
22 Hill John
Phillips david
Ponder S & T
23 Thornhill W & F
Swan, Game William
24 & 26 Hopwood & Park
28 Davidson James
30 Sharp & Son
32 Smither & Redfern
33 Gamble & Davis
34 Bell James jun
35 Curling W A & J
Britannia, Ebenden Ed
37 Ablett W H
Mitre, Hicks John
39 Hovil Richard
40 Stone Orlando
41 Deane G & Jno
Court Henry
43 Carpenter Josh
44 & 45 Evans Jermiah
46 Chaplin, Son & Shepherd
47 Albert John
48 Worley Isaac