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London Robsons Street Directory in 1832 - Camberwell Road

Robsons 1832 directory index

This is the earliest street directory I have found so far which also includes pub history detail.

Camberwell Road
East side
Bethel place
7 Browne Tobias
Canal Wharf
Rix Henry
Marshall William
Mosely Edward
Burtt & Son
Richardson Frederick
Fentiman & Lingham
Oliver Robert
North Addington place
2 Bristow John
3 Caldwell Dr
7 Fentiman & Lingham
Parsons Williams
Morris, Francis & Co
Addington place
6 Norris William
29 Medland William
30 Noon Thomas
31 McEwin John
33 Ward John
34 Hodges Henry
Clarance place
Duke of Clarence, Heaps Mary
Dearman Thomas
14 Bean & Son
24 Bellamy Samuel
St Georges place
1 Voogel J B G
2 Goad Charles
3 Watts G W
George & Dragon, Dean John
5 Vincent Robert
Brown Tobias & Jno
Page Edward
11 Hughes James
12 Bailey William
14 Lewin Thomas
15 Pomroy Elizabth
16 Gosling Thomas
17 Farroh John Dixon
18 Allen William
19 Froy William
Portland row
1 Haywood William
2 Beattie Andrew
3 Harwood William Jno
4 Barton Charles
Pomroy Rt Farmer
8 Shindler Stephen
9 Hill Elizabeth
10 Legg Henry
Addington square
Perkins Thomas
Sturge Tobias & Dan
Day John

Camberwell road, west side
Bowyer place
7 Buchanan & Polroyd
10 Knox Ann
Bretts building
8 King Thomas Kirwan
Windmill place
Lawrence Henry
Freeman John
Grosvenor place
16 Garland & Fieldwick
Camberwell New Road
Mayhew George
2 BIddell J
3 Smith Henry
4 Flower John Swan
William the Fourth, Heath Arnold
Mornington place
Buckland Abraham
Clarendon terrace
13 Coles John
14 Ingledew Henry
Potter William
Chancery place

1 Hood Thomas
2 Bennett Richard
Phipps Thomas
Currey Henry
Norfolk place
2 Parr John C
7 Sare Thomas
South place
1 Willis Edwin
6 Timewell William
Bennett T P
3 Load James
2 Ainsworth John
Brain James
Leicester place
1 Rowston J
2 McDonald Donald
3 Sharp & Hidden
4 Pizey Vernon
5 Watford Isaac
Surrey place
2 Fraser Alexander
8 Morris William
Oliver terrace
Shearman William
Cook John
Pepler William
York Terrace
Duke of York, Hawkins Jonathan
Johns place
1 Loaden James
2 Martin James
3 Ross George
6 Fortyxer George
7 Dyer Daniel
Foxley place
2 Colbourn H
Probert James
Foxley road
1 Miller John
2 Mather Sarah
3 Thompson William
4 Sturgiss W H
5 Pepler William
6 Palmer John
7 Bell Joseph

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 12:50:28 GMT
And in comparison from 1842, although with no links as it is an image. It does include much more detail about trade details rather than in 1832.

Camberwell road 1842 Robsons street directory
Camberwell road 1842 Robsons street directory
Camberwell road 1842 Robsons street directory
Camberwell road 1842 Robsons street directory
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