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Robsons 1832 directory index
This is the earliest street directory I have found so far which also includes pub history detail.
Featherstone street, City road
2 Gunn Thomas & Sam
4 Wells George
Hood James
9 Seares W
10 Lindley Robert
13 Spence W R
15 Crease W
16 Jones Thomas William
22 Keninmore J
23 Hudson J
28 Mason John
29 Dyer J
36 Eaton & Kirkham
31 Jeffreyes George
27 Hallpike C
31 King Thomas
32 Anderson William Fred
33 Reynolds William
36 Patrick E
37 Green Man,
Barrett William
38 Robertson Thomas
45 Whiteley Thomas
46 Blackman George
47 Goodwin Joseph
51 Lloyd G
53 Feathers,
Spring Hugh
54 Rome Thomas
56 James James
59 Davis William
60 Grapes,
Bainbridge F Manx