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London Robsons Street Directory in 1832 - Bridge road, Lambeth

Robsons 1832 directory index

This is the earliest street directory I have found so far which also includes pub history detail.

Bridge road, Lambeth
1 Ridge Benjamin
Callaway William jun
3 Townsend Thomas
4 Anstey Isaac
5 Hayward Robert
6 Miller John
Astleys Amphitheatre
9 Absolon John
10 Holmes John
11 Scott Richard
12 Gray William
14 Payne George
13 Nunn Thomas
Francis George
14 Moss Henry
15 Lawton Richard
16 Butcher Edward
17 Edwards William
18 Rodney, Smith Thomas
19 Sheilds John
20 Archbutt John
21 Pickering H
21 Jones Thomas
22 Oughton Levi
23 Ellison Richard
24 Smith John
25 Austin William
20 Need William
21 West Henry
22 Collinge C jun
23 Rand Josh Howard
24 Tarsey Thomas
25 Coxhead Samuel
35 Olliver William
36 Watson George
38 Birkbeck David
39 Noke Charles
70 Massey Charles
41 Hawley William
42 Buckley Henry
Kings Head, Jennings Rd
14 Lowe Robert
13 Porter Joseph
10 & 11 Simmons, Harvey & Kingston
8 Clarke John
6 Messenger John
5 Cobley John
4 Turner Thomas
3 Greathead Thomas
2 Rose, Lloyd John
1 Cooper richard
Crown & Cushion, Lane William
Red Lion, Watkinson T
6 Webb Thomas
5 Pearson James
4 Meyer Henry
3 Nuttman George
2 Knust John
1 Cooke James
3 Nicholson Thomas
4 Filchew Joseph
5 Jones Henry
6 Keymer M
9 Collinge John
11 Reese William
12 Leer C & J
13 Kinman J
14 Leonard John
15 Gill C
16 Atkinson Martha
18 Fruin William
19 Rock John
20 Wright & Son
1 Maltwood William
2 Henton Samuel
3 Osborn Sarah
4 Golding Walter
6 Stamford I W
7 Romney Elizabeth
8 Fenemore Edward
3 Elliot O
9 Storar A
10 Liles John
11 Richardson Thomas
12 Merrick George
13 Gyllenship G A
11 Wilkie James C
10 Gitten Francis
9 Bilton R J
8 Jones Thomas Price
6 & 7 Nunn Thomas
Procter Charles
4 Orme John
3 Holwell Charles
2 Blackham George
1 Hobbs & Richards

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 12:50:49 GMT
And in comparison from 1842, although with no links as it is an image. It does include much more detail about trade details rather than in 1832.

1 - 44 Bridge road, Lambeth 1842 Robsons street directory
1 - 44 Bridge road, Lambeth 1842 Robsons street directory
45 - 102 Bridge road, Lambeth 1842 Robsons street directory
45 - 102 Bridge road, Lambeth 1842 Robsons street directory
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